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Fantasy Let's Explore a Haunted Mansion! (with *SUPERPOWERS*)

Notis blinked. Woah, that was a lot. A lot of what? He didn't know. That thought just popped into his head.

He shook his head. He had to stop spacing out. The group had already gone in, along with a man, a boy and a girl disguised as a boy. None of them had appeared to notice him before they went. Was he really that invisible? He started heading towards the door, looking up at the foreboding, rotting, creepy manor as the sun began to set. A sudden gust of wind nearly blew the crane off his shoulder, but he managed to twist it back on. He shivered. What a night for going into a haunted house. At least they had superpowers. Even a monster stuffed rabbit could be useful…

He was abruptly struck by a thought. What if he hadn’t imagined that monster puppeteer girl? What if she was real? Then this whole thing could be a trap orchestrated by the rabbit. It could have been waiting for just the right moment, when a ‘coincidence’ brought such a large group to it. The people inside could be eaten alive! He swung around and sprinted back through the bushes, towards the rear of the mansion. He had to stop this. Lives were at stake. He reached the edge of the building. He turned the corner. He tripped on a bush and fell on his face.

@Idea tagged!
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Jay nodded in response, and said "Well, I checked, and there are definitely none of them in this room. Although..." He pointed up to some stairs at the front of the room. "Pretty sure the main hall's that way. I say you'd have better luck in there." Just then, the cat that had showed the way into the manor appeared, apparently trying to get a look at the three new people. Jay looked down at the cat and said "Also, that's just some cat. Don't know who she is or what her name is, but she showed us into this manor, so I'm guessing she probably lives around here. Anyways, the name's Jay."
Emile nodded. "Sure doesn't act like a stray, that's for sure," she observed of the cat before looking up again. The main hall, he had said. "Nice to meet you then, Jay. So — the main hall. Maybe that's the place to be, then. Hey, maybe we could even find something to take home with us." Emile looked around the room they were in now, eyeing the walls and what was left of the furniture. A cold draft blew through, and the chill was unpleasant, but she tried to ignore it before she turned to Alec. "So, maybe we all wanna head that way?"
Cadence tried to stray away from the now large group. How many more people were there now? At this point, how could she experience any actual danger when she was surrounded by so many people? Man, Dee made a smart move.

"Hey, I'm gonna go look for a basement or attic or something like that. Never been a big fan of the whole 'Safety in Numbers' idea. Or safety at all, for that matter...", she said to anyone who could hear her. With that, she quickly (and loudly) went through the door on the right.
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~Felicity Lark~

Location: Outside Manor

Form: Human (No added abilities)

Felicity decided things were about to get fun, so she headed outside, stopping for a moment before changing back into her human self. She would have just done it inside, but she's had many a time where her friends have vomited on her shoes right as she transformed. Sure, when she changed it wasn't as though the watcher could see her bones shifting or anything, but the sudden blur and inability for their brains to comprehend the change made the weaker ones queasy. Once she was done, she straightened her scarf and headed back inside, smiling politely at the group. "Hello there. Seems like quite a few people chose this night to explore the creepiest house in town. Nice to meet you all. I hope you don't mind if I accompany you? I've been planning this escapade for a while, but none of my own friends have shown up, apparently," she said.
Alec had to admit, one of the kids had the right idea. If they were going to find anything, they'd find it in the basement or in the attic. He wondered if he should follow the stranger for a moment before realizing that following a strange woman into an abandoned house with no context might come off the wrong way. Around this time yet another girl showed up- Alec noticed the cat had (thankfully) left, too. 

'How weird that everyone chose today to go exploring. What a strange coincidence.' Alec thought to himself as the girl introduced herself. "Well, I certainly don't mind the company," He said with a warm smile, "Most company beats Emile's over here." Alec gestured to Emile with the last statement. 
~Felicity Lark~

Location: Front Entrance of Manor

Form: Human (No added abilities)

Felicity smiled as one of the other people in the house greeted her. "I'm assuming the two of you are friends, then?" She laughed. "I'm Felicity, by the way, and you are...?" Her eyes wandered about the manors interior before settling on the greeters face once again. "What exactly is everyone doing here, might I ask? Isn't it a bit dangerous to go wandering around a structurally unsound building in the middle of the night? I don't suppose you've told anyone where you are."

