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Realistic or Modern ♔Kingston.Preparatory♔


God save Queens



''We aim to succeed and brighten your teenagers with the gift of knowledge''#



Deep within the countryside of England, a high gated community of bright young people awaits their next classes. High-Class, respectable young teenagers sit among the school grounds, in groups. Or should i say, 'Cliques'. Maybe Mommy and Daddy's little 'Prince'/'Princess' is not so perfect after all. For once the school lights go out at 10pm on a Friday night, the rebellious, or even curious, boys and girls go out to play


One Kilometer away, a lake rests. Hidden beneath the layers of tall, dense trees, the students drink, party, and do whatever they feel like. They get a small glimpse of 'Freedom' before the sun rises, and they rush back out of fear of getting caught.


The common rooms are where the students are free to socialize, do homework or watch some T.V. They are out of bounds after 10pm.


The Cafeteria : Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner served here. Supper is served to the dorms.

Boys Dorm ; 2 to a room. Girls Forbidden after 10pm unless given a pass by the principle (For study only)

Girls dorm ; 2 to a room. Boys forbidden after 10pm unless given a pass (see above)


R U L E S F O R R O L E P L A Y:

1. Under no circumstances may you use racism, sexism or homophobic remarks, inside or outside of roleplay.

2. Cursing/Cussing is allowed within the roleplay.

3. If you have two characters, They cannot date.

4. Please refrain from 'Getting pregnant' within the RP unless you PM me first.

5. Have fun!




The food chain.

Queen Bees

1. K I M B E R L Y W O O D S

2. r e s e r v e d ( f e m a l e )

3. N A Y A R O D R I G U E Z

Queen Bees is now full.

However, if you believe your character is very suited to this clique,

Please put on you CS a star * beside your clique choice, and I will consider it.


1. r e s e r v e d ( m a l e )

2. r e s e r v e d ( m a l e)

3.T R I N I T Y P A T I N

Rockers is now full.

However, if you believe your character is very suited to this clique,

Please put on you CS a star * beside your clique choice, and I will consider it



2.J A Y D E N W E L L S

Party people



3. L O N D O N D I A Z

Band geeks

1. A D E L A I D E S U N D E N

2. T H E O L A V E N D E R

Band geeks are now full.

However, if you believe your character is very suited to this clique,

Please put on you CS a star * beside your clique choice, and I will consider it

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~R O L E P L A Y S T A R T S~

The late August sun shines down upon the courtyard of the school.

From the back of your drivers car, you look out the window and witness, yet again, the awe of our prestigious school.

The heavy, iron, coded gates open and welcome you home.

The road within the school is filled with fancy cars and limousines as your parents try to show off just how much money they have. A few taxis here and there also occupy the side roads. Students aged 14-19 crowd the courtyard with expensive luggage, and wish their parents a farewell until winter break.

Underneath the trees, students keep from the sun, gathering with their cliques as assistants bring their luggage to their given dorms.

Cliques are split apart, and forced to share a dorm with someone of the total opposite personality.

Welcome, fellow students, to Kingston.Prep, for the young, and gifted.




➳Queen Bees

➳Wearing : http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=165024251

''Oh i cannot wait to start classes again!'' Kimberly exclaimed, her blue eyes bright and open. Her father chuckled in the seat next to her, as the driver in the front of the slick black Rolls Royce let his window down to chat with the man at the gate. Kimberly tapped her acrylic nails against the window impatiently, as her father read out the usual 'Emergency' phone numbers, and tucked an envelope into the front of her Louis Vuitton luggage. As the car proceeded into the school grounds, Kimberley rolled down her window, and allowed pass-byers to take a glance at the luxury of her life. She glanced upon the silly rented limos, and rolled her eyes with a tut. People showing off their money with that? Pfft. ''Father, look. People try way too hard these days. Mother would blush!" Kimberly muttered in her poshest london accent, and gave a smile that would melt butter.

Getting out of the car, Kimberly showed off her figure in a put together outfit. The driver took her luggage from the boot of the car and handed her things to an assistant.
''Now Kimmy, you keep them grades up. No chasing boys now!" Her father playfully said, pulling her into a hug and kissing the top of her head. From behind his back she rolled her eyes.

