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Multiple Settings ๐‹๐ž๐š๐ซ๐ง๐ข๐ง๐  ๐†๐ซ๐ž๐ž๐ค [Main] (CLOSED)

Lets make this training interesting
"Everything deserves a day off" she commented lazily as she lowered herself to be lying down on her back, staring up at the sky above them. "I've never understood how you and Enyo do it" as she mentioned Enyo, Apate looked towards Ares again shielding her eyes with her hand from the sun in the process "Have you seen her today actually?" Apate wasn't worried per say about Enyo, the girl was strong and not someone to be messed with but it was only in that moment that Apate realised she didn't actually know how the night ended nor when she had left Enyo. She bit her lip for a second in thought as she tried to recall the ending of the night but just drew a blank, but if she managed to get back to her dorm then she was sure Enyo had also.

"The one and only" she commented with very little enthusiasm in her voice, still pretty annoyed with Phobos for ripping her out of bed just to ditch her. Granted he was going to meet his brother and Apate definitely wouldn't have been welcomed but Phobos could at least have bought her a coffee, after all isn't that what you do. Dinner to get them into bed, breakfast to get them out?. Her eyebrows creased in thought "hold on" she exclaimed "did you know he was coming here?" she exclaimed accusingly as she shot into a sitting position. Now she was happy to reconnect with Phobos but a little warning would have been nice considering the shock she had experienced bumping into him the night before. There was a lot of stuff that happened since the last time she had seen Phobos that she wasn't sure if she wanted him to know, he had picked her up as a kid, helped her put the pieces back together and in their time apart she had been broken and bruised again, damaged once more, all his work gone to waste and she felt almost ashamed, afraid of how he might react. Granted Ares didn't know either and couldn't be too blame for not warning her but it did annoy her to think that she could have been prepared.

As he suggested she trained with him, Apate raised an eyebrow and stared at him for a moment in silence. Her head tilted slightly to the right as she waited to see if he was joking but the laugh never came, rather he insulted her and then offered her a hand. She remained silent as she thought it through, just staring at him in an almost judging silence before she exhaled loudly and surprisingly raised her hand and took his allowing him to help her up.

Once standing Apate rolled her shoulders as she stretched lightly "so what kind of training?" she questioned before a smirk crossed her lips and a devilish glint played in her eyes "you want me to kick your ass?" she questioned in a teasing tone.

A daring look took over her expression as Apate stretched her arms in front of her, her tattoos began to fade and be replaced with darker blended ones as her slim arms began to grow in muscle. Slowly her entire body began to contort and expand as she stretched to 6 foot one, her slim female physique shifting to a muscled male one, her dark brown eyes changing to a forest green as she winked at Ares. A grin playing on her lips as her transformation completed and she looked at Ares standing across from her, the man who she was now the mirror image of. "Or kick my own ass should I say" she commented her voice low and deep as she tried to replicate his.

Dammit I shouldn't have said that
Academy Grounds near Dorm Building
Hestia izayoiix izayoiix
Gaia smiled softly at the girl as she straightened herself out, her motherly instincts taking over immediately as she looked at the younger goddess in front of her, leaving no room for the shyness that normally overtook her with new people. "Oh no don't worry, I'm fine honestly" she said easily, the same softness on her features present in her tone.

Gaia bent down to pick up the piece of paper she dropped and placed it into her cardigan pocket for safe keeping before looking back at the girl in front of her, a grin spreading onto her lip as she listened to her. "You don't need to apologize Love, I understand and neither of us we're hurt so no harm done"

"I'm Gaia, its lovely to meet you Hestia" Gaia's eyes fell onto the bag Hestia was holding and she nodded towards it "have you just arrived also?" she asked her as she reached down to pick up her own bag that she had dropped in the collision. "I'm heading towards the dorm building now if you want to walk with me I think I know the way" she offered tentatively before she bit her lip in thought "although have you signed in yet?" she asked as she noticed that the young goddess wasn't holding paper, although most people weren't as nervous as Gaia and so it was perfectly plausible that the girl didn't need to continuously check the paper like Gaia would have to herself.

