
Abby stayed quiet while the report was shown. Extremely high winds, flooding in some areas... Abby didnt really like to admit it, but she had a huge fear if storms, ever since a tree fell through her room in the orphanage. She went back to that day. She was sitting in her room, finishing up a book assigned to her by her teacher. The Giver maybe. A storm outside churned, bolts of lightening struck every where, a belt if thunder followed. Limbs fell from trees and hit the roof, but nothing serious. As Abby read the last few words in her book, thee was a terrifying crack and the shatter if glass and loud bangs of wood falling into the room. The top of a tree hung in her room for weeks until they could move it. Now Abby was also scared, not as scared as before, but she didn't like it. She was old enough to not be scared, but everyone has a fear, right?
Brady looked down at Abby "You ok?" He asked; he thought Abby was looking a little pale. He kissed the top of her head and held her close to him. When the report finished, the show Duck Dynasty was on. He turned the volume down a little, and leaned back on his elbows, but still holding onto Abby. He rubbed her arm, and made sure he was keeping her warm in the cold room.
"Uh, yeah.. I just hate storms..." She muttered as another loud clap of thunder rang in her ears. Abby was cold, and she enjoyed his warm touch. She kissed the side of his neck, then rested her head on his chest. She could hear his comforting heart beat. She glanced around the room cautiously. It was only her, Brady and the TV.
Brady nodded "Don't worry, you're ok" he said quietly. He ran his hand over her soft hair and rubbed her arms. Brady watched as a big bolt of lighting came down. He didn't jump; he turned back to Abby, and held her a little closer to him. Brady personally loved storms, the rain was so peaceful and calming.

Sam looked over to Levi "Oh." She said "I really want to tell you I understand, but yet, I don't" she said looking down, then back up to Levi "But, to me" she paused "you were just trying to make it another day without a fight." She said "I don't know about you, but I've forgiven you." She said with a small smile. When a big bolt of lightning came down, she was looking out of the window. She couldn't belive how much that one bolt of light lit up the entire meadow.
"Alright..." Levi whispered. He hated himself, and Sams words didnt help that much, even if he loved her. Levi kissed her neck and leaned against her, smiling. The storm continued by he wasn't scared, he liked thunder quite a bit.

(sorry bad WB..)
Sam ran her fingers along his hair. She kissed the top of his neck, and looked outside. Sam looked at Levi, and laid her head on top of his. She let out a sigh, full of contentment; Sam absolutely loved storms. They always calm her down, and help her relax.
Levi smiled. It was 6:00 and the storm rolled on. The rapid, loud potter patter of rain hiting the room calmed him. He turned to Sam and kissed her. "I love you" He whispered as another clap of thunder was heard.

Abby continued to lay against Brady. He was the perfect guy. He cared. He wasn't a guy that was out for her boobs, or a guy that was to pushy. He was perfect for her in every way. He may think he was a monster, but he wasn't. The rain tappe against the roof, creating a soothing sound. She kissed his chest and closed her eyes, not tired, just happy.

Dawn sat in a bar stool listening g to the storm. She had fell asleep after the argument with her head on the counter. She was a bit embarrassed at her falling asleep in the presence of others. She could see her reflection in the black stove door.

Her hair was a bit messy, but she smiled seeing herself like that. She looked around the kitchen and heard the thunder storm. She couldn't escape, but it was feeling more like home.
Sam pressed her lips to his "I love you too" she mumbled against his lips. She began to kiss him passionately, her hands slid up to his neck, and her body closer to his.

Brady looked down at Abby "Do you know how beautiful you are?" he whispered into her ear. "You're stunning" he answered her. Brady rested his eyes; he kept running his fingers through her hair, twisting and twirling her soft hair around his fingers. Brady almost fell asleep from Abby's heartbeat, the rain, and the hum of the tv
Abby smiled. "I'm not that beautiful.." She whispered. The moon could not be seen tonight because of the cloud cover. The storm had not let up at all, in fact it seemed to be getting worse. Abby let out a small sigh and closed her eyes, taking one deep breath. Even though it was 7:00, it seemed as if it was 9.

