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Fantasy Labyrinth Mind Guild Characters Thread

[class=circle] height:32px; width:34px; border:4px double black; border-radius:50%; padding:8px; font-size:78%; display:inline-block; [/class] [class=stripe] border-top:4px solid black; border-bottom:4px solid black; border-right:5px solid black; border-radius:25px; width:55%; color:black; display:inline-block; font-size: 80%; [/class] [class=outter] border:14px solid; border-image:url('https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/textura-sem-emenda-de-escalas-met%C3%A1licas-do-drag%C3%A3o-teste-padr%C3%A3o-da-pele-do-r%C3%A9ptil-92327483.jpg') 80 round; [/class] [class=background] background-image:url('https://i.redd.it/hrmqbvkksym11.jpg'); background-size:cover; [/class] [class=story] text-align:center; background-image:url('https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3f/Pergament.0.jpg'); background-size:100%; color:black; overflow:hidden; border:8px double black; [/class] [class=top] background-color:black; color:white; border:2px solid black; [/class] [class=emblem] width:12%; float:left; display:inline-block; [/class] [class=pic] border:10px solid; border-image:url('https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/textura-sem-emenda-de-escalas-met%C3%A1licas-do-drag%C3%A3o-teste-padr%C3%A3o-da-pele-do-r%C3%A9ptil-92327483.jpg') 40 round; width:85%; position:relative; left:50px; [/class] [class=text] background-color:rgba(41, 249, 152, 0.75); color:rgb(16, 42, 243); font-size:110%; padding:1%; [/class] [class=stripe2] border-top:4px solid black; border-bottom:4px solid black; border-radius:25px; width:80%; color:black; display:inline-block; font-size: 80%; [/class] [class=emblem2] width:40%; display:inline-block; [/class] [class=pic2] border:10px solid; border-image:url('https://thumbs.dreamstime.com/b/textura-sem-emenda-de-escalas-met%C3%A1licas-do-drag%C3%A3o-teste-padr%C3%A3o-da-pele-do-r%C3%A9ptil-92327483.jpg') 40 round; width:85%; [/class] [class=top2] background-image:url('http://hdqwalls.com/wallpapers/white-dragon-on-mountain-2h.jpg'); background-size:100%; color:pink; border:2px solid black; text-align:center; border-bottom:5px dashed lightgreen; border-radius:14px; [/class]

----->Notes on the CS:
*Most things below are subject to change rior to the start of the roleplay, in function of other player's sheets, my arrangements with them, and the GM's judgement.
*Since the natural weapons came in replacement to a weapon my character would normally have proficiency in, I took the liberty to add a natural weapon proficiency to the character.
*Striked parts are the official text, the one in the rules or UA. Bolded text near that striked text is meant to indicate the reflavored replacement. It has no mechanical difference, only a difference in flavor.
*Pseudodragon abomination is a homebrew familiar, which I will be inquiring StryxRiver StryxRiver about when I have the chance.

  • [div class=outter][div class=top][div class=emblem]token_1 (2).png[/div]
    Edennil Adan

    Simic Draconic Hybrid, Lvl 3 Archfey Warlock Lvl 4 Abjuration Wizard (/ XP)[/div][div class=background]

    • [div class=text]
      Age/Gender: 874 Female
      Height/Weight: 3'10 or 117 cm / 54 lb (size: small)
      Languages: Common, Elvish, Draconic, Sylvan
      More Appearance Details: Although the majority of her body appears to have human-like skin, she has scales that grow in various parts of her body, mainly concentrated on her back, feet and hands. Her hands and feet also possess claws, though in her hands this is much more pronounced: starting from her elbows down, her scales become almost like a gauntlet in a mixed shape of a dragon's paw and a human hand.

