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Fantasy Kingdom hearts RP!

Pēsu: *he looked at him in a bit of shock but shook his head* Masu, you may be part heartless but you're still you. And you're still my friend.
"I send a Psychic message to them with telling them you will be there at a certain time. But instead it will secretly be me disguised as you."
"I can understand that... But what if they are hurting her? What if they are hurting Roxxane? Torturing her? We don't want to wait too long before rescuing her.... What is it that you feel you need to do to master it?"

Asane Naki

  • HXMevQD.png

    Asane was reating in Daybreak on the roof of a building, looking at the bright sky. Right now seemed really call and peaceful, despite even in the air she knew that it wasn't. Whether it was nearby or far, she knew something somewhere was going on, and it always would be. Without a days reat in who knows how long, she let out a defeated sigh.

    "Why couldn't I have gotten a desk job...?" She kicked her feet slightly up and down on the shingles of the roof, careful not to damage any, but still not being able to contain her antsy movements.

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"Well that's good.... I suppose you would need to travel through more worlds to master this keyblade.... Does this world have seasalt icecream? I really want some.... But I don't know WHY"I want some..."
All of a sudden, a flashback happens inside him as he asks the icecream man for the seasalt flavor. He's sitting on the edge of some tower with these 3 other little kids... What were their names again?.... Anyways... they used to eat this Icecream together at that tower! He had a flashback! A memory surfaced for him!

"Pesu! I just got a flashback!" Masu said excitedly as he took the icecream from the icecream man.
"I was sitting on the edge of some tower with these 3 other little kids eating seasalt flavor icecream. They were my best friends at some point"
"One was fat and was a brunette with some kind of headband, brown eyes and very casual clothing style. I think that one was a boy. There was another boy who was slender with blonde hair and brown eyes. He dressed somewhat manly aith camouflage colored pants. And there was a girl. She was sort of red but brown haired, she too had brown eyes too. She dressed somewhat tomboyish."
Masu began eating his icecream. He tried it out....

"Mmmmm...." Masu says as he is lost in the sensation of the taste. His moan sounds almost dirty. It's just that good to him. Another memory this time, only it's very incomplete....
"I just got another.... But it's not totally understandable.... There were other people too... These people are not from when I was a little kid though, we were just about the age we are now... One had spiky brown hair that defied gravity, he had a tan almost like mine in human form. He had some of the most amazing blue eyes.... He's really hot...."

Masu says dreamily as he eats the ice.

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