Les Morts de la Nuit (The Dead of Night) - A vampire coven roleplay(OOC)

Love interests sounds tempting~~~~

Omg they could drop hints everywhere and flirt under the radar

Okay trying not to die

*lots of bird chirping*

I mean yes they can be love interests

*failig pokerface*
It's unfortunate that Patrick is unlikely to be friends with any character...except for maybe Seraphina.

I'm thinking of making one more character. Probably a court member.
Huh yeah....

But everyone loved (still loves??) baby Clarice maybe??? Seb can be an annoying little turd but yeah anyways haha

Do eeeeeeeeeet

Should I??
LittleBirdie said:
Love interests sounds tempting~~~~
Omg they could drop hints everywhere and flirt under the radar

Okay trying not to die

*lots of bird chirping*

I mean yes they can be love interests

*failig pokerface*
xD That sounds awesome!

I'm all for it c:


i am adding another

Hm....I know what I want for my new character....but i honestly don't feel like writing it xD
/went to sleep between 3:30 and 4

/woke up officially at 11:36

guzzles orange juice from a mason jar

I could tell you about a time when I was younger....it was Christmas Eve....Or well, day before Christmas Eve/on Christmas Eve

My family on my dads side gets together for a huge party on Christmas Eve (so it's important xD )

I went to bed at 9 woke up at midnight. Went through WHOLE Christmas Eve without sleeping until I got home that night/morning. I think about 24 hours....I was pretty proud of myself xD
Oh don't get me wrong. I LOVE sleep

When I want to sleep. In a sense, I am like a vampire because I prefer to be up at night and asleep during the day :3

Tho I'll still join the club :3
LittleBirdie said:
Huh yeah....
But everyone loved (still loves??) baby Clarice maybe??? Seb can be an annoying little turd but yeah anyways haha

Do eeeeeeeeeet

Should I??
Patrick doesn't really pay attention to humans unless they're fascinating...or useful to him in someway. So while he probably doesn't hate Clarice, he probably doesn't care about her.

Patrick may not like Seb, but I do^^

It's just that I chose to rp the brooding artist character...

Only make more characters if you think you can handle it. I'm stopping at 3 for now...

Mockingbird said:
......*high fives* SCREW YOU SLEEP
You guys are crazy...must be the lack of sleep.

LittleBirdie said:
Okay woah
I stayed up all night once when I was in kindergarten

I honestly cannot go with out sleep

I'm sorry sleep I need you
I'm the same^^

[QUOTE="Infinities Lover]Oh don't get me wrong. I LOVE sleep
When I want to sleep. In a sense, I am like a vampire because I prefer to be up at night and asleep during the day :3

Tho I'll still join the club :3

No. Don't join Infi!
This is usally me

*doing whatever im doing for fun when I'm so tired I am falling asleep*


*moment I touch my bed I can't sleep*

I'm a terrible morning person

Even my mom tells me that

she always says:

"You are the nicest person.....when it's not in the morning. In the morning you are a Bitch. A full on Bitch."

My eyes are glazed over and I grunt at everything. Or nod if someone's offering me something xD

Like mom. She'd kill me if I was rude to her. So she offers and I grunt and nod.

Yeah honestly, she was a goofy baby though

You chose the aloof artist that is your cross to bear

Thank you~ Seb loves you too

Also yes I did gave into peer pressure, perhaps, maybe???

Oh I am actually a morning person

I used to wake up at six to roleplay with my friend who's in a different time zone lol

I'm just so awesome that you HAD to join my club

it wasn't even an option

You were like 'Oh hey, look. Mock has a club. She's awesome lol I'm joining'

>: D

......lack of sleep does things to me....OH WELL

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