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Realistic or Modern Life in the City ("friends" type of roleplay)



Brittany scrunched her nose at Charlotte "I gotta eat first! Slow down" she giggled and took some pizza, quickly eating it. After her second piece Brittany leaned back in her seat and grinned. They were all talking about Marcy getting a job "Congrats!" she grinned "I got a job mixing drinks at this really fancy place called The Rook and Raven pub! I mean, not too fancy but not some biker bar" she shrugged. The style of the place suited her. "So! Are you all having a good day so far?" she took a sip of her water and sat up a little straighter, mostly because she didn't want to be rude when her friends were talking to her. "How was work!" she asked the ones who had already worked that day. When Owen beat his chest she giggled then watched Charlotte leave for the washroom.

@BrooklynBaby @QueenOfDisaster @FairlyLocal @Kirwinning
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Marcy licked her lips and threw out the pizza, "I think I'm just going to marry the pizza... So much better than half the boys I've dated." She smirked and walked back to the table. She laughed and watched Owen do his 'monkey impression', "Dear lord Owen, my brother can do such a better impression... You need to work on yours." She laughed and looked over to Britt, "Hey hey!: She quickly hugged Brittany and smiled, "Thanks, I actually have a bartender job now, its just a bar, not really classy or 'biker'... Just a bar." Marcy shrugged and looked at all her friends, "So excited to get wasted. Its like the college times. Getting all drunk and shit. Unless if you were like... I don't know." Marcy giggled and finished up her drink. @BrooklynBaby @Kirwinning @Dannygirl900 @FairlyLocal


Owen gave Brittany a thumbs up, "Going to have to come by sometime. Sounds like a really cool place. Well everyone had pretty productive days except me, I didn't have to work. I'm really glad you guys got jobs but I wasn't worried at all, who could say not to you two." He kept himself relaxed against the booth as he waited for Charlotte to come back from the bathroom. "Tonight will not just be a party but a celebration." He looked over at Marc and pretended to be insulted. "You tell him to talk to me and we will do an official showdown of who thinks they're monkier than the other. I bet you I will come out as Alpha."​

@BrooklynBaby @QueenOfDisaster @FairlyLocal @Kirwinning


Charlotte walked into the bathroom and went into a stall. She locked her stall and laid her bag down on the diaper changing table, looking through her purse. She found some of her gum and put it in her mouth. Throwing the wrapper away, she did what she needed to do in the bathroom and walked out. "Back." She waved to her friends. "Everyone done?" She was growing impatient. That rum wasn't going to drink itself.

@Kirwinning @Kalissa @Dannygirl900 @FairlyLocal @QueenOfDisaster


Owen looked up at Charlotte and raised his hand, "I'm done. Not sure about everyone else. I know Britt just sat down to eat. Getting antsy Charlotte? Excited to see me take more shots than you?" He raised an eyebrow and leaned forward on the table.​



"Oh, shut up." Charlotte laughed. "More shots than me, eh? Have you seen me consume alcohol? I'm like an animal." She raised her eyebrows. Noticing Brittany just sat down to eat, she definitely didn't want to rush her. "Why do you and I go get the rum and meet these fools back at the apartment?" She asked, hoping he'd say yes. She indeed was getting antsy, and wanted that rum.



"That's true, you are an animal when it comes to liquor. You probably easily put me to shame." He looked between them and nodded his head, "Sure! I could use a walk. You guys catch up to us if we're not back. The liquor store is just around the corner, plus we have phones." Owen stood up and left the booth and headed for the entrance to the pizza shop. He was going to pick up a bottle of Kraken if he could since that was some of his favorite rum, plus he was a huge Pirates fan.​



Charlotte happily sighed as she quickly ran to the door, slowing down once she got outside. "Yes, yes yes!! Finally!" She walked down the sidewalk, admiring all of the beautiful scenery. The night sky looked magical. She was so inspired from the gorgeous stars, she took a few pictures she'd later on draw. She looked behind her and cuffed her hands around her mouth and shouted, "Hurry up, slowpoke!" She yelled at Owen.




Brittany watched the other two leave and felt a little pang of jealousy but quickly brushed that off. "Just wait just wait I'm done" she giggled and threw the plate in the garbage and stood up, grabbing Marcy's arm pulling the girl along after leaving a little bill on the table. "I'm gonna buy myself some blue Alize vodka!" she giggled and followed behind Charlotte and Owen. Brittany was a wild girl when she was drunk, and she was also flirty, and she was way more hyper than she would usually be.

