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Realistic or Modern Kiss Me ∞ - OOC


Chat here, not the roleplay!
Keep it drama free please, respect me and the other roleplayers!
Any questions, just ask!
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ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Your and my character could have been set up by their parents to be in a relationship or something like that at some point? They could have had a decent relationship until he got kicked out. Maybe he doesn’t like her because she was to afraid to keep in contact with him so she broke it off. Thoughts?
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki Your and my character could have been set up by their parents to be in a relationship or something like that at some point? They could have had a decent relationship until he got kicked out. Maybe he doesn’t like her because she was to afraid to keep in contact with him so she broke it off. Thoughts?
Sounds good. His parents could gave been sponsor of your chars mother, both our char''s mothers becomes close friends and through that ours met. What sort of relationship do you have in mind just friends or do you mean the actually were together? I can imagine mine wanting or thinking it was the latter so is doubly angry with her, his disorder not helping the matter.
travelbypages travelbypages
Who's hosting said party? ...'Cause I started writing my post as it being hosted by the school (which is just where my head first assumed would make sense to encourage the kids from both sides to mingle), but I thought about it more and if "too much fun" is to happen and this is pretty much a thing just the kids know about, then I started to suggest maybe it's being held by a school official's kid (parents could be out of town or whatnot, blah blah), OR (I know, bear with me) maybe you intended it to be hosted by one of your characters.

...If I'm thinking too far into this, just tell me, hahah. I guess I'm just trying to figure out what incentive West Side kids would have to possibly go to an East Side party and how they would even know there is one (since I think you said this was the first clash, which has me thinking school hasn't started yet).

-feels bad for asking so many questions and probably being confusing while doing so- ._.
travelbypages travelbypages
Who's hosting said party? ...'Cause I started writing my post as it being hosted by the school (which is just where my head first assumed would make sense to encourage the kids from both sides to mingle), but I thought about it more and if "too much fun" is to happen and this is pretty much a thing just the kids know about, then I started to suggest maybe it's being held by a school official's kid (parents could be out of town or whatnot, blah blah), OR (I know, bear with me) maybe you intended it to be hosted by one of your characters.

...If I'm thinking too far into this, just tell me, hahah. I guess I'm just trying to figure out what incentive West Side kids would have to possibly go to an East Side party and how they would even know there is one (since I think you said this was the first clash, which has me thinking school hasn't started yet).

-feels bad for asking so many questions and probably being confusing while doing so- ._.
It's being hosted by my female character - Harlow Sienna Roy. By first clash it means that that's the first party the West side has been invited to, but the school year is almost done!
Doesn't have to be a crush just some sort of history.
What sort of history were you thinking? She's an East and he's a West... Maybe he could have been an old hookup sort of thing but she ignored him completely after because of his social status? The party could be a confrontation sort of thing then

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