~Le Interaction Roleplay Page~


"Never seen her before," he lied. He screamed as the pain intensified, making his entire body feel like he was on fire.


Tullio turned to face Shannon, smiling widely at his choice of clothes: a dark purple shirt and a pair of jeans with gold colored buttons. His smile fell away when he saw Shannon, his eyes suddenly filling with tears. "Mom?" he whispered, clutching the clothes close to him.

Taylor Allen


[SIZE= 12px]She nodded, putting the picture away and knowing that he might not have to tell them anything per say, if he reacted to only one question with agony, this would be rather easy for them.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 12px]"I would suggest that you not lie to us Carter," she said, stepping so that she was eye-to-eye with him," Were you at that woman's house with the other enhanced?"[/SIZE]
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((She now looks similar to how he remembers his mom, if you want to change yours at all knowing that, if not let me know. Sorry for short replies working on hw))


Carter kept quiet, even though that was also making it burn, just not as badly. He bit the inside of his cheek so he could focus on that pain instead.

Shannon Brey

(Neal you have officially made my feels malfunction ;-; xD)


[SIZE= 12px]Her brow furrowed for a second at Tullio's response to her and she looked back in the mirror, looking between her and Tullio's faces. It finally clicked and she turned back to him with an apologetic look.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 12px]"Tullio I am so... so sorry," she stuttered, not sure how to respond," I can... I can change it... i-if you want."[/SIZE]
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Dr. Gray thought it was silly to let the boy suffer needlessly and told him what was obvious, though he liked to think he'd already have figured it out.

"Lying in answer to a yes or no question is completely ineffective as a gain for your goal. Either you tell the truth and you don't feel pain, or you lie and you very obviously do. Either way, we get our answer. A lie only costs you anything, it costs us nothing," he noted for Carter.


Chess didn't want to go to a fitting room, he'd guestimated his sizes and grabbed a new belt with a clasp that would be easier for him not to crush. He didn't know how not to look much like himself so he went for clothes that weren't outstanding in anyway. A dull gray hoodie, a black t-shirt with some logo on it, khakis. It was different from what he normally wore and he wouldn't stand out in a crowd in any way. He avoided Tullio and Shannon's awkward encounter. That sucked...

Tullio dropped the clothes and ran up to Shannon to hug her. He knew that she wasn't his mom... But this was the closest thing he had... 


Carter clenched his teeth even harder. He wasn't going to say anything. 
(Again: on my phone, i apologize now xD)

Taylor Allen

Her eyes bored into his coldly as she analyzed the situation. If someone looked close enough, they might see the gears in her green eyes working. 

"Do you have any biological family?" She asked after a long moment of silence.

Shannon Brey

She froze when Tullio hugged her, stiffening at his running to her, before relaxing and wrapping her arms around him tightly. Shannon had gotten so used to people harming her, that her immediate reaction to being touched was to fight back; but Tullio had hugged her in a loving gesture. Maybe it wasn't meant for her, but she still felt a tear slip down her cheek in relief and joy before she let Tullio go.

He could answer this question honestly. "I don't know." 


Tullio backed away from Shannon and apologized quietly. He wiped his eyes and nose on his sleeve and then picked up the clothes he'd dropped.
(Le Phone)

Taylor Allen

She nodded, seeing his relaxed reaction.

"Do you consider the other enhanced your family?"

Shannon Brey

"No i-it's okay," she managed to get out, shaking her head and turning back to the other boys," so, I'll pay for the clothes, then maybe we should fond somewhere to go for the night. Demi's house might not be safe right now."

The pain started to fade. "They're as close as I've got I guess. I consider myself more of their drug tester though." 

He shifted to try to take more weight off of his bad leg. Maybe he could give the others more time by talking about this shit...


"Th-there's homeless shelters around here," Tullio offered. He didn't remember exactly where... He just remembered staying in a couple.

Shannon Brey


She frowned at Tullio's comment, considering what the good and bad aspects might be.


"No, in this city there's too much of a risk of... bad things happening," she said, shuddering as she remembered what had happened to her in one of those before Demi had found her.


"We could stay at the train station, or an airport," she suggested," then, maybe we also have a way out of the city in the morning."

Taylor Allen

(Didn't meant to split the posts up but my computer is being weird)


"Do you care for them at all?"


[SIZE= 12px]Her expression did not waver from its usual cold, hard stare, and she hadn't moved from her position right before him, not even an inch.[/SIZE]

Carter tried to tell her no, but the pain came back. He needed to try to get her off topic. "I guess so," he told her, wincing only slightly. It was only a partial lie. "I mean, they're the only reason I'm kept alive here. Otherwise I would've outspent my usefulness years ago." He looked around. "Can I please get something for my leg?"


