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Realistic or Modern Life in the City ("friends" type of roleplay)


Owen put a hands up and got up to head out with them. "We should do some sort of game when we come back to bless the place. Break it in some." He commented as he walked over to join Charlotte, Landon and the rest of the crew. "I like that everything is so close here. Traffic's bad but you don't really need to drive all that much. Plus the pizza is awesome."​



"The pizza around here is perfect." Charlotte agreed. "I think Pictionary is in store for us. Although, anytime someone loses, they take a shot. Every time you win, you take two shots." Charlotte rubbed her hands, excited. "Ooh, we better finish pizza quick. I haven't gotten hammered yet and it's almost my second night in this apartment. Unacceptable." She laughed.

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He quickly got up and followed after them, leaving the ice coffee behind. "Waiiitt. Don't leave me" he said as he caught up with them. He agreed with what they had said about the pizza being good etc. "Which pizza are we going are we going too...there is a lot from what I've seen" He said, feeling a bit more awake.

( @BrooklynBaby )​

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.gif.3cf3d97c91c409d63762de85c6dc5135.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="109861" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_03/image.gif.3cf3d97c91c409d63762de85c6dc5135.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marcy followed right behind the rest of the group like a stray puppy, "Wait for me!" She yelled out to the group and finally caught up. Marcy grinned and jumped onto Landon's back and held on childishly, "HIZAH! Ride! Ride!" Marcy pointed to the sky and looked at the rest of her group of friends, "Look who's taller now..." Marcy winked at them playfully. @ everyone



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Owen laughed and nodded his head eagerly in agreement, "I am totally okay with this idea. As long as I have food in my stomach you guys are doing down." He punched his open hand wish his fist and made a warrior like face. "I'd like to pick up rum then if we do shots since Bailey's doesn't sit well in my stomach shot after shot. Too sweet." Owen laughed when he heard foosteps behind then a small redhead jump on Landon's back. "Well look who decided to join us. In a good mood like always Marc."​

@BrooklynBaby @FairlyLocal

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"Yayyy" He was saying 'yay' about Marcy joining them. He made sure not to drop Marcy. "Food. Food. Alcohol" He said as a he spun around with Marcy on his back. He quickly stopped after because he was afraid that Marcy would fall. "Very tall" He said responding to what Marcy said 'Look who's taller now.' "So. Lets get the pizza" He said, growing hungrier and hungrier each second that they didn't have good.... the hungry when you stomach starts to hurt.

( @BrooklynBaby )​
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Charlotte smiled at Marcy's appearance and watched her jump onto Landon's back, watching the two stumble about. Charlotte's stomach growled as she laughed. "I hope we get there soon, I don't think I'll survive much longer." She looked at Owen and nodded. "Rum sounds great. We should get skittles. When I get drunk, I reeaally crave skittles." She looked into the sky, daydreaming of those skittles. She loves getting drunk and eating them, it's one of her favorite hobbies. "Mind you, as you know, I get really weird when I'm drunk. Be prepared."

@FairlyLocal @Kalissa @QueenOfDisaster


Owen turned to Charlotte and smirked, "Well then it's going to be an interesting night then. I'm sure we're going to say and do some things that we aren't fully prepared to say when sober but that's the best part. We're with each other so it can only fuel how weird we think each other are. Pack of real misfits." He chuckled as they got closer to pizza. "It's all about the starbursts. Something about small bite size squares that pack in so much flavor just gets me going."​

@BrooklynBaby @QueenOfDisaster


Charlotte's eyes lightened at the sound of starbursts. "I completely forgot about those.." Her mouth began to water as she ran faster to the pizza place. "No doubt we'll be doing some weird shit, but we better be careful." Charlotte laughed, poking Marcy and Landon. "You guys ready to get wasted tonight?" She raised her eyebrows and was growing more excited by the second.

