~Le Interaction Roleplay Page~


Tullio held onto Shannon's arm, terrified of the place they were going into. It was so loud... loud scared him. He wished he was back in Demi's place, holding the cat...
Nick got nervous when he heard people inside. It seemed like there might be a lot of them, especially with how loud the music was. He hoped that it would be dark inside so people couldn't see him clearly.

Shannon Brey


[SIZE= 14px]She looked down to Tullio and squeezed his hand reassuringly, before pushing open the door hanging on loose hinges. There was a rather crazy, dark, and deafeningly loud party behind the door, and she glanced to her side to make sure that Chess and Nick were near. The luminescent paint on her face made her eyes look dark and her face menacing, seeing as all you could see of her was the green paint. Slicing her way through the crowd of people, some with tattoos like hers and others not, but all with many tattoos, piercings, and wildly styled and colored hair, she made her way to the back of the warehouse. The crowd thinned a bit near where she slowed and two hulking men with tattoos like hers, blue on one and pink on another, stood in front of a door. She approached them and glanced between them with an unreadable expression.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"I'd like to meet with Caiman," she spoke, her voice clear and loud over the noise of the party behind them.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]They looked down at her and at Chess, Nick, and Tullio with expressions unable to be seen in the dark.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"Tell Caiman that Cobra is here to talk," she said in a firmer tone, looking between the two of them cooly, the Latina accent on her voice thicker than it was before they'd entered the warehouse.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]The two shared a look before one opened the door, a heavy steel one unlike the one they'd first entered, and nodded for her to enter. Shannon nodded and moved forward but was cut off by one of them raising his arm to be in the way.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"Caiman will only see Cobra," he said hardly, obviously not going to sway already.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]Shannon bit her lip nervously and turned to the three others.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"Remember what I told you. Stay here," she said in a low tone, gently removing her arm from Tullio's grip and entering the room through the door.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px](Maybe post all of them reacting then we'll skip 'til the end of her meeting? Smoaki's feeling dramatic sorry xD)[/SIZE]

Tullio tried not to freak out as Shannon left. He looked around frantically for one of the others to hold on to, but it was so dark. He grabbed the arm of the nearest person.

"Hey there, runt," a voice said to him, "Back off."

"S-s-sorry," Tullio stuttered, backing away quickly. He turned around, trying not to cry. He heard a soft voice behind him. "Hey, kid, it's alright. Don't be scared."

Tullio looked up and saw a woman's face. He could only tell because of the lights on her cheeks. "Come sit with us while you wait for your friend," she offered, taking his hand and pulling him to a couch.

Tullio sat down nervously, keeping his shaking hands in his lap. The noise was driving him crazy.

"You need to wind down kid," one boy said, "Do you like chocolate?"

Tullio nodded, "Y-yes, but Sh... C-C-Cobra told me not to eat anything..."

The boy laughed. "It'll help you relax a little, kid. Go on. Don't be scared."

Tullio took the food from his hand and slowly took a bite. It was really good. It was better than anything that he'd had in years. He finished it in a few bites, the others laughing at him.

((Hope that's okay))
Nick sighed when Shannon was forced to leave them. He went to turn to talk to Tullio, knowing he would be scared, but he couldn't find him. "Tullio?" he called out, looking around. It was so dark...

He walked around the room, searching for the kid. Someone grabbed his ass on his way by them, but he ignored it, too worried about the kid. This was no place for a thirteen year old with the mind of a ten year old at best...

Finally, he found the boy sitting on a dirty couch surrounded by teenagers laughing at him. "Tullio, come on," he said sternly, grabbing his arm and pulling him up from the couch.

Tullio got scared when his arm was grabbed, but he was relieved when he realized it was Nick. Tullio hugged him tightly. "I'm s-s-sorry," he stuttered. He could hear the teens making fun of his stutter, but he didn't care because Nick was here now. He was safe again. "It's s-so d-d-dark and l-loud..."
((Sorry, I was away from my computer.))