She crossed her arms and took a few steps forward, properly joining the others. "Of course, I'm not one to talk, but it's just a bit odd that we're all here on the same night. Unless you and all the others are together in one big group, and I'm the odd one out?" 

Emile threw Alec a good-natured scowl and didn't say anything immediately, instead opting to shoulder him in the torso again before turning back to listen to Felicity. Her concern for everyone's safety was admirable in a way – she looked just a touch young to be interested in knowing whether everyone else has made safety plans. "This sorry excuse for company here and I decided to drop by together. I don't know about the rest of 'em. I wasn't gonna be surprised if we ran into a bit of company but this is more than K was expecting for sure," she told Felicity. "Said sorry company's name is Alec, by the way. I'm sure you won't miss him if he falls through the floor or something. I probably wouldn't, anyway." Emile shot him another grin before looking around the group again. There sure was a lot of them here all at once.
~Felicity Lark~

Location: Front Entrance of Manor

Form: Human (No added abilities)

Felicity smiled at Emile in acknowledgement, and tapped a finger on her chin in thought. "It's nice to meet you, Alec, Emile. I do agree, it's unusual, to say the least. You don't think there's something... supernatural afoot, do you?" She smirked and waggled her fingers in the air jokingly. "Or at least magical, anyways. It wouldn't be a surprise, but I just hope it doesn't involved sinister motives."

She wondered momentarily if the others had any abilities, but wasn't sure if it was polite to ask. Usually she found out about her friends abilities by chance, often because they used them in front of her. Besides, it wasn't as though she was owning up to her own powers right off the bat. She decided she might as well just leave it, as it was doubtful it would be important, unless her joke of a suspicion turned out to be true and something was wrong about this.

Notis blinked. Woah, that was a lot. A lot of what? He didn't know. That thought just popped into his head.

He shook his head. He had to stop spacing out. The group had already gone in, along with a man, a boy and a girl disguised as a boy. None of them had appeared to notice him before they went. Was he really that invisible? He started heading towards the door, looking up at the foreboding, rotting, creepy manor as the sun began to set. A sudden gust of wind nearly blew the crane off his shoulder, but he managed to twist it back on. He shivered. What a night for going into a haunted house. At least they had superpowers. Even a monster stuffed rabbit could be useful…

He was abruptly struck by a thought. What if he hadn’t imagined that monster puppeteer girl? What if she was real? Then this whole thing could be a trap orchestrated by the rabbit. It could have been waiting for just the right moment, when a ‘coincidence’ brought such a large group to it. The people inside could be eaten alive! He swung around and sprinted back through the bushes, towards the rear of the mansion. He had to stop this. Lives were at stake. He reached the edge of the building. He turned the corner. He tripped on a bush and fell on his face.

@Idea tagged!

(Kurumi´s POV)

Almost there, about to climb the first step after making sure there were no spider webs or anything sharp on the stair flight (as to avoid hurting Nana), when there was a sudden near sound, near movement. I held Nana tightly as a sudden shadow erupted, leaving me to freeze in place and it leaned closer and at last, smashed it´s own head into the ground.

"Meeeep!..." Was the only thing I could squeal with my body still stuck and motionless, except for a couple shivers. I couldn´t do anything other than watch the thing, I guess it looked like a person though with all the black in his hair and clothes and the dark of the night, one couldn´t be sure. The thing didn´t seem to be making any brash movements, though, so I leaned a little closer, lips trembling in sinc with my legs as I reached out a hand to tap the hairy parts. I was sure it would feel disgusting, so I closed my good eye, and tried to picture a leather book, yes, just a leather book....

"A-a-a...are y-you... a-al-al-alright?" I stuttered. I couldn´t bear it afterall, the words broke me out of my self-induced vision. My hand pulled back and my gaze turned to the side even though I buried my face in Nana. I took special care to close my mouth before I did, though, she wouldn´t like getting covered in drool. It was embarrassing enough that that might occasionally happen while I slept...

I pulled Nana down for a single moment, just one more question. Important question. Two maybe. But they really were that important!

"D-do y-you l-l-li-li-live he-he-he-here?" D-does a-any-anyone? I th-th-thought it-it w-was abando-abandoneth...." I hid my face into Nana. I was getting too nervous to speak well! This was why I didn´t like talking to strangers anymore. Okay, that and others things.

