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Fandom KnB: The Girls Generation of Miracles

Lily arrived at the stabled and poked her head inside and looked around, " uh.. Angel?" She said nervously as she looked around. She spotted her and walked over to her, "Coach said to help ypu with the horses" she said to her as she watched her feed the young horses. They were really adorable. She smiled a little at them.


@Flame Demon
"Oh I'm not in charge here, but you can feed the other horses, just stay away from the ones in the back, we need a professional trainer for them" Angel says petting the horse when she finishes and she moves on to the next one "It's really different from basketball, at least there's some peace here and no Diakse to order us around" she says and looks at Lily "Why don't you do the ones opposite of this row, if you need help just ask one of the students" she says mentioning to the spread out students doing different things like checking if the gates won't be opened by the horses.

Lily nodded slowly, she grabbed a bucket of horse feed and walked over to the horses and started feeding them. She softly hummed a song as she feed them.


Ritzia sighed a little as she finished another pile of paperwork. Her phone rang and she answered without looking, " what?" She said in an irritated voice.

" well sorry for calling" a male voice said making her blinked.

" Midorima.." she said with a sigh, " sorry"

" you sound irritated" he said to her.

" I am" she said as she continued to do her paperwork. " why did you call?" She asked him.

" i was wondering if you finished reading thst book I let tou borrow"

" oh that? No I have a hundred pages left. Ill finish it and give it back to you tomorrow before school" she said to him.


@Flame Demon

@I am Shadow
Angel hums a song as she moves on to the next horse, this was going to be her new favorite place at the school grounds "I'm glad they did something with that huge open space there was left, but even this came as a surprise, I was at a loss of words when they asked my help during my free period" she says and looks at the back of the stable "I do wonder when those horses are going to be trained, maybe during the festival" she says and looks at Lily "What did our student council pres say about this? Or wasn't she informed?" she asks.

Lily blinked and looked at Angel, "um.. I am not part of the student council... so I dont know" she answered. " Sorry.." she sais looking at the ground. " we could go ask her" she suggested.

" she wanted them trained before the festival" a studenr council member as she walked over with a clipboard. It was the girl that was with Ritzia when she entered the gym. The girl looked around and sighed, "she wanted the training started today too..." she looked at Angel, " where are the professional trainers?" She asked her.


@Flame Demon
Angel sweatdrops "As I said before, I'm not in charge, but they're not here yet, but does that mean we have to stay late?" she asks tilting her head slightly, it was strange that the trainers weren't there yet, which meant she couldn't start training her horse yet "That reminds me, why didn't the pres check on it herself?", a girl walks over "I'm in charge here, but we haven't gotten the notice yet, maybe they'll be arriving tomorrow, since classes are cancelled, but why do they need to be trained starting today?". Angel looks at Lily "Do you want to see my horse?" she asks, eager to show her teammate her own horse, even though it was hard she didn't regret helping out in her free time.

" she has a mountain of paperwork and ahe is double checking wverything to make sure she disnt miss anything, like that pianist who wanted to perform. She is a perfectionist almost" the girl sighed, she was her secretary. Shenlooked at the person in charge, " she wanted you guys to start early so there is a less like chance of accidents happening furing the festival. But Ill tell her that they will come tomorrow" she said to her as she wrote it down on her clipboard.

Lily was listening as she fed the horses and tripped. She dropped the bucket of feed and as well as her glass. She quickly sat up and started looking for them. A milky white horse pushed her glasses towards her but it didn't reach Lily, " where is it.." she mumbled as she continued to feel around.


@Flame Demon
Angel picks up Lily's glasses and hands it to her "It's in the back" she says and smiles "This horse likes you" she says and smiles slightly "But we could see if there are horses we put in the wrong place" she says and looks around. "Maybe the headmaster thought it'd be better to starts tomorrow with the training, everyone's pretty tired after today" the girl says and she adds "Bringing the horses here was harder then we thought it would be", Angel pulls Lily along to the back and she stops where her horse is at the moment.

The secretary nodded, " ok, the prez will understand. She is also very tired, but she is trying to stay calm and not snap at people" she said to her. " thank you for the update" she added and walked off.

Lily took her glasses and blinked a little in surprise at what Angel said, " which horse?" She asked curiously as she followed Angel to the back.


@Flame Demon
"That white one" Angel says pointing to the one that tried pushing Lily's glasses to her and she stops at the rather young black horse that's eating at the moment ignoring the two girls "I picked the most stubborn one" Angel says and she reaches out to pet her horse, but it just turns away from them.

" hee..." she said as she waved at the horse, the horse looked at her and neighed at her. Lily smiled a little and looked at the black horse, "aww it cute" she said to Angel. " why did you pick her?" She asked the ace curiously.


