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OOC Little Talks

Ha ha ha ha! If that's not in character for Asher, what is? Those two can't stand each other! Great roleplaying, Jack! You get a cookie! =)
Bit of metagaming to reveal this here, but since you asked, no - Meric will not stay with the PC party. You'll definitely see him again, but for this mission he will join one of the other Resistance teams.

Of course, there's no way for Asher to know this ahead of time. If you'd like, Jack, you can wait for me to post the other character's intentions and then you can have Asher reply to that. Currently I am only waiting for Parrot, who has promised to post tomorrow *woof*

Note: We need to find a way to tie Asher more strongly to the PC party, because as it is, if we were to look at the situation objectively, there is no real motivation for Asher to do so. It might even make more sense for him to choose one of the other groups, if only to get away from Meric. The only reason he has to throw in with the Resistance is his vendetta against the Sorceress, otherwise he'd just be here because this is where everyone portaled out. Right now, you could even say that he doesn't need the Chosen or the Resistance, he could simply strike out on his own as he was trying before, no?

What are your thoughts on this matter, Jack?
Wolf Rawrrr Wolf Rawrrr
Pretty sure I described a bit of a shift in Asher's way of thinking about the situation and his goal. He now knows he needs the aid of the other Chosen, so he'll stick with them.

And sure, I can wait for the other players and you to post first, though just going with the line I suggested might work as well.
Oh, I didn't realize you were being serious about that. Sure, you could literally do that, lol - it just doesn't strike me as something that Asher would do. I mean, openly declaring hostility like that, drawing attention to himself and letting other people in on it? When instead he could simply wait and see which way the wind blows, then play along?

Always your choice, however *woof*
Sorry for the late post! I forgot to mention that I'm on a trip (or desired to keep things private) and didn't check my email thoroughly enough. 😓 Next time, I'll make sure to give a heads up if I have anything large scheduled or if something unexpected pops up.
Mhm, undoubtedly, I just found it unexpected and funny *woof* I'm definitely liking your posts so far, Parrot! ^33^

Meanwhile, what we have next is a longer-than-average post on my part. Some 1500 words or more, probably a solid 5-6 minute read. I couldn't really make it much shorter, it's technically already a cut down version of what would otherwise be a massive post. That's because what follows will be Dina's retrospective account of something that happened a couple days earlier, while she was still with Ilhirel in Alicante and the Chosen were only beginning to devise a way to save her.

That will be the last bit of lore I have to get out of the way before we can continue, meaning that we are now beginning to wrap up the first part of Chapter VII.

You are all free to post a reply to what just happened, though it's probably a good idea to keep it to internal monologue and/or exchanging words privately with a character next to you, rather than addressing the whole council and asking more questions. Note that silence is a valid response, and that you don't have to respond right now if you don't feel like it.

I'm hoping to write up my next post within a few days. It will be longer than this one, I can tell you that, but not boring! *woof*
Re: "Rounder." I thought that was great line too. Well done, Parrot! Hope your trip was fun and memorable! =)

My apologies to everyone on account of just how long this ended up being (it's probably a +10 minute read!). Longer than I intended, I assure you... Sorry! I'm happy that I managed to get it done today, since I won't be able to do anything for the next two days. If no one posts by the end of this week, I might throw in a back-to-the-present reaction from some of the NPCs, but basically you are all allowed and encouraged to respond to this as you see fit. Treat this post as Dina's account on what happened two days ago, which obviously she didn't give using so many words, but I felt like taking this approach would leave you with a better understanding of things *woof*

In other news, I am pleased to say that I am making progress with the northern expansion of the world map! It should be ready by the time we set off, which is really, really soon! *howl*

Stay tuned ^33^
Sorry for the delay, but I hope to get a post up tomorrow at least. ^3^
Xenthriss, the evil drakkar-jerk, ate it. This makes my day (and Auri's too)!
We'll find out. =) She might try some just for the occasion once Auri tells her what's going on. =)
Not ordinarily, no, but like Dann says, once she understands the purpose she might join in, as one does with an unfamiliar ceremony of sorts. ^;3^
Alright, good posts everyone! *woof*

Dann, I noticed you neglected to apply color formatting to Auri's dialogue for two posts in a row. It's fine if you've decided not to use it any more - posting color was always an optional thing - I'm just wondering if it's intentional or not. Aaaand - congrats on the new profile pic, I barely recognized you! It's cool, it's just... It's totally not you! I mean, totally not what I'd expect you to go with! :P But I like it!

In other news, I finally got a new job after nearly 4 months of unemployment (and even before that, the last two months on the previous job were so slow that I feel like I've effectively been sitting at home for half a year o.O). Today was my first day, and so far so good. It's nothing special - it's quite a bit less money than what I was making before, so that sucks, but at least I now have fixed hours and a guaranteed day off once a week... In comparison, I spent the last 7 years working with basically no schedule - some days I worked from 6am to midnight with multiple breaks or "holes" in the schedule, other days I went out on an errand or two and that was that... And sometimes I would start work at 6am, then around 8am learn that I'm dropping everything else because I'm taking a cross country trip 250 miles away, where I'm expected to spend the night and drive back the next day, zero warning... It got pretty chaotic.

