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Fandom Legend of Korra - After the War (jaydude x Necroknight)

jaydude jaydude

"Indeed. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to stay here," agreed Li - whom was carrying also some of their luggage in one hand and holding onto their baby Yun with the other. As she soon followed after Xiao - namely, while her wife would be dealing with the details of the agreement. Li was scouting out the place and all its specific spots and compartments.

Li wanted to know how many beds and other necessities they had to work with here.
NecroKnight NecroKnight
"Not a problem." Masori replied to Li, smiling at her.

"Don't worry, I can take the luggage." Xiao said, and sure enough she used her metalbending to lift the cases up by their metal handles and deposit them next to her, before she turned back to Masori. There wasn't much to go over, just identification, how long they'd be staying, and of course payment, but before long everything was settled and Xiao, Li and Yun were good to go. Or stay, as was the case here.

Li meanwhile would find that overall, the living area of the house was about twice as large and about as luxurious as the suite the family had had back in Republic City, and included a small entrance hall, a kitchen, a dining room, a lounge with sofas and a coffee table, a bathroom with a bathtub, and of course two bedrooms located right next to each other - one for Xiao and Li, the other for Yun. Out back there was a small courtyard with excellent views of the sea. All-in-all, an ideal home for a small family.

"I think we'll enjoy staying here very much." Xiao said to Masori once she'd had a look around.
jaydude jaydude

"Indeed. I think we can make this work rather well. Thank you for offering us this opportunity," replied Li - whom soon started unpacking their stuff and setting up the bedding for Yun. Since they likely would have to put him to sleep soon - the little guy had been very active on the flight here.

"So how long shall we be staying here Xiao?" asked Li.

(Shall I skip after your reply. Namely to the situation in the Earth Kingdom?)
NecroKnight NecroKnight
(I don't completely understand the question. Are you saying you want to skip to our characters returning home to address the Earth Kingdom situation? Or is it something else?)
jaydude jaydude

(I asked, that after you have replied. Shall I then skip? Perhaps to their return home, or perhaps to the near-end of their vacation. Or perhaps several months forward. Namely skip to the situation where the Earth Kingdom is divided up into the various power blocs)
NecroKnight NecroKnight
(If you want, I can skip to them returning home and learning about the alliance myself. For now it'll just be our state, Zaofu, and a couple of other states in the Western Earth Kingdom.

As for the other power blocs, besides ours and the Remnant, what sort of ideas did you have in mind?)
jaydude jaydude

(Sure, that can work. Well, you mentioned that our bloc is mostly neutral - while the Remnants had mostly a bone to pick with United Republic)
NecroKnight NecroKnight
There was a small crowd waiting for them at the airfield as the plane landed; Xiao's parents, her siblings, and of course Kuvira and Baatar. Xiao was smiling as she hugged each member of her family, having only realized now how much she had missed them during the last week.

"I hope the three of you had a good time while you were away." Xiao's mother said as she hugged her daughter.

"We did, thank you. How have things been here?" Xiao asked as they broke apart.

"Oh, very well. Better than very well as a matter of fact."

Xiao looked at her grinning mother for an explanation, but it was her father who replied.

"While the three of you were gone, Kuvira, Baatar, Suyin, your mother and I have been working on assembling an alliance of states in the western Earth Kingdom. We started to formalize the process yesterday. Along with Zaofu, Qutong is now a founding member of the Western Earth Kingdom Alliance."

"An alliance?" Xiao asked, looking surprised and amazed at the concept.

"It was my idea at first." Kuvira said. "Earth Kingdom states pooling their resources to help each other, and the rest of the nation. I'm just glad your parents and agreed to help institute it."
jaydude jaydude

"Wow...didn't expect that to happen. Most of what me, Yun and Xiao heard was the fact of the Remnants consolidating power over the various regions and states near Ba Sing Se," replied Li - a bit more on the, well pragmatic side of things.

While she enjoyed having fun - there was also the fact, that she was usually a realist. "What has happened? I thought the Avatar fixed the trouble there?" she spoke.
NecroKnight NecroKnight
"I've been hearing rumours about what the Remnant's been up to. They've been aiding revolutions in states that don't support them, and trying to replace their governments with ones more willing to co-operate with them." Kuvira replied, once the group were back within the governor's estate.

"It's like they're trying to take over the entire Earth Kingdom." Xiao said.

"That's exactly what they're doing." Kuvira said. "They came by while the three of you were gone and tried to persuade us to join them. They seemed to think that I'd jump at the chance to lead them again and reform the Earth Empire, now that I was no longer a prisoner of the United Republic. I told them I was no longer interested in becoming a dictator, and that we had no intention of supporting them."

"I can't imagine they were happy to hear any of that." Xiao said.

"They weren't." Kuvira replied matter-of-factly. "Many of those in the Remnant right now are those who followed me because of the ideals I promoted, rather than because of who I was."