      Proficiency Bonus: +3
      Hit Points: 34
      Hit Dice: 3d8 + 4d6
      Armor Class: 12
      Innitiative: +2
      Speed: 30
      Passive Perception: 7
      SpellCasting Ability: Charisma/ Intelligence
      Spellsave DC: 14 / 14
      Spell Attack Bonus: 6 / 6
      [div class=stripe style="background-color:white"][div class=circle]
      [/div]Athletics: +2[/div] [div class=stripe style="background-color:white"][div class=circle]
      [/div]Acrobatics: +2|Sleight of Hand: +2|Stealth: +2[/div] [div class=stripe style="background-color:white"][div class=circle]
      [/div][/div] [div class=stripe style="background-color:white"][div class=circle]
      Arcana: +6|History: +6|Investigation: +3|Nature: +6|Religion: +3
      [/div] [div class=stripe style="background-color:white"][div class=circle style="background-color:darkgreen;color:white;"]
      Animal Handling:-3|Insight:-3|Medicine: 0|Perception:-3|Survival:-3
      [/div] [div class=stripe style="background-color:white"][div class=circle style="background-color:darkgreen;color:white;"]
      Deception: +3|Intimidation: +3|Performance: +3|Persuation: +6
    [div class=pic]
Cantrips: (6 [2+4])
Prestidigitation (Wizard)
Eldritch Blast (Warlock)
Frostbite (Warlock)
Minor Illusion (Wizard)
Mending (Wizard)
Shape Water (Wizard)

First Level: (14 [6 + 8])
Mage Armor (Eldritch Invcations)
Detect Magic (Eldritch Invocations)
Hex (Warlock)
Puppet (Warlock)
Witch Bolt (Warlock)
Healing Elixir (Wizard)
Find Familiar (Ritual) (Pact of the Chain)
Disguise Self (Wizard)
Unseen Servant (Wizard)
Identify (Wizard)
Shield (Wizard)
Ice Knife (Wizard)
Sleep (Wizard)
Snare (Wizard)

Second Level: (5 [1+4])
Suggestion (Warlock)
Enhance Ability (Wizard)
Alter Self (Wizard)
Arcane Lock (Wizard)
Snilloc's Snowball Storm (Wizard)

*Staff of Charming (1d6 Bludgeoning, Versatile (1d8))--4lbs
*Talking Doll (Arcane Focus)---???
*2 Daggers (1d4 Piercing, Finesse, Light, Thrown (range 20/60)--2lbs

3 PP
505 GP
70 SP
70 CP

*Scholar's Pack-10 lbs
----->Book of Lore
----->Bottle of Ink
----->Ink Pen
------>10 Sheets of Parchment
------>Little bag of sand
------>Small Knife
*Set of Commoner's Clothes--3lbs
*Book of Research Notes
*Ink Pen
*Bottle of Squid Ink
*Flask of Oil --- 1lb
*Vial of (Digestive) Acid--1lb
*Vial of Fish Scales
*Vial of Seaweed
*Vial of Jellyfish Stingers
*Glass Bottle of ứ̢̡͓̪͇̭̟͈̱̭̩n̵̦̭̹̥̫̜̭͎͎̟͘͢͝ì̼̖̪̠̙͈̞̼d̴̛̳͔̞̳̹̕͝e̤̳͚͈̘͚̭̥̤̜̘̤̪̼̩͘͝ņ̶͓̗̩̳̟̜̪͢͞͡t̷̴̛̘̩̘̱̱̱͚͎ͅi̷̴̧͇̥̲̱̹͈̘̖f̴͈̦̺̺́í̛̖̜̲̣́̕͜e̛̙͖̣̖̗͉͍͖̰̱̬͚̰̳̞̘̞ͅd̶̢̩̬̮̝̮̖̯͍ͅͅ Slime

*Light Crossbow (1d8 Piercing, Ammunition (range 80/320), loading, two-handed)--5lbs
*40 Crossbow Bolts --3lbs
*2 Spears (1d6 Piercing, Thrown (range 20/60), Versatile (1d8 piercing) ) --6lb
*4 lb of sugar --4lbs
*Net --3lbs
*Spare Spellbook---3lbs
*4 Sacks---2lbs
*Rations (20 Days)--40 lbs
*Magnifying Glass
*Bedroll --7lbs
*Mess Kit--1lbs
*2 Waterskins --- 10lbs
*10 Vials
*Twent Two Person-- 20 lbs
*2 Silk Ropes -- 15 lbs
*Hammer ---3lbs
*Mirror-- 1/2 lbs
*2 Ten Foot Poles -- 14 lbs
*5 Pages of Paper
*20 Pages of Parchment
*Cook's Utensils--8lbs
*Leatherworker's Tools--5lbs
*6 Torches--6lbs
*3 Backpacks--15 lbs
*5 Cases--5lbs

Sold: Sold Studded Leather Armor from starting items.