Waving goodbye to the car as it left the grounds, Kimberly felt at home again. She looked around, and eventually got assigned Dorm 101. She had no idea who she was assigned with.
'' Is this some kind of joke?" she said sternly to the assistant, before snatching the keys out of her hand, grabbing her bag, and storming to the nearest bench. She sat on her phone, awaiting her friends arrival.
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London Casandra Diaz



London rolled her eyes as her mother drove into the school gates in a red Ferrari with the hood. She should've expected her mother to show off all the money they had. The paparazzi began snapping photos of London and her mother. Her mother was a famous super model, and the press were bound to follow her around. It definitely drew all the attention to her. She already spotted a few cute guys checking her out. It was pretty much the same every year. She already got an invited to join the populars, another invite to go running with the jocks, and another invitation to audition for the rockers as their singer. She had way to many cliques chasing after her, and she didn't know which group to chose. She wasn't even sure which clique she belonged to. All she knew was that everyone knew her parents were super stars, and they were quick to judge her on that.

London walked out of the car in a lace dress. it hugged her hourglass figure in all the right places. It showed off her curves, cleavage, and long legs. She dragged her expensive suitcases out of the luxurious car as her mother waved good bye. Her mother was trying her hardest to make up all the years she missed with London, but there was no way her mother can make up for all the years she neglected her. Her mother knew she despised her, she wasn't even going to hide it. She hated how her mother cheated on her father. It tore her life apart. London slipped on her Ray Ban aviators as she walked away from the car.

"Love you!" her mother called after her. London turned around and glared.

"Hate you," she replied bluntly. Then she turned around and walked away rolling her eyes.

London made her way to the admissions office and received her dorm room, key, and schedule. Then she made her way outside. She sat on her bench and scrolled through her notifications on her phone.






➳Queen Bees

➳Wearing : http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=165024251

Dragging her eyes away from her phone, Kimberly looked up. ''Well looky here, Little London has arrived'' she hissed, standing up from the bench and putting her phone in her bag. She then sauntered over to the coffee stand, ordered a piping hot cup of green tea, gave a sly wink, and sat against a table. "Please don't tell me I have someone like her as a roommate.." she muttered, twirling a lock of hair and gazing the grounds for the others.

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? Theo Lavender ?

Seventeen | Band Geek


Theo stared out the window as his mum drove her black buggy into the grand iron gates that guarded the school. He wore a small smile as he scanned the area for his fellow band kids. With no appearance of any, he sighed as his mother brought him out of his thoughts. "We're here now, Theo," she said as she parked the car. Unlike other families, Theo's parents didn't like to have a driver, especially if they were going to drop Theo off somewhere. Both of them always decided to try and do things by themselves as much as they could. Theo's mothers were extremely independent and disliked having to depend on someone to drive their family somewhere.

Theo smiled and responded, "
Alrighty. Anything I need to know before I leave?" His mother's were always worrying about him, but he needed to grow up.

Yeah, did you pack everything? All your instruments? Underwear? Toothbrush? Ma ma told you to call us later, by the way," His mum suddenly asked, bombarding him with maternal questions. "Don't forget that you have all the emergency contacts on your phone. Also, Ma Ma wanted to let you know that we'd love you know matter what you do this year. Just don't get yourself suspended or killed, got it kiddo?"

Yes, Mum. I know, I know, I love you! Bye, I'll call you," Theo said closing the door behind him. He went into the backseat and grabbed his suitcase as well as a his guitar case. Theo reached in further and grabbed a trolley, stroller thing to carry the rest of his instruments. He waved good bye be last time and proceeded to walk away towards the school. With a little trouble, Theo found his phone in his pocket and checked the time. He quickly walked to the office to receive his schedule and his dorm room. "I almost forgot, duh..." He mumbled as he walked back out. With his suitcase and instruments in hand, he went to stand near a fountain.

Well I'm back," Theo said a bit loudly.
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Trinity Pattinson



Trinity stared at the looming university out the window of her dad's black Audi.

