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Fandom KnB: The Girls Generation of Miracles

Riko and the others blinked, " Angel!" Riko said and hugged the girl. " I missed ya!" She said happily.

" oh hey Angel" Kuroko said to her waving as he sipped water from his water bottle.


Ritzia and Rose aoon arrived at Rakuzan and Rose gently nudged her, " wake up we're here" she said to her. Ritzia woke up and yawned a little as Rose got out of the car and ran into the gym. Ritzia got out closed the door and walked inside.


@Flame Demon
"You're not pushing them too hard right?" Angel asks and Kagami says "It's worse then usual". Angel iles slightly "We were allowed to skip practice since everyone is busy for the school festival, even I'm tired as hell" she says and Hyuuga asks "You and tired? It'd take 10 horses to do that" "Try 25, yes we have horses now, we still have to train them though"

Akashi just finishes changing and he leaves the building, at least there wasn't any practice the next day so he could go home early, he looks at the time and looks around for his sister.

" why do you have horses?" Riko asked as she sweatdropped.

" because horses are cool" Shinji said ans snickered a little.

" ir because their school is rich" Hyuga said.

" how is everyone doing?" Kuroko asked.

Koichi the added"especially that scary captain of yours" he said to her bluntly.


Rose found him and hugged him happily, "your match is already over?" She asked him as Ritzia walked over to the two thinking the same thing at Rose. " and did you get my text?" She asked him.


@Flame Demon
Akiko nodded. "Alright, I'll talk to Angel. I know she'll treat them nice. Can I go get them and see if Angel wants them before you turn me into the headmaster?" She asked, clearly sad to see them go, but she still knew it needed to be done.

@Flame Demon
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"Because the headmaster wanted us to do something in our free time" Angel says and she adds "But everyone is fine". Of course she didn't tell Kagami her team was as good as the generation of miracles and it seemed Kuroko had forgotten, much to her luck, the same couldn't be said for some of the girl on Seirin though.

Daiske nods "Fine, I'll go to the headmaster, Angel should be at Seirin right now" he says and adds "But expect punishment for going to the school roof", he walks of and adds "And don't let anyone see you with them or it's going to get worse"

Akashi shakes his head "But I'm going to tell dad I don't need someone to pick me up from school, so starting tomorrow don't even bother coming" he says and walks on, he was annoyed they still picked him up, he could take care of himself.

@Evergreen98 @I am Shadow
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" and a horse table came to mind?... wow" Riko said. " oh by the way, when is the school festival? I wanna go" she said excitedly.

Kuroko nodded, " yeah, we were all planning on going" she said to Angel.


Ritzia nodded and yawned a little as she followed him to the car, " I also dont understand why they still make me pick you up. You have you're own car and all" she said with a sigh.

" isnt it because you two like each other but too stubborn to admit it?" Rose said to the two bluntly from behind. She ate a poki stick as she looked at their reaction.

Ritzia blinked and looked at her, " is that what our parents think?" Rose shrugged not give them a clear answer.


@Flame Demon
"It's in one week" Angel says and she smiles "Everyone's been busy, the dance club is busy thinking of something new, the school band is trying to write new songs and so on, of course I don't have anything to do so I was helping with the horses, it took longer then it should have" she says and looks at them "You're not serious about coming right?"

"Seems so, but don't pick me up again" Akashi says not looking at the two as he is texting with his father, who obviously seems to think he needed someone to pick him up, he could also just leave earlier then normal so they would come here, but he was already gone.

"Cool" Riko said and giggled. " and of course we are aerious about coming. Why wouldnt we be?" She asked tilting her head.

" are you hiding something?" Hyuga said with a raised eyebrow. Kuroko yawned a little as he waited for Angel to answer.


Ritzia sighed a little at her parents, "alright" she said to him as she walked. Rose hummed and followed. 'Saya's birthday is coming up... I need to buy her a gift and the chef's need to make a cake...' Ritzia thought as she looked at her phone. It was 4 days from now, she wondered it her parents will make it to this one. 'Hopefully they can...' she thought to herself.


@Flame Demon
"No of course not, just wondering" Angel says and Kagami says "Actually Angel here has a crush on-" he gets cut of by Angel hitting him in his ribs and he says "Nevermind", Angel rubs the back on her head and says "Anyway I came here to ask if Kagami wanted to come over to my house".

