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Fandom KnB: The Girls Generation of Miracles

Rotzia nodded in agreement, "Runing in a natural environment makes your body use a different set of muscles that the ones it normal uses in the gym. By the end of this training, our bodies should pretty light and free" she explained in a soft hum.

"Let me guess.. you read fhat somewhere?" Rose asked the bookworm captain.

"Yeah, if was a while back actually " Ritzia answered as Lily watched themselves get higher and higher into the air. She sweardropped to herself, but found it a bit interesting.
Kuroko arrived and looks at the other two "Sorry, I'm not as fast as you guys"

Flame Demon Flame Demon ((not really the guy is just slow))
LucianGrey7971 LucianGrey7971
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Angel stretches "If we give Daiske a key we have one left" she says leaning lightly against her bike "Don't they normally only give two keys?" Kagami asks and Angel smirks "Yes normally, but Akashi and I already have a key". Aomine sweatdrops "The others are so slow!" he complains and Akashi says "Well then Daiki, maybe you should get them".

Daiske looks at Ritzia "Actually Ritzia, Angel mapped out her usual running path for me and the only thing you'll be getting are extra muscles" he says and chuckles "And probably more stamina, you won't be getting that light".

Emily groans, she knew Angel "It's not just running is it?" she asks, but the glint in their coach eyes is enough of an answer for her "We're gonna die" she says leaning against Kise.

Evergreen98 Evergreen98 LucianGrey7971 LucianGrey7971
Jordan showed up moments later, swinging down from his horse. "...." Jordan started to step forward but the horse nudged his back, he turned to stroke the creature's nose. Animals tended to like him better than humans, hopefully he wouldn't wake up with woodland creatures around him... again. That was mortifying.

Jordan walked over to the nearest tree and watched the others who were there, waiting patiently for that rest to show up. The horse started to trot over to him in search of more petting

Flame Demon Flame Demon Evergreen98 Evergreen98
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