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Lighthouse in the Darkness

Clara was caught off guard by the second explosion. Just what the hell is going on? She thought to herself as the man introduced himself. All thoughts of Charon left as she realized that they had been found by a Reaper. Her worry and anger turned to frustration as a pulse of energy ripped through her, blowing back the still settling debris, then her dark aura cloaked her body in Reaper's garb. She turned and glared at the man and watched as his Lilith changed, this was surely a time she wished she had Charon. "I doubt you have what it takes to bring me in against my will, so why not turn back while the option is still on the table." She gritted her teeth as she glared at her newest opponent, not wanting to fight so quickly after her latest encounter. Having no one to share the burden of battle with was taxing, and she could tell that she was.going to have to push herself again if she was to deal with a possible 50-hit-combo. "I don't want to fight you, but going back is not going to happen."
"Okay then. Dead it is." He snapped his fingers. "But lets get rid of the trash first, Shall we?" another explosion was activated, sending Ayato flying out of the debris he was in. his clothes were singed, and possibly burn off, the smoke from the explosion was heavy. "I hate to be the one to end such a beauty..." He threw an array of 10 cards at Clara. This was to pin, not kill. He was a second chances.
The second explosion rocked Clara, making her stumble, as she was again covered in a cloud of smoke and dust. The heat had been intense and she covered her eyes and turned away from the explosion. "AYATO!" she knew that the blast had been meant for him, and in not hearing him respond, feared the worst. She hardly had enough time to think before a secondary attack came through the smoke, the card-like things that Lilith had become came firing through the smoke. She did her best to avoid them, however, she had reacted too slow and took 1 in her chest, 1 in her left side, 3 in her left arm, and 2 in her left leg. Shit! Don't tell me these things are going to explode, she thought to herself as she staggered to her right. This fight was already off to a bad start.
"Now, I'll give you a second chance." Allhumbra looked at her. "Come on..." He smiled. Ayato looked at her. He needs to protect her...They can't die here...He crawls over to her. Maybe they can resonate, or whatever they called it...They just can't die here....not now...he outstretched his hand. He thought maybe something will happen if they touch...
Clara glared at Allhumbra, "You bastard," the pain was excruciating, and blood was beginning to sleep from her wounds. Just what the shell kind of cards are these? She thought to herself. She could see Ayato at her side reaching out to her, she knew she needed a weapon but she wasn't sure if she wanted to risk her life and that of a never turned weapon. She thought about it for a moment and then realized that if she didn't at least try then she was practically handing herself over to Lighthouse.

As she reached out and took his hand, she felt a jolt of electricity shoot through her body, and just as quickly she felt her power being transferred to Ayato. He was attempting to resonate with her and the need seemed so strong that there wasn't much she could do about it, his pull seemed as strong as Charon's yet somehow different. It was as if he was a bottomless pit, gorging on her power without any sign of reaching a stopping point. She quickly began to match her spiritual pressure to his own, a brilliant black flame engulfing his body before violently erupting. As the flames exploded, Clara was completely clad in her Death Robe with the darkness having seeped into her flesh causing black veins to be visible at the sides of her eyes, down her neck, and on her hands.

The power surging through her body felt incredible, the expression on her face, however, remained stoic. She looked at the magnificent scythe in her hands, then turned her attention toward Allhumbra. "I think I'm going to decline that second chance, and revoke yours as well," she spun the scythe in front of her rapidly before slicing it through the air toward her opponent, sending a crescent shaped black blade screeching toward him.
((Sorry for the late post, internets on the fritz))

"SH-" he created a wall of cards, but they seemed to be no match for her force, and he was knocked back by sheer force, as the cards fluttered about. "Damn...." He growled to himself. "This...this is out of our league, huh?" Lilith spoke to him. Weapons can talk to their Reapers through their rennocance, on a frequency only thier wielder can hear. It's sort of like talking in your mind, your lips don't move, but sometimes an expression can be shown on the face of the reaper. "We need to retreat." He looked at the cards. "Let's just go..." He tapped the cards, wich created a blast of fire to act as a smoke screen. In a flash, they were gone. "This...." Ayato said in awe. "This is..." He didn't even know the words to describe it....
"Exhilarating..." Clara finished, lost in power fueled ecstasy. Their dark presence had caught the attention of a rather large group of demons, and the soon found themselves surrouneded. The demons all stood about as if mesmerized by the power, it was like a month to the flame affect. Clara spun Ayato through her fingers slillfully, feeling his weight and power surge through her. The group was large, probably the largest she had seen since she had ever been with Lighthouse, it was like they had become a beacon for all the demons in the area. "Death comes for us all, but as I am Death, it is I who comes for you," A surge of power going from her to Ayato, and that power being enhanced even more. In a flash of black Clara was zipping across the area slicing through the horde of demons that had gathered, it was as if she was warping from one shadow to the next. As the last demon was dispatched, Clara stood triumphantly in the aftermath, the bodies seemingly dissolving into a dark mist that was devoured by both Ayato and Clara. Clara stabbed the staff end of the scythe into the ground and released it, allowing Ayato to take human form whenever he decided. The moment she released him, the dark veins in her skin receded, and her Death Robe slowly faded away. Clara stood staring at her hands, having never felt power like that since her days with Charon, and even then this power was different than that.