Well this place was all kinds of fucked up. Chess hovered close to the group, keeping an eye on the others, his hands in his pockets. When Nick returned with Tullio, he shifted so the young boy was between them. "This is bullshit..." he muttered.


"Thank you, Dr. Allen," Bernard replied, facing Carter. His voice was level. He didn't feel that... any of this at all really, was necessary. This was a child, they were adults. Torture didn't need to be in this situation. "Carter, you obviously feel that your friends are safer out in the city than they are here. To be fair, your current situation would confirm that belief. This would not be necessary with simple cooperation of course. And were you cooperating, you would realize that this place is far safer than where they are out there. This is a controlled environment, and the city is an unknown that isn't kind to young, inexperienced people," he reminded Carter solemnly. "Your position gives you ever right to believe the contrary where it comes to you personally, but your situation is not theirs, and they would suffer far less here than out there. You will, of course, disagree, so don't waste your breath. But I will ask you if you believe that it is doubtless that less harm will come to them out there than will here? Is it possible that they could encounter worse in the city?" he asked. The truth serum would be telling.
(Le Phone)

Shannon Brey

She came back out of the room possibly a half hour to an hour later, relaxing her tense posture when she spotted all three boys still alive near the door. Shannon hurriedly walked over, followed by an unnaturally tall woman with spikey blue hair matching the blue skull that hid her features in the dark. Her outfit had changed from a casual pair of jeans and a t-shirt to an edgy, short black dress with rips in her abdomen area and florecent, multi-colored swatches of color all over in random places. Her feet now donned approximately six-inch heels, making her just a few inches shorter than the amazon of a woman standing behind her. She looked nothing like herself and most likely would seem a stranger to them at first, though this was unknown to her.

"Thank god you three are alright," she said, tugging at the sleeves of the dress that were actually long to her wrists, just torn like the rest of the dress. She stepped aside one the others had recognized her to reveal the taller woman fully.

"This is Caiman, she has offered graciously to help us get Carter out, and a place to stay for the night."

The imposing woman nodded and locked her gaze with Nick, staring at him with a blank, authoritative expression that shown no emotion.

"This is not the best place for children," Caiman said, referring to Tullio but keeping her eyes locked with Nick," though Cobra was right in bringing you here."

Caiman's accent was much thicker than Shannons fake one, hinting at her Mexican native heritage.

(I'm so sorry if this is shit, i am writing at 12 am in a cough medicine induced creative moment xD)

"It's possible," Carter answered without thinking. What was the serum doing to him. He tried to control his thoughts...


Tullio heard what the woman was saying to him, but he couldn't focus on it. He was too focused on the sound and how it seemed to be blurring together, and the lights and how they seemed to be alive, like they were watching what he was doing. He checked over his shoulder to make sure that no lights were attacking him from behind. Then he looked at Shannon's face. This was Shannon, wasn't it? It wasn't his mom... Next he was staring at the colors, hearing the colors... The purples were soft and soothing, the blues sounded like static, and the yellow... the yellow reminded him of his mom...

"Very good," he said approvingly. "That's a rational conclusion. And now that we've both acknowledged the possibility, you go on to analyze the probability. To do so, you consider what happens in here, versus what happens out there. In here, experiments. Some are mundane, some are uncomfortable, and some seem nearly violent. The scientists. Some here to do their job, some who abuse their authority and power over you. However, this remains a controlled and limited environment. There are only so many people who can be here who can hurt them. There is only so far that experiments can go before they cease to serve a purpose, and purpose is the most important thing to the greater majority of the people who oversee the experiments. None of it is ideal. But compare it to the alternative. The world is wide and filled with unlimited variables. The environment is completely uncontrolled. The chances of accidental violence happening to any one person out there is about 98% greater out there than it is here, since this is a controlled environment where accidental violence does not happen. The chances of intentional violence happening are also greater out there, not by such a wide percentage, but still higher. Children are inherently weaker than adults solely for the reason that their bodies are not fully developed, which makes the risk for them to experience intentional violence out there even higher. Probability is not an exact science, but a reasonable person allows it to be a guide to some extent. As of yet, you've shown yourself to be a rational person. You have behaved in a way that would be completely expected. As of yet, probability has been entirely reliable. Does what I'm saying make sense to you?" he asked. Keeping it down to yes or no questions, one or the other questions, would leave Carter no room to lie. 