Pact Patron: (Name Not Known) Faerie Dragon Archfey
Gift: Fey magic and the binding of the white dragon (with some time dragon traces) to the recipient. Grants magic, power, youth, improves memory and prevents aging of any form.
Conditions: The recipient agrees to the following terms, with the expressed penalties, to be applied to them once the gift is granted.
1.The recipient must consume sugar, sugary or baked goods (bread is sufficient if sweet or not too old) in every meal. If they not, they will begin to feel weaker and sleepier with every meal they fail to do this. Milk also works as a substitute.
2.The recipient must agree to play with any child under the age of 10 that requests it from them. If not, their intelligence is slightly drained for the rest of the day, along with their memory, and they become more guillable and more easily frightened. This does not apply if the recipient does not believe they are a real child, but it does apply if for any reason they are convinced the request came from someone who is mentally of that age, even if they aren't actually a child.
3.Once per year, the recipient has to bake a delicious cake which will be whisked away by their patron. Further details are specified by the patron when nearing the date. Failure to comply results in the loss of the warlock's power.
4.The recipient is forced to agree to any age one claims they are. They do not have to act that age, but if one incorrectly assigns them an age, they involuntarily agree that that is indeed their age. If one who hasn't declared them to be a given age asks what their age is, the recipient must have them guess through a game.
5.The recipient is cursed to have any arcane focus they acquire, attune to or attempt to use ,turn into a talking doll. The talking doll can be used as a regular arcane focus if held by the warlock. When the transformation occurs to a new arcane focus, the previous doll is whisked away by the patron.
6.The recipient is cursed to have a child-like aura about them. Those unfamiliar with them will have a tendency to attribute their actions to child-like behavior and even those familiar with them may still have the image of a child in mind when they see her, easing them to her words the way one might be to a child unless they are hostile or distasteful towards children. This is not brainwashing however, simply a tendency, and any creature can rationally make decisions and conclusions with regard to this if they try. Both this curse and the prior one, if dispelled, will cause the warlock to lose their powers for the rest of the day, at the end of which both the powers and the curses return.
7. A link is established between the warlock and the patron in their dreams, allowing the patron to influence those dreams at will.

These are the kinds of hands my character has:

As Eddenil's father saw his face for the first time, crying in his mother's arms, he knew that would be the end of his marriage. Eddenil's ears weren't as pronounced as his own, nor was the infant's hair colored like either the mother nor the "father". Nonetheless, the man pleaded that his wife would be spared the harsh punishments of their village for her infidelity, and be allowed to raise the baby on her own. Due to his very birth bringing about such a tragedy, the half-elf was permitted to have neither the name of his father, nor of his mother, and was instead named Eddenil Adan, meaning "man friend of man" in elvish. His mother struggled deeply to make ends meet, and his mixed heritage would follow him along wherever he went, keeping him from friends, forcing him to attempt to learn things on his own when he could sneak into some corner or hidden place from where he could attend a public class without drawing attention. Because it was so difficult for him to stay in the village, Eddenil would often go to the woods to play. One day, after being picked on particularly badly, Eddenil ran off deeper into the forest, only to find himself lost, and running into a certain tree. The tree, it turned out, was inhabited by various fey creatures, among which the Sprites that guarded that part of the forest. As the excellent judges of characters they were, the sprites realized pretty quickly what kind of situation had led the little half-elf to run into them, and not only forgave him but offered to school him as well, better than any elven education they claimed.

Slowly but surely, Eddenil began to undergo a change. His training with the sprites aided him, not only in terms of his knowledge and understanding of the world, but in particular in his reflexes, ability to fight and most importantly in his situation, the development of a certain silver tongue. The view the village had of him, a useless disagrace and a tragedy, improved a tiny bit, now viewing him as a potential asset. He began receiving some protection from the adults, who had him act as a mediator between themselves and human trades, in the favor of the village of course. Though he was most grateful for even this bit of help, Eddenil didn't have much of an opportunity to thank the sprites, as they soon had to leave without warning. Unknownst to Eddenil or any of the villagers or travellers, an old dragon had made a lair out of a nearby ruin, and this had brought many threats to the fey of the forest, which the sprites had to aid in protecting it against.