Astral had cast a spell over the area as the fight with Allhumbra had started, giving Tetsuya and the others a view of the encounter from a safe distance. "She seems to be quite formidable," Astral said as the scene had come to a close, "That is a dangerous power she has."

Tetsuya brought a hand to his mouth, thinking. "She has definitely gained quite the troublesome power," he said as the other two stood behind him, "However, I don't believe this makes her unstoppable. In fact, I see some significant differences in her power, differences that may prove themselves potentially dangerous for her." He turned to his companions. "We've seen her power when she was paired with Charib, and it was much more stable than it is now. If we can get her to use that power continuously or for a long period of time, I'm sure we can apprehend her."

Amon nods in agreement, "What about Allhumbra? If he has tried, then surely the others will. Do we go ahead and put -," Tetsuya cuts him off.

"For now, we will let whomever wants to engage her to do so. It'll work out better for us if she is forced to use that power more and more. If it comes down to it, and no one else tries, we'll simply enlist their help." He smiles as he walks past the group, Astral returning to her grimoire state and landing in his hands. "Death surely can be beautiful, so let's be prepared when we stand before her. She will come to learn that leaving Lighthouse was a mistake."
"Clara!" He said, transforming back into his human form. "That was...Amazing!" He looked at her, and smiled, adjusting his goggles, and dusting his shirt. It felt to him like a blur of ecstasy and simple bliss. His body ached for more, but he felt a wave of pain wash over him. But...It felt good. He looked around, and sighed at the destruction. "I'm sorry I couldn't fend off Charon...Your place got destroyed because of it." He looked at her. "Shall we go?" He looked at her...with a smile. He had finally done something with his life, he saved someone and became a weapon for the first time.
Clara didn't respond to Ayato, as she was still staring at her hands, the feeling of their power still lingering a bit. That was intense, I haven't felt anything like that in years. The electric feeling slowly waned, and once it died down she took a deep breath and turned to Ayato. "Yeah, we should get out of here," she replied, "Don't worry about it, I wouldn't expect you to be able to stop Charon anyway," she chuckled as she motioned for him to follow her. They would take up a residency inside the city, she knew a ex-Reaper, who had an underground setup, and someone she could trust. She wasn't sure he would take the recent events that she was involved in very well, but she was certain that he wouldn't refused her, as they had come to know each other well over her 3 year separation from Lighthouse.


Dr. Takeda sat at his desk, staring at his computer screen. This can't possibly be right, can it? This just doesn't make any sense, there's no way that this is correct. A worried look was plastered across his face as he studied the latest graphs and information of Rift openings and Demons that had made their way through. If his data was to be trusted, and he usually always believed his data, then the entirety of the city was overrun with Demons in disguise. If that was the case, then it was only a matter of time before they started to come through, and if Lady Death wasn't with them by then, they were going to be in a heap of trouble.
He followed behind and looked at her, smiling too. Her laughing seemed impossible to him after all the time they'd been around, but she did...He shrugged and continued to follow her through the town. He looked around and wondered how the Lighthouse would cover this up. Maybe it would be classified as a faulty accident....A dirty bomb? Eh, best not to think too hard, He looks at her, and rushed forward to keep up. He felt something else inside him, a small little feeling from the power. He shrugged it off.

Alhambra and Lilith went back to the group base, painting and shaking at the raw display of power. "How'd it go?" The twins say. "Not good huh?" The shirtless kid said. "I can smell the fear on you..." He said that in a mocking tone and laughed at them. "Shut up!" Alhambra said to them, walking to another chair. "The new weapon is strong..." He took out another cigar and smoked "We need to pair with another group to take them down."

