
Brady looked at Abby "You know what prettier than my eyes?" He said "You" he told her quietly. He smiled at her yawn and took her hand "I think you should probably head to bed, after all, it's like 3:30 in the morning" he told her as he led her towards her room. Abby was very pretty, and he was glad that he kidnapped her.. Kind of.

Sam looked up at Levi and blushed "Thanks" she said quietly. Before Sam crawled into her bed, she leaned into Levi, and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. "Good night Levi" she said as she gave him a hug back and crawled under her beds covers. Sam looked at Levi with a greatfull smile, and she looked back to the moon; the same moon who had accompanied her by the bistro.
Abby blushed very very bright red, and gave Brady a huge smile. "Thanks" She whispered and gave him a big hug, laying her head on his shoulder for a second. Abby walked to her room and sat on the bed. "Yeah, I guess." She yawned out. She grabbed her IPod from the desk and put the music on very low, then fell asleep within seconds, not even noticing if Brady was still there or not.

Levi smiled after her kiss. "Goodnight Sam." He chuckled. He walked slowly back to his room and saw Abby and Brady, then smirked a bit. How did they do it? Sighing, he took off the sweat pants he was in, which left him in his underwear as he climbed Into bed. He watched the moon outside, unable to sleep. It was the moon that had let him kidnap Sam, and it made him feel even more guilty.
Brady followed her into her room. When Abby seemed asleep, he softly laid a kiss on her forehead and walked out of her room to his. On his way, he stopped by Levi "How'd it go?" He asked curiosly.

Sam waved goodbye to Levi, and got herself comfortable in her bed. She was soon alseep, and she could hear the crickets chirping outside of her window. Sam opened her eyes to see the brilliant moon, smiled, and then fell back asleep, knowing that she was pretty safe here.
Abby awoke at the feel of Brady's lips on her forehead, but she kept her eyes closed. She smiled as soon as he left, and as she fell asleep once more,'the smile was left on her face as the moonlight shined over her.

"It went ok." He replied to Brady. "She's really.. Nice" he sighed, not sure how to explain. "Anyways, Lucas should be back by now... But I guess we'll see tomorrow." He chuckled a bit. "Well I'm off to bet. Night Brady." He said as he yawned and climbed into bed again.
Brady nodded "Same with Abby" he said as he turned to his room "Night Levi" he said as he disappeared into his room. He took his shoes off and fell on his bed. He buried his face in the pillow and then fell asleep. He was kind of excited for the next day.

Sam woke up once and looked out of the window, the moon was still out. She shrugged, and fell back asleep, she tossed and turned a few times before finding the perfect position. She sank into a deep sleep.

(Would you like to time skip? If so, you may have first post of the next day ;) ))
Abby awoke at around 8 the next morning. She was unsure if anyone was up, do she sat up and stretched. For the first few seconds, she didn't know where she was, but then the memory kicked in and she remembered. After about 30 minutes of fighting wether or not to go back to bed, she finally got up and rubbed her eyes. She slowly made her way to the door, and peeked out the crack. She couldn't see anyone, but wasn't sure yet. She quietly pulled open the door and searched for Brady. Maybe they could grab a bite to eat.
Brady woke up 40 minutes after Abby. He sat up, and saw her pull her door open. Not realizing he didn't have a shirt on, he walked to his door, and stood; leaning against the opened door's doorway. He rubbed the back of his neck and tried to brush se of his hair down with his hand. Brady looked at the time; 8:50 in the morning. The sun had just risen, and it lit up the forest and cabin like a light show. It seemed as if light was streaming in through the cracks of the logs on the walls.

