• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Let's play

djinnamon said:
A sex rp is about to begin. *is tempted to report but won't because he is a nice guys*
Ikr xD *I draw my blade swiftly, spinning it above my head*
People that have been on here for a lesser time or have just joined.(:*)( :D )
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WiltingFlowerChild said:
Ah. Well, that's me! I'm practically a baby on here. Nobody will talk to me (' :| )
No worries Senpai will talk to you. (Senpai means senior, and that's me. :D )
Actually, a sex RP is not about to being because we all know that mature content and bdsm and erotic roleplay are against site rules.

And I know that none of you really want to be involved in that, now then, do you?
Xylin said:
Actually, a sex RP is not about to being because we all know that mature content and bdsm and erotic roleplay are against site rules.
And I know that none of you really want to be involved in that, now then, do you?
I very much do want to be a part of that but I'm not gonna do it online. I want sugar IRL
Sex is nice, but it's always best done in real life.

And far away from this site. (} :) )(} :) )(} :) )

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