(note: it is night, right? If it isn´t, do tell me @IctoraPost . Also, I hope it´s ok that I assumed your character wasn´t making brash movements?)
(Yeah, that’s fine)

His face hurt. It really did. Throbbing nose, some scratches… actually, he could’ve been worse off – a stick could have poked his eye out or something. Lucky.

Then he heard a squeak. The evil master rabbit girl! He’d completely forgotten about her, even though he was rushing off to stop that villain only a few seconds ago. Now he was in a bad situation. His element of surprise was gone and he was lying, defenceless, on the cold, hard ground before her feet, ready to have his face eaten in some unknown, gruesome way. He decided to play dead and hope she’d have mercy on a poor, innocent soul.

But the girl didn’t sound very evil. She sounded nervous. Scared, even. And why would a murderous abomination want to attack a house they thought was abandoned? Notis slowly, painfully, raised his head from the dirt. There was the girl and the bunny. It was dark, but he could definitely see that it was just an ordinary person with an ordinary stuffed animal. What a waste of energy.

He pushed himself up onto his feet, brushing the soil off his clothes. So, the girl wasn’t some psychopathic killer out to exterminate humanity. Unless she had some kind of ability to disguise herself. He waved away the thought. She was normal, and that was final. But that raised the question: Why was what looked like an injured seven-year-old wandering around an abandoned mansion, holding a stuffed rabbit, of all things? He gestured towards her, then towards the building, then to himself and the front of the manor, all in a questioning manner. Did she have any idea what he was trying to say?

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Emile gave Felicity a shrug, glancing up at Alec again. "Not a clue. Could potentially be something. We've been a few places like this and most of the time there's not been anything at all. The rare occasion something does turn weird it's generally blamed on me. Whether it is or not is up to debate, but you know — it wouldn't be too surprising if shifting chairs or things falling over was my fault. But it's whatever, you know." She looked at Felicity again, crossing her arms and taking another short look around the room. "But I'm not the type to believe every ghost story I hear."

That was true. Living with abilities that allowed for temporary floats and things was definitely the sort of lifestyle that meant Emile wasn't about to assume ghosts were responsible for things she considered perfectly normal — floor tilting, telekenesis, technokenesis... All sorts of abilities could be considered "ghosty." She paused again. "Well, I wouldn't be saying this is The Haunting or anything unless I see something convincing. Axe murderers and psychopaths though — I can imagine one of them hanging out around here." 
(Yeah, that’s fine)

His face hurt. It really did. Throbbing nose, some scratches… actually, he could’ve been worse off – stick could have poked his eye out or something. Lucky.

Then he heard a squeak. The evil master rabbit girl! He’d completely forgotten about her, even though he was rushing off to stop that villain only a few seconds ago. Now he was in a bad situation. His element of surprise was gone and he was lying, defenceless, on the cold, hard ground before her feet, ready to have his face eaten in some unknown, gruesome way. He decided to play dead and hope she’d have mercy on a poor, innocent soul.

But the girl didn’t sound very evil. She sounded nervous. Scared, even. And why would a murderous abomination want to attack a house they thought was abandoned? Notis slowly, painfully, raised his head from the dirt. There was the girl and the bunny. It was dark, but he could definitely see that it was just an ordinary person with an ordinary stuffed animal. What a waste of energy.

He pushed himself up onto his feet, brushing the soil off his clothes. So, the girl wasn’t some psychopathic killer out to exterminate humanity. Unless she had some kind of ability to disguise herself. He waved away the thought. She was normal, and that was final. But that raised the question: Why was what looked like an injured seven-year-old holding wandering around an abandoned mansion, holding a stuffed rabbit, of all things? He gestured towards her, then towards the building, then to himself and the front of the manor, all in a questioning manner. Did she have any idea what he was trying to say?


(Kurumi´s POV)

I tilted my head, at his gesturing, and took a step back. Somehow the lack of moonlight in the dark made the man seem really creepy with that sudden silent random pointing. I knew he was probably trying to convey something, though I couldn´t grasp what he could possibly intend with those movements. I gulped. I guess he was laying there, he was probably not familiar with the place either. Maybe he was just passing by or maybe he came to steal something... He didn´t seem to be armed right now, but the thought of it made me shiver. And if I refused to say something, what would happen to me? Was I gonna get shot? No! I didn´t want to be shot again! Specially with Nana here, she would be horrified! And dirty, if my blood or dirt fell on her.