Sam woke up around 9 in the morning; the only reason she could tell was because she had found her iPod in her pocket. She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes; the light of the morning warming her body up. She got out of bed, and searched through her clothes, until she found a small light grey v-neck, and a pair of jean shorts. She laid them on her bed, and then walked to her mirror. She pushed her hair out of her eyes and then took her brush; she brushed her hair out until it had no snarls. She did a French braid along the side of her hair, and then pulled the rest of her hair back in a ponytail. Now she was presentable, she peered out of her door, and didn't see anyone. She shrugged and walked to the bathroom with her clothes. She hopped into the little shower after undressing, dried her self off after her shower, and put her clothes back on. Realizing she had to re-do her braid, she took it out of both the ponytail and the braid.
Abby changed into the exact same outfit she had worn the night she was taken, since it wasn't dirt, accept for a little dirt on the butt of her pants, but nothing much at all. Sighing, she opened her door again and this time entered the hall. She walked down a bit to see Brady in the doorway a few doors up. "Hey Brady" She whispered, then looked over her shoulder to see if anyone else was up. When she turned back to Brady she noticed he was shirtless, and almost smiled. Instead she blushed, but her eyes did widen a bit. "Good morning." She said and gave him a hug.

Levi awoke later than anyone, around 9:30. Sighing, he got out of bed and changed into black jeans and a T shirt. He walked into the bathroom, still rubbing his eyes. He didn't know that Sam was in there as he entered. When he did notice Sam he said "Oh, I'm so sorry Sam." He chuckled a bit. "Mind if I fix my hair too?" He smiled and picked up his own brush.
Brady had realized her wasn't wearing a shirt, he gave Abby a hug then slipped into a shirt. He walked back out and smiled "Good Morning Abby" he said with a little smile. He walked with her to the couch on sat down with her. He gave her a slight smile, and then laid back on the couch "How'd you sleep?" He asked.

Sam turned around with a smile on her face "Hey Levi." She said stepping away from the mirror "You're fine, really" she told him as she rubbed her hair dry in a towel. She looked up and nodded "Not at all; go ahead" she told him. Sam's hair was fairly dry; the ends were still a little wet, but the rest of her hair was dry. She finger combed through her hair, and looked over at Levi, then back to her reflecting in the mirror. She thought about what she would that day; with he hair, and herself.
Abby smiled and looked at him. "I slept ok... I mean, for kidnappers, you guys are really sweet." She smiled and looked around the room. "How did you sleep?" She asked politely, not knowing what else to say.

Levi smiled. "So how was your night?" He asked, then watched her do her hair. "It's already pretty" He said sweetly.
Brady smiled "We have a bad rap, but we are pretty sweet guys" he agreed with a chuckle. "I slept good, my room was freezing though" he said as he pushed his hair back. Abby was a vey kind and pretty girl; no wonder he was staring to have feelings for her.

Sam looked at Levi with a smile "It was good... You know... For being kidnapped" she said with a little chuckle. "Aw! Thanks" she blushed and gave him a hug. She set her hair down and ruffled his hair and giggled and bit her lip "So was yours" she said with a smile.
Abby smiled and laid her head on his shoulder. "Your not that bad.." She whispered. "But I'm still a bit tired." A small smile came onto her face. Maybe it wouldn't be that bad here. She still didn't know why they kidnapped, but she understood they couldn't really return her. She liked the sound of that.

Levi smiled "Oh yeah?" He said as he ran a hand through he hair and messed it up. "There you go.." He smiled and looked at the light hitting her beautiful face. He smiled and kissed her lips, then said "It's not that bad here, see?"
Brady put his arm around her shoulder, and put his head on top of hers. He softly kissed the top of her head, and rubbed her arm with her hand. He let her lean into him, he smiled "If your a little tired, you can snooze right here if you'd like." He told her.

Sam playfully stuck her tongue out at him. She ate tempted to flatten her hair with her hand, but she put her hand down to her side. She kissed Levi back, and blushed when she pulled away "I guess it's not that bad" she said with a smirk.
Abby smile slightly. "I like you a lot." She whispered and nuzzled her head into his chest. She liked the warm feeling of his skin against hers. "Your really not a bad as try make you out to be.... " she said. "I'm sort of.. Glad I'm here." She sighed and closed her eyes, but then reopened them after a few minutes. She didn't want to fall asleep. She wanted to stay awake, with Brady.

"Not really." He sighed. "But I still don't like the fact that we so this." He turned away, angry at himself for letting his emotions get the best if him. He couldn't fall in love with her. He was a horrible monster. "Sorry.." He said, looking at the floor. "It seems Brady's warming up to Abby. In sure they're making out somewhere, but lets go get a bite to eat before they go get the good stuff." He chuckle and gestured her to follow him.
Brady smiled, he looked down at her "I like you too" he told her. He held her a little bit tighter, and ran a hand through hair "Thanks, Abby. But I do feel bad for taking you" he said quietly. Brady looked down at her gain, and smiled. Normally, a girl would have been terrified and hated him after he brought her to the cabin, but Abby was different. He liked that about her, and he knew that they had met for a reason; a reason that they would find out about later.