The realization that Hestia might not want to walk with her or even interact with her suddenly clouded Gaia's mind as she look down at the ground and rubbed her arm nervously as she began to feel as though she was forcing herself on this girl who probably wanted to continue running around exploring or potentially meet up with her friends or people her on age. Keeping a smile on her face and forcing the bubbling emotions of anxiety and dread down she looked back up at Hestia standing in front of her. "Sorry you probably know where your going anyway" she laughed nervously "its just such a big campus I know I'm going to get lost for weeks" she explained almost sheepishly as she looked around them at all the other gods and goddess running around and interacting with friends.

God where was Nyx and Hera where she needed them although she was sure they'd be proud of her interaction and tell her she was being ridiculous in her worries.

Don't mind me just a 23 year old with a grown adult child
Harmonia AnimeGenork AnimeGenork (mentions Gaia/ Hera & Hebe revalia revalia )
Nyx had a sheepish grin on his lips as he rubbed the back of his neck "Yeah neither was I, I got distracted by the books I think so totally my fault, sorry again" he looked over the girl quickly to make sure he hadn't injured her but was thankful that she seemed to be unharmed and he couldn't help but notice how cute she was, but he quickly brushed that thought out of his mind.

As their attention was drawn to the book, Nyx nodded as a soft smile played on his lips "Yeah it was my Mother's favorite book, she used to read it to me all the time" a slight twinge of sadness hit his chest as he thought about his mother and he hadn't even noticed his voice soften as he spoke. His mind casting back to lying on the couch at home when he was a child with his head on his mother's knee as she read him passages of the book her voice both soothing and excited as she played out the different characters, bringing the pages to life with her tone. It had been a long time since he had visited his family home, finding himself unable to enter the door knowing that that his mother would not be present, that her chair would be empty.

As she spoke again, Nyx's attention was drawn back to the goddess in front of him and he grinned brushing all thoughts of his mother and childhood home back down into the debts of his mind. "It is a good read, hopefully you like it" he added before his eyes widened a little "your father has a library, that's incredible" amazement was clear in his tone and expression as he spoke. It was life goals to have a private library, all he ever had was a ratty old bookshelf with a few very worn books to decorate it.

Nyx gently took her hand in his and shook it in greeting "Its a pleasure to meet you Harmonia, I'm Nyx". Her name sounded familiar and Nyx creased his eyebrows slightly as he tried to place the name, looking at the goddess he knew that he had not met her before but the name was so familiar he was sure he had heard it from someone. As he tried to place her, his phone buzzed in his pocket and he pulled it out to check in case it was Hebe replying. Relief flooded over him as he read her message and he quickly typed a reply "Its no worries, have fun with Rosie and I'll see you later, love you xx" . As he went to lock his phone he noticed the messages in the group chat from Hera and Gaia and read it quickly but decided against replying in that moment so not to seem rude.

"Sorry about that was just making sure my daughter settled in, she's only replied now so clearly she had fun last night" he chuckled. Nyx was so used to Hebe calling him dad and he himself seeing her as a daughter that the word just rolled off the tongue naturally for him that he never thought much into it, completely oblivious to how that might sound to an outsider.

"Have you got to explore much of the college yet?" he asked her curiously "Its alot bigger than I expected".

Deep Breaths, keep calm
Outside/ Dorm Building
Notus revalia revalia & Zephyrus AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
It didn't take long for the giggling child in the sky to recognize the twins standing below and Boreas watched on with a tightlipped expression as Zephyrus dive bombed towards Notus. He quickly took a step back to be out of the crash zone as Zeph collided with Notus with an almighty bang sending them both onto the ground. Rolling his eyes Boreas looked around quickly to make sure that hadn't been witnessed and groaned as he realized the spectacle had in fact gained some attention. Great just great

As the siblings talked and hugged, Boreas shuffled on his feet as he looked at the ground begging for it to open up and swallow him whole, to take him away from this embarrassment that was his family. He tried to think of ways to get out of this, how to explain if anyone important had in fact witnessed what had just happened, he couldn't choose his family was the only excuse he could come up with, it wasn't his fault or choice and he had to remember that surely everyone had the same problem.

