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Realistic or Modern ♔Kingston.Preparatory♔

Trinity Patin



Trinity smiled.

"Oh you know, that dorm." She said, waving her hand nonchalantly at the dorm buildings.

She laughed.

"I'm kidding. I'm in 103 with a 'Queen Bee'." She replied, rolling her eyes at the last part.
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Charles \\Chuck

"A queen bee?"

He asked, raising an eyebrow and scratching his head.

He was always with the queen bees, a pretty girl linked on his arm, the jocks trailing behind, on weekends and between classes.

He had a thing for the queens of the school, and it was a blow to find out she wasn't pleased.

"Well that should be fun. Someone to curl your hair on the weekends."

He chuckled and ran another hand through his hair.
Trinity Patin



"Hmm. I suppose I shouldn't totally diss her," Trinity said with a small sigh. "I just never had the best past with girls like that. Besides, I haven't even met her. Maybe she'll be cool."

Trinity looked up at Charles.

"So Charles. You got a last name?" Trinity asked with a laugh.
Charles // Chuck

"Uh, yeah, Riley. Charles Riley"

Charles took out an expensive cigarette and held it in between his lips. He took out a lighter, with a small family crest engraved on it and lit up.

Charles inhaled deeply, feeling the smoke line the inside of his lungs, before blowing the smoke away from Trinitys face. Holding the cigarette in both of his fingers, he took it from his mouth and held it away from the pair.

Although smoking was strictly forbidden on campus, Charles always seemed to find a way.

"Would you like one, trinity?"

He smiled, bringing the cigarette back up to his lips and keeping it there.
Trinity Patin



Trinity paused for a moment.

"Why the hell not?" She said, taking the cigarette from him and placing it between her lips, holding it for him to light.
Charles // Chuck

"Sure fuck it darling"

Charles said, cupping her ciggarette and lighting it for her. When he finished, he put the precious lighter back in his pocket and took the cigarette out again.

"Well, Kimberly and Anaya weren't so fun. Afraid to break a nail."

He stood up suddenly, and put his hand out for her to take.

"Have you left your luggage at the dorm??"

He asked quickly.
Trinity Patin



Trinity took Chuck's hand.

"Yeah, why?"

Trinity noticed he was even more striking when the light illuminated his face. His jawline looked like it had been carved by a machine. He was fairly muscular and tall. But his eyes were what really got to Trinity. They seemed to be able to stare straight to her soul. It made her shiver a little.
Charles // Chuck

Charles smiled, but didn't let go of her hand. Instead, he dragged her half way across campus.

"We're going on an adventure, Trinity."

He let the words sing from his mouth. He finished off the ciggarette, but instead of putting it on the precious grass, he tossed it in the bin.
Trinity Patin



"Oooooh, an adventure!" Trinity said as she ditched her cigarette in the bin.

"Let me guess, a surprise?" She asked as she walked alongside Charles, still holding his hand.
Charles // Chuck

"An adventure!" He chuckled.

They reached the main school building that held the classes, and walked around it, the gravel making a crunching noise.

Reaching behind the building they met a cream high wall, railed with black iron. To the left, was a shed.

"Come on, don't be scared!"

He happily said, opening the shed. In the shed, was a shovel. Literally a shovel.

There was also a window, a large one, to which the pair walked to. He pulled his keys out, found a key painted red, opened the window and jumped out.

He held his arms open, waiting for her to join him.
Trinity Patin



Trinity looked down, making sure Chuck was ready and jumped, landing softly in his arms.

"So, what's with the jumping out windows? Where are we going?" She inquired, still in his arms.
Brian Christopher Hyland



Brian smiled as Kimberly's sweet British accent rang in his ears. He hadn't heard it for about 2 and a half months now, and her's sounded particularly posh. "Dont' mind if I do...." he said with a wink. He got up from the grass and dusted his dark-wash Levi's. Then he sat down next to Kimberly on her kimono.

Charles // Chuck

She was as light as a feather in his arms, as he spun once before leaving her down.

"Well that's the only way out of this shit hole, without having to bribe Gary at the gates with sex from one of the queenies."

He said casually, without thinking anything of it. A second later he looked at her with open eyes and an o shaped mouth.

