~Le Interaction Roleplay Page~



They got off the train and headed up the stairs to the sidewalk. It wasn't as crowded in this part of the city, which Kyle was thankful for. He didn't particularly like large crowds. He was more of a one-on-one interaction kind of person. "We'll start headed east, if we don't spot them, we'll cut down at the other side and make a square."

It wasn't necessary, however. After maybe five minutes, Kyle saw a familiar looking boy standing outside of an apartment building, smoking a cigarette. "Agent Allen," he said quickly, motioning to the boy and reaching for his gun. "Let's go."

Adrenaline pumping, Kyle rushed toward Carter.

Carter finished his cigarettes and flicked the butt aside. He sighed and turned to go back inside. As he turned, he saw someone-- two someones-- headed for him. "Shit," he mumbled before turning to run. He couldn't head inside. He would lead the doctors right to the others. Still, they would probably search the building... he needed to warn them somehow...

He looked around him, frantically trying to think of a plan. There was a store next door. It was closed, but it looked like the kind of place to have security. At least an alarm of some sort. He picked up a piece of cracked pavement as he ran and threw it through the front window. He thanked God when a loud alarm went off. He hoped that one of them would look out the window to see what was going on...
Kyle swore under his breath when Carter started running and calling attention to himself. This made it a lot harder. He pulled out his phone as he ran, pressing his speed dial to call the others.

"We've got Carter on the run," he told them, quickly rattling out their location and the address of the building he had been standing in front of. "Search the building and the buildings around it. The others might be there."
"I dunno, I was sorta planning to go back home, or at least in that direction. Dunno what I'll do after tha-" the end of Chess's sentence couldn't be heard over the sound of a nearby crash. A whining storm alarm blared. He was used to that sort of sound, but it made him glance over towards the window just to peek. His eyes widened when he saw Carter bolting down the street.

"Shit! It's Carter!"


Bernard glanced at the address and looked at his location. Not ideal, but he could get himself there in 10 minutes.
Nick looked out the window and pulled Chess to the ground when he spotted Ventz and some chick chasing Carter down. "We can't let them see us. Carter's trying to warn us... We have to hide."
Ricardo started moving faster when she learned of their location. "Quick," she urged her coworker, "We need to get there before they have a chance to get too far." She rushed to the subway and got on headed their way. She tapped her foot anxiously every time the car stopped to let people get on or off. This was wasting time, but it was much faster than walking.

Shannon Brey


[SIZE= 14px]She muttered many expletives underneath her breath and turned to Demi with a serious expression.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"Demi, if anyone else comes here looking for us, you can't tell them we were here," she said forcefully," you don't even know who we are. Okay?"[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"Why would I know you? I've never met you in my life," Demi answered believably, nodding to Shannon as the red head gestured for the others to follow her to the back door.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]"Come on!" she called to them urgently, opening it and waiting for the others to get out that way," we can get out this way."[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]Taylor Allen[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]A taller boy began running from Ventz and she knew that he must be one of the enhanced they had been told to find. Picking up her pace to match Ventz's, perhaps even be a bit faster, she shoved anyone in her way to the ground to either side, not caring about their angry curses behind her.[/SIZE]

Tullio ran up to Shannon and grabbed her arm. They had to leave already? He didn't even get to sleep...

He shook with fear as he held onto her tightly.
Kyle kept running after the boy, deciding that he only had one chance to stop him. "Everyone down!" he shouted, and the few people on the street moved only seconds before Kyle took a shot, aiming for Carter's legs.


Nick followed Shannon, thanking Demi quickly before heading out the back door. "Where do we go now?" he asked, "We can't go onto the street..."
Chess hurried after the group. The moment he saw Tullio starting to snag Shannon, he knew that that would be a problem. Tullio would slow them down, and Shannon knew where they were going, or at least, she appeared to have the best idea of where they were going. Then he heard gun fire and didn't hesitate. He hurried to the front of the group and plucked Tullio up, holding the young boy under his arm like he weighed nothing.