Tetsuya and the others strolled in a few minutes after Allhumbra. "I agree, you all should team up with another group," he said with a sly smirk, "I propose you all partner up with us." He stood just the doorway with his partners standing behind him, Astral was in her Grimoire form in his hands. "How about you join my squad and in return I'll supply you with the necessary power to stand against Lady Death," he looked around the room at the others, "With a group this size, and my power backing you, I have no doubt that we'll bring down Lady Death." He figured that they may be hesitant since he tended to look down on everyone who wasn't in the top 3, so he made sure to make himself clear. "You all don't stand a chance alone or with another group," he started, "I'm also playing it a bit cautious in wanting more than the 3 of us to take her on. I saw how powerful she was, and while I'm comfortable with just us three...," he paused, "I know the end result would be severe injuries for all of us and possibly the death of one. However, if you all side with me, taking the Mark of Astral, then we will certainly be able to stand our ground against her. Know that by joining, you answer to me; You follow my every instruction and run everything by me...so how about it, who among you wants to overcome Death."


Koba, Once known as the Scorpion, A special Reaper who classified in poisons. The neat thing about him was the volatile relationship he shared with his weapon, she hated him and often times attempted to kill him. However, they were an exceptional duo. Due to some accident, one which he won't speak of, he lost her and was removed from Lighthouse. Clara had found a way into his place through a secret passage that she had made herself, and she showed herself and Ayato in. It was a huge underground compound, complete with tunnels that could get you just about anywhere. Koba wasn't in at the moment so she made herself comfortable and crashed on his couch, they had been sort of close before but Koba seemed to keep her at arm's length. She had all but thrown herself at him and he shut her down. She laid out and let out a sigh of both relief and exhaustion. "Well this place will do, I doubt we'll be found out," she said to Ayato, "Don't worry too much about Koba, we left on less than favorable terms but I'm sure he'll still be happy to see me."
Alhambra nodded and shifted his hat. "Also, we demand a share of the money and access to higher level information." He said to him. The others looked astounded. "It's the only chance we have to winning this battle." He looked at him. "...Making a deal with the devil to defeat death." He went to get some beer as well. Time to think things over for the other members as well.

At the Koba residence, Ayato looked around as he saw a glimpse of a cabinet filed with different type of poisons. He nodded to stay calm. "Ummmm....Where can we sleep?" He looked for the guest room, attic, or someplace where he wouldn't get found and killed in his sleep by Koba.
Tetsuya smiled. "I guess we could share the money, and as far as information goes, feel free to read up on whatever you like." Tetsuya looked at the room. "Well if you're all in agreement, step on up. Need to place these insignia on my newest companions," A magic circle appeared before him, "Simply come on up and touch the magic circle and you'll become bonded, in a sense, to me, and gain an exemplary amount of power." This will be a good turn out, we're definitely going to subdue her with these numbers. Even if some of their abilities aren't that powerful, the boost will make them 10x stronger, and she'll still have to deal with all of us at once. Let's see just how deep that power runs.


Clara sighed. "Crash anywhere, I would avoid his bed, but there's plenty of space to curl up in. Or you could become a weapon again and just lean against the wall or something." She was sure that Koba would have words for her when he returned, and she just hoped that he wasn't too mad. While she was sure that he wouldn't kill her, it was also never an idea to pass off a Reaper who was a master poison user. The couch was a sectional so she motioned Ayato over, "Come on over and sit on down, it might be useful to have you at arm's length anyway. I doubt he'll be thrilled to see me."


Meanwhile, elsewhere in the city a Rift tore open yet only one man strolled out.

"Oh where, oh where, could my sister have gone," he said rhythmically, "Oh where, Oh where could she be?".
((I wonder if Aizen is Evil...))

Ayato tried to turn into a weapon, but failed. Seemed that the first transformation was a stroke of luck, a Deus Ex Machina if you will. "You want me...." He looked at her. "To sleep with you?" He scratched his head trying to get around this Idea. "Okay..." He sat on the bed, leaving enough room for her. He wondered at this point he had misinterpreted everything that she meant by Sleeping there.

Alhumbra and the gang all looked at each other. "We have to give this news to the other members, and they have to get this as well, you know that, Right?" The group was about 5 weapons and reapers, and most of the other members were either out forgetting their duties, doing missions, or taking a furlough. "You will relay this to the others?" He touched the sigil, and took another swig of beer.
Tetsuya sighed, a little annoyed. "I'll leave that task to you lot, we have other preparations to make. I'll leave Astral here with you all, so anyone else who needs it can get it from here," he said as he turned toward his comrades, "We need to see if we can't find a place to lure her to where there won't be mass collateral damage, and you all need to see if you can't relocate her once you get all of your people ready." With that Tetsuya and the others left while Astral took human form and sat down in a nearby chair, legs crossed and staring at Allhumbra and the others.