"This alliance of ours will hopefully allow us and other states to resist the encroachment of the Remnant, but that's not the only reason we formed it." Xiao's father took up the explanation. "It's true that the Avatar is helping to maintain some semblance of peace in our nation, alongside the United Armed Forces and the Air Nation. But even combined, they cannot be everywhere at once. Nor will they be able to remain in the Earth Kingdom forever. In time there will be other events, other crises that they will have to deal with. If balance is to be restored to the Earth Kingdom, we must regain the ability to deal with our own problems. What happens in one state affects those around it. We must work together for the sake of our nation."
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jaydude jaydude

"Agreed....we can't let this domino affect continue. They can't use force - since I assume, otherwise they wouldn't be trying all of these political coups," stated Li - knowing her political theory enough. If one didn't have enough military force - then usually you went after the head of any state. Assist their rivals or another faction - but them in power and let them handle the people within the state.

"Still - what is their end goal?" asked Li. "I assume they aren't doing this all - to create an utopia where food and electricity is free for all. What are they after?"

Namely she wondered - if the Remnants planned on re-uniting the Earth Empire and try to strike out against the United Republic again? It might be a bit difficult to overthrow the United Republic. Since after Amon attempt - the Republic had reformed and replaced it with a mostly elected-system. Meaning that if one head was lost, another could be voted into power. In addition, if the Remnants tried to affect that - they'd have to go through too many civil servants. That alone would alert the Metalbender Police Force of their intention.

"How are they treating people into the overthrown states?"
NecroKnight NecroKnight
"From what I understand, they're treating them the same way I did when I was in charge of the Earth Empire. They keep them well-fed and safe, but they work them hard, watch over them closely, and any dissenters and non Earth Kingdom citizens get thrown into prison camps. As for their end goal, I fear that they're trying to restore the Earth Empire, even if they have to conquer or destroy the United Republic to do it." Kuvira said, before turning to look away from everyone else.

"What have I created?" She asked herself in a bitter whisper that as nevertheless loud enough for everyone to hear.

(You still want to control the United Republic, or can I control it?)
jaydude jaydude
(Sure. Go ahead. I only controlled Raiko anyway. You may take charge of the United Republic)


"You created a flawed system. It isn't perfect but at the time it was the best we had," replied Li - being the most sympathetic to Kuvira.

Namely cause her own attempt at building a simple armed forces almost ended with her going off the deep end.
NecroKnight NecroKnight
"Thanks, Li." Kuvira replied, looking slightly happier. "In any event, I'm beefing up security within this city and especially this estate, just in case the Remnant try anything here."

"How's the United Republic reacting to all this? Surely Raiko's not going to be happy with what the Remnant's up to." Xiao said.

"He isn't. He's made clear that unless the Remnant cease their aggression, he'll be taking more severe action himself."

"War?" Xiao asked, looking nervous.

"That is a possibility at this point." Kuvira replied bluntly, and Xiao winced. Kuvira quickly noticed, and her tone became more reassuring. "If it does come to war, I doubt that we're likely to get caught up in it, so long as we maintain our neutrality. The Republic and the Remnant will want to focus their aggression on each other."

"I know. I just hate the idea of war. The idea that people can end up fighting and killing each other over disagreements." Xiao said.

"We all do, Xiao." Her father said.
jaydude jaydude

"I am more interested in seeing - in how Raiko is planning to have United Republic prepared for war," spoke Li - a bit more on the tactical mind. "Since as we saw numerous times throughout the years - the place isn't so much a military force - as it is a police force..."

"I meant. Numerous times, the United Armed Forces had their forces defeated by either more tactically-minded or numerically-superior forces. Plus, the way the system is built up - Raiko can't just order people into uniform it just doesn't work that way. My guess is - he might try to leverage more economic. Since United Republic is the richest nation in the world."
NecroKnight NecroKnight
"You may have a point about the United Armed Forces, but what kind of economic leverage does Raiko actually have against the Remnant?" Kuvira asked. "He can certainly prevent his nation from trading with them and providing aid, but he can't do the same for the Fire Nation and the Water Tribes. Besides, if the Remnant are taking after me, the part of the Earth Kingdom they control will almost certainly be self-sustainable. I planned to make the entire nation not have to depend on another."

"If the United Republic hasn't toughened up its military after the Anti-Bending revolution and Vaatu's attack on Republic City, I'd be very surprised." Xiao's father said. "They learnt hard lessons on both those occasions. And last I heard, they have Asami Sato and Ignik Varrick on hand, so they're settled when it comes to inventing new technology."
jaydude jaydude

"That is true - but a lot does rely on what leadership you have on the top," replied Li. "I mean how many times did Raiko interrupt or stop the United Navy from helping Avatar Korra to stop some monster of the month, from throwing the world into chaos. Then every time - she had to fix the issue and have it be worse, than it should have been..."