"Great, this place..." She muttered, fixing her headphones.

Her father gave her a stern look and mouthed words Trinity couldn't hear.

Again, he repeated this.

On the third try, Trinty took off her headphones.

"Jesus, Trinity. You're worse of a space-out than your mother was at your age!" Her dad said with a laugh.

"Yeah, sure." Trinity replied, putting the headphones back over her ears.

Her father sighed in defeat; Trinity was a stubborn girl.

Finally, they arrived at the college. Trinity got out of the car and started to unpack her stuff from the backseat and trunk.

A couple of well-dressed girls kept looking at her, an a few guys, but Trinity didn't give a damn. She didn't even want to be here.

The last thing she took out of the car was her accoustic guitar, which she slung over her back.

"Have a good time, Trinity. I love you." Her father said as she stood in front of him.

"I love you too, Dad." Trinity said.

Her father got back in the car and left Trinity alone.

"This one's for you, Mom." Trinity said, picking up he bags and heading to the main office to get her room and other necessities.
j a y / j o c k s

"Get up Jay we're here" Jay's mom said as she pulled into the school parking lot. Jay slowly opened his eyes and finally saw his new school for the first time. He noticed how nice the buildings looked and how clean the grass was cut. It reminded him of his house but much bigger.

"Ok mom I'll call when I'm all set in" Jay said before getting out of the car and getting his bags and heading for the school. Jay was met by a secretary and lead to his room.

"First one here i guess" jay sighed he hated being alone unless he was reading that is. He unpacked his stuff and sat on his bed to call his mom.

"Hey Jay how is your new school" said a young voice on the phone.

"Jack why do you have moms phone" Jay sighed.

"Mom went to the store and left her phone' he said.

"Ok tell her i called then" i said chuckling a bit. "And i took your nose before I left good luck getting it back" i quickly hung up the phone hearing a loud 'aaaaaw' before the cal ended.
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Naya Rodriguez

18, Queen bee

She had been up for hours, only focusing on the one thing that kept her mood up; appearance. In order to be respected in this world, you had to look flawless at all times. So there she stood in front of the mirror, dressed in nothing but a towel and pantning on her face. She had high maintenance and put a lot of time into her makeup. Once done, she reached forward and put a lipstick again in the form of a kiss on the mirror, just like she would do any other day. Naya waltzed out of the bathroom and dropped the towel on the floor as she got dressed in what she had planned for the day. It turned out to be a mini-skirt, something that had been far too short for an innocent child, and a white blouse. She put on a pair of heels and some jewelry before yet again walked out of the room. In the kitchen, her mother sat by the table with a cup of coffee in her hand. "Well, I'll be off now. I have Arthur on stand-by to help me with the luggage." Naya said, referring to the family's butler. She walked up to the mother and gave her a peck on the forhead before heading towards the door.

"Goodbye, sweetie." The older woman said with the warmest smile you could ever imagine and a waving gesture. Naya lit up a little as she walked outside. After a long drive in the grey range rover, she finally reached her destination. Looking out on the school, she could see all cliques, some of them mending together to create chaos. Naya glared at them slightly before she caught sight of her friend. She cracked a smile and walked past some guy of the band geeks. While doing so, she bumped her hip against him to push him out of balance before continuing to walk and acting like nothing. "Aint that my main bitch?" Naya said with a smirk when she was within hearing distance from Kim and sat down on the opposite side of the table.

Adelaide Sunden|16|Band Geek

Adelaide bobbed her head to the rock music blasting in her ears. A mumbled voice infiltrated the sound. She ignored it. A persistent tap on the shoulder interrupted Adelaide's tunes and she pulled the earplugs from her ears, looking at her father in desperation.

"Yes, father?"

"I was trying to ask you if you were ready for school." He looked at her sternly.

"Of course. Why wouldn't I be?" Adelaide pushed her square glasses up her nose.

"No reason." He rolled his thinning shoulders and looked forward.

"Father, I'm not going to get into a trouble. I'm the good child, remember?"