When Tullio didn't respond at all or move to cling to Shannon, he assumed the worst. The kid had slipped away from them early on and hadn't said much since Nick brought him back. Better safe than sorry. Chess bent a little and picked Tullio up, not like a sack of potatoes this time at least. Instead, he held the boy against his chest with Tullio's legs wrapped loosely around his waist, hooking his arms around his shoulders. He held his forearm under Tullio's butt to support him, the weight non-existent to him. They couldn't lose the kid if one of them was carrying him. Chess looked up at the freak who came out with Shannon, who also looked like a freak.

"Super. Where we stayin', an' how're we gettin' that shit head back?"

"Somewhat," Carter replied honestly, "I was never educated."

Shut up shut up shut up, his mind screamed at him. He tried to speak to buy more time, but he was frozen.


Tullio didn't mind when Chess picked him up. He just listened to the colors. They told him he was safe. He trusted them.

[SIZE= 14px]Caiman[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]Caiman chuckled at Chess' words and nodded to the side towards the door that she and Shannon had come out of.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"Follow me," she said, turning on her heel and making her way through the crowd that seemed to almost part for her presence.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]Shannon Brey[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]Shannon checked that all three boys were there before following her old boss. Her mind was a bit fuzzy from the whole experience, and at that moment all she wanted was some fresh air outside of the crazy, drug filled atmosphere around them. The door led them to a rather dim hallway where the music was again dulled to just the thump of the bass, and there were multiple people in the same skull makeup and outfits as Caiman and Shannon. Caiman led them down the hall and to a staircase with a trap door at the top that blocked any view of where they were going. Caiman lifted the heavy wooden thing with ease and stepped up into the room above them, holding her hand out to Shannon, then Chess, then Nick.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]The room that they entered was a much friendlier atmosphere with lamps and chandeliers, don't ask where they came from, hanging from the ceiling and comfortable-looking pillows and beds strewn about most of the floor area. There were some people here, and in the light you could make out their faces, who smiled at them as they walked past.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"Los Muertos may be a gang, but we treat our high members with dignity, as well as that member's family," Caiman stated," since Cobra has told me you are as close to family for her as it gets, you shall stay here. There is only one rule: this place is a secret to all those not part of the high families. Keep it that way, and we will help you. Reveal this place, and no matter where you are we will find you."[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]Caiman smiled, as everything she did, authoritatively, and departed back down the stairs.[/SIZE]



Tullio smiled when they got into the room. It was quieter, and there was more light to comfort him. He relaxed, letting the tension that he usually held in his muscles fade away. He had never felt like this before. It was wonderful. "Let's stay forever," Tullio mumbled.
Kyle watched in amusement as Carter started to answer questions. He crossed his arms and watched to see what might happen next.


Nick followed the others up into a smaller room. It was beautifully decorated, but it was also lit...

He looked at the people around him, feeling their stares. He kept his face down until he heard Tullio speak.

"I think he got into some weed or something," Nick whispered to Shannon, who didn't look like herself.

Tullio shook his head at Nick's comment. "No, I just had chocolate..." He stared at the bright lights of the chandelier. They reminded him of candles... no, lighters, like what they had in the homeless shelter. But these lighters were there only for him.
Chess hadn't thought about pot, actually. He was more concerned about Nick running into roofies sooner or later. Probably sooner than later at this dump. He noticed that the Amazonian hadn't mentioned anything about how they were going to get Carter back out of the lab.

"Sha- Ro- Uhhh fuck uh... Cobra," stupid codenames. Why didn't he get a badass codename? "Did miss glow paint tell you how we're gonna go about gettin' Carter back?" As they'd been walking, he'd been trying to think of some wordplay to make out of Carter's name but the best he'd come up with was Farter, and even for him that wasn't witty enough to be considered funny, so he decided to pass on it.