As his twin poked him and told Zeph to hug bomb him, Boreas clenched his jaw and sent an annoyed glance at his twin. "No he does not, do not hug me" he practically growled at Notus. Realizing that he was being a bit of a jerk at present, which also wouldn't look particularly well to onlookers, Boreas sighed and rubbed his temple with his fingers before his expression softened ever so slightly.

"Hey Zeph, good to see you" his tone was a lot nicer than previously held but he made no attempt to move towards his brother, a verbal greeting and a nod was enough and all he was going to get. Boreas did not hug and his love starved little brother was most certainly not going to be the exception.

"Yeah we just got here" he replied to his brother trying his best to seem nice and warm towards him but it seemed that Notus was determined to press his patience. "There was no baggage situation but I'm glad you used the right title this time" he smirked before nodding along to what Notus said about dropping bags.

"Yes we're dropping our bags first" he commanded as he fixed his bag onto his shoulder and began to walk towards the dorm building without warning, after a few steps he turned his head to look back at his brothers "you can talk and walk you know" he shouted back to them and slowly began to walk again, making small steps so to allow his brothers to catch up, after all Notus was carrying one of his bags and he did not need him running off with it and getting it dirty or destroyed.

Once they reached the door of the building, Boreas looked towards Zeph and nodded towards the door silently commanding him to open it for him. After all his hands were full and weren't younger siblings to boss around?









  • home (filler tab)

bruno mars

locked out of heaven

Staring at the god before her, Hedone truly was in awe that he stood before her. She was thrilled, pleased beyond belief, if she was being honest. Not that she'd ever admit that to anyone. They'd have to break her first, and well. She could handle a lot, but not everything. Thankfully, she was willing to call someone's bluff on the matter.

Although...she had a feeling that the god before her would be able to get whatever he wanted out of her. And that was dangerous. She had a gut feeling that it would be a hell of a time though, and she still didn't even know his name! The thought made her smirk. She couldn't wait to find out.

"Never said I did, Dream Boy."
she purred, shifting her weight to one foot, a hand on her hip.
"Just makes you recognizable. To me, at least."
she smirked.
"And trust me, I'm not complaining."

Hedone wanted to laugh, enjoying their banter already. It wasn't often she found enjoyment in something or someone outside of sex, so for her to already be so willing to open up with her god of dreams? It spoke volumes about their connection through their dreams. The dark haired goddess wouldn't say she was the smartest around, but she wasn't lacking in intelligence. Beauty and brains didn't mix well together when you wanted people to underestimate you after all. So for her Dream Boy to be the god of dreams, it made much more sense how their connection started. She wondered how much father they could go when it came to his powers.

But first...

"Goddess of pleasure, at your service."
she announced, grinning as suddenly he was grabbing her hand and weaving their fingers together before pointing at a nearby closet.

"Sounds like a smart plan to me."
she teased, stepping closer to him, so there were only inches between them. She tilted her head in an innocent manner, looking up at him with wide eyes that were slowly starting to darken.
"We have to make sure our memory is...correct,"
she paused, as he started dragging her into the previously mentioned closet.

Reaching up, she wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning up on her toes, so she could be closer to his eye level.
"It would be remiss of us to not celebrate our meet-up properly."
she added, lowering her voice to a whisper.
"Wouldn't want to get caught on our first day, now would we?"

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)



Deimos hummed to himself, nodding along with his brother's words as Phobos entered his dorm. Closing the door and following behind his twin, he was more than happy to collapse onto the couch once more. Stretching his legs out before him, he let his head fall back against the cushion.

he mumbled, his eyes falling shut as he sighed.
"Nothing's wrong...just...tired I guess."
he added. He hummed at the confirmation that he hadn't forgotten any plans, something that he was actually happy about. He'd been trying to get out of the habit of forgetting everything he planned, and for a moment he was worried his streak was going to have to start over again.

He was seven days in! That was a whole week! His latest record, so clearly he wasn't doing too bad.