@QueenOfDisaster @Kalissa @FairlyLocal


They finally arrived at the pizza place and they walked in as a group. Owen looked between them, "Well let's get weird then." he walked to the counter and got the attention of the person working. "Alright guys, what are we getting on this thing. Let's not make him wait."​




"Woooo" He said with a small laugh as they walked into the pizza place. "...I don't care what we get on the pizza. You guys pick." He's not the best at deciding. He felt a ringing in his ear for maybe a couple seconds. That usually happens for him once and a while. 'It smells so good in here' He thought as he looked around at everyone.

( @BrooklynBaby @Kalissa )​

Shaun Marsh

Shaun woke up to his phone alarm going off, "Damn, it's that time already?" He checked his phone to see that the group was planning to go out for some pizza.

You know, I probably have enough time if I hurry, to grab a slice and then head to work.

He texted the group chat, "Hey guys! Hope you don't mind if I show up for some grub before my shift at the coffee house. I would love to catch up with you all!" He sent the text.

Shaun shrugged and locked his phone, putting it back on his nightstand. He undressed and made his way to the shower. After a nice warm, relaxing shower, Shaun got dressed, grabbed his phone and made his way out the apartment. The greatest thing about where they lived was the fact that it was close to everything! Well, almost everything. It was close enough to the train, work, the comic shop, and even the local pizzeria. Shaun walked down the block and made his way to where the rest of the group was.

"Hey guys!" He said, walking into the pizza place, "Hope I didn't miss anything." Shaun pushed his glasses up closer to his face. It felt good to be able to catch up with his best friends.





Owen heard the door open and recognized Shaun's familiar voice. He smiled as they were just beginning to order, "No, we were just deciding on what to eat. I think we will get a cheese pizza and then a pizza with pepperoni since those two basics at least everyone likes. If we want more we can buy toppings from the store." Owen turned to the clerk and made the order, two large pizzas with one cheese and one pepperoni. He paid the cashier and turned back to the group. "You off to work?" He asked Shaun with an inquisitive look.​

@BrooklynBaby @QueenOfDisaster
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As they walked into the pizza place Marcy jumped off Landon's back and sat down table with her friends, "Yes I'm ready!" She squealed as she sat down at the table, "So, what type of pizza you guys gonna get... I'm thinking just cheese, I'm a plain Jane." Marcy giggled and licked her lips as the pizza arrived.

"You haven't missed much, Shaun." Marcy giggled and looked over to the vending machine full of drinks, "What you guys thinking of getting to drink before we get wasted?" Marcy clasped her hands together and ran to the vending machine, "I'm getting coke! Not that type of 'coke'..." @BrooklynBaby


Charlotte walked over to the counter, and their pizzas were called. She took the two pies and brought them back to the table.

"Pizza anyone?" She smirked, rubbing her hands. She was starving. She grabbed three slices and walked over to her seat, digging in. "I'm so hungry..." She muttered with pizza in her mouth. Charlotte looked over at Marcy, "Grab me a coke as well bitch!" She yelled across the entire place. She sighed, feeling stupid for cursing across the room. No kids in sight, that's good. Charlotte laughed and continued eating her pizza. "We better hurry up, I want to get the real party started." She saw Shaun and smiled. "What's up, dude?" She held out her hand for a knuckle punch.

@Kirwinning @Kalissa @QueenOfDisaster @FairlyLocal
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Owen sat down with the rest of them and took a couple slices of pizza and of course dumped a good amount of ranch onto the plate to eat with it. "Pepsi please." He dipped his pizza in the ranch and took a big bite. The cheese melted in his mouth as he closed his eyes and hummed a bit, he really did love pizza. Owen tried not to eat a lot though as it really had an impact on how much he would workout since he was so sensitive about weight gain. "So we gobble this up then get stuff for the shindig tonight. Hopefully Shaun can join us." he looked over and eyed the guy as he hoped work didn't keep him too long.​



"Got it guys!" Marcy called out in response and got everyone their drinks and sat back down, "You're welcome, bitches." Marcy winked and took a sip of her coke before taking a bite of pizza, "So how was everyones day? I got a job!!!!" Marcy clapped excitedly, "I know I already mentioned it... Just so happy!"

