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Realistic or Modern ♔Kingston.Preparatory♔

Jacob long


Stud/bad boy

Jacob smirked a little because of Landon's face saying "ooohh I might take that offer when I feel like it but not know I'm just settling in" he said picking up his duffle bag and kicking his soccer ball up and catching it while saying "yeah my father owns a line of movie theaters and my mom is a clothes designer. And yeah I hate that to how people expect things from you because of your parents" as Jacob saw London turn around telling him not to call her tongues in public he smiled sayin "sure I won't call you tongues and in exchange you can make a nickname up for me, and yes they are inside jokes okay"

@Keira Winston

(Sorry for the big text)
Naya Rodriguez

18, Queen Bee

Naya waltzed around with her eyes darting back and forth to see if there was anyone nearby who seemed interesting enough for her to talk to. A friend, perhaps a future love-interest, or maybe just some geek she liked to mock. Point is, she needed a little more to happen in the school. After what seemed like a hundred years in these hallways, a little drama had become something she treasured very much. Perhaps she would pay a visit to the band room, but hopefully she'd meet someone while she walked. There, further down the hallway stood the same familliar figure who had earlier called out her name. A handsome young man stood by himself, but one would assume that he had just gotten rid of the company as our dear Kimberly rushed away from him. Naya raised a brow at this and stopped when she reached Charles. "What happened to Kimmy?" She asked with a slight worry in her voice and gazed up at him. Even though she didn't intend to flirt, a look in her eyes always appeared whenever she was near a person of opposite gender. "You weren't mean to her, were you?" She said. Even though she knew that Kim would be fine on her own, she couldn't help but be protective of her friends.

"Wanna do a freestyle or something? Play a song by an artist? I dunno, something like that?"

Adelaide thought for a while. She had planned to come to school early, not only because it was the first day, but also to claim her place in the bandroom once again. She liked to make sure the place where she would be bettering herself musically and mentally was up to shape.

She was glad she had Theo with her today. Usually, Adelaide was in the bandroom by herself, fixing it up as if it were her own house. And it kind of was. Band was her home and the place she felt most in control and most comfortable. No one—not even the richest, snobbiest, spoiled brat in the world— could take that away from her.

"Yeah, I'd love to do that actually. But first, I need your help. I'm pretty sure the bandroom is still messy from band camp. Unorganized and band are two words I hate using in the same sentence. You mind helping me fix up the place? Make it look nice for the incoming freshman and what not? Gotta catch 'em early."

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♪ Theo Lavender ♪

Seventeen | Band Geek

"Yeah, I'd love to do that actually. But first, I need your help. I'm pretty sure the bandroom is still messy from band camp. Unorganized and band are two words I hate using in the same sentence. You mind helping me fix up the place? Make it look nice for the incoming freshman and what not? Gotta catch 'em early." Adelaide had stated.

They nodded a bit in response. "
Oh cool! I get what you're saying; band camp was a hell of a ride... Remember when we built that fort out of the chairs with the other kids from that other high school? That's probably still there, unless someone managed to take it down. That thing was massive and actually pretty fun to build! Yeah, we gotta set an awesome example for the fresh blood~ Haha, it's gonna be fun scaring them this year! We should have this rite of passage like last year... Have them improvise for a few seconds? Yeah that's a good idea..." He said with a goofy but inspired grin.

Ah band, the most beautiful place to relax and spend time with the people who understood him. It was like a safe haven from the snooty people in this school~ Playing together and in ensembles really brought smiles to Theo's face. The pair walked right in to be greeted by a huge mess of chairs on the floor.

Damn. That was a bigger mess than I thought.." Theo said pushing his precious instruments and suitcase into a relatively sheet music and chair free area. "Okay let's get started," Theo continued with a crack of his knuckles.



Charles 'C h u c k' / 18 / Party People

Charles welcomed Kimberlys hug, and sighed.

Feeling her skinny waist push tighter against him was suprising, but as soon as he had gotten used to the feeling of her in his arms again, she had fled away.

Just like she always did.

Back pressed against the lockers, he slid to the floor, bourbon in hand.

"What happened to kimmy?"

He heard Nayas sweet Spanish accent ring in his ear.

Dragging his eyes away from the bottle, his hazel eyes looked up with a questioning look.

