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Fantasy Kloxia, Academia de Mythe

Michi Takaharu (Interacting with

@Arayhia and @Haru Rivers .. I think)

"A race, then?" Michi raises an eyebrow. Truthfully he feels excited but isn't sure if she will provide a challenge. He shrugs, "don't cry when you lose." He's entirely forgotten about the boy in the bushes but he's in focus mode now so there was no helping it. Flying up forty feet he almost smiles. "Around the school, if you can handle it." He floats over towards the school doors. "One lap, whenever you're ready, I can even give you a headstart, I feel merciful." He feels no need to get ready, believing that this race is won already by him.

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Kali's heart starts racing at the thought of a race. She goes up forty feet along with Michi, her wings beating in anticipation. Her wings become a bit more apparent as they speed up, and her hair swirls around her. He thinks he an win! As is she would need a head start! "Of course I can handle it. If anyone is going to need a head start, it's you."
Marrie took her eyes into the sky as she saw the two winged creatures fly into the air for a challenge. She was still interested in taking some wings home for herself, but she would have to wait. For now, she would watch her prey. There was no way she could fight them, especially if they were in the air, but she still watched as if she was planning to take one of them down within her mind.


Tenebrae watched as both Kali and Michi took to the skies. He tilted his head in amusement, he had never realized that Kali even had wings. Many people sought the wonders of flight, but he was not one of them. Flight didn't necessarily seem impossible for him, but he never pursued it as a possibility, it seemed like too much work for a bit faster travel. Still, there was a definite wonder about it, he had to give it that.

He continued on his journey for the moment, the spectacle had passed and there was no other reason to stick around. A bit ways off Tenebrae could see another student. He was unsure of her name and didn't even think that he had seen her around before. She appeared to be a few years younger than him, though it was hard to gauge from this distance. She seemed to be watching the two in the air, quite intensely if he was correct. There was something strange about the girl that he just couldn't put a finger on.


Michi Takaharu (Interacting with

@Arayhia )

Michi took off soaring, it was only one lap but the school was pretty big. He burrowed through the clouds and came out with water in his hair, the skies that morning were beautiful like always. Flapping his wings he went above the clouds, from above he could see they looked like scooped out pieces of white cotton candy.


Flying back down next to Kali he noticed all of the students on the ground. Some of them looked up dumbfounded and Michi did something he hardly ever did, he laughed, it was a higher pitched pleasant laugh that bounced along the school walls. Nearing the end of the finish line he realized that he was losing stamina from going so fast in the start, and Kali would soon pull ahead.
"I come from the Netherworld, as does my family." Warren had never heard of his homeland referred to as "Avalon," so he assumed it must be a foreign title. As it was, the Soul Reapers sounded like a very fascinating people; maybe not as influential, but no less essential to the process of death. Warren had heard of Hollows before; they were essentially the outlaws of the world of the dead, and served as quite a nuisance for people such as his uncle, which made him suddenly grateful that Ichigo and his kind were there to pick up the slack. "Don't get me wrong, I have nothing wrong with half-breeds, it's just...the way I was raised, I guess."
Kali takes off the second he does, hair whiping behind her and her eyes wide open. The sky is beautiful, she hadn't been up here for quite some time. She prefers to fly in the forest, away from prying eyes. Bursting threw a bunch of clouds, water beads on her wings and makes her hair damp.

She feels so free and careless. A laugh escapes her lips, and the sound is soon carried away by the wind. Michi laughs as well and it makes Kali happy to see he's not just serious and grumpy.

Students liter the grounds and a few look up as she rushes around the corner building. She doesn't care about people watching her at the moment, but she's just enjoying the rush of air and sun around her.

"Interesting..." Marrie watched the flyers with a deranged joy, a spirit now standing beside her. She wondered who was faster between the two. Her money was on the fairy. She had never seen such a creature before. She heard stories of them, and often got their names confused with the Spirits of Air (Sylph). The young Chopper decided that she would greet her upon decent, and judge how easy it would be to tear the wings from her back, or in the event that they actually became friendly...when she was free to hang out.

After picking up her books, she looked up at the sky hearing laughter, watching the two people from earlier having a race. She was intrigued that not only they had wings, but they could also fly. She had never learned to fly, without calling on the winds and it had never been written down. Now she felt as though her wings were usless.