"Yeah...not enough sleep."
he said after a moment of silence, shrugging at his own answer. He remembered zoning out while he'd laid in bed, but clearly he hadn't actually slept if he was struggling this much.
"No roommates, either."
he added, remembering Phobos' second question.
"Least, I haven't seen them."

At the thought, Deimos did wonder if anyone else in his dorm had arrived. He hadn't seen or heard anyone, and while all the doors were closed to the other rooms, surely if someone else had arrived, then there'd be some belongings scattered around. Right?

He waited a moment, trying to see if the answer would come to him, but ended up shrugging to himself. It had nothing to do with him, and honestly, he didn't care that much. He doubted he'd end up interacting with them much anyway.

Thinking he heard the door open, he opened his eyes, lifting his head, spotting a new figure standing in the doorway, with more voices getting further away. Deimos dropped his head back down, making a thud when he made contact with the back of the couch.
he grumbled, huffing under his breath. What happened to the pillow that he'd strategical - accidentally - placed behind him to avoid him hitting his head.

"Come on man, in or out."
he groaned, sitting upright so he could rub at the back of his head, giving the newcomer a tired look.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)

grey zeigler


Hestia couldn't help but stare at the kind goddess before her, practically with stars in her eyes. It had been so long since she'd been around others besides her dryad family, that even with her optimistic outlook on life, the young girl had a small bit of doubt and worry about how she'd interact with others. She knew that she probably wasn't up to date on a lot of things, so she wondered if she might stick out when meeting others and how they'd react to her.

She'd heard terrible stories from the dryads before! Tales of others being so cruel to each other without even striking a physical blow... The goddess didn't want to think that most people were like that, that there was more good in the worlds than one could even imagine. But...even she had her nerves.

But that wouldn't stop her!

Hestia refused to let the occasional nerve stop her from living her life to the fullest. Her first proper meeting with another goddess and it seemed to be going well! Oh, but she should probably stop staring and actually answer Gaia instead of staring at her like a weirdo. Whoopsie!

"Oh! Yeah!"
she chirped, rocking back and forth on her heels, now that she was steady on her feet.
"Just got in! Left this morning and arrived a few minutes ago!"
she added, grinning brightly. She went to continue, planning on responding quite enthusiastically to the company of another trying to navigate their way through the large grounds of the Academy, only to frown at the sudden shift in the conversation.

Why wouldn't she want to walk with Gaia? The other girl seemed so nice and seemed to have no issues responding to Hestia's own energetic presence!

"No, not at all! I'd love to walk with you!"
she rushed to reassure the other the moment she had a chance to speak.
"I have absolutely no clear where I'm supposed to go! I've been running around for a while already, and I'm pretty sure I got lost the second I made it through the gates..."
she added, chuckling awkwardly as she rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment at her admission.


"Sign in? Where's that?"
she asked, backtracking to what Gaia had said moments before. She hadn't seen anything saying to sign in...Was that where she was supposed to find out where she was staying? Ohhhh that would make so much more sense if it's true. Hestia had thought it was weird that there didn't seem to be any sort of post somewhere telling people where to go.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)

kings of leon

use somebody

Getting run over by someone was not the most pleasant experience, but it was made a thousand times worse when you're more than likely hung over. At the collision, Eurus jerked forward, catching himself easily, but the movement caused his brain to rattle inside his skull, making him groan at the pain that shot through him. He'd like to say he was going to start making an effort to party less, but he knew that was a lie. He'd never be able to stop.

He knew it was more than likely an accident, something that was confirmed moments later when the goddess herself admitted it. He didn't mind, not really, but the pain was making him grumpy and the sunlight seemed like it was shining through his sunglasses to stab him directly in the eye. Nothing was going right this morning it seemed.

he grunted, a hand raising to press against his temple, wincing. His eyes that had closed opened into slits, staring at the goddess for a moment before he relaxed slightly, feeling the throbbing in his head calm slightly. Eurus knew he probably looked pretty grumpy - which he definitely was - but hopefully she didn't think it was at her.

"Uh, no worries,"
he cleared his throat, trying to quiet the nose as much as he could, not wanting to make his ears start ringing.
"Accidents happen, I was pretty lost in thought myself."
he added, lifting one shoulder ever so slightly in a vague motion reminiscent of a shrug.