Akashi looks at Ritzia "So I'm guessing you're coming over again?" he asks, considering there's only one car, seriously if someone of his team saw him right now they'd never leave him alone.

@Evergreen98 @I am Shadow
" wow... hold the phone, Kagami finish your sentence " she said making eye contact wirh him. Everyone on the team looked at him curiously. Kuroko tilted his head a little.


Ritzia looked at him as she got into the car, "not today... i promised Saya I would spend time with her today." She said as she looked out the window. " my house is on the way, so just drop me off" she said to the driver who nodded and started driving.

Rose looked through her bag and gave Ritzia two pouches of cookies, " the cooking club left me made them when they finished up. One's for Saya" She said to her.

Ritzia smiled and took the bag and put them in her bag, " thank you"

Rose hummed and gave one to Akashi, " i have enough everyone" when she sais everyone it meant the girls and the boys generation of miracles. " hope you like them" she said to the two.


@Flame Demon
"No I'd like to live" Kagami says and Angel rubs the back of her head "It's not that interesting is it?" she asks, not sure why Riko would be interested in who she has a crush on, unless she was going to plan something stupid or something.

Akashi takes the cookies and takes them, he nods slightly and puts them in his bag before looking outside "Seriously does dad think I'm still a kid or something?" he mumbles

" it's always interesting to know you're crush" she said and giggled and looked at Kagami, "I will make you run until you're legs fall of. Now talk" she said to him with a slight gleam in her eyes.

Ritzia then remembered aomething, " hey, do we have a match with your team next week? I remember our coach mentioning something about a match..." she said to him as she looked at him.


@Flame Demon
"Kagami, you should start running" Angel says looking at him with a glare leaving the male with a problem, say who's Angel crush is or run until he collapses "Uh... let's see..." he says and Angel looks at him "If you tell them I'll ignore you for the rest of your life" she says and Kagami sighs in defeat "I'll run..." he mumbles.

"We have to focus on the winter cup, we don't have any matches planned for a while" Akashi says tilting his head "We're normally notified by the coach himself"

@Evergreen98 @I am Shadow
" Damn, Angel out did Riko." Shinji said.

Hyuga shook his head and Riko pouted, "and I though I was the only with a iron grip"

" better start runnin Kagami" Kuroko said and looked at Angel.


'hm...maybe it was wirht the generatiom of miracles..' Ritzia though and looked at him, "Ill just ask Daisuke about it later" she said with a sigh as she rested her head against.


@Flame Demon

@I am Shadow
Akiko nodded. "Alright, I'll accept whatever punishment is bestowed upon me, and thank you for letting me take them to Angel!" She said, thankful, quickly she ran up to the roof with her backpack, making sure no one noticed her go up there. Once she was on the roof, she swung open the shack door, clearly on a mission. She dropped to her knees, and quickly took her sweatshirt out of her backpack and made a little nest shape then placed it on top of the things in her backpack. Once that was finished, she quickly but gently grabbed the kittens. One was black with white paws and a white streak on its nose, the second one was white with little accents of grey, and the last one was orange, strangely, all of them were from the same litter, and yet they ALL had blue eyes. Once they were safely inside the backpack, she zipped it up and started running down the stairs.

That was when Akiko thanked herself for being graceful when she ran, she was always light on her feet and could run like the wind without really shaking the contents of her backpack.

Quickly, she ran out the door, and booked it straight to Seirin. Once there, she ran quickly to the only room she thought Angel would most likely be in. The gym. She opened the doors quietly, hoping not to disturb whatever was going on inside the gym. She then approached the group and spotted the whole Seirin team, she hadn't seen the full Seirin team. She saw a familiar redhead and couldn't quite place where she knew him until she heard his name from Angel, her eyes widened as she walked up to the redhead and Angel.

"Angel, if it's alright, I'd like to speak with you after this is all done." She stated, obviously getting too shy around her old friend to acknowledge him, if she did, she'd start blushing, her ears were already turning red as it was.

@Flame Demon
"Do you know what's she capable of?" Kagami asks and he adds "When we were in America she beat up a group of guys that bullied her when we were younger, because she plays basketball". Angel smiles slightly "Yep, they left me alone after that" she says and looks at Riko.