You weren't mean to her, were you?"

She had asked.

Chuck chuckled.

"Mean to Kimberly? Has anyone ever gotten the chance?"

He did raise an eyebrow though, the tight hug, and the direction she ran in.

"She ran towards the girls bathroom- but she seemed perfectly fine"

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Adelaide Sunden|16|Band Geek

Adelaide chuckled, enjoying Theo's rambling. He had great ideas and, boy, was he a really bubbly guy. She wondered why they weren't better friends. Adelaide knew she wasn't one to bypass people of great potential. She wondered how Theo slipped under her radar. Adelaide pushed up her glasses as they entered the bandroom.

Adelaide groaned. The room was atrocious. Worse than she had expected. Sheet music played out across the floor, chairs lying everywhere and music stands in the most outrageous places. Band camp was always fun and the shenanigans that band kids got into were the funniest, craziest things Adelaide had ever seen. Best of all, the fun was never childish or trouble-making. It was all pure, band-obsessed fun. However, after all the crazy fun, someone had to clean up. It was usually Adelaide. She wasn;t complaining. She enjoyed making her favorite space look great, but t was gonna take a lot, more than previous years, to get this place back in ship-shape.

"Damn. That was a bigger mess than I thought.
." Theo said pushing his precious instruments and suitcase into a relatively sheet music and chair free area. "Okay let's get started," Theo continued with a crack of his knuckles. Adelaide smiled. She almost forgot she had a friend there to help her. She settled her things in one of the small practice rooms and took a deep breath, ready to start spewing clean-up orders to her helper.

Alright, we should definitely start by picking up all this sheet music and trash off the floor. You know the only people who ever leave sheet music in the bandroom are the freshman. They'll learn when they get to concert class and realize they know none of their music." Adelaide sighed. "Gotta give em tough love."
♪ Theo Lavender ♪

Seventeen | Band Geek

"Alright, we should definitely start by picking up all this sheet music and trash off the floor. You know the only people who ever leave sheet music in the bandroom are the freshman. They'll learn when they get to concert class and realize they know none of their music." Adelaide sighed. "Gotta give em tough love."

Theo chuckled with a lopsided grin. "
Alrighty, I am the master at this, watch me work my magic," He reponded. "It is always the freshmen, no matter what and you can't really help it. I love to make 'em squirm though. concert class will be the death of them with all of this music on the floor." Theo started from one corner of the room, trying to wrangle the music of varying degrees of difficulty.

Wait a sec, is that- no.... Wait! IT IS!" He suddenly exclaimed rushing towards a cabinet with a few sheets of music jammed into its drawers. "Hell yeah it is! It's that piece I had planned to perform with you! I think? Maybe it was with Joe, I dunno... No it was all three of us! We wrote this, oh god, those were the days.... We never actually named it, though," Theo had said with a frown. The very torn up pieces of papers he held were the things he tried to write himself for violin, trumpet, and french horn. It was an end of band camp gift for the director that never actually ended up in his hands.

This was pretty awesome for our attempt at figuring out harmonies and melodies of course~" Theo stated as his eyes scanned over the sheet music. the mass of garbage was held underneath his left arm as he sighed with memories. "Pretty fun, right?" He asked peering up at Adelaide.


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Adelaide Sunden|16|Band Geek

Adelaide was busy sorting sheet music by its parts when Theo exclaimed.

"Wait a sec, is that- no.... Wait! IT IS!" She looked over her shoulder quickly, watching Theo run towards the cabinet and yank out some crumpled sheets. "Hell yeah it is! It's that piece I had planned to perform with you! I think? Maybe it was with Joe, I dunno... No it was all three of us! We wrote this, oh god, those were the days.... We never actually named it, though," Theo had said with a frown. Adelaide walked closer, humming with intrigue.

"This was pretty awesome for our attempt at figuring out harmonies and melodies of course~" Theo stated. "Pretty fun, right?" He asked.