Eurus paused, frowning as he noticed her serious countenance.
"Uh, I'm Eurus, by the way. Nice to meet you..."
he introduced himself.
"Sorry, but are you okay?"
he asked.
"Cause if you're worried about me, I'm fine. No harm, no foul."

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)

owl city

when can i see you again?

He just...couldn't believe it! Surely, he had to be dreaming! Poseidon had always wondered what type of being his Seashell was, and he hadn't dared to entertain the possibility that she was a goddess and could be around as long as he would be. He couldn't risk getting his hopes up in such a way, that could lead to them properly getting to know each, going out and seeing the world. But it seemed that it was a day to believe in dreams. Clearly the Fates were smiling upon him.

He couldn't help but answer them with a grin of his own.

While he'd been hesitant and ready for an altercation if it came down to it, he was more than glad to relax at the knowledge that the god standing before him, was the brother of his beloved Seashell. It also explained the hefty glare that was being sent his way. Which. He could understand. He could take a guess as to what he and Seashell looked like, and he doubted any brother would be pleased to see a man's hands on their sister.

He suddenly felt the urge to try and imagine how he'd feel if someone tried to grab his own sister, but the only emotion he could conjure was pity. For whoever thought they could get away with manhandling the future queen of the underworld.

"If you're imagining this, then so am I."
he laughed in disbelief, unable to contain his joy.
"And you, a goddess."
he responded.
"To think, we thought we were being clever, but instead we just put off our eventual meeting."
he joked, sending her a playful grin. Truly, this had to be a miracle or something, he couldn't bring himself to tear his gaze from her face.

Poseidon knew he should turn to her brother, to Ate, and properly introduce himself, but...he just couldn't bring himself to care. A small part of him couldn't help but think that if he wasn't careful, that if he looked away from her, that she'd disappear. He wouldn't be able to bear it if that were the case.

At the mention of needing water, his brain took notice of the fact that, what should have been smooth skin against his palms, he was actually starting to feel rough patches of scales beginning to form on her body. He remembered her having this issue before, and knew immediately what he could do to help, but he was startled at the sudden panic coming from her brother, who was seeming ready to snap at him. The other god quickly started down the hall, finding an empty room. He sighed lowly, but made to follow him. He'd probably pissed Ate off enough, the least he could do was not argue.

Besides, it would probably be better for them to get out of the middle of the hallway.
"Come on,"
he said, gesturing towards her brother who was holding open the door.
"Let's get out of easy sight and I can refill your necklace."
he offered.

Entering the room, he motioned for her to sit on one of the desks so she could be closer to his height, giving him a closer look at her necklace. He whistled at the sight of how much energy was left inside.
"Cutting it close there, huh, Seashell?"
he murmured, narrowing his eyes as he focused.
"I have a feeling you were being sarcastic,"
he spoke to Ate, not looking up from the necklace.
"But I can actually make water."

Raising his hand without thought, he started to summon a ball of water, pulling the moisture from the air.
"May I?"
he asked, gesturing with his free hand towards the necklace, asking if he could lift the charm from were it rested against her skin, allowing him to manipulate the water into the charm, refilling its power.

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก








  • home (filler tab)

dua lipa

blow your mind

"What good are two shitty mattresses?"
Nemesis couldn't help but laugh. She loved Eris, truly one couldn't ask for a better sister.
"No, what I'm thinking is, we sneak out and grab one of those fancy mattresses from the mortal realm."
she explained her idea. Truly, it seemed like it would be good fun, a little bonding thievery session with her twin sounded like the perfect thing to look forward to later tonight. Just the thought of doing such an act was relaxing her already.

Following her sister down the hallways, she wasn't surprised when they ended up outside the dorms. They'd only just barely begun to explore the campus. They'd have to find the best vantage points and crevices. She had to admit, the campus alone was beautiful. Even she couldn't deny the grand look of the place. The dorms were spacious, allowing their inhabitants to have their own space and not feel crowded. It was pretty impressive. Despite all this, the goddess of revenge truly would rather be anywhere but there, but she could still admire the good things around her.