Once the manager storms in she turns to her "Uh sure, I was just about to leave anyway, come on Kagami, you're coming along since you promised to come over this week" she says and Kaname looks at Riko "Look at that, seems like I have to go early" he rushes to the locker room and changes before walking over to Angel wearing his school uniform.

Akashi shrugs "I don't have a match against you, that's good too since the team it tired as it is" he says and looks outside, wondering if the team was still as good as in middle school, or maybe even better.

@Evergreen98 @I am Shadow
"Alright, thank you. I desperately needed to talk to you. My problem can help to solve yours." She said, very thankful Angel was about to get some free time.

Then she finally grew the courage to acknowledge Kagami. "Hello, Kagami-kun." She stated softly, unable to look him in the eyes.

@Flame Demon
Riko sweatdropped, " I should have expec-" she blinked, " hey! You cant just walk away when training isn't complete!" Dhe said steam coming out of her head.

" give him a break Riko" Hyuga said. Kuroko nodded in agreement

Riko huffed, " fine..." she said pouting a little, " you're off the hook" she said to him.


" you have no idea. She looked like ahe was about to blow her top when she walked off to the counciling, when practice was cancelled today." Rose said as she munched on a poki stick.

" i wasn't about to blow my top..." Ritzia said to her with a sigh.

" you, need a day off" Rose said resting her head on her shoulder.

" you know I dont like doing nothing... plus I have a dance competition this weekend " she said stretching a little.

" ehh... i am coming to watch it" Rose said. "where is it?"

" ill text you the address" Ritzia said to her.


@Flame Demon

@I am Shadow
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Angel drags Kagami and Akiko along "Yo" Kagami says and Angel looks at the manager "So what is it you wanted my help with?" she asks smiling slightly, glad one of her friends would be coming over.

Akashi looks at the two "Can you not talk about useless stuff, I need to think" he says and sighs, he had to figure some things out, so he couldn't deal with useless stuff at the moment.

@Evergreen98 @I am Shadow
Rose looked at him and then at the ground, "Sorry..." she said quietly why her brother is in a bad mood and Ritzia just rolled her eyes before looking out the window to think as well. Rose continued to eat her poki sticks and looked out the window as well.


@Flame Demon

@I am Shadow
Akiko stopped and set her backpack down. "You like cats, right?" She asked. "Because I found some kittens starving and I nurse them back to health, they're on a specific diet and I'll show you how to feed them, I can't keep them for multiple reasons, if you'd like to keep them, I'd be so happy. I just want to see them go to a good home." She said as she zipped open the backpack, revealing three sleeping kittens.

@Flame Demon
Angel looks at Akiko "I think I can handle feeding them, I once had a cat, but it got hurt and they couldn't save him" she says and adds "But yeah I like animals". Kagami looks at her blankly "So can we go before my coach changes her mind?" he asks, not wanting to get in trouble with her.

Akashi keeps looking outside and the car stop to drop of Ritzia and Akashi says "Remember, you don't have to pick me up again and if you get told to do it again just say no"

@Evergreen98 @I am Shadow
" and if they dont listen? They will know if I lied to them about picking you up" She said as she opened the door and looked back at Akashi after she grabbed her bag.


Kuroko appeared next to Kagamine giving him a jump scare, " he is right. Better get going" he said as he sipped his water bottle again and looked at the kittens, " where did you find them?"


@Flame demon

[URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/14904-i-am-shadow/"]@I am Shadow[/URL]
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"Alright, if you don't mind, may I walk with you guys? I'd like to say goodbye without being rushed..." she said as she gently zipped the bag back up and gently slung it over your shoulder. She turned to kuroko and Kagami. "You guys are probably right." She said as she looked at the ground. Then she answered Kuroko's question. I found them on the side of the road, abandoned, starving, and dying. I nursed them back to health..." she said, keeping her eyes on the ground. Her self conscious side clearly showing as she spoke.

@Flame Demon

Angel nods and says "My driver is still waiting, so I can get the kittens a checkup on my way home, I don't live that close to the schools, walking is too far", Kagami looks at her "Still in that small apartment?" he asks earning a nod.

"Tell them I said it's not needed, if there's a problem with that then send whoever that is to me" Akashi says and sighs "Oh yeah, how's basketball going?" he asks glancing at his sister.


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