Clara looked at Ayato, and pointed to the smaller portion of the L-shaped couch. "Nice try, but you'll be over there," she chuckled as she popped up to grab blankets off Koba's bed, throwing some to Ayato as she curled up on the couch, "Now, Koba will probably be pissed to see me, but don't start a fight with him or anything, regardless of what happens." She could only imagine how he would react to her invading his space after their last encounter, but she suspected that he would be quite happy to see her. "Let's try to get some shut eye before he gets back, I'm going to need some energy to talk to that man." There were a lot of things on her mind at the moment and she wasn't sure which one needed to be addressed; There was still the ordeal with Charon, the power that Ayato seemed to have as a new weapon, Lighthouse coming after her, and dealing with Koba. She was simply exhausted thinking of how she was going to handle any of these issues, and with a big sigh she closed her eyes and tried to relax.


Aidan walked about the streets with his hands in his pockets and a smirk on his face. He wasn't sure where Clara was in this world, but he was confident that if he stuck around long enough he would find her. He suppressed his own aura so that Lighthouse and the Reapers wouldn't be able to track him, though his clothes would give him away as someone who stuck out, but he kept his current wardrobe as he scouted the world that lay before him.
Ayato mumbled and went over to the uncomfortable short side of the couch. Kota would definitely be pissed if they were here, that's for sure. He snuggled in and tried to get some heat on him, and closed his eyes. In his dreams, he tossed and turned in his sleep, seeing strange and mystical pictures of the past, present, and future. He'd forget it all when he woke up..
Clara wasn't sure how long she had been sleeping, but her eyes flashed open as she caught the familiar flowery scent that Koba gave off. As she quickly sat up she could see him standing in front of the couch with his arms crossed, and the expression on his face wasn't one of happiness or pleasure. Clara looked over at Ayato, who still appeared to be sleeping, and not wanting to get him involved, she quickly got off the couch and tried to diffuse the situation. "Koba, listen, I-," she started to say, interrupted by a firm and fast grip of the front of her shirt.

"You've got a lot of nerve showing up here," he snarled as he lifted her up by her shirt, "You think this is a place you can just come in whenever you want?" He threw her back down into the couch.

Clara quickly gathered herself and stood back up, shoving Koba as she stood, "I was trying to say sorry, asshole!" a black aura began to rise off of her, "I had nowhere else to go!" Her aura began to fill the room and fired at him as if to consume him.

Koba didn't seem fazed, as the darkness seemed to pass around him and his own aura began to fill the room. It had a sweet scent to it, the effect it had was throwing off the senses and disorienting the opponent. "You think just because you're Lady Death, you can take my spot?" He was pissed.

Clara could see that things were getting out of hand and fast, but since she had pushed things this far, she had little to no choice. It all happened quick, she turned back and reached for a pillow, and after throwing it at his face, launched into a barrage of quick jabs and crosses. Koba responded by dodging and throwing punches and kicks of his own. As a hook to his side connected, Clara went in for a powerful left cross to his face, but was countered by a grab and hip toss that sent her flying into the nearby wall.

Clara hadn't completely forgotten about Ayato, but this was a battle she didn't want him in on, hoping that Koba would calm down before things got too serious. As she picked herself off the wall she began to stumble a bit, his poisonous aura beginning to take serious affect. "I didn't know where else to go," she was supporting herself with one hand on the wall and the other on her head, his aura was getting to her, "Listen, I'm sorry about how things went before, but I had to leave." She wasn't sure if he was going to calm down or become more furious, but she was aware that Ayato was awakened by their scuffle and just hoped that he wouldn't make things worse.
Ayato murmured and woke up slowly, and was shocked by the explosion, and the appearance of the Poison reaper (not that this was a surprise). "Hel..." He started to feel sick by the position aura. His world turned around and around, and he fell to the floor off of the couch.The landing caused a arrow dipped in poison to cut him. "Whazzzz..." His words slurred. "WuzzzzHaa" He passes out, as the poison to enter his stream.
Clara saw Ayato collapse and ran to his side, turning back to look at Koba as she slowly picked him up. "This is my new weapon so could you stop this, we can discuss our issues later." Clara glared at Koba as her own aura dissipated, her body fighting the toxins running through her body. Koba scoffed as he trudged over to Clara, taking the boy from her as his aura dissipated. "You two aren't going to stay here," he hissed as he inspected the boy, noticing the cut and then the arrow in the floor, "What's the deal with this stand in?" He asked as he walked to his counter and searched for the proper antidote.