She shook her head refused to let it get to her. That Tengu or whatever was just immature and rude. She held her head high and opened her wings, using them to support her balance as she walked more smoothly through the halls. She eventually reached her dorm door, and proudly said the password to get in.

"Ningún objeto es misterioso. El misterio es el ojo,"

The door opened and she walked in, placing her books down on a small desk. She was unsure what the boxes were filled with, but silently thanked those who packed them for her. She decided she would unpack them later.

She dusted her dress off and combed her fingers through her hair. She walked out with one of the books in her hand, and the map in her other.

Once again she began to wander, looking through what the school had to offer. She came back outside and made her way into the garden. She made a note to herself deciding that this would make a wonderful place to read quietly, since the few students here were far to engaged in their caring for the garden to talk to her. She sat down on the bench and read her book, relaxing and taking in the nice weather.
Isaac got bored sitting in his dorm room and doing nothing so he left his dorm and began wandering the grounds stopping briefly to look at the two people flying across the sky, he smiled at how much fun it looked like before moving again he wasn't really heading to a specific place he just was tired of being cooped up in his dorm and he eventually ended up in the cafeteria sitting near the window and looking outside.

Michi Takaharu (Interacting with

@Arayhia )

Michi covered his mouth slowly, Kali hadn't taken notice but that laugh of his was loud and extremely annoying. Quickly he pushed himself to go faster, the air under his wings began to run and he was gaining altitude, with out much realizing he pulled ahead of Kali, the finish line in view. Flapping his wings, he sent gusts of air outwards much like a helicopter, at last he extended them and landed in the front of the school. Kali was only slightly far behind, collapsing on the grass he let out a long sigh, realizing how tired he was. Finally he felt it creep onto his face, a huge grin that stretched ear to ear, a grin that could only be exposed when he was doing something he truly enjoyed.

He had won.

Aurora's face flushed when she realized what she had been doing. She frantically tried to search for words to apologize, but stopped when she noticed that he didn't seem angry. Instead, much to the faun's surprise, he asked her if she wanted a lesson. Although she knew from his tone that he was probably joking, her face involuntarily lit up at the thought of learning such a difficult form of magic from someone who seemed so skilled.

"Are you being serious?" she carefully inquired, not quite sure if it was just an empty offer that he hadn't expected her to actually accept. "If you are, then I would gladly take you up on your offer!" They didn't really know each other, but Aurora hated to turn down an opportunity to learn. Though, perhaps it was a lesson for another time because soon Tenebrae was up and walking towards the door. Maybe he really was joking, Aurora thought, brushing off her earlier excitement. A part of her worried that she might have said something to annoy him, but Aurora pushed the negative thought down. She couldn't blame him for leaving; there were so many places to explore on campus. Of course sitting in the commons would get boring after a while. The serpent-like girl had left just a bit earlier, and Aurora found herself standing by an empty table.

Deciding that she didn't want to stay inside too long, Aurora went to explore the campus until her first class started. While she didn't like being in crowds of people, she did enjoy observing them. She loved how every person/creature was so diverse from one another. They all had their own unique thoughts, opinions, habits, and aspirations. While she was too scared to talk most of the time, she could be rather perceptive. Everyone was so interesting; sometimes she couldn't help it. Taking a deep breath of the fresh outdoor air, she smiled a little. The day was beautiful. Looking up into the sky, she noticed two creatures flying freely. She could have sworn that one of them looked like Kali, although she was a bit surprised to see that the girl could actually fly. The other one had black wings, but it was hard to tell what species he was from her low viewpoint. Aurora could have sworn that she's seen him around before, although she didn't think she had ever talked to him. Nevertheless, it pleased her to see the two of them having so much fun. Aurora kept walking until she reached the entrance of the forest. The faun took a seat under the shade of a nearby tree and observed the campus grounds from afar, enjoying the feel of the grass beneath her.
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Kali's wings beat harder than ever. She's beginning to become tired. Flying is much harder when she has such small wings, but it doesn't bother her, she's just glad that she's having a fun time. And if his laugh is any indication, so it he.