"I am honestly thinking - if the Republic doesn't get its act together soon - then....ughhh...they really need to replace the top idiot on their chair," she sighed.
NecroKnight NecroKnight
"By my count, Raiko only got in Korra's way twice in the last four years, both times during the Water Tribe Civil War." Xiao's father replied, before taking a deep breath. "Anyway, you're right in that he's not always an ideal leader, but it's not like the United Republic can just replace him. The last election was held only a month or two ago, and there won't be another one for at least four years."
jaydude jaydude

"Ughh....how can those...uhhh....I hate to say it - but why did the vote Raiko again?" she asked. "He hasn't been much of a strong military leader. Most of the times, it had been Avatar Korra whom fixed his military blunders."

"And in some cases - he had the gull to accuse her of the damage, when he didn't want to lift a finger in aid or defence..."
NecroKnight NecroKnight
"Well, what can I say?" Xiao's father replied to Li's question about Raiko. "Political candidates aren't judged solely on their military records, or why they might be best suited for the job. Sometimes the deciding factor in an election is people not wanting to see someone elected, whatever the alternative might be. And Raiko's main opponent...well, she wasn't exactly a perfect candidate."

"How so? Who was she?" Kuvira asked, having not followed United Republic politics during her imprisonment.

"Zhu Li Varrick." Xiao answered, and Kuvira's face lit up in recognition of that name; Zhu Li was another former subordinate of hers.

"All Raiko had to do to beat her was argue that Zhu Li was woefully inexperienced in politics compared to him, that her husband was unscrupulous and had a history of working with criminals, and that she'd been complicit in his scheme to drag the United Republic into the Water Tribe Civil War for the sake of his own profit." Xiao's father answered. "Well, maybe that's not entirely true; the election was incredibly close-fought. But ultimately a lot of Raiko's voters decided to vote for him just because they didn't want Zhu Li - or her husband - in the highest position of power in the United Republic."
jaydude jaydude

"Perfect...this is why I dislike the Republic model. Instead of arguing and debating on what they could do to improve the status of the people. Or tell them what future projects they have in - this happens..."

"Turning the run for position of highest authority into a simple smear campaign. Pot calling the kettle black and Raiko won simply cause he played on the idea by marginalizing her..." she sighed.

As Li said that, she even though of trying to enroll in the run the next time perhaps.
NecroKnight NecroKnight
"No political system's perfect." Xiao said, though she silently agreed with Li's critique of the United Republic's political system.

"Anyway, back onto the subject of our own politics." Xiao's father said. "Tomorrow we'll be having a conference with Suyin and the other members of the Western Alliance, to discuss what to do about the current situation, and other such things. Kuvira, I trust you can handle the security arrangements?"

"Of course, governor. I'll have extra guards on hand during the proceedings, both in the estate, and the rest of the city. Plus the other governors will have bodyguards of their own, and of course Korra will be coming to to make sure everything goes well." Kuvira replied.
jaydude jaydude
(Merry Christmas)

"What kind of other things will be needed to be discussed?" asked Li, her interested currently piqued at the moment. Namely, didn't they already talk about trying to remain neutral in this clash of the two idealists and idiots.

She was curious and wondered if they planned on creating a more unified state to combat the two larger powers - or was there something else in ploy for this moment.
NecroKnight NecroKnight
(Merry Christmas yourself)

For a moment the man became hesitant, as if weighing the advantages and disadvantages of saying his next words. "Xiao, Li. You both recognize that in the past, the nature of my job has required no small amount of discretion on both your parts. So you'll understand when I tell you that what I'm about to say is not to be repeated to anyone else, until the time is appropriate to do so. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes father, you do." Xiao replied, and her father took a deep breath.

"Suyin, the other governors and I are not the only ones working on this alliance; the Avatar, Master Tenzin and Prince Wu are also involved in the process. And we are not just planning to form an alliance. We are hoping to establish a new government to rule the Earth Kingdom."

"A new government?" Xiao asked, surprised.

"In theory it should not be too different from the current situation. The state rulers will be allowed to rule as they see fit, within reason. But it is my hope that in time, our alliance will be recognised by the other nations as the official ruling body of the Earth Kingdom, with its own army, authority and national funds."
jaydude jaydude

"Okay...that doesn't sound too bad, in all honesty," replied Li - understanding that if word got out, then possibly somebody might send others to crash their little gathering.

"What kind of system do you guys plan to build upon? Will it be a monarchy? A federation like the United Republic? Or a more limited monarchy, like what the Fire Nation has?" asked Li - she was curious on what kind of system did they plan on using. Ex-Prince Wu might have broken up the monarchy - but if they were rebuilding everything again, it didn't mean they couldn't install a new monarch. Couldn't they?

"Yeah...okay. You want us there as well? Or will you be going by yourself as Qutong' representative?" she added.

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