"You always were my favorite." He smiled, still looking forward as he stopped the car in the driveway of the Kingston Preparatory.

"Only because I'm the only girl." Adelaide grabbed her backpack, her violin case, and clarinet case. As she stepped out the car, she put her hand back inside to fistbump her father.

"Love is for chumps." Adelaide said.

"And chumps give you lumps." Her father replied. Adelaide scrunched up her nose and smiled, saluting her father as she finally walked away. She staggered determinedly across the courtyard, although she hadn't the slightest idea of where to go, her instrument cases banging against her knees.

♪ Theo Lavender ♪

Seventeen | Band Geek

Theo was minding his own business, looking at his phone. He gave a surprisingly loud sigh as he pushed up his black framed glasses. Out of the blue, this girl, who he assumed was from the Queen Bees, knocked him off balanced. "Hey!" He exclaimed when he fell on top of the trolley. Thankfully, he caught himself and straightened. If he had fallen, that would make quite a show and embarrassing. Theo looked up as she walked away to a table of these two other girls. Lovely.... Theo thought. With an exaggerated dusting motion, he brushed himself off. "Eh I could care less," He said aloud. This was a pretty normal occurrence. After all, Theo looked like one of those guys who was easy to push around.

Theo proceeded to scan the area for some fellow band members. Nothing like someone he had in common with, yeah? "
Who do we have here?" Theo suddenly asked himself as he caught eye of Adelaide. "Instruments. Check. By the looks of it a violin and clarinet... Hmm looks like she can play more, definite hmm." Although it was quite comical, Theo rubbed his chin and pretended to stroke his imaginary goatee or beard of some sort. "Could it be?" He mumbled with crunched up brows.

Adelaide! It's me Theo, remember meeeeee?"


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➳Queen Bees

Kim looked around when she heard Naya call her. A smile played upon her orange coated lips. "My Spanish love, I fucking missed you." She said, standing up and giving her a tight squeeze of a hug. Kimberley hated contact with other people, and tried to avoid it at all costs, even with her own father. However, Naya was like an older sister, and she found it comforting to be back here with her.

"Have you heard? With the new ruling of "mixing socially" we won't be roommates anymore" kim smirked sarcastically before leaning back and tapping her nails against the wood of the table.

London Cassandra Diaz



London glanced up from her phone to see Kim glaring at her. London smirked and rolled her eyes. Though many populars wanted to be her friend, she was used to a few being jealous of her. Many had been annoyed that she was wealthier, more famous, and attracted more boys than many of them. It didn't bug London, since she always hosted the best parties, they would just have to face the shame of not being on the invitation list.

London watched as everyone fussed about not being able to have the roommate she requested for. She too, was sorta bummed, but it wouldn't matter anyway. She was in many cliques at he same time. She could adapt anywhere. If she hated her roommate, she can always stay over at a boy's dorm. Of course, it was against the rules to be at an opposite gender's dorm room after 10, but London had never gotten caught breaking that rule. She had broke it many times now, and the principle has barely noticed.

She got bored waiting for some friends at the bench and decided to listen to some music. She took out her earbuds and plugged them into her iPhone. She picked a play list she had made and began listening to some electric dance music.
A notice pinned upon poles around the campus

Dear Students,

I am excited to see you all back here after a long summer.

I'm sure you are aware that you have been given a different dorm this year then the previous years.

This is a new project, and we would like to see everyone cooperate and enjoy this experience.

Any further difficulties may be brought to my office before the 20th of September.

Best wishes,

Dr. Cullen

101 : Kimberly Woods and London Diaz

102 : Naya Rodriguez and Adelaide Sunden

103 : (reserved queen bee) and Trinity Patin

201 : Jayden wells and Theo Lavender

(M o r e t o b e a d d e d)
Adelaide Sunden|16|Band Geek

Adelaide halted her trek across the courtyard. She turned and squinted out of habit. She noticed the dark hair and unmistakeable awkward, yet spirited, stance.