I gulped, and smile, trying my best to guess what he might be trying to ask.

"A-a-are y-y-you as-asking why I-I-I´m also he-here? In th-th-this aban-abandoned p-place? I ...y-you know... I... was dared to! Yeah, d-dared to! B-by a friend... hehe..." I pressed by bunny closer as I lied, giving him a nervous grin. I couldn´t very well tell him I planned on LIVING in that place from now on. If he wanted be harm, or if he wanted something from the house or if he cared about the house, then saying I was gonna live there would mean very bad news, possibly deadly news for me. Specially if he was, in fact, armed. On the other hand, should he not want me harm, then I couldn´t assume but that he would try to stop me from going to live in a house where people where supposedly dying all the time and getting bad luck just from being in it.

I gulped.

"Y-you´re uh...g-going I-in t-too? I g-guess I sh-should g-get going...I d-don´t wa-wanna be in th-the way of some-someone gre-great l-like you... hehe..."

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Terri walked down the streets trying to get to the manor as fast as possible. Felicity was already at the manor, and she couldn't leave her friend (I shall be your friend!) there alone. It was stupid that she did this to her. She doesn't know if something has killed Felicity, and if something did, it was all her fault. She should be there for her friend, but she is not. Her chest ached in fear for her friend as she reached the manor. 

Walking the entrance, she saw no sign of her friend. This is bad. Who knows where she could be. Why wasn't she there before to make sure nothing could happen. She walked up the steps and gripped the handle. She was about to open the door, but stopped when she heard voices. Wasn't this place supposed to be abandoned? Pulling on her sweet facade before pushing the doors open. 

Somehow they managed to swing easily and ended up  into the walls. "Whoops, my bad." She did in a tone that could make many not care that she could've accidentally broke the doors off their hinges. She scanned the group of people. There's a lot of the in here. Her eyes rested on a familiar face. "Felicity! I finally made it. Sorry for being a bit slow." Terri hoped that she would forgive her.

(I finally did it!  :D )
Jay, pressing on, made his way up the stairs into the main hall. Just then, he noticed something odd. Outside, there appeared to be others. Looking out a window in the main hall, Jay saw a guy, apparently conversing with a creepy looking young child. Now this, this was something interesting. Jay didn't know who these two were, but that kid looked suspicious, the kind of material that was likely around haunted manors such as these. Maybe he would go outside and intervene if stuff got out of hand, but for now, he remained at the window, observing the occurrence outside
Alec glanced at the slowly dispersing group as he listened to Emile talk. Felicity seemed nice enough, he wondered if she inteded to join their little group or if all of them would end up broken up how they came in. Neither one bothered him much. He did wonder what the point of checking an abandoned manor like this was if there really were so many people who came to hang out in the haunted house. Any fun information was likely planted or already gone, and any 'ghostly' activity would have to be set up at this point- or, at least that's the way he saw it. 

Around this time, someone pushed the doors open, Alec looked at them. "Hey, the place is decrepit but you could try not to break the architecture. It was a nice place... at one point." Alec told the newcomer, once Felicity had responded.
Notis could tell that the girl wasn’t telling the truth, with all that stammering, fake smiling, tight hugging and the weird-sounding giggle at the end. She seemed to want him to go away. That giggle really was creepy. She was actually quite injured, now that he had time to stare at her – plasters and bandages everywhere, with one covering an eye. What had happened? He scratched his head. He couldn’t just leave her here, and he couldn’t ask her anything. What to do, what to do.

The paper crane fluttered up from the ground onto Notis’s shoulder. He absently brushed at the dirt stuck to it, glancing at the creepy manor next to him. He froze. There was someone at the window! So there really was a sadistic murderer out there wanting to pulp the meat of their bodies then sell them to some shifty tinned beef manufacturer, and it was only using the kid as bait! He had to warn the people. He had to escape with the girl. He had to – oh, wait, it was just one of the guys from the front. Notis waved.