She can see the finish line getting closer, and Michi begins pulling ahead. Heart beats loud in her ears, the wind rushing past her. Michi shoots past the finish line and tumbles into the grass. Kali's only feet behind him, landing in a heap on the grass. She lays back on the grass, a huge smile stretching across her face. She looks towards Michi and sees a matching grin on his face. Kali's excitment and happiness is overwhelming. It's nice to see him smile.

"So. I guess your wing is fine."

She says in a joking voice. She's not sour over losing, she actually had a great time racing.

Michi Takaharu (Interacting with


Michi wipes the smile off his face quickly, and stands up, "uh yeah, I guess." He covers his face, because its currently burning red, partially because he let himself go and mostly because of that stupid grin on his face that made him look like an idiot. He sighs and turns around, "I have to go to my dorm." That was a lot to handle, he thought quietly, entering the dorm Wrymyd through a window outside the school. Once there he collapses on the bed, all of the events of today and it was only 10:30. "School life might actually be fun, maybe." Despite being cold to her that was the longest time he had ever spent with someone other then... He trails off, as his conscience slips in and out and he falls asleep happy.

Kali watches him stand, the smile slipping off his face. She's not deceived though, she knows he had fun. His face is a bit red as he gruffly tells her goodbye. "Okay. Bye Michi."

She stands up after he leaves and brushes herself off. Raising her hands she pats her head, a sigh escapes after feeling leaves and twigs in her hair. She's pretty fatiguing as well, so she starts makin. Her way over to her dorm.
After finishing the first chapter, Coah's stomach growled loudly, causing a few of the gardeners to stare. She closed the book and her face flushed as red as some of the feather on her wings, and she quickly glided her way from the garden searching for the cafeteria.

She stopped with a skid in the entrance and stretched her brightly coloured wings before letting them hang loosely and stepping into the cafeteria. She walked up to the food and grabbed some fruit and a muffin, and looked around for an empty table to sit, but most of them already had some one there, and she wasn't in the mood for interacting with another group of immature people. Perhaps it was only people with feathered wings, but she wasn't going to take the chance. She had been perfectly fine isolated, and only came here for educational purposes. She didn't need friends to make her happy. She smoothed the feathers on the back of her head and decided to wait for a table to empty. In the mean time she simply stood there awkwardly, trying to bring as little attention to herself as possible.
There Was A Weird Fuzziness In Ray's Head 'What Happened?.....D-...Did I..Fall Asleep? Or....am I..Dead?!..Probably Not..', He Looked Around; He Was Surrounded By Trees That Shined A Dark Murky Green With A Small Lake InFront Of Him That Taunted Him By Giving Him The Urge To Jump In It 'When Did I Get Here..A Few Hours Ago? A Few Months Ago?!..Just Now?'..., He Attempted To Get Up But Something Stopped Him That Inflicted A Horrid Pain Throughout His Body, 'What The?!' His Body Was In Human Form But His Arms And Hands Where In His Phoenix Form, Taking The Role As His Wings 'Oh No..', His Wings Were Bent, And Crooked, They Had Small Rips In The And Fire Spurted Out From Those Rips, Meaning His Wigs Were Healing 'This Freaking Sucks!', He Felt Horrid And He Decided To Kick The Ground In Rage "Damnit!!"..He Had A Small Pause And Looked Up And Noticed Broken Branches And A Gash In a Tree 'I..Fell?' He Had A Mixed Look Of Anger, Confusion And Awe

Ray Decided To Scoot Over To The Lake To Get Some Refreshment. When He Reached The Lake He Dipped His Feet In And Laid Back 'Oh Man..', His Wings Had To Stay As They Are To Heal 'Might Aswell Take A Rest' Ray Flipped Out A Small Phone And Put In His Headphones, Put On Some Music, And Laid Back, Waiting For His Wings To Heal.

@ Anyone

Music: It's Time- Imagine Dragons
[QUOTE="Bread King]After finishing the first chapter, Coah's stomach growled loudly, causing a few of the gardeners to stare. She closed the book and her face flushed as red as some of the feather on her wings, and she quickly glided her way from the garden searching for the cafeteria.
She stopped with a skid in the entrance and stretched her brightly coloured wings before letting them hang loosely and stepping into the cafeteria. She walked up to the food and grabbed some fruit and a muffin, and looked around for an empty table to sit, but most of them already had some one there, and she wasn't in the mood for interacting with another group of immature people. She smoothed the feathers on the back of her head and decided to wait for a table to empty. In the mean time she simply stood there awkwardly, trying to bring as little attention to herself as possible.