"Theo?" She made her way towards the teenager, a smile forming on her lips. How could she forget Theo Lavender. The weird kid at band camp who couldn't stop talking to save his life. But Adelaide couldn't complain. He had buttloads of potential and he was pretty friendly. He also didn't spew out complete bullshit like too many other people she comes in contact with. Adelaide decided the two should get more friendly.

"Theo! My man, comrade, band brother. How's it goin?" She placed her fists on her hips and peered up at him from her shorter height, pushing her glasses up her nose and smiling.
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Trinity Patin



Trinity stopped by the pole, reading the sign...

"Oh joy to the fricken world." She muttered as she read the list of roomings. She adjusted her beanie, searching for people to talk to.

There weren't many, but she thought the two band kids (as musicians can spot other musicians very well) would do.

Trinity pulled her head phones down around her neck and paused her music, walking over to the odd pair.

"Hi, I'm Trinity Patin." I said with some cheerfulness. Might as well leave a good first impression. @Saturn @LittleBirdie
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♪ Theo Lavender ♪

Seventeen | Band Geek

Ah Adelaide a dear friend from his beloved band camp. She was one of the most talented people he had met ever and was company he enjoyed. Mentally stimulating yes, but also hilarious when she wanted. He got along extra well with him. "Yes you remember me! Awesomeeeeee~" Theo thought with another brighter grin.

"Theo! My man, comrade, band brother. How's it goin?" she had said as Theo looked down. Yes he looked down. He couldn't help being that pretty tall and skinny beanpole. Not that he was that skinny.. But yeah.

"I'm doing hella fine... It feels like forever since I saw ya! still working on that trumpet, huh?" Theo asked happily, scratching his neck a bit. It wasn't really forever though. It was like a couple of months ago... "Oh yeah! How're you mah band sister?" Suddenly he heard the voice of a female.

"Hi, I'm Trinity Patin." Theo peered at the seemingly fellow musician. From the headphones and just the way she seemed, Trinity totally played an instrument. It wouldn't be so musician-y of him if he couldn't notice a fellow musician.

"Heyo~! I'm Theo, Theo Lavender! Nice to meet'cha," He responded with a little wave. he couldn't do much more with his stuff in his hand, but it was his way of being friendly. Meeting new people was fun and games after all..



@Jennifer Marie
Trinity Patin



Trinity laughed as Theo tried to give a small wave, but his hands were full.

"Oh, I knew I could spot a musician from a mile away!"

She thought to herself: 'I think I could grow to like these guys...'

But she sighed inwardly... She still hasn't seen any guys that were "rockers" like she was...
♪ Theo Lavender ♪

Seventeen | Band Geek

"Oh, I knew I could spot a musician from a mile away!" Trinity had replied with a laugh.

"So she is a musician...." Theo thought for a second. It was always pretty damn cool meeting people like Adelaide and himself. Musicians were his favorite kind of people of course.

"So you play an instrument? What kind? Sing? What style? Songwriter? All of the above?" Theo just bombarded her with interested questions, of course. This was also just like him. These were the questions he loved to ask. Meeting fellow musicians was what he tried to do as much as he could. Oh god, they were the most interesting.


@Jennifer Marie



➳Queen Bees

➳Wearing : http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=165024251

"Oh, fuck me." Kimberly sighed as she scrolled through the list of roommates. Out of 489 students, they just had to put Kimberly and London together. From across the courtyard, she looked sternly at the group of "band nerds and musical people". All the laughing, socialising. Ugh, they made her sick to her stomach. "I mean they can't just mix us around, we've been roomies since we were like- what- 12?" Kimberly sighed once again, scanning the courtyard.
Trinity Patin



Theo threw question after question at me.

"Slow your roll there, bud. Yes, I play multiple instruments, guitar, bass and drums. I'm mainly a rock singer; I lean towards a kind of Nirvana feel versus the GooGoo Dolls, you feel me? I have also written a couple of songs. They're not the greatest, but I like them. So yes, all of the above. Any other questions?"

Adelaide Sunden|16|Band Geek

Adelaide opened her mouth to respond but paused and looked over to the approaching girl.

