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Kiotaro x Abana

Dante looked at her and smiled. He said to her, "Watch this." He pointed at the sky and everywhere he pointed there was a new star. Big ones too. He started to pointed about fourty five times. He made them in a shape of a smiley face. He laughed a little bit. "Neat huh?"
Dante laughed, "I didn't think you would notice." He wasn't sure of anything else to do. "So where are you from?"
Shea remained quiet, her secret side showing itself, "No where special, I don't really like talking about it." Shea turned on her side, her back facing Dante.
Dante felt rejected. "I would tell you where I'm from, but I can't remember. Why don't you like talking about it?" He faced her back since she was facing away from him.
"I don't mean to be rude about it, it's just..." Shea groaned and turned around then blinked seeing he was already facing her. "I don't like talking about it because no one ever stuck around to care. I got used to keep my past in the past and living in the now."
Dante stopped smiling and said, "Well we are roommates now so we have to get to know each other. Here, I'll start. I'm Dante from I don't know. I don't remember my real age, I don't remember a lot of stuff. Just how to use my powers." He smiled and started to draw something on the roof. he was just writing his name.
Shea grinned, "oh gee the overload of info swimming in every word you speak, do you have amnesia or something?" Shea sat up to watch him draw and says softly, "I've like in foster homes since I was four."
Dante said, "Well, I don't remember how I don't remember. That's the thing. Why have you lived in foster homes?" He smiled at her trying to reassure her.
"My parents were...murdered. But I don't remember much except all the blood, I woke up in a foster building with kids calling me the murder freak. They said I killed them some they couldn't find the killer." Why is his smile contagious?! Shea shrugs and looks up at the stars, "Because of that I wasn't adopted but instead passed around like cattle."
Dante lost his smile. "Oh. I'm sorry. I really am. I don't remember how it feels to have a family so I can't say I've felt the same thing you have, but I've never had a family, so I know what some of it feels like." He paused for a second. "I'm here if you ever want to talk." He smiled a little bit.
"No, it's ok, I don't really know what family is anymore either so we have something in common. I had no problem being passed around because none of them liked me for me anyway and if they couldn't do that then I didn't want them either. And thanks, I'll be sure to tell you every juicy detail." Shea laughed openly.
Dante laughed. "Go on ahead." He smiled at her. "But who needs family anyways! Am I right!" He said sitting up slightly.
Shea calmed her laughter and sighed, "We don't need family. We've got each other, right?" She stretched and touched her toes.
Dante laughed and said, "You got that right!" He laid back down and stared up at the stars, making some more in designs he was making up.
This is getting awkward. Shea laid back down as well, watching him make designs with stars she knew didn't exist until he added them in, "Can anybody see the designs you make or just us?"
Dante didn't stop making designs. "depends if I want them to or not. Right now it's just a treat for me and you."

(Ok, we need to think of a plot to add in, this is getting boring lmao)

"A treat? Is that like giving a girl flowers only 'I'll make you a star', instead?" Shea laughed.
Dante laughed. "Indeed."

((Indeed we do. Maybe the cops did out about them but they don't know where they live n stuff.))
Shea looked at Dante and grinned, "So you are hitting on me. A wizard magician hitting on a vampire. Look at that, ma be I should bite you so people will know you're taken?" She realized what she said and gasped, "I'm sorry that was inappropriate!"

(Or human hunters that was to experiment on us? O.o )
Dante burst out into laughter. "That was funny. I only hit on girls if it works. Is it working?" HE said winking at her. She was very attractive. He was hitting on her but he didnt want to sound like an asshole.
Shea laughed with him, "It might be working, might not. I'll never tell." She laughed again as he winked at her causing Shea to blush. Standing up she stretched, "it's getting late, I've got the morning shift at work so I should get some sleep. Hell, boss gave me the entire day shift tomorrow because he blames me for the fight today. I might take you up on that offer to take me to work, though".
Dante smiled and said, "maybe I could bring you some coffee tomorrow." He stood up and stretched as well. He started to walk to the stairs. He motioned for Shea to go first. "Ladies first."
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(Lmao Raiko?)

Shea climbed down the stairs first, "A gentleman and sweet talker, I could get used to this. I can't drink coffee unless blood is mingled within it." Oh, I sound so damn needy! Shea went for the door and waited for Dante to catch up.
((Lmao wrong Rp sorry.))

Dante followed her. "So blood latte?" Dante burst into laughter. "Sorry I just had to. It was just waiting for me."

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