When Eddenil came to find the sprites, he was disappointed many times over, but never gave up hope of seeing his benefactors again. Little did he know that someone was there, watching. A group of pixies found it amusing to disguise themselves as sprites, and take the boy's gratitude. "You're worked enough" they said. "You should take a break. Come, play with us and our friend!". They took Eddenil to a certain tree and gave him honey, telling him to offer it to a tiny red faerie dragon. The creature bounced around happily for the treat, and from then on would come to play with Eddenil many times, often getting a treat from him. His mother, however, was becoming sickly. She wouldn't be able to provide for them both much longer, and with Eddenil's sort of part time job, he couldn't either. He insiisted on being allowed to work on bigger cases in need of mediation, and was allowed to. One of these cases was one of a certain influential trader of sugary goods, a rarity among elves to be sure. However, after Eddenil began mediating, they found they were being swindled, as the quantity they were supposedly being sold was starting to match less and less the quantity on the actual bags. Other elves, guards to be exact, were sent to investigate, and they cleared the merchant from suspicion though. Instead, they pointed their spears at Eddenil.

As it appeared, goods would magical float out of their bags and disappear near Eddenil. Though the boy claimed he was innocent, he couldn't prove it. After all, he didn't know faery dragons are great gluttons for sugar and baked goods at the time, nor that they could turn invisible. When the sprites returned, Eddenil had already been banished from his village, and enraged he took it out on the fey who once helped, leading to him being chased out by them as well. Even if he attempted to return to his village now and explain the situation with the new information he had, he knew he'd just sound insane- even if he didn't, he was still a half-elf. They surely would pretend.

His grudge ran deep, and he became an adventurer, specifically a ranger bent on hunting down fey. He joined a party of other rookies, among them a female kenku named Splah, the aasimar priest Shalan, and a dragonborn barbarian named Redtooth. The three of them were outcasts from their own homes, and albeit not the strongest on their own, they formed a rather competent team. Even after finding his animal companion though, Eddenil was definitely the weaker link of the group. His skills were not masterful like Splash's, the didn't have Redtooth's brawns, nor Shalan's wisdom. His skills at negotiation were his only strengths, aside from his skills at combating an enemy they had yet to encounter. Furthermore, the group allowed him to indulge in his curiosity, asking them all kinds of questions and looking into creatures they defeated for clues in how they could do better next time. He did take a cut on his share for this though, as a method of payment, and he then sent part of his sallary through a messenger from the guild to his mother.

With this group, Eddenil found a kind of comraderie he didn't anywhere else Redtooth was far kinder than his appearance would suggest, one who refused to take anything from another or bring harm to another unecessarily, a warm person with a bit of a loose sense of personal space. Splah was observing and distant, and as a kenku she had no words of her own. But she knew just the right phrases to mimic, just what to say. Shalan always had some deep, sometimes a little too complicated or vague wisdom to share. Soft (Eddenil's wolf companion) in particular was a loving friend to him.

Their most dangerous quest came as a real shock to Eddenil. It was a quest to look into strange events that had been taking place near some ruins. These ruins, however, happened to be extremely close to his home village. Furthermore, Eddenil the half-elf and his companion the wolf Soft, alongside Splah the kenku, Shalan the aasimar and Redtooth the dragonborn were to team up with another party who was hiring them to act as scouts and assistance. The other party was seemingly much higher level, and had recently acquired a magical sword that supposedly could slay the creature they suspected might be in there, which they refused to reveal. The payment was very high, so Eddenil agreed to this mission.

It didn't take a lot of scouting to realize why part of the details were hidden from them, though: The creature in question was none other than a dragon. If they hadn't been told something that important, what else could they not trust? They immediately realized they would need some kind of backup. Redtooh was trusting, and believed the other party's reputation as heroes preceeded them, thus there was no need to question their methods. Shalan, however, spent her time praying for divine protection, while Splah contacted a guild she worked for in an attempt to seek out reinforcements with magical expertise. They were excellent at dealing with creatures of magic on their own right, so they would surely come in handy, even if their attempt to assist in slaying the dragon turned out sour. Eddenil, on his part, was convinced by the party that there was no other choice but to recruit the fey to aid them.

They clearly were angry at him still, but begrudingly accepted to assist after he explained the situation and they discussed it amongst themselves.

When the day arrived to attack the dragon, Splah's reinforments were at least a few hours yet away from arrival, but the hiring party refused to wait any longer. Eddenil's party was made to go in first to scout for and disarm the traps, so as to ensure the other party was in top condition to battle the dragon. Rather than the typical traps one would expect, the white dragon's power had brought about winter and frost into the ruins, pillars of ice and freezing being the greatest danger. If not for the fey's protection, they might've died just from being there.