Sam put her hand on his arm, trying to comfort him "Levi," she paused "it's ok, I understand that you have to do this. Please, don't be mad" she asked as she set her brush down and followed him with a giggle "Sounds good to me" she agreed as she followed him out of he door. She could have sworn that the sunlight had blinded her for a mere second as she stepped out of the bathroom. But she smiled when her body had warmed up she continued to follow Levi through the cabin.
"You don't have to feel bad Brady. Your amazing." She whispered. She lliked the fact that she was in Brady's arms, she like the feeling of being...loved for once. It was a new feeling to her. Abby was about to fall asleep in the comfort of his arms, but then decided not to. She cuddled up closer to him. She was a bit cold, and Brady's body felt warm against her. She smiled up at him. Her breathing was soft and slow. She loved the feelings of his hands through her hair. There was a million things she could have done at that moment, but was too nervous to.

Levi led her into the kitchen. "I hope Lucas is back soon." He said as e searched the cabinets. He found a loaf of white bread, a box of corn flakes and Cinnamon toast crunch. He opened the fridge to find half a gallon of milk and a forth of a stick of butter. He laid it all out for Sam to see. "It's not much, but I might be able to make Sugar toast.." He said, rummaging through a cabinet until he found a bag if sugar and a container of cinnamon. "Your choice." He smiled.
Brady tilted her head up, so he could look into her eyes. "You are truly, amazing" he said softly. After he had finished talking, he leaned in and gave Abby a kiss; Brady ran his thumb over her cheek and ran his other hand up and her arm. He was in love, you you could see it in his eyes, and how he talked to her.

Sam smiled, and leaned against the counter "Hm..." she said thinking of what else she could make, but nothing else came to mind. "I think I'll have some Cinnamon Toast Crunch" she said with a smirk. She walked over to the cereal, and then pulled a bowl down from one of the shelves. Then she poured some cereal into the bowl, and the milk followed the cereal; she didn't use a lot of milk, so she set it back on the counter. "But thanks for offering to make Sugar Toast" she said with when she sat down at the table. She looked at Levi, and then to her cereal; after taking a few bites, she sat back in her chair. "And what are you going to have?" she asked as she tilted her head a little.
Abby smile lightly. She couldn't be nervous anymore. She leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips. It was somthing she had never done before. "Sorry..." She whispered. She liked him to much not to kiss him. She actually didn't like him. She loved him, but she wasn't sure why. Her heart just got all.. Happy every time she saw him. Every time she thought about him. She didn't know why she would put any sort of trust in a guy like this. The guy that kidnapped her. She knew she shouldn't put her trust in him, but she did. She knew he was the right guy.

Levi smiled. "Aww I was gonna be your personal chef!" He sai sarcasticly as he poured abowl of cornflakes. He added milk, then his own special touch of lots of cinnamon and sugar. He sat next to Sam and flicked in an old Tv. It was on the news. Before he could change it a report came on about to missing girls. Two pictures flashed on the screen. "Oh no.." He muttered. The pictures were of Sam and Abby.
Sam looked at Levi, and turned his head towards her "Hey, look at me, please?" she asked "I am much happier here, don't worry" she said running her finger over his soft cheek. "Trust me, I do" she said looking into his eyes. She was telling the truth, this kidnapping was life changing for her, and surprisingly, she didn't want to go back to her old life.

Brady smiled "It's alright Abb" he said. He held her a little tighter and then he placed his head on top of hers; he could feel her heart beating against his chest. Brady looked down again and looked at Abby, admiring the beautiful girl in his arms. Abby was special; she was unlike any other girl he had ever met before. "Would you like some breakfast?" he asked
Abby smiled and agreed to breakfast. She walks into the kitchen to see what there is and stops dead in her tracks. Abby looked at the TV with big eyes. Her face was on the TV. So was SAMs. "N-No..." She whispered, realizing the reality of her situation. She had been kidnapped, not rescued by superman. The same thought ran through her head. Abby glanced aroun the rooms wide eyes, then turned to Brady. "No.." She said again and ran back into her room. Abby locked the door And crashed onto the bed with years running down her cheek. She was so concentrated on the thought of true love that she didn't get the reality I her situation. "STUPID!" She yelled over and over again t herself, ramming her head against the wall.