@BrooklynBaby @Kalissa @QueenOfDisaster @FairlyLocal @Kirwinning


Owen looked back as Brittany and Marcy were trying to catch up and he had a zealous Charlotte charging ahead. He couldn't help but laugh as he turned to run backwards, "Come on girls. Charlotte waits for no one. It's like being in boot camp." Owen kept pace between Charlotte and the other girls as he jogged between them. They soon arrived at the liquor store and he walked in and went straight for the rum he wanted. "Kraken, smooth as anything I've ever had." Owen kissed the bottle then walked to the counter after grabbing his starbursts.​

@BrooklynBaby @QueenOfDisaster @Kirwinning @Dannygirl900


Charlotte saw the girls and waved, smiling. She walked into the liquor store and grabbed a few packs of general beer, and a bottle of Bailey's for herself. She saw Owen kissing the liquor bottle and her eyes widened as she laughed. "Get a room, you two." She laughed again as she walked to the counter to buy the few packs. "I got some regular packs, as well as a Bailey's for mama." She was referring to herself, as she took a good grip on the bottle.

@Kalissa @QueenOfDisaster @Dannygirl900
Owen nudged Charlotte and bought his stiffy as he waited for the other two to pick out what they wanted. They could obviously share some of what he had but he figured they would want something of their own as well. "Marc, what are you getting?" He had his stuff in a bag as he slipped one of the Starbursts into his mouth.

@BrooklynBaby @FairlyLocal @Kirwinning @QueenOfDisaster @Dannygirl900


Marcy latched onto Brittany and grinned, "I drink almost anything, whatever you guys are having I'm fine with... But damn how I do love my whiskey..." She giggled and grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels Whiskey.

"Ooo..." Marcy walked along carrying her drink when she saw a huge ass chocolate bar, "Fuck yes!" She screamed throughout the store and walked up the the cash register, "Well how about you just look at what I'm getting with your eyes." Marcy teased to Owen and pointed to her stuff as she laid out the cash, "Whiskey and chocolate. The best combination... No judging." She squealed as the stuff she got was put in a bag and handed to her, "Why thank you."

Marcy looked around at her group of friends, "Wheres the other two boys?" Marcy asked and tilted her head. @BrooklynBaby @FairlyLocal @Kirwinning

(Sorry I haven't responded enough recently! Trying my best though! ^-^)
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Brittany picked out her bottle of Alize and went to go pay for it "Those will give you cavities!" she teased her friends as they picked out their junkfood "I think they bailed, or are making their way back to the apartments" she shrugged and slipped the bag into her purse, too lazy to carry two bags "Here I'll tell them to get their asses to the apartments. I'm more than happy to share, cause I'm a lightweight anyway!" she grinned and sent a text to the group chat telling the other two guys to just head back to the apartments. "So I'm ready to go get drunk" she giggled. Alize is very sweet and she drank it way too fast which always results in her getting drunk easily.

@BrooklynBaby @Kalissa @FairlyLocal @Kirwinning


Owen watched the group make their purchases and love how they each had their own preferences and tastes. Then it hit him when Marc spoke that he was the only guy there tonight as it seemed the other two bailed or got stuck with work. Oh well, he would fill them in later if they couldn't make it because tonight was bound to be interesting. "I hope they are able to catch up soon. I'm feeling a little bit like a minority.." He joked as he pointed to himself then the three girls. His phone buzzed when Brittany sent out the text and he stepped outside into the night air. New York was a sight to see at night because all the businesses and districts were lit up and so alive. During the day it was some of the ugliest scenery he had encountered.​

@BrooklynBaby @FairlyLocal @QueenOfDisaster @Kirwinning @Dannygirl900


Charlotte looked at Owen's starbursts and forgot her skittles. "Fuck." She ran to the little candy aisle and grabbed three large packs. Feeling embarrassed, she put one back. "Eh, screw it." She grabbed the other pack an put them on the counter. "This too." She smiled. "Ah, don't worry about it. Once we get a little juice in us, it won't matter." She reassured Owen. "Come on guys I'm itching for this." She pointed to her bags full of beer and Bailey's. "We have to get home it's getting late." She reached for her phone, but just realized it was Britt texting over the group chat.