Against Eddenil's advice, after learning the traps were disarmed the other party simply rushed into the frey to do battle with the white dragon. Eddenil and his party quickly realized they were unable to even contribute to the battle, nomatter what they did, their attacks would simply bounce off the dragon's scales. The fey weren't doing very different, but their sheer numbers greatly improved their odds of a lucky strike here and there. The tide of battle seemed like it would soon change though, when the leader of the other party, a powerful dragon soul sorcerer named Trayr, managed to blow one of the dragon's scales out of its body.

None could have predicted what would come next, however. Little did they know, that despite it's weakness that led to it being kicked from its home in the North, the dragon shared a faint trace of time dragon blood. Its wounds appeared to revert, weapons being plucked off its body by the twisted time magic. Furthermore, the 'dragonslayer' turned out to be a fake. Just how far could the dragon's regenerative abilities go? No, more importantly, they needed to escape. They wouldn't last much longer at this rate. It was then Eddenil had an idea, and communicated it to the leader of the fey. The group uncovered chains from the ice, using torches to unfrost it when needed, then used magic to jam as many as they could into the dragon's body. Even as the dragon healed its wound, with their magic they managed to keep the chains inside the body, making the dragon's very flesh into its shackles.

Trayr fell on the ground before being able to get behind the dragon, leading to the dragon smirking and preparing it's breath weapon. All seemed lost, when Trayr revealed his real magic item. With the necklace held high, he cast an illusion spell that got the dragon to turn to another part of the room, believing his foes were standing there instead. Unfortunately, this was where Redtooth, Eddenil and Shalan were. Kind as they were, they both spent their last spell protecting Eddenil, and their bodies were frozen in place by the dragon's breath, killing them on the spot. Splah, who was also nearby, had just barely managed to escape. It was her to told Eddenil to swallow his anger, and focus on the real enemy ahead, the dragon.

Gravely wounded and its ability to recover diminuished, with the heroes fighting literally behind its back while the chains prevented it from turning, the dragon cared no longer for any wounds it might receive, now seeking only vengeance against the enemies that lay before it. Its own flesh ripped as it pulled on the chains and broke free of them, smashing part of the ruins in the process and causing the place to start collapsing. The group attempted to escape through the entrance while the dragon couldn't use its dragon breath, but it would have eaten there in that narrow space, if not for Soft ambushing the ferocious monster by biting into its eye. The wolf would soon be no more than a red splat on the wall for this.

Rocks and ice flew in every direction as the dragon bursted through the ruins intent on chasing its attackers. Many were already far too gravely injured to continue putting up a proper fight, their spells were pretty much all exhausted, but then spectral tentacles grappled down the frost-breathing lizard. Spells came from all directions, and when Eddenil looked around, he saw that a variety of wizards, sorcerers and druids wearing the same hooded robes as one another were surrounding the dragon. Splah's guild's reinforcements had arrived!

In the end, it was none other than the guild that brought down the dragon at last. Eddenil passed out with the relief, but would be haunted by nightmares of his grief.

When Eddenil woke up, he found himself surrounded by disdainful looks. He received his payment for the quest, but it turned out to be even lower than a regular one. His complaint to the guild fell on death ears, and instead he was told that "cowards who hide and try to throw their fellow adventurers under the bus should be grateful to have any payment at all". He was outraged at this, and promptly informed that he would be kicked out his current guild for doing exactly what she said. He would come to find that the 'hero' Trayr had "accidentally" let slip that Eddenil's party actually was so scared of the dragon they did a poor job at checking for traps, and then ran away when they saw the dragon even jeopardizing Trayr's fight with it. He told everyone he protected said party from the breath nonetheless, and how bringing the fae to their side and chaining the dragon had been his work and ideas. The fae were willing to corroborate his story, taking revenge for Eddenil's attack on them long ago through this lie.

It was then a robed man approached Eddenil, and proposed for him to join their guild. Appearantly, Splah had informed her guild of Eddenil, and they were impressed by his curiosity and ingenuinty. They knew the truth of what happened with the dragon, and while they didn't care to reveal that truth to the public for various reasons, they were willing to help Eddenil out, by allowing him to work with them instead. He would have a source of income again, and he would have some respect as one of only a handful of non-magic-users that would be given more than a menial position among them. After training, of course. What finally sold Eddenil, however, was learning of a disease his mother supposedly caught, but their research might help her overcome it.