@Idea @pokemariofan64
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(Just a heads up, I'm getting involved in another rp, I may not post as often )

Jay noticed the guy outside look at him nervously, as if he thought that he was seeing a ghost or something. He tried, and failed, to hold back a chuckle, as the guy looked on in terror, until finally realising his mistake, and waving to Jay. Jay smiled, and waved back, then looked back at the weird kid who was still there. "You okay out there?" He gestured and said.
Notis could tell that the girl wasn’t telling the truth, with all that stammering, fake smiling, tight hugging and the weird-sounding giggle at the end. She seemed to want him to go away. That giggle really was creepy. She was actually quite injured, now that he had time to stare at her – plasters and bandages everywhere, with one covering an eye. What had happened? He scratched his head. He couldn’t just leave her here, and he couldn’t ask her anything. What to do, what to do.

The paper crane fluttered up from the ground onto Notis’s shoulder. He absently brushed at the dirt stuck to it, glancing at the creepy manor next to him. He froze. There was someone at the window! So there really was a sadistic murderer out there wanting to pulp the meat of their bodies then sell them to some shifty tinned beef manufacturer, and it was only using the kid as bait! He had to warn the people. He had to escape with the girl. He had to – oh, wait, it was just one of the guys from the front. Notis waved.

@Idea @pokemariofan64

Jay, pressing on, made his way up the stairs into the main hall. Just then, he noticed something odd. Outside, there appeared to be others. Looking out a window in the main hall, Jay saw a guy, apparently conversing with a creepy looking young child. Now this, this was something interesting. Jay didn't know who these two were, but that kid looked suspicious, the kind of material that was likely around haunted manors such as these. Maybe he would go outside and intervene if stuff got out of hand, but for now, he remained at the window, observing the occurrence outside

(Just a heads up, I'm getting involved in another rp, I may not post as often )

Jay noticed the guy outside look at him nervously, as if he thought that he was seeing a ghost or something. He tried, and failed, to hold back a chuckle, as the guy looked on in terror, until finally realising his mistake, and waving to Jay. Jay smiled, and waved back, then looked back at the weird kid who was still there. "You okay out there?" He gestured and said.

(Kurumi´s POV)

I took another step away from the man, looking away with embarrassment. It was like his eyes were reading through me like through glass, like my every moved was trapped away by his stare. There were tickling sensations in whatever place I thought he might be looking at, making whichever part it was twitch a little or attempt to hide behind Nana. My cheeks were a little red but steaming hot from the picture of what he was staring at me FOR. In short: I was too comfortable with him staring like that.

"P-p-please d-d-d-d-don´t-on´t l-look at at me like like that!" I begged, However, by the time I did he had already finally stopped. His attention was focused on house, with a rather worried look, which made me turn as well. There was a figure which suddenly waving at them. I was confused and appalled by the sudden and terrifying display of intimacy, and even more so by the person asking if someone was ok. considering I had no idea who the person inside the house was (In fact all this time I had assumed there wasn´t anybody in it), I deduced the person had to be talking to the guy on the ground next to me. I turned slowly, shifting my stuffed animal to cover my face from the sight of the person in the house, while glaring at the guy on the ground waiting for his response.

All the while, one question floated in my mind, haunting my every move and every thought: was I in BIG trouble?

@pokemariofan64 @IctoraPost
Well, it appeared that the random door Cadence went through led to a private library, judging by the sheer number of bookshelves she found. She never understood why rich people liked to dedicate entire rooms to stuff like this. Just get a couple of bookshelves, if you love books so much! Having finished her brief mental rant, Cadence proceeded to search said bookshelves. Maybe there'd be heavy books, or at least something cool to bring home! Alas, the only books Cadence could find were nearly unreadable. "Darn those literal bookworms!", Cadence exclaimed to herself. She was about to go back to the entrance when something caught her eye.

It was a small book, about the size of a graphic novel, resting on an old end table next to a dusty chair. The cover wasn't nearly as worn as the rest of the books she saw, which was kinda weird. Did someone else bring it in? Without thinking Cadence picked it up and flipped through the pages. Yep, this was definitely an unusually pristine book. No title though, which was odd...

"Oh, this has gotta be one of those creepy urban legend books...", Cadence muttered as a wide grin spread itself across her face. Holding the book in one arm, Cadence went to what appeared to be a really fancy living room, judging by the now decrepit couches and chairs over there.
Notis smiled and nodded at the boy, then gave a thumbs up just to be sure. Yes, he was quite okay, apart from his aching face. Actually, no, he wasn’t okay – there was still the problem regarding the girl. He pointed at the ex-illegal organs dealer then gestured towards the former zombie bunny reanimater. Maybe he knew her, and was the one who brought her here? Even if he didn’t and wasn’t, he’d still be able to actually ask her things. Man, being mute could be very inconvenient sometimes.

