• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Let's be Us!


That One Dinosaur That Didn't Get the Message

1: Be yourself! (This is basically a "Let's see how many RPers we can lock in a room together" scenario, so have fun with it [Though, if you decide to not be yourself, we won't ever know!])

2: Have fun!

3: Follow the basic RpN rules, or else they'll close this thread down. And we all don't want that to happen, right?

4: Gosh, try not to become romantically involved with someone -18 if you're 18+. Come on, guys...

5: Remember, I'm not responsible for relationships (lovely or otherwise) formed on here. I'm just setting a stage.

6: Fighting is allowed, but remember your own physical abilities. (We are real people, not anime characters or whatever..)



Yes, this is a Clue gameboard. But it's exactly what I was looking for. The Home has upper floors and lower floors for housing of adults and minors, respectively. Each floor has 6 rooms and 3 bathrooms set in a similar manner to this, the bathrooms being located where the Ballroom, Dining Room, and Hall are shown here. (Room numbers are given as F# for floor number (such as F-1 for the first minors' floor or F1 for the first adults' floor, ground floor being F0) followed by its Number (Given from 1-6, Kitchen's location being F#-1, Lounge's location being F#-6)
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