Eddenil would come to work hard for this new guild, albeit he was only an assistant at first. His eagerness and views on monsters were not well-received amongst many of the druids of the organization though, who thought he was too dismissive of nature's potential, whereas wizards and sorcerers looked down on him for his lack of talent with magic. He worked as an assistant to several, but although Splah's recommendation should have given him the right to speak his thoughts, he was often ignored and often his superiors deliberately took whichever path was the opposite of his suggestion, just so they didn't align with his. Coupled with his lack of resolve in taking on the guild's more "questionable" methods, Eddenil was often labeled a failure and used as a scapegoat for his superior's failed experiments. He was treated as a grunt worker and secretary, while rumors kept coming about how Trayr acquired riches, fame and even nobility following his success against the white dragon. Nonetheless, he persisted. Even when he found out Splah was an infiltrator, who sought to scout out talented individuals for the guild, and lure them with sweet words she had memorized. Even when Splah died at the hands of Trayr, Eddenil continued to refuse the most cruel work given to him by his superiors, such as fecthing abandoned children and the mad to use as test subjects none would bother to care about. That was the only thing he wouldn't do, he would put up with all the work and mistreatment, with all the attitudes of those looking down on him, if only he could continue to look for a cure for his mother, and to send her money. But there were things he couldn't bring himself to do even for those goals. When this shady group came to him, offering him money in return for some 'benefits' from his guild, he refused.

His heart broke when the read the letter. The sickness had won, brought his mother to her death. He wouldn't even be allowed back in the village for her funeral. He failed. After all he had been through, he failed. There was nothing left for him...was there? Yet, as he passed by the remains of the white dragon the guild had claimed as payment for their assistance that day, and he was reminded of all that the 'hero' had stolen from him, Eddenil's mind realized it, clutched the letters, a smile broke through in his life as he saw new purpose for himself. In his mind, and in his heart, his sorrow was being drowned by thoughts of revenge and ambition, the desire to surpass Trayr in every way. He sought out the shady group from before, selling them research notes and living weapons from his guild. They wouldn't mind, not as long as he succeeded. The guild cared most about results. So long as he had those, he wouldn't just go unpunished, he fight finally recognized! Under the proposed 'Animal link ressurection and magical mimicry vestiges compatiility' experiment, he asked the guild to locate the remains of Soft, his companion from when he was a ranger, and with the money he earned, he hired a pair of rogues to bring him several stolen materials, including Spah's corpse, and to help him break into his superior's lab after closing hours to perform his experiment. He also hired a necromancer, whom he used to link together the several parts, then used the last traces of his former connection to nature as a ranger in order to attempt to attempt to ressurect Soft.

His power was lost, his body atrophied from the backlash of the horrid magic he performed, but he succeeded in a sense. Soft was far gone now, but the abomination created using Spah's, Soft's and part of the dragon's remains rose, alive, loyal and even possessing innate magic. Among other things, the creature was able to pronounce words in draconic, though it was unable to understand any of what those words meant. The resounding success was immediately presented to the guild, and after quesitioning Eddenil was granted the rank of independent researcher in the project to attempt to acquire the magic of monsters and any kind of magical creature. It was decided he would get priority access to the dragon remains and would focus his research on that particular type of creature.

Meanwhile, Eddenil continued to gather more and more information on Trayr. Even as he grew older, he continued to gain the respect of the people, and even slayed many threats that mysteriously appeared at important events. Research led Eddenil to realize the dragon soul sorcerer's secret, his magic item allowed him to conjure illusions that were impossible to avoid or notice. He continued to gain fame, power, fortune, family... meanwhile, Eddenil's family was dead, he was alone, the power he gained in authority from rank or age was disrespected, while his actual magic was gone due to the atrocity he commited against nature. His body was weakened, and even for a half-elf he was nearing the limits of his lifespan. Experiments could only take him so far, even when he continued to grow more and more ruthless and detached, even using his skills in mediation and convincing to bring children from decrepit, struggling orphanges and "lighting their load", using those children in experiments that mostly ended in failure. He had heard rumors of the chilren playing with a faery dragon that lived near the orphanage, and often took children who played with it specifically in an attempt to lure out the creature. He knew it inside, that what he was doing wasn't right, that what he was doing would make him hated, but it would all be worth it. He would finally get respect, when he succeeded and gained the power to bring down Trayr. He fell asleep to the thoughts of his plans for revenge: First, he would gain power, while working on taking away the magic item from the sorcerer. He would use the item to torment Trayr with illusions and ...and...