Levi shook his head a bit. "No.. I'm a monster." He sighed. He watched as Brady and Abby entered the room. He held one if Sam's hands. As he watched Abby freak out, he tries to calm her with words, but couldn't find any. "Brady I'm sorry." He whispered. "Blame me." He glared a bit at Brady, knowing it wasn't his own fault. Brady had fell in live with the wrong girl. "Don't blame me. Blame yourself"
Brady ran after Abby "Please, Abby listen to me" he asked putting his head against her door "I'm sorry" he said in a hushed tone. "I should have never taken you" he said. Trying not to cry, he put his hand on her door "Don't beat yourself up for what I did Abby, it's my fault, not yours" he told her, trying to calm her down.

Sam rubbed her forehead "It wasn't your fault Levi" she said, holding his hand tighter. She turned the TV off and then brought her bowl to the sink, washed it out and set it to dry. She knew that Abby was freaked out of her mind. She walked up behind Levi, and placed her hands on his shoulders "I'm going to see if Abby will talk with me, I'll be back later" she said as she walked towards Abby's room. She stood by Brady, and gently pushed him away from Abby's door. "Abby, could you please open your door; we can talk, I'm here for you" she said putting her hand on her door and waited for response.
Abby slowly approached the door. "Thanks Sam... But can I just talk to Brady?" She whispered, just Loud enough that try could hear her. She just wanted to talk. "I'll let you in Brady... If Sam leaves. I promise I'm not trying to be mean Sam. I just want to talk to Brady." She sighed. Before opening the door she glanced aroun the room, facing the all too true reality. She was going to be her for a while.

Levi turned and got up after Brady. He was angry now. He lightly pushed back Sam. "You probably want to go." He said, not looking at her. "Brady, it's your fault. You fell in love with her. You are the monster." He sneered and pinned Brady against the wall. "You should be ashamed." He snickered and punched Brady in the mouth.
Brady looked at Levi "Yes, I am a monster" he said as he was punched by Levi, instead of throwing a punch back at Levi. He turned into Abby's room, and sat down "I want to say I'm sorry Abby, you didn't deserve any of this" he told her as he looked down at the ground.

Sam gasped "I can't believe I ever liked you" she said with tears running down her face, and turned to her room and ran in, she sat down on the edge of her bed. How could she have kissed him, she shook her head, and stood up. She walked around her room, rubbing her forehead. She leaned against the walls of her room, and sniffled. She wished she'd never been kidnapped now, she was a little frightened by Levi, she pushed some of her hair from her face and continued to walk around her room.
Abby looked at the ground. "It's just a.. Hard situation to be in. I'm sorry Brady. This is my fault." She said, and flung her arms around him. "I'm sorry" She whispered again. "I-I'll make it up to you." She sniffled. "I won't cause any trouble.. I'll just lock myself in here.." She said. That reminded her of the foster home. She felt exactly the same. She wanted to love Brady, an he still.. Did.

Levi shouted angrily at himself and walked off. He slammed his bedroom door. "DAMMIT LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" He yelled at himself, digging a razor blade into his arm. "I love you Sam." He whispered as a tear dropped out of his eye. He was a truly evil person, and he deserved to die.
Brady held onto Abby "I know Abby. I know" he said as he ran his hand over the top of her hair, "You do not need to make anything up to me, I am the one who needs to make I up to you" he said as he rubbed her back. "Don't say that Abby, you've done nothing that you couldn't have controlled" he said softly.

Sam heard Levi yelling, she opened her dorm and walked to his, and heard him whisper "I love you Sam" she smiled and leaned her head against his door "I love you too Levi" she said loud enough so he could hear her. "Levi, can.. Can we talk?" She asked "Please" she added quietly. She stood infront of his door and waited; for a voice. She wiped the drying tears from her eyes.

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