Marcy looked at everyone at the table, "So, tell me stories children." She grinned childishly. @BrooklynBaby @Kirwinning @FairlyLocal


"My day? As boring and regular as anyone's who works at a pornographic magazine shop." Charlotte winked at Marcy. "Congrats again on your job. Hey, where's Brittany?" She took her drink and drank it slowly, eating her pizza a bit quicker as she thought about the night they'd be having later. She was so excited, it was finally time to break in that apartment, and make it theirs.

@Kirwinning @Kalissa @QueenOfDisaster @Dannygirl900 @FairlyLocal



Brittany sat in the office of a bar called "The Rook and Raven Pub" and answered questions her potential boss asked. When the interview was over she grinned when he told her to work Monday,, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday Nights starting next week. After she was out she looked down at her phone and saw an abundance of spam texts from a group chat. The girl rolled her eyes a bit and went to the pizza place just as Charlotte asked where she was "Well I'm right here!" she giggled and pulled a chair up "Did you order? I am seriously starving. I can feel my insides eating itself" she laughed a bit and ordered a water. Though she wanted to be a chef one day she didn't want to be one of those chubby cliche chefs that everybody sees on TV so she did her best to stay away from fatty foods and lots of sugars (But can't resist a binge sometimes!).



Owen watched as Brittany hurried through the door and smiled as the whole gang was there. He nudged Britt when she sat down, "About time Britt, we were getting worried." he took a sip of his Pepsi and looked at Marc. "Congratulations again Marc, let's see if they can handle you." She was such a burst of energy and brought so much to any job she worked. Reigning her in was impossible but she would knock the socks off of anyone that interviewed her. "So we're all getting drunk tonight. This is going to be fun."​

@BrooklynBaby @QueenOfDisaster @FairlyLocal @Dannygirl900



"Hi Britt" He said looking at the girl who just sat down. He looked around at the group who was socializing. Landon sat there mute for sometime. He looked over at Marcy. "I hope your job goes well. I have a story about when I was a child" He said with a small laugh. He munched on a piece of pizza happily. It was actually the only thing he had eaten that day. He didn't hesitate taking another piece...considering he was starving his ass off.

( @BrooklynBaby @Dannygirl900 @Kalissa @Kirwinning )​
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Charlotte was looking at the front door and noticed Brittany walk in. "Hey Britt!" She waved and smiled, motioning her to come over to the table. Charlotte ate her last piece of pizza before a silent belch. She giggled a little and looked back over at everyone else. "I'm done." She grinned cheekily and put her plate in the garbage. "When you guys are ready, we can get the real party started."

@Kirwinning @QueenOfDisaster @FairlyLocal @Kalissa @Dannygirl900


He laughed at Charlotte's burp and gave one of his own, sporting a large smile as he did so. "I think you beat me." He leaned back against the booth with his arms outstretched and sighed, that really did hit the spot. "I am ready whenever. We are properly fueled up and ready for action." He beat at his chest jokingly and made some monkey sounds. Tonight was going to get interesting and he was excited to see what everyone revealed.​

@BrooklynBaby @FairlyLocal @QueenOfDisaster @Dannygirl900
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Charlotte laughed at Owen and looked at the others.

She sipped her drink and crushed the can, throwing it into the recycling bin but missing horribly. "Dammit." She chuckled, retrieving the can and carrying it to the bin herself. "I'll be right back." Charlotte excused herself as she walked to the back of the room to go into the bathroom.

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Owen laughed at her as she missed the recycling bin and saw with the others as she went to the restroom. Other than them the pizza place was relatively quiet but held a nice old fashioned appeal. You could tell it was a franchise owned business but whoever owned it took pride in their Italian heritage. The workers inside weren't super young but they had great personalities as they chatted amongst themselves as they worked. Each laughed at something the other said and it made them, as the customers feel more welcome.​


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