"Woah, we wrote some sheet music back in the day? How could I not remember that?" She couldn't remember teaming up with Theo and the Joe guy to write music, but if she knew one thing about music, it was it's amazing ability to stimulate the brain. "Honestly, Theo, I don't really remember. A violin, french horn, and trumpet piece? That's some weird instrumentation." Adelaide chuckled. "We should play it. It might kick start my stupid brain into actually remembering more of my beloved band memories." She was a little excited to play her instrument with someone else. She wondered how well the piece was written, though. Adelaide assured herself it couldn't be that bad...or could it?
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♪ Theo Lavender ♪

Seventeen | Band Geek

Woah, we wrote some sheet music back in the day? How could I not remember that? Honestly, Theo, I don't really remember. A violin, french horn, and trumpet piece? That's some weird instrumentation. We should play it. It might kick start my stupid brain into actually remembering more of my beloved band memories," Adelaide had said as she stopped her organizing of the forgotten sheet music.

Heck yes! I really don't know how well this is gonna be. I hope I'm not repulsed by it. If I start throwing up, I need you to get me a bucket, okay? Okay. We can like stop for now, right?" Theo had responded with way too much enthusiasm. He really hoped it wasn't a bad piece. "And I do think that is the weirdest instrumentation, too. Brass with a violin? Too much is too much," He added with a shiver.

Theo ran over to the trash can to drop wrappers and discarded coffee cups into it. He almost tripped sprinting over to his instruments. "
I did NOT trip, I swear," he announced with a red face. With careful, trembling hands he popped the lid on his beautiful trumpet. Like every devout musician, he kept it in prime condition. It shined and sparkled that made even jewels envy its shine. Okay maybe not that sparkly, but it was in good condition. Theo popped the mouth piece in and moved the valves for an experiment. "Okay, they don't need to be oiled at least," he stated aloud as he began to warm up.

It started out simple with whole notes in his tuning scale but then progressed into sixteenth notes and later complex rhythms. Theo stopped and winked at Adelaide. "
You gonna warm up now?" he asked playfully.


Brian Christopher Hyland



Brian made his way towards his locker. He threw a few things into it including his soccer ball, basketball, and american football. What she missed most about America was American football. He was trying to get used to calling soccer football, but the girls loved it when he acted very 'American.' He wasn't really thrilled that he couldn't room with a person for a person of his choice. His last roommate let him hook up with girls in his room, but he wasn't sure about his new roommate.

Brian closed his locker and made his way outside. He already checked in, got his schedule, and got his dorm key. He wasn't sure what else there was left to do, so he decided to wait for his friends outside.

London Cassandra Diaz


Partiers/ Players

London closed her locker door shut. She finally finished loading in all her books and supplies. She turned toward Jacob. "I'm not sure if I heard of your parents, but my parents definitely know yours," she said shrugging. "Yeah, maybe I will make up a nickname for you. Your abs might give me a bit of inspiration," London replied licking her lips. "I guess I'll see you around," She then turned her shoulder and walked outside.



➳Queen Bees

After a few minutes, Kimberly stood up again. Looking at her blemish-free face in the mirror, she re-applied a thin coat of orange lipstick once again.

Adjusting her skirt and running a hand through her hair, Kimberly sauntered out of the bathroom, as though she only went to the bathroom to take a selfie in the gold-rimmed mirrors.

Her heels clicked the halls as she reached the glass doors that lead back out to the courtyard.

Opening them, she sighed. Most had arrived. Eyes fell upon her at once. Whispering filled the air, as her strong eyes gazed across the courtyard.

"There she is" "That's Kimberly- you should probably avoid her" "Isint that the girl who poured her green tea over that band geek?" "That bitch!"

Kimberly heard the whispers- all of them. Her smile started to play on her lips, as she raised a single eyebrow at the crowd.

"Boo." She muttered, as a group of year 1's took a large step back in awe.
Adelaide Sunden|16|Band Geek

Theo stopped and winked at Adelaide. "You gonna warm up now?" he asked playfully. Adelaide lifted her eyebrows. "Is Theo showing off? Yeah, I'm gonna warm-up. Gimme a sec."

Adelaide went to her instrument and opened the violin case, wrapping her fingers around the neck of the violin and lifting the polished mahogany out of its home. She grabbed the bow next, rubbing it with rosin, stretching her arms out in front of her, then getting into a playing position. Adelaide let the bow slide across the strings, twisting the tuning knobs as she went, then played a few short songs. She sighed in satisfaction. Only a musical instrument could effect Adelaide's emotions in such a pleasurable way. It was like a warm blanket falling over her body, during a cold night.