"Hi, I'm Trinity Patin." Cheery, has her own style, not afraid to approach. Sounded like someone else she new. Her eyes cut to Theo as she thought. Adelaide wasn't extremely fond of strangers, but the only way to grow is to meet new people.

"Heyo~! I'm Theo, Theo Lavender! Nice to meet'cha," Adelaide chuckled, watching Theo's little wave.

"I guess that leaves me. My name's Adelaide Sunden. Fellow genius and band extraordinaire." She stuck out her hand to shake with the other girl.
Trinity Patin



After Theo's bombardment, the girl he was talking to introduced herself.

"I guess that leaves me. My name's Adelaide Sunden. Fellow genius and band extraordinaire."

She stuck out her hand for a handshake, so, I shook it.

"You know, it feels like I've known you guys forever... Weird. Nice to meet you, Adelaide. I love that name, by the way. My mother's name was Adelaide..." Trinity lowered her eyes at the last part...
Adelaide Sunden|16|Band Geek

"You know, it feels like I've known you guys forever... Weird. Nice to meet you, Adelaide. I love that name, by the way. My mother's name was Adelaide..."

Adelaide watched Trinity's eyes travel to the ground. She heard the tinge of upset in the teenager's voice, but didn't feel comfortable asking about it. "That's cool." Adelaide shoved shifted her weight to hold her instruments more comfortably. She looked around the courtyard again, her eyes focused on the poles around the courtyard, which had a white paper hanging from them. She crossed her shoulders under her chest and stared at the closest pole for a long while. She hoped they were postings about more funding being added to the band program or maybe a stricter policy on misbehavior. Adelaide was almost ninety percent sure that the paper had nothing to do with band or juvenile delinquents but, she would be damned if she didn't dream.

"I wonder what those postings are. You guys mind checking it out with me?" Adelaide looked between Theo and Trinity.
Trinity Patin



"They're the listings for our roomings," Trinity said flatly. "I've already seen mine, and I'm not to thrilled, but whatever."

The trio walked over to the posts to read the listings.
♪ Theo Lavender ♪

Seventeen | Band Geek

"Slow your roll there, bud. Yes, I play multiple instruments, guitar, bass and drums. I'm mainly a rock singer; I lean towards a kind of Nirvana feel versus the GooGoo Dolls, you feel me? I have also written a couple of songs. They're not the greatest, but I like them. So yes, all of the above. Any other questions?" Trinity responded. Yeah, Theo unleashed a bunch of overly excited questions at her. That was his forte after all.

Adelaide soon after introduced herself, "
I guess that leaves me. My name's Adelaide Sunden. Fellow genius and band extraordinaire."

"Wow, that's awesome! Adelaide and I both play a multitude of instruments as well. Like she said band extraordinaire," Theo responded and playfully jabbed Adelaide in the ribs. "I sing as well, but I'm like closer to Saint Raymond and sorta Vance Joy feel me?" He said laughing a bit.

You know, it feels like I've known you guys forever... Weird. Nice to meet you, Adelaide. I love that name, by the way. My mother's name was Adelaide..." Trinity responded.

Haha! Same to you and Adelaide!" Theo had left out a response to her mother. He didn't feel comfortable about prying, so he made a mental note to not set off any triggers about her mother. It seemed like a touchy subject. With that much discomfort and hurt in Trinity's voice, it didn't seem right to say anything about it.

Theo then began to watch Adelaide look around the courtyard. He then began to notice the white fliers hanging on the poles as well. He too hoped it meant more funding for the music program. They never had enough money for it after all. All the school focused on was sports rather than music and art in terms of extracurricular activities. He was almost ninety nine point nine percent sure that it wasn't.

They're the listings for our roomings," Trinity said flatly. "I've already seen mine, and I'm not to thrilled, but whatever."

Oh, I haven't seen mine but okay!" He responded walking over to take a peek at the posters. "Damn, it's probably a jock or some shit..." Theo thought as he saw room 201. "Lovely its Jayden Wells. He's a jock, but whatever." With a huge sigh, he said to Adelaide, "Yours is Naya huh? Queen Bee who almost knocked me over earlier."



@Jennifer Marie
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