@Flame Demon
"This horse reminds me of me when I was younger, stubborn, never listened and so on" Angel says and she smiles slightly "But it's also one of the horses that needs to be trained by a professional trainer, that's why she's in the back here" she explains.

" oh... I see. What about thhat one?" Dhe asked as she walked ovee to the milky white horse. It neighed happily and nuzzled her hand and face. Lily giggled wondering why the horse like her so much, this is her first time here. She petted the horse as she hummed a little.


@Flame Demon
"That's one of the calmest horses around, but it's here because they think it might calm the others down" Angel says and she smiles slightly "But the other students get to pick horses tomorrow, the professional trainer is going to help them pick the horses that fits you perfectly" she says and tries to pet her horse again, but it keeps turning away from her.

" that makes sense. Why did the school decide to have stables? I thought this space was going to be used for something else" she said to her. The gently bit sleeve and pulled her closer. Lily giggled and petted the horse, the horse nuzzled her again. " i am gonna call you Yuki" she said with a smile.


@Flame Demon
"It wasn't decided yet" Angel says and she finally manages to pet her horse that has gone back to eating "You're not even sure if that's the one you get yet" she says glancing at Lily. The girl in charge walks over "Time to go home, the stables will be locked down at night, so you can't stay here"

" ok.. this horse suit Ritzia more. She is pretty like her" Lily said to Angel as she petted the horse, " and calm too" she added as she kissed the horse's head, " night" dhe said with a smile. The horse neighed seeming a little disappointed. Liky petted her some more before leaving the stable with Angel.


Ritzia stretched and Rose walked into the room, " I know I know" Ritzia daid with a sighed as she got up. Rose wanted to go see her brother play and Ritzia had to pick him up, so they decided to go watch his match, "i am dont with my part... somehow. Leo please finish your half as well becore leaving." She said.

Leo nodded, " ok" he said as he watch Ritzia leave with Rose.


@Flame Demon (we shoul wait for shadow @-@))
Akiko started stressing. "Alright! Alright! Alright! Please, Daisuke, stop pulling my arm! I'll tell you!" She squirmed under the grip of the basketball coach.

@Flame Demon
"It's that bad huh?" Daiske asks and he lets her go "Well I do have to report to the headmaster you've been on the roof, which will get you in trouble" he says crossing his arm.

Angel leaves the stables and she stretches while calling her driver to pick her up while the stables get locked "Alright then, see you in a few minutes" she says and ends the call, now she just had to wait.

@Evergreen98 @I am Shadow
"Alright, Daisuke. By now I don't care as long as why I've been on the roof stays a secret. I found several baby kittens, 3 of them, malnourished and dying on the corner of the road, and I can't bring them to my apartment because Kosuke would kill me, he hates cats. I can't bring them to the pound because they need their shots and the only pound within 10 miles of my home doesn't provide vaccinations! I can't take them to the vet because I don't have the money!" She exclaimed. "I can't bring them anywhere else except for the small supplies shack on the top of the roof because that's the best and warmest shelter they can stay in while I can't watch them!" She said, an upset expression lacing it's way into her features.

@Flame Demon
"But that supply shack will be demolished in two weeks, why don't you ask one of the girls to take care of them? They would love it" Daiske says and he rubs his head "So they have to leave, but my dad's allergic to cats, maybe Angel, she's always complaining she feels lonely" he says and looks at her.

@I am Shadow
Lily smiled a little at Angel, " well, see you tomorrow then" she said to Angel and walked back to school to grab her things before heading home for the day.


Ritzia yawned a littleas she entered her car with Rose, " is the match at his school?" Ritzia asked Rose who nodded. " Who is he playing against?" She asked.

Rose shrugged, " he never said" she answered as she offered her a poki stick which she took.

Ritzia yawned a little and nodded, " not surprising" she closed her eyes. " i need a nap. Wake me up whwrn we get there"

Rose nodded, " ok" she said and looked out the window.


@Flame Demon

@I am Shadow
Angel gets in the car when it arrives and she says "Bring me to Seirin first" she says leaning back and the driver nods before heading of he didn't question her since she was the only one from the family he could serve as she's the only one left.

Kagami is glaring daggers at Riko, they were out of energy and they had to continue "Coach this isn't fair" he says sitting on the ground while drinking some water.

@Evergreen98 @I am Shadow
" well life isn't always fair Kagami" Riko said and sighed a little. She knew , she should have put more work into the training. She sighed a little.

" its not your fault coach" Kuroko said from behind making her jump.

"Kuroko dont do that!" She sais with a sigh as she watched the match carefully.


@Flame Demon
Angel smiles as she gets out the car and she walks to the gym once there she sneaks up on Kagami and jumps on his back "That's what you get for not visiting" she says and Kagami asks "Are you sure this isn't another excuse for-", he gets cut of when Angel lightly hits him on his back "What I meant was, I'll come by soon" he says earning a strange look from the others on the team.


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