When Eris stopped, pointing out two wandering gods, Nemesis could feel the smirk light up her face.
"Good eye."
she purred. The raven haired woman was more than happy to observe the two men before her. They were definitely attractive, with their sun-kissed skin and golden locks. No doubt they were doing a walk of shame, and while she had no problem with such an act, it did make for prime targets.

she hummed, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall beside her as she thought. While that was a tempting idea, she could tell that Eris was more than interested in sleeping with one or both of them. She didn't blame her sister, she could see the appeal. So if that was a desired outcome, then they should probably avoid doing anything to make them too upset with the twins.

At her twins' wiggling of her fingers, Nemesis rolled her eyes fondly, lifting a hand and wiggling her fingers right back.
"Darling, you know it doesn't work like that."
she laughed.

"But you may have the right idea."
she hummed, tilting her head to the side. She could just barely make out parts of their conversation, and that's when she knew what she could do.

With a glance at Eris out of the corner of her eye, she rolled her eyes fondly before wiggling her fingers in the direction of the two gods, letting her power come forth, weaving an illusion around them. Taking a few, quiet, steps forward, she narrowed her eyes ever so slightly in focus. Crafting anything took time after all, and creating an illusion as grand as a large decorated maze that would blend in with the Academy decor was hard work.

"How about we find some Lost Boys, hm?"

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก
God of Death
Thanatos chuckles at the thought of leaving Iris alone for the day. Like hell that would ever happen, knowing him, he would lose his fucking mind worrying about her. He doesn't care about much of anything but he cares about her, more then his ownself at times. He would do anything for his best friend, and they spent almost every living moment together, it'll be like separation anxiety being away from her for the entire day. "Like that would ever happen, fucking world would have to be ending to make me leave you for the entire day. " As he kissed the top of her head. This is why everyone thought they were dating unless they knew that Thanatos was gay.

"Like I don't already do that. But I don't care if they are being dicks or not, I care if they are being dicks to you." He states as he stretches out his body. "It's not my fault that the idiots don't know to leave you alone by now, it should be obivous but no, they choose violence. I just accept their choices as they make it." Rolling his eyes, everyone in the godly realm should know not to touch the rainbow goddess by now. He won't take any bullshit when it came to Iris. She was his other half, basically his twin. He would destroy the world for her if she asked. Hell, he even cut back on his chaos making trouble for her. All of his siblings had the attraction to chaos, him and his sisters more than most of them. Maybe it was from that most of their powers came from the dark of the world but it was nothing but the truth.

As they got ready to leave, he held his hand out for her as she grabs it, and holds it. He felt at peace as soon as she grab his hand. Only two other people he knew, brought this feeling for him. That was Hades, being the person that basically raised him once he was abandoned by his birth parents and the other was an old friend...one he hasn't seen in awhile but missed him like a piece of him was tore out. He glanced at Iris and shook his head. "They truly do not like you, I might take you up on that offer, but only if you agree to stick by my side. Humans are dumbasses but killing them tend to bring more attention and I might definitely get in trouble for that. " He mentions softly as he brings her closer to him, giving her a side hug.

"Fine, a day but I vote as soon as the morning comes, we run the fuck away. Thanatos jokes with her as they walked out the door. As they walked, he glared at anyone that dared to look at Iris or him. He hated the stares, so he does what he can to make sure they regret staring at them. "I would never take away your art time, I know how much you love it. Let's hurry up and get there before I end up killing a god for staring...again.."

heading to the art room
coded by natasha.
Goddess of the Underworld
As Hades spoke, she watched as Persephone relaxed finally. Knowing her, she was worried about their friendship, how it woud be affected by the schooling that they were forced to take. All the changes finally getting the better of her, she knew her best friend wasn't too used of the godly realm yet, as she has been most if not all of her time with Hades and everyone but her other friends stood clear of her. So Dragal Meu never had to interact with anyone but a small group of people. She wasn't the only one worried, there was a lot of gods here, and not all of them had good intention when it came to the girl in her arms. She needed to protect her the best way she knew how which was never leaving her side.

