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Fantasy League of Extraordinary Men ~ OOC

What Deg sees as Watts moves in to reap his kidneys
Honestly here for pub crawls with the lads, lets go boys, I wanna see everyones liver on the brink
“He struggled with himself, too. I saw it -- I heard it. I saw the inconceivable mystery of a soul that knew no restraint, no faith, and no fear, yet struggling blindly with itself.”


Charles Marlow

Charles Marlow was always fascinated by the unseen places of the world. As a child, he would gaze at maps for hours, dreaming of all the uncharted lands of the Earth. He was especially fascinated by the Congo River, it's winding coils entrancing him like a bird to a snake. Once he was a man, he left his home and wife behind to finally see the River, and fulfill his boyhood dream. So, he took a boat to Africa, and was made a riverboat captain, sent to find a certain Nr. Kurtz, a renowned ivory trader. Charles expected a pleasant boat ride down the river, seeing exotic creatures and places. What he got was a trip into hell. The men there were...inhuman. They had webbed hands and feet, gills on their faces, their skin translucent like a frogs. His mind slowly slipped as he travelled up the Congo, slowly unravelling what happened to Kurtz. The respected ivory trader had given in to his monsterous urges, worshipping strange God's beyond human comprehension. Marlow nearly went mad himself, the man attributing his survival to luck. The man finally opened the source of Kurtz's madness: a book, bound in human skin. What Marlow saw made his mind reel. Upon returning home, he began to suffer from vivid hallucinations and paranoia, eventually estranging himself from his family and friends for their own good. Turns out taht after seeing inside of the book, he could understand...whatever language it was written in. Using this, he dedicated himself to tracking down anything related to the enigmatic Old One's, and destroying it. Armed with his trusty Martini Henry and Webley revolver, he hunts down the things that goes bump in the night.
I am also VERY conFUSED, is the group in the basement with Frank or the briefing room? James is losT S Shabazz
Thank u, I have no clue whats happening anYmOre
I can just tell that the united 'B i g d i c k' energy of Deg and James is gonna make some woman collapse with r u p t u r e d o v a r i e s-

^ That's a joke.
I feel James and Deg are those DnD characters that inevitably end up wooing or in a brothel and Im LIVIN for it
Watts has 100 Barter, 100 Medicine, and the Ladykiller PERk
Deg and Watts are the people in modern day clubs who wear suits with half unbuttoned dress shirts lol.
Watts and Deg are just major Chads, and imc ryign
Watts: rolls sleeves up a couple inches

every woman in the vicinity of London faints
I just want Watts to be one of the few characters who has no fucking cLUE whats happening

Diary Entry #115
Defied the laws of science again this evening, I've contemplated lobotomy.
Deg: Leaning over his shoulder, "Science is a myth. I've seen people with fox tails." w h e e z e
Watts concern intensifies

"Quite sure Ive seen some magazines with those on under your bed"
"Sometimes I look upon your face with a deep primal fear of what expression may occur next"
"):< this is why englishmen are emotionally repressed"

Hella! Deffo some IC exchanges of Watts & Deg being generally themselves on missions oof

>James trying to not turn all the doorknobs into lead

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