"Shit, promise not to say anything!?"
Trinity Patin



Trinity's eyes sparkled mischievously.

"You'll have to pay a price." She said evilly as she leaned against Charles.


➳Queen Bees

"So, Brian. Any plans for tonight?"

Kimberly said in an almost, whisper.

Kimberly sure had plans. Although Brian, the
American seemed like he could keep a secret or two.

She took a pair of M o s c h i n o sunglasses out of her bag and licked her lips, hiding her eyes from view. They were almost always intimidating, no matter how hard she tried.

Charles // Chuck

"Oh trinity, love, you wouldn't say a word now would you?"

Charles said, placing a soft finger on her lips.

The sound of water splashing on pebbles was nearby, as Charles got distracted like a child high on candy. He walked faster and eventually reached the Forrest.

"Come on!"
Trinity Patin



Trinity hurried to catch up with Charles.

"It feels like you're leading me on a wild goose chase, but I'm trusting you not to." Trinity said with a laugh. "Are we almost there?"
Brian Christopher Hyland



Brian smirked, he wasn't sure if Kimberly was asking for it or not, but he would play along. He ran his tongue over his teeth seductively. He had a glint in his eye that signaled he was up for trouble.

"I don't know, if you have no plans, then I have none," he said with a smile.

Charles \\ Chuck

"Just keep following, I promise it's worth it, dear"

Charles said, his eyes squinting through the dense Forrest. The sound of water was getting louder and louder, and as the noise got louder, the more Charles got hyper.

Eventually they reached the lake. A large one, at that, that sat right behind the school. Around the lake was cut down trees and old campfire circles that had been made by the rebels before them.

Charles took Trinitys hand and led her down Rocks that had been made to substitute stairs. Eventually they reached another campfire circle, but one with rock benches, large crates of beer and cider and a fantastic view. It was a carefully chosen site, being enclosed from the outside world, near the lake and being able to see the school without it seeing you.

"I presume since you're not exactly besties with the Queen Bees and Jocks, that you've never been here?"

Chuck said proudly, letting go of her hand and opening a crate of beer.



➳Queen Bees

Kimberly saw the look. The look of the trouble risers. Her favourite look.


She asked, her eyes going puppy eyed and her eyebrows raised.

"Would you mind helping me unpack, maybe-"

She glanced upon the line that had vanished, and a smile flickered on her lips.

"Now..? I promise it will be worth your while.."

Kimberly placed a feminine hand on his thigh.

Maybe he would like to play a few games.. She thought.

@Keira Winston
Trinity Patin



"Oh wow..." Trinity said, staring at the view. "This place is..."

Amazing wasn't even close.

"It's also my first year here, so I'm totally new to this place."

She said, picking up a cider.

"Wow..." She repeated in awe, sitting down on one of the rock benches.
Charles // Chuck

"They'd kill me if the knew you were down here"

Charles muttered, sitting beside her and opening a bottle of bourbon. He took a large swig of it and looked out onto the horizon of the lake.

"she's a beauty alright"

Charles said, wiping his mouth and running a hand through his hair.

"We found this place back in grade 1. Naya had had a temper fit, and came running down this hill. And that's where we found this place"

He trailed off, not really knowing what to tell her and what not to tell her.
Trinity Patin



"Well, if they're going to kill you for me being down her, maybe we could just go back to my dorm. It's not after 10, so we're all good." Trinity said with a small sigh as she looked over the lake.

"Oh!" She said in a bit of awe. "You haven't "identified" yourself in any of the "cliques" yet. What are you?" Trinity asked.
Charles // chuck

"Oh I have to identify myself in a clique?"

He asked biting his lip.

"party people/rebels"

He said, and swigged another sup of bourbon.

"Your dorm? Someone's forward! Heck yeah!"

Chuck chuckled playfully.
Trinity Patin



Trinity winked.

"A rebel, eh? Sounds like the kinda guy I'd like." She said, leaning against Charles.

"You, Mister Riley, are quite an intriguing man. I think I like you." Trinity said with a playful smile.
Charles // Chuck

Charles grinned, pulling her in closer until her head was on his shoulder. He liked Trinity. She was different. Not afraid to get a little adventurous. And hell, she was hot too.

"I like you too, Ms. Patin"

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