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Fantasy Kingdom hearts RP!

Roxxane soon got surrounded by heartless, "PESU!!" They were trying to grab her and take her away.
Roxxane nodded, "Be careful Pesu." She then gave him a quick hug before running off into the nearest building.
Roxxane sighed and waited for Pesu. She stayed hidden in a corner but was very worried that the heartless would come for her.
Roxxane rushed over to Pesu, "Are you okay? You're not hurt are you?" She then turned to the other girl, "Thank you for helping him."
Asia nods "your welcome..." She casually walked away heading for her apartment not far from the street she was on. She arrrived and pulled out her keys opening the door slidding her shoes up and walking upstairs to her room to play video games she put on her gamer head phone and pulled out her controller "its an nacho12ace my knight will totally defeat you!"
Asia was playing her game knights clash. She glanced out the window seeing it was dark. She laughed in her mic making nacho cough akwardly. "Mehhhh whatever gotta go nacho man." She took her head phones off and turned off the video game. She sighs "this is my life...."

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