Adelaide set her instrument down and grabbed two music stands from the room, placing one in front of Theo and one for herself. She grabbed her violin again and set it on left shoulder, gazing intently at the piece of music in front of her.

"Alright, let's do this."
Brian Christopher Hyland



Brian sat on a bench observing his surroundings. A smirk spread over his face as he checked out a few sophomores, but none of them compared to the girls he had back home. To him, it didn't make quite a difference. He watched as the freshmen all averted their eyes to something a bit to the difference. From his bench, he could already tell who was walking into the courtyard. Kimberly Woods, one of the Queen Bees of the school, made her way down the path as many whispered rumors about her. The rumors of her cattiness were most likely true, but Brian was one who wouldn't mind playing around with her. "Well, look who's back," Brian said crossing his arms in front of his chest.

♪ Theo Lavender ♪

Seventeen | Band Geek

"Is Theo showing off? Yeah, I'm gonna warm-up. Gimme a sec," Adelaide said as she brought out her violin. She took time making her instrument in ship-shape condition and tuning it to at least sound correct.

Me? Showing off! Preposterous!" He responded with fake and exaggerated hurt. Theo knew that he was sort of flat and adjusted his valve to fix his pitch. He played again to test it and saw it as fit. "Okay, good," he thought as he started playing a bit of jazz while Adelaide picked up music stands. Soon after, Theo set the music down with a small flourish.

Alright, let's do this," Adelaide said with a hidden jubilant gaze towards the music. Theo chuckled because of her enjoyable attitude towards music. He loved it when people were passionate about playing an instrument. Music was a small gift that brought people together. It provided an outlet for emotions and desires. Simple or complex sounds melted together could make you feel all emotions or some emotions in a few minutes to many hours. Theo was ready to melt into the music.

Hell yeah!" He exclaimed putting his trumpets to his lips. The melody began with him. He let out a long, but soft note which melted into short, high staccato notes. He went down a few notes and straight into loud high notes back down to low, soft notes. It felt happy like waves of the ocean moving softly, up and down, up and down. For a total of eight measures this continued until Adelaide was ready to join in.



(Make it up~ ;P)
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Adelaide Sunden|16|Band Geek

"Hell yeah!" He exclaimed putting his trumpets to his lips. The melody began with him. He let out a long, but soft note which melted into short, high staccato notes. He went down a few notes and straight into loud high notes back down to low, soft notes. Adelaide inhaled, preparing to play her part. As Theo began his staccato melody, Adelaide played long, increasing notes underneath, giving the piece a beautiful suspense about it. Then the melody became Adelaide's part as she bowed the main melody, adding increasing dynamics and vibrato in the appropriate places. They continued to play the piece, although there was a part missing, the two band geeks just played through it.

The piece ended in a chord, the timbre of the instruments mixing in a strange but nice harmony. Adelaide exhaled and let her hand, clutching the bow, fall to her side.

"That. Was awesome." Adelaide looked to Theo. It hadn't been long since Adelaide had played with others, but the feeling never got old. "If Joe comes back, we should definitely play this again. I can't believe we wrote this! Well, actually I can but still..." Adelaide rubbed her finger on her violin string as she enthused about playing the piece.


➳Queen Bees

Kimberlys eyes diverted towards a more, different kind of chaos.

The line outside the dorm rooms was a round, twisty one, that spread a quarter of the way along the campus.

Sighing, she pulled a kimono out of her bag, sat it on the grass, and placed herself on it, stretching her long, caramel legs out.

Who is that.

She thought, her eyes falling upon Brian.

"A jock?" She muttered, her eyes shifting back to her legs.

She had had plenty of jocks in her time, just different sizes, but all the same personalities.

Brian Christopher Hyland



Brian sat on the bench eyeing Kimberly. He threw his pigskin back and forth between his hands. His eyes looked over Kimberly. He made eye contact with her. Then he skimmed over her, from down to her silky looking legs, and back up to make eye contact with her. Brian wasn't sure if his stare came out as quite imitating like it often did, but he decided to go talk to her. Brian threw his American football into his nike duffle bag and walked over to sit next to her on the grass.

"I've seen you around before. You're Kimberly, am I right?" Brian asked with a smirk on his face. He sat back and cross his arms over his chest.
Trinity sighed as she sat down on the grass, rather far away from everyone, and began to play guitar.