So yeah, a lot less money, a lot more stability time-wise, and at least I'm mostly on my feet instead of sitting in a car all day. Important thing is that I'm lucky to have found a job under today's circumstances, and even though I doubt I'll still be here a year from now, it's a good feeling knowing that I'm gonna make it through the month. Even if only barely, but hey... Rule #32: Enjoy the little things, huh? Lol 😇

On the business side of things, intend to post tomorrow. I'm pretty beat *woof*
Dann, I noticed you neglected to apply color formatting to Auri's dialogue for two posts in a row. It's fine if you've decided not to use it any more - posting color was always an optional thing - I'm just wondering if it's intentional or not. Aaaand - congrats on the new profile pic, I barely recognized you! It's cool, it's just... It's totally not you! I mean, totally not what I'd expect you to go with! :P But I like it!

Heya Wolf! Perhaps a year ago, I explained (I think here in Little Talks?) that I was going to go back to plain text because it is easier on me. I still feel that way. =)

As for my new avatar, yes! Daisie made that for me! It's so cool! Please check out my cover where you'll find a an old picture of our wonderful little furball, Blue! That's who the avatar is! =)
I'm glad you are employed again! Hooray! I could not imagine feeling out of work for half a year!

You are absolutely right about appreciating the small stuff. Because like a old buddy used to tell me, "it ain't funny when you're short of money!" =)
Perhaps a year ago, I explained (I think here in Little Talks?) that I was going to go back to plain text because it is easier on me. I still feel that way. =)
Yikes. Dunno how I missed that... Welp. Carry on then *woof*

You know, out of focus, your new profile picture looks kind of a little 3D... Like, I could swear that while reading the text near it, or glancing at the pic quickly, the ears actually protrude out of the box ^33^ Fine work on Daisie's part to be sure. Don't know if you knew, but I owe my own current profile pic to Doctor Calgori. Sure miss him around.

Anyways *woof*

In accordance to what Knight-Commander Natalis said, if anyone still has something they'd like to contribute to the war council - any questions, concerns, remarks, anything relevant - now is the time. Otherwise, I am collecting final posts for this scene. Whether it's dialogue or just thoughts, but of course not obligatory. I'd like a little more time to work on setting up the next part of the chapter, so the deadline for this will be... hmm... End of the week, I should think. Thank you all for your patience so far *woof*
By now, he’d have taken his tiny sips, but doing so seemed disagreeable to him. He needed sobriety to settle his thoughts, not alcohol to drown them.
As much as I appreciate Carn's train of thought (not to mention approve, and like your whole post), there's one thing I feel like pointing out. A mug typically holds like 400-500 ml (13.5-17 oz) of beer, and for a grown man of respectable weight who is at least somewhat used to alcohol, this would probably be the perfect serving size. One such mug would have a negligible effect, in my experience, and depending on the person you could even have two such mugs and still retain your mental faculties.

And Carn isn't human. He's 260 cm and 190kg of pure drakkar - he's more than twice the weight of an average human male! By my estimate, it would take at least 3 or 4 mugs before he would start to feel intoxicated in the slightest, possibly even more if you decided that he drinks a lot and thus has a higher tolerance to alcohol. Of course, as Carn's player, you could also decide that he rarely drinks and perhaps even that he's naturally more susceptible to alcohol, for some reason. But either way, there's no reason for him to worry about anything until he's had at least a couple mugs of that beer 😇

Just thinking out loud here, mind you Parrot. Your post is fine and you don't need to make any changes. I just can't help but wonder if you overlooked this detail, so I'm offering it here as something to ponder in the future! *woof*

NB: "Darkvale's finest" would actually be a pretty strong beer, definitely stout or porter, so it's probably a good thing (for the non-drakkar participants at least), that Auri didn't bring two mugs per person! *woof*
Hah! Wolf! Maybe you have overlooked the idea that Carn just doesn't like alcohol? Let the guy sip in peace! Ha ha!

Every party has its social wallflowers and Carn seems to be ours! Leave him be! =)
And that's totally fine if that's the case, as I said *woof*

It occurred to me that he might be overlooking the reduced effect of alcohol on Carn, because he wrote about being worried about retaining sobriety - something that shouldn't be a problem at all in this situation. That's completely different than saying that he doesn't like to drink at all, which he hasn't said (yet) 😇
Wolf Rawrrr Wolf Rawrrr Indeed, Carn doesn't really like the taste of alcohol. About the sobriety, I did consider it as well but didn't really dwell on it 😅. Mayhaps the other way would have been better... If I may expanding on his dislike of alcohol, Carn doesn't like alcohol not only because he dislikes the taste but also because he's seen it in full action. I'd bet he's been in one too many situations where he had to either deescalate or clean the situation. (and he'd totally be the "designated driver" 99.99% of the time if this were the modern era)

Edit: I was going to make a joke about the "one sip and gets tipsy" joke but decided against it due to the body weight thing

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