Notis turned back to the girl, briefly wondering what her name was. Well, there no point in asking. Or, rather, there was no way he could ask. And even if he did, he doubted she would answer truthfully, or at all, seeing as she seemed to be glaring at him very intensely. What had he done wrong, other than mistaking her for an insane, fanatic member of a blood cult out to slaughter everyone in the country? Maybe he should switch tactics. He pulled a B5 sheet of paper from under his shirt and quickly folded it into an origami flower. He held it out towards the girl. Would she accept it?

@Idea fixed.
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Notis smiled and nodded at the boy, then gave a thumbs up just to be sure. Yes, he was quite okay, apart from his aching face. Actually, no, he wasn’t okay – there was still the problem regarding the girl. He pointed at the ex-illegal organs dealer then gestured towards the former zombie bunny reanimater. Maybe he knew her, and was the one who brought her here? Even if he didn’t and wasn’t, he’d still be able to actually ask her things. Man, being mute could be very inconvenient sometimes.

Notis turned back to the girl, briefly wondering what her name was. Well, there no point in asking. Or, rather, there was no way he could ask. And even if he did, he doubted she would answer truthfully, or at all, seeing as she seemed to be glaring at him very intensely. What had he done wrong, other than mistaking her for an insane, fanatic member of a blood cult out to slaughter everyone in the country? Maybe he should switch tactics. He pulled a B5 sheet of paper from under his shirt and quickly folded it into an origami flower. He held it out towards the girl. Would she accept it?

@Idea fixed.

(kurumi´s POV)

The man continued his strange gesturing, pointing at the figure in the house and back at me. It was a little frightening, to be honest. I had no idea who this stranger was, I had no reason to trust any of them. Were they residents of this place? Were they gonna do something to me, now that they knew I was here? Could I even escape with Nana?

My thoughts were interrupted by the next weirdo gesture from the man, who started ...folding paper... and gave me this origami flower, or at least holding it at me. Should I take it? Should I not? He didn´t seem ill intended, but I couldn´t just take the flower. In fact, did he even want me to take it? And what if his powers were somehow related to this? In that case, taking it could be trouble. This could be some trap! But on the other hand, wasn´t that just a bit too...paranoid? Even for me. Nomatter how I looked at it, it was just an origami flower, but the thing is, I couldn´t tell WHY he was giving that to me. At this time in particular. And would I ever dare take anything from a stranger? But I couldn´t just refuse it either. It would be rude. What could I do? What should I do?

I looked at it, troubled for a few more moments, before making up my mind. There was somebody else the flower was being held up to. I grabbed Nana´s arms and used them to gently pick up the flower, having Nana hold it in her arms like a mother would hold a baby. I hid my face behind Nana, trying to speak for her in ventriloquism.

"Th-thank you... that was very k-k-kind o--of-of y-you...b-but why did you g-g-give th-this to m-me?" Since I had pushed this question, I might as well push the other, bigger concern too. "Wh-why ar-ar-ar-ar-aren´t y-you t-talking?"

Well, that gesture of friendship seemed to have fallen on deaf ears. It wasn’t strong enough, apparently, to get through to her… or maybe it just seemed weird. Now that Notis thought about it, if a random stranger suddenly came up to him and game him an origami flower, he’d be a bit suspicious, especially in this world where that flower could turn into a man-eating carnivorous plant from the depths of hell. Heck, he would’ve run away the instant he saw someone jump out from the bushes beside a creepy, abandoned house at night. That girl had to be very brave to have stayed put. Or maybe she was frozen with fear. Either way, he had to show her that he was harmless. And the first step to that was to answer her question.

Notis searched through his pockets. He usually kept a card on him, with “I’M MUTE” written on it in big letters, though he didn’t use it much – people generally figured it out themselves after being subjected to violent gesturing in response to their questions. Unfortunately, it seemed like it wasn’t there. Of all the times to forget it. He tried miming talking, then sliding a finger across his throat – no, that wasn’t right. He pointed to the girl’s face, then to himself, while drawing a cross in the air – that didn’t make sense. How about flinging his arms wildly around in random directions? That’s just stupid. He gave up. You’d think he’d be better at this, considering that he’d been mute for years, but he wasn’t. The crane bowed its head in defeat.

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