"P-planes are scary," he said quietly, but he didn't want to be a problem. He looked at Shannon shyly. "Is it ok-kay that I got p-p-purple?" he asked, holding up the shirt. Sandra used to make fun of him for liking purple. She told him that it was gay...

Shannon Brey


"They are, a bit," she agreed, and when he asked her she turned with a confused look," Of course it's okay. Hey, look at my hair."


She smiled as she gestured to her disguised hair that was an electric purple beginning at around the middle and going to the tips.


Taylor Allen


"When we are finished," she replied, unaffected as ever," Who do you care the most for in the group?"


[SIZE= 12px]This was one of the times that her calculating mind could seem rather psychotic.[/SIZE]

Tullio smiled and told her, "S-Sandra always s-said that l-l-liking purple made me g-gay..."


"Why does it matter?" he asked, wincing. "I really need to get off my leg..."
Kyle started to get impatient. "We need to speed this up," he said. "How would electricity affect the serum?"


Nick listened to Tullio and Shannon's conversation. He felt bad for the kid. The kid was probably more fucked up than Nick was, knowing Sandra.

"Maybe we could be squatters until morning," he suggested, "Stay out of sight."

Taylor Allen


"... Alright," she replied, the gears in her brain stopping their spinning. She had admittedly begun analyzing him like an experiment for the past few minutes," it won't affect it in any lethal way unless the amping is turned up too high. Do as you wish."


Shannon Brey


"So?" she asked rhetorically with a smile, gripping Tullio's shoulder in a kind gesture, always more comfortable with her touching others than others touching her. Looking up to nick she smiled, her voice the only hint that this hispanic young woman standing with them was even Shannon.


"That sounds like a pretty good idea. I know a warehouse down a bit that's not in the greatest neighborhood, but as long as you stick around me, we should be fine."
Kyle took out a small machine that didn't look like it could do much damage. He approached Carter, setting the machine down on the table next to them before picking up the metal clamps attached to it. He held one up in front of Carter's face. "These can be placed anywhere on the body, you know," he told the boy, trying to intimidate him by lowering the clamp to the boy's waist, then down a few inches lower. "But we'll save that for now." 

Without much warning, he quickly clamped it onto the boy's chest, the other soon following. "Now, when Dr. Allen asks a question, you answer, got it?" he turned the dial up to the first level and gave Carter a warning shock.


Nick nodded. "Good. Let's pay for these, change, and get out of here."

Carter tried to hide his fear as Kyle toyed with him. He gasped in surprise as he was shocked. The was pain throughout his body now... He hoped he was at least giving them enough time to run...
Kyle smiled at Carter's reaction. "Good. Now, she asked you a question. Who do you care for most? Lie or don't answer and this goes up to level five, and we can be creative with the placement." 

He paused for a minute. Did it matter what happened to him? Did it matter if he told the truth? He stayed quiet, hoping Kyle was bluffing. 

Carter writhed in pain as the electricity coursed through him, adding to the pain of the serum and the pain in his leg. 

"Tullio," he answered when he was given another chance. He cursed himself in his mind. He was giving in... Was the serum making him say this or was it the pain?
"Good boy," Kyle said patronisingly. "Dr. Allen, you may take back over... Or Dr. Gray?I think he'll behave. If he doesn't..." Kyle held up the remote to the machine with a smile. 
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Shannon Brey


She nodded and left the cash for their outfits at the counter, heading out of the shop and ignoring the curious look the cashier sent her.


"This way," she said, heading down the better lit main street, heading away from the busy, safe streets near Demi's home and towards streets lined by homeless and shifty-looking persons. Approaching one abandoned warehouse with thumping bass music coming from inside as well as the lights of a drug-hazed party, Shannon sighed.


"I hoped I'd never come back here," she muttered to herself, turning to the others and speaking in a harsh tone," stay close. Don't talk to anyone. Don't eat or drink anything offered to you. and if I tell you to run. run."


In the dark, a faint outline of a skull tattoo formed on her face, as well as bone-like ones on her arms, and was filled in by a neon, glowing green hue.


"And um... if anyone asks, my name is Cobra. I'll see if we can't get Carter back while we're here. I know this doesn't seem the most likely for a place to stay, but... I uh, know some people."


Sort of what her tattoos would look like:



Taylor Allen


"Dr. Grey, I think you should continue from here," she suggested, standing against the wall and staring un-blinking at Carter as the gears in her head began to whir again.


(Ack the writer's block for Taylor, I'm sorry ;-;)
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