~Le Interaction Roleplay Page~



"Alright," she answered simply," we're... what's the thing you americans say... storming the gates."


Taylor Allen


"Carter, I'm afraid my patience has run it's course. I will run my experiment whether you like it or not." She picked up the bottle again and pulled a needle from her pocket as well, dipping it in the liquid inside and snapping her arm forward, inserting the needle into his arm, pressing down on it before he could fight back. Getting the needle out might be another question.


(Let me know if this works/ doesn't for anyone)
Chess grimaced at the she-hulk's answer. "Not fer nothin', but you ain't met none of these clowns, and you ain't seen the lab. Runnin' back in all gung-ho sounds like a great way t'get our heads sniped the fuck off before we even get t'the island," Chess noted. He didn't wanna piss the big glow stick off, but he was not down at all for 'storming the gates'. And he was, quite possibly, the person here most well-equipped to do so minus not having a gun.

Tullio's eyes widened when he heard the plan. "I d-dont want you to d-d-die," he stuttered. 


Carter pulled back when she injected the liquid in him. The syringe stayed in his arm. "What the fuck?" he yelled, trying to pull the needle out. It was stuck... "Get this out of me!"



"Unlike any plan I imagine you could come up with, we aren't just 'running in'," she retorted, her voice as calm as ever," I am not unknowing of this... lab of yours.  It has its weak points just like any government place."


Taylor Allen


"You make everything more difficult than it should be," she responded, stepping forward and basically yanking it out, tossing it aside into the cart that had held the 'torture items' the rest had wanted to use the past day.

"What the fuck did you inject me with?" Carter asked, trying to stand. His arm burned like hell and he was bleeding all over. 
Nick sat back, deciding to let the two argue. This was crazy... There was no way any of this was going to work.


Kyle returned to the room to find Carter on the floor, his arm bleeding. "What happened?" he asked, approaching them and grabbing a bandage for Carter's arm. 

Taylor Allen


"He was uncooperative," she answered simply," I made sure not to hit an artery, he should be fine with just a light covering."


Chess remained very skeptical. "Which are..." he prompted. There was no way he was going into this shit blind. And he didn't like how she implied they were thinking about a way to get back to the lab. As far as he was concerned, Carter was a lost cause, and he sacrificed himself so the others could get far away. They should honor that sacrifice by getting the heck outta dodge.

Carter wrapped himself in the jacket, realizing just how cold he was. He remembered the harmonica in the pocket and made a mental note to take it when they weren't looking. 

Taylor Allen


"A kind of... enhancement if you will. The truth serum is no longer needed," she responded, watching Carter curiously.


Shannon Brey


She rolled her eyes, knowing with her old friend this would carry on all day.


"Caiman has fake ids for the island. Obviously these will be for Nick and I since we're not quite as recognizable, as long as Nick has something to disguise him from Sandra and others who already have seen him," she explained, receiving an exasperated laugh from Caiman towards her impatient friend," the rest will sneak in once we've caused a... little distraction. This gang doesn't exactly do quiet."
Nick nodded. "Okay, but won't they realize after a few minutes that we're not supposed to be there?" 


Kyle's eyes widened. "You did an unauthorized experiment? What does it do?" 

Carter pushed himself away from them. "Fuck you both..." He mumbled, quickly followed by, "I would fuck Allen if she weren't a bitch."

He looked shocked at what came out of his mouth. "What the..."

Shannon Brey


"Well, according to Caiman here, we'll only need a few minutes," she responded, looking up to her much taller friend, who nodded in response.


Taylor Allen


An amused smirk appeared on her features, the first genuine emotion she'd shown yet, and she gestured towards Carter, in a way that meant for Ventz to ask him a question.


"Well, I believe it might be rather obvious. Ask him something."
Kyle looked back to Carter slowly. "Where did you last see the other enhanced?" he asked. 


"Alright," Nick said with a slow nod. "I guess it's worth a try..."

"We were in Demi's house eating pizza before I went outside to smoke a cigarette," Carter blurted out. He shook his head in disbelief and anger at himself. He was betraying them...
"How come she only thinks we'll need a few minutes? That place is pretty big, how many people are gonna be stormin' the joint?" Chess interjected.

Taylor Allen


"That's the rather... experimental part of this. I believe the answer is yes but, it has yet to be tested on anyone else," she answered.




"I think you underestimate Muertos' skill Chess," she responded to him.


(No, Shannon has not introduced them and I am so sorry for these being so short, I don't have too much time and some serious writer's block)

"This better not be permanent! I lie to people all the time." Carter cursed himself out in his mind. This was hell...
Kyle couldn't help but laugh. "This is fantastic," he said. "Morrison, why do you care about the other enhanced?"


"Who?" Nick asked. He wished that they would just get this over with. He hated Carter as much as the next guy, but he understood why Carter was the way he was. He also hoped that the others would do the same for him if he was captured...

Don't talk, don't talk, Carter told himself, but he couldn't stop himself.

"I care about Tullio because he's too young to be dealing with this shit and I remember being a kid here and I was scared. And I care about Shannon because she's hot, but also because she cares about Tullio and shows it. I care about Chess because he stands up for Nick, and I care about Nick because I'm obsessed with him, but I can't tell anyone that so I pretend that I hate him. I'm really just jealous of the people who can admit that he's attractive and be with him and I know that Ricardo would torture me endlessly if she found out I was bisexual and had a thing for Nick."

Carter ran out of breath from talking so fast, but he wasn't done.

"But mostly, I just want them all to have normal lives because I know that's all they want, and that's what I want, but we can't because our parents are fucked up or we are fucked up... Why don't my parents want me? Why didn't they come back? Did you fuck me up so much that they decided to leave me? Or was I this fucked up to begin with?"

He couldn't shut himself up no matter how hard he tried.

"I know I fucked up when I was a kid. I know I cost them a lot of money, but I was a kid... But I should have known better. I should have done better. I should have begged harder. I should have learned to read better. Is that why they stopped writing to me? Is it because I can't read that well? I can learn. I'll try harder..."

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