Isaac saw the girl glide in and grab some food he didn't think much of it until she didn't take a seat and stood there he thought to himself "She must be waitting for a free table." If she was trying not to draw attention to herself she was doing a bad job since she was the only one standing in the entire cafeteria. Isaac didn't want her to just stand there and look awkward so he walked up and said "If you don't want to draw attention to yourself, you may wanna sit down." And went back to his table near the window.
Trivia glanced between the two. She didn't feel she was particularly needed there and really wanted to go explore some more. Not to mention the thought of a Reaper left her unsettled because she want certain how long a Witch was actually supposed to live. "Well, I want to get more exploring done before long. Pleasure meeting you two." Backing up a couple steps, she turned and began to walk away. With a small wave, she called over her shoulder, "Au revoir!"

@jamaicanviking @See Me Play 0715
Coah was confused. Was he... Making fun of her?! Or maybe he was being nice. Coah decided to test it. She walked over his table and sat down across from him. She tried hard to keep calm, although she was very nervous and really uncertain about how to act.

"Hi, I'm Anacoahna. Thank you for talking to me. I'm the descendant of the feathered serpent and Aztec god of wind, Quetzalcoatl. You can call me Coah. And you are?" Coah said. She took a bite of her muffin and looked up at him,
[QUOTE="Bread King]Coah was confused. Was he... Making fun of her?! Or maybe he was being nice. Coah decided to test it. She walked over his table and sat down across from him. She tried hard to keep calm, although she was very nervous and really uncertain about how to act.
"Hi, I'm Anacoahna. Thank you for talking to me. I'm the descendant of the feathered serpent and Aztec god of wind, Quetzalcoatl. You can call me Coah. And you are?" Coah said. She took a bite of her muffin and looked up at him,

"Nice to meet you Coah my name's Isaac, why were you just standing up there?" Isaac asked.
"I'm not good at making friends. I've spent most of my life in isolation. I read lots of books and I learned that you make friends by helping people out. But it didn't work. I healed the Tengu, and he got even more mad. Plus the fairy was mad at me too. I only asked them what they were. Is that bad?" She ranted, "By the way, is it too soon to ask you what you are, in order to further my education?"
[QUOTE="Bread King]"I'm not good at making friends. I've spent most of my life in isolation. I read lots of books and I learned that you make friends by helping people out. But it didn't work. I healed the Tengu, and he got even more mad. Plus the fairy was mad at me too. I only asked them what they were. Is that bad?" She ranted, "By the way, is it too soon to ask you what you are, in order to further my education?"

"Well all of that depends on who you're asking or helping." Isaac said "If what they are is personal and they don't like to talk about or they're shy it would be kinda mean to ask about." Isaac said adding "I'm a demon human hybrid."
"He was kinda mean first," She said, "I did apologize.." She sighed and brushed a strand of colorful hair from her currently purple colored eyes. "I'm sorry. I guess I am pretty rude. But the two of them are racing around the school and I can't fly to catch up with them to say sorry. I suppose I aren't bring a very good representative of my people. I'm not very mature either. Tgank you"

She finished the last bit of her muffin and swallowed it. She stood up to leave. "Nice to meet you Isaac." She said, bowing her head in respect and then smiling brightly before turning to leave.
[QUOTE="Bread King]"He was kinda mean first," She said, "I did apologize.." She sighed and brushed a strand of colorful hair from her currently purple colored eyes. "I'm sorry. I guess I am pretty rude. But the two of them are racing around the school and I can't fly to catch up with them to say sorry. I suppose I aren't bring a very good representative of my people. I'm not very mature either. Tgank you"
She finished the last bit of her muffin and swallowed it. She stood up to leave. "Nice to meet you Isaac." She said, bowing her head in respect and then smiling brightly before turning to leave.

"Nice meeting you too, and if you get the chance say sorry." Isaac said waving goodbye as she got up.

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