It was a small tune her mother taught her, but it made Trinity smile very time she heard it.

((Character sob story upcoming!))

When Trinity had turned 13, a few months after her birthday, her mother learned she had breast cancer.

After months and months of chemotherapy, her mother finally fought off the cancer.

About 3 years had passed, Trinity had turned 16, and again, her mother learned of another cancerous growth in her breast tissue.

Even after the chemo, the cancerous growth grew worse. Trinity's mother couldn't fight any longer. She died on Christmas Day, a few months after Trinity's 16th birthday. In her mother's will, she left Trinity enough money to send her to Kingston Preperatory school so she could try and accomplish her dream of hitting it big in the music industry.

Trinity refused to go at first. But after re-reading her mother's will, she applied for the school.

Trinity thought back to the car ride with her dad that happened not more than a couple of hours ago.

This one's for you, mom.
♪ Theo Lavender ♪

Seventeen | Band Geek

Between every part of music, the change in dynamics, the change in rhythms, Theo felt like he was gliding. It was a huge comfort playing Adelaide's and his music. Anything created by his hands held a huge place in his heart. Sure any music did make him happy, but originally composed music was a whole different story. Of course Joe's part was still missing, but it was pretty fulfilling already. Theo would have to hunt Joe down later.

"That. Was awesome. If Joe comes back, we should definitely play this again. I can't believe we wrote this! Well, actually I can but still..." Adelaide had said after they ended their piece. She stood with her bow by her side as she marveled over their composed piece. Theo had to agree it was pretty damn cool.

I know! Definitely~ We should compose more, definitely. We are quite the composers, my friend! You pick a piece now; I'm just happy to be playing right now," Theo responded with a goofy grin. He had completely forgotten about the cleaning up process and smiled expectantly at Adelaide. he really wanted to keep playing.



(Sorry for the late, late reply! Over the weekend I had my hair dyed blue, and this week I have band camp (how funny??).)


➳Queen Bees

I've seen you around before. You're Kimberly, right?

Kimberly's pupils dilated, and the blue became more intense. Her eyes flickered towards Brian, with a smile creeping playfully on her lips.

Although Kimberly was a terrible flirt, she liked to know who she was flirting with. And wether they were worth her time.

"Kimberly woods"

Her accent stitched into each word, she ran a hand through her soft hair.

Looking up and squinting her eyes, she patted the silky kimono beside her.

"Are you waiting for me to get crows feet around my eyes, or are you going to sit down?"

She crossed her legs, and her eyes rediverted to the line spreading across the courtyard.

@Keira Winston

Charles \\ Chuck

Charles got up, putting the bottle of bourbon in his bag, and opened the door to the courtyard.

Smelling the fresh air, he sighed, and had a crooked smile threaded to his lips.

His eyes scanned the entire courtyard, looking for someone.

He heard music from afar, and turned his head. What the
fuck was that.

He walked towards the girl, sitting rather away from everyone.

I know that song"

He told the girl, inviting himself to sit down beside her. His grandfather had taught him the song. He faintly remembered it, but remembered it all the same.
Trinity looked up when she heard a male voice.

"I know that song." The voice said.

Trinity smiled shyly.

"Really?" She asked sheepishly as he sat next to her.
Charles \\ Chuck

He nodded his head and raised his thick, but neat, eyebrows.

He smiled, pulling his hand out to shake.

"it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Charles. Or chuck, for short. Or because of that time that I cried while watching Child's play"

He cracked a smile, Running his hand through his hair and crossing his legs.

"You're a great singer. How come you're not over with everyone?"

His charm kicked in. The charm that everyone falls for. When the eyes intensify. The voice becomes seductive. The hands begin to look for each other.

He smiled, showing years of orthodontist work.

@Jennifer Marie
Trinity Patin



Trinity shrugged, but shook Charles' hand.

"I'm not really with the 'in crowd', I guess. I find my own direction."

She started to smile once he smiled.

'Was he trying to be seductive?' Trinity thought as she let go of his hand.
Charles \\ Chuck

Charles smile fell, as he pulled his hand away after shaking.

"Oh, I'll make sure to tell the others then"

He said playfully, as the line to the dorm rooms caught his eye.

"So, what dorm are you in?"

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