@Kalissa @QueenOfDisaster @Dannygirl900 @FairlyLocal @Kirwinning


Owen watched Charlotte run back to the candy aisle and grab her skittles which she forgot in her earlier transaction. He could see her internal struggle with two or three bags of skittles but he knew three would be the winning number. "Yeah I know. I really don't mind, I just hate thinking they're going to miss out. Not like this will be the only night of drinking we all participate in." He nodded in agreement and walked back out of the convenience store and back into the night air. As long as everyone was ready he would start walking back to their apartment.​

@BrooklynBaby @FairlyLocal @QueenOfDisaster @Dannygirl900



Brittany followed her friends outside and grinned "Okay! So come come!" she hooked her arm around Marcy's again, but as well as Charlottes "Okay! So I get drunk easily. Y'all have to promise me you won't let me get drunk to the point where I'll have a horrible hangover. Alize tastes like candy so I tend to get carried away with it" she giggled and looked at the two girls. She was hyper and she was ready to have fun with her friends "So what do you say. You make that promise?" she knew her friends weren't as lightweight as her so she could rely on them "Oh! You too Owen!" she smiled back at him.

(If you need me to make a male character I could!)



Owen watched Brittany walk out and kept pace as they began to walk back to the apartment. He smiled back at Brittany when she smiled at him, "I promise to do my best. Typically takes me a lot to get drunk. You'd have less horrible hangovers if you drank something not as sweet you know? Like Marc probably won't suffer a huge hangover. Then again Marc also burns energy so fast she probably doesn't even need to worry." He joked as they kept getting closer to home and he could see his motorcycle in the distance. Sometimes he feared her would turn the corner and it would be gone but he did install a pretty nice alarm system on it.​

@BrooklynBaby @FairlyLocal @QueenOfDisaster @Dannygirl900

(OC: I can too if need be. I think Kir said he(she?) wasn't going to be on until the weekend)



Marcy latched onto Britt and laughed, "Don't worry I got you covered." She said feeling a bit proud, for some reason.

The red head looked over at Owen and pretended to act all serious, "Me!? A super hyper red head that burns energy so quickly!?" Marcy then tilted her head back and laughed, "Yeah, you're right."

Marcy and her friends finally made it to the apartment and she headed upstairs with them.

She opened the apartment door and set her whiskey on the table, opening it quickly and chugging it down a bit. The whiskey felt warm inside of her. Yet it burned her throat. But Marcy liked it. @BrooklynBaby @Kalissa @Dannygirl900


Charlotte laughed and linked her arm in Brittany's. "I got ya." She walked inside with the others and opened the door. She grabbed a cup and poured a little of Marcy's whiskey in it. "Lets see if I like this." She furrowed her eyebrows nervously and smiled. She took a big gulp and winced a little, but it was nice. She enjoyed it. "Damn, this is great." She nudged Marcy. She swished the liquid around in her mouth a little, letting the flavor flow through. She laid on the couch, taking a deep breath after her long day. She set the now empty cup on her mouth and she was about to get up and get more, but she was so comfortable, she decided to lay down for a moment. "If I fall asleep, wake me up." She said to everyone.

@Kalissa @Dannygirl900 @QueenOfDisaster


Owen walked into the apartment and set down his stuff. He got out his Kraken and poured himself a took it down. Charlotte had just laid down when he walked over and nudged her, "Hey, you wanted to get drunk tonight. So let's get drunk." Owen walked over to the kitchen and poured himself another shot but mixed it with coke and decided to sip on it to make sure everyone got to drink. "So ladies and, gent what are we discussing this fine evening?" He looked around amongst his friends and smiled as the alcohol felt warm in his stomach.​

@BrooklynBaby @FairlyLocal @Dannygirl900 @QueenOfDisaster


Charlotte nodded at Owen's nudge, and stood up. She grabbed a quick bottle of beer and opened it. "Not sure, what we should talk about but we could play Pictionary." She laughed, sipping on the bottle. "Drunk and drawing is always lots of fun." Charlotte walked over to her room and grabbed the game from under her bed. "It's my favorite game, and I will kick all of your asses."

@Kalissa @QueenOfDisaster @Dannygirl900

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