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Realistic or Modern ♔Kingston.Preparatory♔

Charles // Chuck

"Uhm, really anything. Although I love a classic. Shit like Forrest Gump makes me cry erry time."

He shook his head playfully. He noticed trinity tense up after he gazed away, and didn't know what that meant. Was she into him? Or was she just another girl to add to the long list of girls he's slept with before.

He leaned back onto her bed, propping his upper torso onto a cushion. His tanned v-line was on show, but he didn't mind. Although he should be body confident, he's a little insecure, as his body is brushed with a few freckles.

"I've an awful habit of making myself at home."
Trinity Patin



Trinity laughed.

"Could be a worse habit, honestly." She said, finding a movie to watch. She had connected her Netflix to her tv and decided to put on Forrest Gump. She sighed quietly, remembering watching Forrest Gump for the first time with her mom.

She leaned back onto her bed, keeping a small bit of distance between her and Charles. She was afraid he'd move and she would make the situation awkward, so she just stayed about two inches away from him.

The fact that she liked Charles was bugging her terribly. He seemed like quite a gentleman, but she just couldn't tell if he liked her back.

"I like you..." She said very quietly.

'Shit, why am I talking out loud???' Trinity thought, turning a bright shade of red.
Chuck // Charles

"I like you.."

The words lit Charles up like a light bulb, although he had a cool like face masked onto him.

He, instead, threw an arm around her shoulder and brought her into him side.

"We've only just met, darling."

He muttered, but kissed her hair/head.

"But you intrigue me, and I like it. I like it- I mean you- a lot."

He smiled, his dimples showing.
Trinity Patin



Trinity turned a brighter shade of red as she felt Chuck put his arm around her shoulder and pull her closer.

"But we've only just met darling." Chuck said.

"Well, I didn't say I love you, I just said I liked you... Wait. You heard that? Shit." Trinity replied.
Charles // Chuck

"That's true.."

Charles replied. He saw her turn a bright shade of red, and he chuckled.

"You alright, love?"

He asked as the movie came on. He snuggled into the bed and lay back a bit more. His Nannys had let him watch it when he was younger while his parents were out endorsing products, and making a living with out him. He was just one of their mistakes.
Trinity Patin



"You alright, love?" Chuck asked.

Trinity nodded. She wasn't embarrassed so much as in shock that this was happening to her... On the first day of school.

Trinity sighed quietly. She'd had a long day. Gently, she rested her head on Chuck's chest, still watching the movie.
Brian Christopher Hyland



Brian liked making girls wait. It showed how much they want him. He smirked and took Kimberly's hand.

"Yup... totally fine,"
he said resuming their make out session. He quickly threw off his shirt and flipped over so he was now above Kimberly. He left a trail of kisses up her neck and to her lips.

"You didn't really think i was stopping,did you?" he said seductively with an evil glint in his piercing blue eyes. Then he pushed his lips against her and slipped his tongue inside.
Charles // Chuck

He noticed her put her head on his chest, and he smiled lightly. He didn't know wether he liked this, doing normal stuff, such as watching movies or whatever or getting a pretty girl into his bed before the sun sets.

However, Trinity was different. She was beautiful. Inside and out. She wasn't like the other girls.

And he most definitely preffered this.



➳Queen Bees

Kimberly moaned as he hit a spot in her neck where many didn't.

She giggled like a toddler as he started again, and ran her hand through his hair, finding its way back to his amazingly sharp jaw line.

She wriggled on the bed under him. She wasn't used to having people dominate her, but she sometimes allowed them to take over now and again.


She gasped, tugging on his hair and letting her tongue dance with his.
Trinity Patin



Trinity sighed quietly and smiled. It felt nice sitting with Charles, watching a movie, like a...

'A couple...' Trinity thought, blushing slightly.

Did Charles really like her? Trinity knew she liked Charles.

He was... Different. He wasn't obsessed with sports like jocks, but wasn't ridiculously smart like a nerd. And he... He could make Trinity truly smile. That unto itself was an incredible feat.

Ever since her mother died, Trinity barely smiled or laughed; most of the time when it happened, it was fake. But something about Charles was different.

She felt comfortable around him, like she'd known him forever.

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