"You say that now, but you eventually get tired of seeing my stupid face baby." She said joking with a smile on her face.

Even her brothers didn't know about her best friend, as she spent most of her time outside and away from them. The deal with her father kept her from interacting with them as she normally would do. Protecting them took almost all of her energy until she met the bright eyed girl in her arms and everything changed. Suddenly she had the strength, the power to deal with her problems at home. Maybe not talking to her brothers but handling the secret she knew that could never come out. "Listen to me, nothing is going to take me away from you. I will always be by your side no matter what. It doesn't matter what this school does to separated us, my rightful place is by your side. "

She told her firmly with a determind look on her face. Nothing was going to take her away from Hades. Nothing at all. It doesn't matter if it was her brothers or anyone one else that dared to come near her. She would fight tooth and nail to keep her safe, until the moment she didn't need her to anymore. She smiles as she grew excited once again for a sleepover. She knew that would cheer her up. "Good, now we can go. Hmm, let's do your dorm? So I can help you move everything in. " She tells her as she pulls her away moving her hand to grab hers. Intertwining their fingers as she uses her other hand to grab her bag. "I moved in yesterday before picking you up, so I could spend all of today with you. " As they moved forward to her dorm.

outside the gates
happy slightly
coded by natasha.
God of the Dawn
Eos smirked at Hebe. "Well what to do, with such an good offer." He stands up, not caring about his nakedness. "Come on darlin', we have a date with a shower. " He spoke as he walked to the door, and the shower starts. Once Hebe was in, their lips locked, and the rest was history. As they got out of shower, Hebe went into her room after grabbing her clothes. He walked out of the shower, drying off with a towel. Getting dressed, and texted Morpheus. Hey, Morph. I need some of that hangover magic, where you at? He threw his phone on his bed and got dressed.

He wondered if Hebe was serious about being friends with benefits, it could be easier to have one of his friends so close to him. Plus it would be enjoyable for both of them if the last two times were anything to go off of. Once he was dressed, he walked out, seeing Hebe in the family room. "I have this killer headache which was may better by you but I'm seeing a buddy of mine to completely cure it. " He tells her as he goes to sit on the couch. Rubbing his eyes. "That party was a wild one, but at least I ended with good company. " He winks at her as she gets ready to go.

"Let me know if you ever want some company. I would love to hang out with you."

in his dorm
flirty as hell
Hebe revalia revalia
coded by natasha.
Goddess of Chaos
Khaos frowned. "I know E, I noticed. I don't like it." She speaks softly to her sister. She hated change as much as she hated people that weren't her family. She could smell it in the air, the change that was to come and she hated it. She wanted to back in her dark room back on the mortal realm. Away from the gods, the school, and most of all away from the chance of things changing. She wanted to be with her family in their safe world. The world that has protected them from the outside, and the world that surrounded them with war, anger, and just darkness but her mama told her that the world may change around them but she will never. Khaos holds her to that, holds her to that promise.

Without it, Khaos would fall apart.

Khaos just glared at Zeus ignoring the looks from both her sister, and mother as the door closed on him. She waited as her mother calms her sister, and she places the bags in her dorm room. As her sister reappears in her human form, she looks around softly. Guessing this was the way that her dorm was to look. Luckily, they had gotten some black curtains to darken her room a bit so it would be more comfortable to her. "You just got to learn to control it E, and I know here you will." Khaos encourages her sister with a small smile as she walked to stand by her mom. Her hands shaking slightly from the nerves of leaving her sister. She hated being away from E, being so close in age, it was no wonder, they grew close in the years since she was taken in by Mama.

"Hebe's here?" Khaos asked softly before looking down and frowning. E was better at making friends then she was. She could barely speak to others without feeling like she was saying something wrong. This was why she kept to herself, but a part of her was jealous at the fact that her sister could speak to anyone and make friends without trouble. She looks to her mother. "I can help her unpack, then we can head to my dorm room. After E can go meet Hebe, and I can help you unpack your stuff in your dorm." She asked her mother. Knowing that her sister would take forever to unpack if she didn't help her.

"Is that ok, Mama?"

e's dorm room
coded by natasha.

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