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Fantasy Light of Golden Fire (Fae Story)


Relaxing in a cauldron.
Hello, I'm looking for someone to RP with that is interested in fantasy, romance, and Faeries for this plot. I prefer to RP with people 18+, as to not complicate things, and am looking for experienced and skilled writers who can RP back with paragraphs at a time. For this plot, I already have
the title picked out and the main characters set up and am willing to converse onwho gets which characters. I also have a summary
that I will display down below so that you can get a feel for the plot I'm looking for. I'm sorry if that sounds
or seems controlling, I am not in any way trying to control my RP partner haha, I just have an idea
in mind and characters already developed for this plot. We can take the plot anywhere
the wind takes us, lol, I'm just giving an overview
of it. (:

S U M M A R Y:
In the normal world, living a normal life, with a normal family is Faylene Daughtler. Sure, she's still coping with losing her parents to a car crash and she can't seem to keep a steady friendship with anybody, but she appreciates her normal, mundane life. Until she meets a boy. A boy who happens to be the Light Prince of the Isle of Faeries. Prince Aston shows her a whole new world that was living right before her eyes the entire time, but delivers the shocking news that Faylene herself is Fae.

Confused, curious, and terrified, Faylene allows herself to explore this world and get sucked in by its appealing beauty and charm. Especially when she meets the Dark Prince of the Isle of Faeries, Prince Thayne. But while she begins to learn about this new paradise, grows closer to the two princes, and unravels her own inner Fae, she also discovers that there are dark and dangerous threats that are looming in the kingdoms.

And if she's not careful, these dark and dangerous threats may just devour Faylene and her brand new world whole.
Bumpity ♡- "What if I'm not the hero, what if I'm the bad guy?" -Edward Cullen, Twilight
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Boopity ♡- "Because saving the people you love isn't stupid. It isn't even a choice." -Ethan Wate, Beautiful Creatures
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Bump ♡- "It's your gift, to see the beauty and the horror in ordinary things. It doesn't make you crazy, just different." -Lucian Graymark, City of Bones

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