"C'mon, tiny. Your legs are too short," he told Tullio, not wanting to freak him out as he hustled.

Carter yelled in pain as he was shot in the leg. He crumpled to the ground, holding the wound. It felt like it broke his leg... 

He struggled to get back on his feet, but he couldn't run on the injured leg. "Fuck you!" he shouted as he fell to his knees.


Tullio made a worried noise as he was picked up, but then he realized that it was Chess. He remembered what Chess said earlier about crushing people and he trembled with fear, but he didn't want to complain and get left behind. 
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Nick flinched when he heard the shot, followed by Carter's scream. At least he was alive... But at this point, with what they would do to him, it might be better for him to be dead.


Kyle kept his gun aimed at Carter as he approached. "Hands behind your head," he commanded, reaching for his handcuffs. "You're coming with us."

Carter grit his teeth as Ventz approached him. He couldn't run... He would get shot if he tried to attack... The was no way out. 

He slowly put his hands behind his head. He clenched his jaw as he felt the cold handcuffs encircle his wrists. He was going back... And he was disposable.
Kyle handcuffed the boy then forced him to his feet, not caring about his hurt leg. He patted him down, taking his lighter and cigarettes. As he continued the pat down, he found something else. A harmonica. 

He held it up and examined it. "Interesting thing to steal," he said.

Carter tried to keep his weight on his right leg, but even doing so his other leg was burning. He scowled as Ventz took his cigarettes, but then he found the harmonica... The only thing he had from his parents. 

"Give it back, you bastard!" he shouted, trying to break free from his handcuffs. 
Kyle chuckled, "Someone's sentimental, huh?"

He started pushing Carter along with him, barely supporting his leg. "Tell us where the others went and maybe I'll give it back," he said, sticking the harmonica in his inside jacket pocket. 

"Fuck you," Carter spit back, grunting in pain as he was forced to walk on his injured leg. He was losing blood. "I need to stop the bleeding..." he told them. 



Ricardo and the others arrived at the station and ran up the stairs. It wasn't hard to spot Ventz, Allen and Carter, since they were the only ones on the street now. "Good work," Ricardo said. "Which building?"
It was all Ivon could do to keep up. He hadn't thought there would be so much running involved. He was shocked to see Carter wounded, weren't they planning on just using darts? Why weren't they just using darts? Wouldn't darts be more effective anyway?

"He's been shot!" Greenwood exclaimed despite knowing that the statement would be viewed as obvious, stupid, and unimportant as he said it. Well that was fine, he didn't have an ego to uphold. The boy had a gunshot wound, he needed medical attention. Greenwood was a doctor but not this kind of doctor, and he didn't have a first aid kit or anything. And Ricardo was ready to call them on to find the others. This was ridiculous!

"He's disposable," Ricardo told Greenwood. "Take him back to the facility, Ventz and Allen. Greenwood, come with me to search the building." 
Kyle shrugged at Greenwood's concern. "He was out of tranq range and I didn't feel like losing him in the city." He looked at Carter's leg. He was losing a lot of blood, but not enough to kill him too quickly. "Anyone have something I can tie around the wound until we get back to the facility?" 
Without further thought and because he felt like he could do nothing else, he abandoned his coat for Kyle's use and hurried on after Ricardo, torn and amped up by the situation in found himself in. This wasn't his job at all. This wasn't what he was supposed to do.

It was right about then that Bernard caught up to the group as well and hurried to join Ms. Ricardo.

Carter was upset when Greenwood was ordered to leave. He seemed like the only one who might actually help him... 

He tried to hide his pain as he was forced forward. 



Ricardo and the others walked to the front door and knocked loudly. "Federal Agents," she called out, "We need to speak with you."
Ventz looked at Allen once they were almost back to the subway. "We can't have him on the subway in handcuffs. It'll draw way too much attention..." He pulled out his gun and held it to Carter's back. "Try anything and you're dead," he said, releasing his wrists. 

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