When the guild managed to capture the faery dragon for research, Eddenil thought it was time to begin enacting his plan. There was no doubt in his mind, by experimenting with thei fey he would get the power he needed. He hired a most skilled rogue to take away the magic item and bring it to him, while he proceeded with his experiments. Finally, FINALLY he would have his revenge! For all the atrocities, for all the pain he had been through, finally he would taste succeess and victory. Things didn't turn out how he expected, however, and the rogue accidentally murdered the sorcerer in a struggle to steal away the necklace. Just like that, his life's purpose, the reason he did all the things he did, the reason why he renounced everything he once believed in, it was all just one giant hole in Eddenil's soul. His mind simply couldn't accept this kind of failure, there had to be something, ANYTHING he could do! The death of a supposed hero was big news, and evidence that someone in his guild might be behind the assassination was found. Soon, he would be taken away and executed if the guild didn't have a strong enough reason to protect him. He needed results.

He just needed results.

Eddenil spent as much money as he could gathering sugar and baked goods, remembering what he learned in his early childhood, then broke free the faery dragon that had been captured. He bargained with it, offering all the sweets to 'sweeten the offer'. He knew it was no ordinary faery dragon. The color of the scales were beyond the purple color of the ancient faery dragons, it was a living rainbow. It was a faery dragon archfey, and he suggested cooperation in his experiments, rather than force. By this point, the archfey realized, the aspiring wizard's mind was beyond simple repair, but it was also true that retribution was called for. The creature agreed to Eddenil's requests, but would impose conditions on their contract that would be revealed when Eddenil attained his power. The half-elf was too desperate to refuse.

With the archfey's magic, the remains of the white dragon were fused directly into Eddenil's body, forcing a painful transformation as the power was infused into him. The faint traces of time dragon magic were awakened by the fey's influence, and Eddenil's body rejuvenated as it transformed and mixed with the dragon's parts. 'Cheating' though it might be, the new Eddenil had successfully realized (in part) the dreams of the overall project of his, now her, research division. She was still infuriated as she realized her potential mistake, but even with the faery dragon's conditions, she could continue her work.

Eddenil was temporarily dismissed from her position, part to "punish" her, and part to give her time to get used to her new body, before being promoted to lead researcher. She magic prowess grew exponentially, in fact whereas it was previously non-existent she was now a strong magic user in her own right. In her time away, she discovered that the bloodline of Trayr, now given the name of the "Whitebanes", was gifted with the same draconic sorcery he was. Eddenil thus decided to pursue the adjuration path of wizardry, as a way of combating their powerful offensive magic, give the head of the snake a helmet they could't cut through. It would also serve as a defense against potential assassination attempts. She still felt...disappointing at not being able to pursue necromancy though, as she felt this would have been a much stronger contributer to her research. Her mind was now numbed after all the events it could barely process. As a small catharsis to herself, she raised Trayr as an abomination, mixed together with his wife and remains of various creatures, and to do so she hired a couple of necromancers. Her abominations serve as guards for her lab and her most precious materials, hidden under specially designed armor or coats if need be. She would continue to attempt this to the various members of the family, remaining in secrecy until the day comes to enact her final revenge upon it.

More than anything though, Eddenil sought authority and respect. Even with hundreds of years of service at her guild, her body continues to make it hard for assistants and staff to take her seriously. It's not like she would have public recognition, with her often failed but occasionally successful experiments being kept mostly under the rug. Recently, however, she had a student under her wing, Mikael, a (RACE) inventor who joined the guild recently, and was quite eager to learn, even from Eddenil. She took him as an assistant, and together they uncovered a particular item that Eddenil believed might contain secrets to the transferance of power from one being to another. Mikael was, however, disgusted with the abominations and ruthless actions Eddenil took, and eventually left her The guild forced Mikael to swear secrecy regarding Eddenil's "habits", a vow he didn't break even when he retired and sent his own student to learn from Eddenil.

This new student, this "Kiki" ( Felix Felix )turned out to be truly a headache to deal with, seeming even less respectful of authority than those that didn't take Eddenil seriously. This latest quest will be the final trial period for Kiki's internship, where Eddenil plans to decide whether to push her away or allow her into the darkest secrets of his experimentations.
Here he is. No picture yet as I am working on it.

Edit: I changed Life Transference to Remove Curse.


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