"Fair enough. But you understand the sum of what I'm saying: That the likelihood that they will come to harm is greater in the city than it is here. Even if you would argue that it's worth the risk, you cannot deny that you understand the sum of the probability. Is this correct?" he asked.
(Phone and still hyped up on medicine, i apologize now)

Shannon Brey

She looked over at Tullio and chuckled. 

"At least it seems like only a little bit. Good thing too. I remember my first night here. The recruits gave me a whole damn chocolate bar loaded with the stuff. He'll probably have a hell of a hang over later though."

She groaned and plopped down on one of the mattresses on the floor, looking up to Chess as he struggled with which name she had now. Shannon gave him an apologetic look before answering.

"Yes, but it's going to take a little while, I'd suggest we all get some sleep." She responded, running a hand through her alien hair," god I do not miss using these damn abilities. I hate feeling like... like... I'm the only person who knows who I actually am."
Nick nodded, lying down across from her. He was exhausted. "I know what you mean," he said, "It sucks. You never know if people like you for you or for what they see..."

He closed his eyes. "The worst part is that it comes in handy sometimes."

((So sorry! I'm struggling bad with this schoolwork. Just got a 70 on a stats quiz. Ugh. It's stressful because I'm usually straight As.))
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"I'm not tired though," Tullio told the group, not struggling to get his words out for the first time in a long time. "Can't I stay up for a little bit?"


"I understand," Carter said, "But they're happier outside..."

He was starting to feel sleepy, like his mind was shutting down on him. Was it the serum or the blood loss? He couldn't tell...
He'd moreso been looking for an actual answer sort of describing the process of getting Carter back so he could bitch about it now, but apparently they wouldn't get to be in the loop. Maybe it was because Shannon would be getting Carter back all by herself or something. Fine by Chess, he could get a move on going home. He didn't need transportation, he could fuckin' walk. It'd take him two, three weeks tops. If Shannon wanted to run the show, then she could babysit Tullio too. Chess found a spot by the wall near Nick, but not Nick-adjacent or he wouldn't get any rest, and tuned out of the conversation.


"For how long? For today? For a week? What about when they run out of food? Out of money? What happens when there's no place to sleep? Here, there's food, beds, a roof over your head, necessities. How long will they be happier out there once they don't have what they need to survive? Do you think that at the end of the day, they're better off happy than breathing?" he was exaggerating a little bit now, but not by much. Homeless children could not survive a New York winter.

"They're smart," Carter said, his speech starting to slur a little, "They'll figure it out." 

Shannon Brey

She swept her gaze to Tullio for a moment and smiled timidly.

"Sure Tullio, just no wandering off. Stay upstairs okay? These people are... are... less dangerous. Sort of."

Her gaze trained on the ceiling and she wondered if perhaps she'd get some actual sleep, for the first time since she could remember.

Taylor Allen

"We need to bandage his leg better," she piped up again from the wall where she stood," in the time we've been questioning him it is possible he has developed a blood infection."

Carter felt like his jaw was too heavy to say anything. He just nodded slowly at Dr. Allen's words. Finally...


Tullio grinned and started wandering around the room. He approached a small group of people and waved. "Hi," he said. "I like the colors here..."
Nick rolled over as he slowly woke up. It was the best sleep he'd had in years... He rubbed his eyes and then blinked them open, only to see a young woman sitting very close to him, staring at him. 

"You're really hot," she said quietly. 

"Thanks," Nick replied, sitting up and stretching, "I get that a lot..." 


Kyle sat in the chair across from Carter, exhausted and sore. The boy was unconscious because of his leg, but when he came to they were going to start another round of interrogation, this time with a stronger version of the serum.

Tullio woke up snuggled against Shannon. His head was still a little foggy... He couldn't remember some of what had happened the night before. 

He moved away from Shannon slowly, trying not to wake her. 


Carter slowly opened his eyes and groaned in pain. Why didn't they just kill him and go look for the others themselves? He was done... 

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