"He's not a replacement," Clara responded, staggering to the couch, "and do you plan to give me something?" She asked irritability.

Koba cut his eyes at her as he found what he was looking for, "Nope. Consider that me accepting your apology," he said angrily as he opened the vile and poured its contents into Ayato's mouth. "He'll recover fully and probably be awake before you, but I'll be sure not to break him." Koba smirked as he tossed Clara the empty vile.

Clara's head was beginning to throb, "You're a jerk," she muttered as she laid back on the couch, eyes becoming heavy, "Even as a new weapon, that boy would swallow you before you could be-," she passed out.

Koba rolled his eyes as he went to prepare a meal for the three of them, the labor of fixing a meal helped cool his anger. He was certain that keeping them there was no good, but turning them away wasn't an option either.
In his dreams he once again had seen many things that had come or will come into place. He struggled with the sense of deja vu and looked around in confusion. He saw a giant gate, and heard a mix of Clara's voice and something else entirely. He stepped closer to it, and felt a sense of fear and curiosity. What could be behind there? He rarely ever dreamed and this was just too weird...
(I like the dream world thing you got going, allow me to add to it!) Charon leaned against the far left of the gate, staring at Ayato. His arms were crossed as he stared at the boy, curious of him. "I don't think either of you are quite ready for what's beyond this door," he said as he nodded toward the door, "You have potential, but you're still not quite there. I hope you have steep learning curve, or else the both of you are going to drown in the darkness." Charon stood upright and began to walk away from the door into the awaiting darkness behind Ayato, "I've shared with you a fraction of my powers, which will help you awaken your own. The Door of Truth is not something that should be opened nonchalantly, and remember that one must traverse the darkest of nights before the light can be shone," he had faded into the darkness now, his voice lingering behind, "We may be enemies the next time we truly meet, I pray that your abilities have matured by then, I'm curious as to your true potential as well."


Koba got the place in order, picking up loose vials, the poison arrow, and anything else that may cause issue. He had placed the two of them on the couch, Clara was the first to wake. "You should feel a bit better in a few minutes," he handed her a cocktail, "You should've talked to me before leaving, and I would've appreciated a heads up before you broke in." He handed her the cup and headed further into his compound. "Once you and your companion get the earth back under your feet, you should see me in the Arena. He gives off a pretty dark aura, it's faint but there."

Clara hadn't been paying too much attention to everything he said, as she was still trying to get her bearings as she drank the concoction handed to her. She caught the bit about seeing him in the Arena later, but wasn't sure what he meant by what he was saying about Ayato. While she had been out she had had a peculiar dream. She was floating in sea of dakrness, and although she couldn't feel anything around her, she could sense that she was sinking. As she tumbled endlessly through the darkness she thought she could hear a voice, and not just any, she thought she could hear Charon's. It was mumbled and inaudible as if he was far above her and there was something between them. She brushed it off as she downed her drink and waited for Ayato to wake. She could smell that Koba had made them dinner and she couldn't wait to dig in, and also to face Koba at full force. He was quite the Reaper when he still had his weapon, but he remained a formidable adversary even without it.
(for you to add to that sequence was the plan lol)

Ayato woke up, remembering nothing, like usual. He looked around and his stomach grumbled due to the smell of food. He looked at her. "What happened?" He rubbed his forehead and got up. "What did he say about our break-in?" He looked around for the reaper. "Did you kick him out or something?"
Clara ushered Ayato over to the food that had been prepared for them. "Koba's toxic fumes did a bit of a number on us," she chuckled, "I forgot that he isn't one to be taken lightly, even if we're having a little bit of a dispute." Koba had made them a beef stew of sorts and a glass of water each. "He's waiting for us in his training room, says that he thinks he can take the both of us. He's the typical male, big ego, and doesn't like that I was able to take him down a few times. He's probably still a little sore about what happened," she grinned across the table at Ayato, "Doesn't mean we couldn't use the exercise, plus, we'd have the opportunity to see just how compatible we are. He's someone who can definitely handle it."
"I guess so." He said, eating the food slowly, the stew was hot and beefy, and the beef tasted delicious with all of it's spices infused within it. "But I haven't been able to transform on my own. I'm not even sure how we did it in the first place." He took a sip of the cool water. "And what am I then, if he's the 'typical male'?" He added air quotes to the last part.

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