Levi pulled away for a second and listened to the rain. "Do you hear how beautiful that is?" He whispered, returning her kiss.

(Sorry, huge WB!!)
Brady shook his head "Yes you are, you're absolutely stunning"'he said with a smile. He looked outside "Looks like the storm will be here for quiet some time" Brady announced to Abby. He made sure he closed his windows and shutters were closed.

Sam pulled away and listened to he rain. She almost fell asleep. Sam looked over to a Levi and nodded her head "it is really

beautiful" she said with a smirk. She laid her head on his chest, and hard her hand to run his chest and muscles.
"I am not that beautiful...." Abby replied. When she got compliments she didn't know how to really respond. It always felt .... Awkward to her. Abby sighed and laid beside him, listening to the thunder. As soon as she was about to fall asleep her eyes popped wide opened and darted to the window at the loud boom noise outside... It wasn't thunder.

Levi stroked her soft hair, reflecting back on his life. All the things he had done, all the choices he had made led up to this. This moment, this second.He let out a sigh and kissed her forehead. She was a sweet, loving girl. Levi glanced around the room as lightening illuminated it with a dim blue light. As he was going to put his had down, he heard a loud crash and struggled up to look out the open window. Two trees had just fell, barely missin the house.

Dawn had been to the bathroom to fix he hair, untangling knots with a brush laying beside the sink. She brushed her teeth, which made no see because she was going to fix dinner. She continued into the kitchen where she searched the whole pantry. Eventually, she found salad mix and spaghetti ingredients. She first took out a lot and boils the spaghetti, then moving on to the sauce. After that she sprinkled spices Into the mix. She put some rolls into the oven, and when they were done she set everything out. "DINNER!" She chimed, calling through he house. She hoped this might convince them to let her go, but really it was just good fun. As she walked back into the kitchen she heard the tree fall. "What was that?" She muttered, jumping a bit.
Brady jumped when the tree fell. He looked down at Abby and took her hand. When he heard dinner was ready, he stood up, and pulled Abby up next to him. "Dinner time" he said to her with a smirk. He walked with his arm around her back.

Sam jumped when she heard the tree fall. She looked outside and then back to Levi: "That was close" she said inna hushed tone. She sat on the edge of the bed and started to stand up. She walked around the room and stretched her body.
Abby followed beside Brady into the Dining Room. She sat in front of a smaller plate of spaghetti. "Looks wonderful Dawn." She said in a somewhat shy voice, smiling up at her. The wonderful smell of spices and sauce filled her nose, and made her hungrier. She looked at Brady and signaled for him to sit by her. She sighed and looked around the room. She was ready to eat, but sat patiently until the others arrived.

Levi smiled at Sam as Dawn called for dinner. "Let's eat!" He said happily as he wrapped an arm around her waist. He walks her to the door and opened it and continued to the dining room. He sat beside Brady and saved a spot for Sam to sit. He ruffled Brady's hair as he got up to wash his hands. "Hold my spot Hun.." He said, looking at Sam.

Lucas heard the call for dinner. Sighing, he got out of his bed and slowly made his way into the Kitchen. He stood in the hallway watching the others before stepping in. "Mmmm.." He said, noticing it was spaghetti. He loved spaghetti. He took his seat at the end of the very large table, sitting on the end near Sam. He sighed and looked around, then put his eyes down on his food.
Brady sat by Abby, looked at her, smiled, then to Levi. He looked at Levi and chuckled "Hey, hey hey; watch the hair!!" he joked. He leaned back in his chair, and stretched his arms back. "Good job, Dawn." he said with a friendly smile.

Sam nodded, "Mmkay." she said to Levi. She watched him leave and then ran her finger in a circle along the table top. Feeling a little wave of awkwardness circling around the room, and then looking at the people sitting around the table. Whether they realized it or not, they were all like a big family.
Christina heard that it was dinnertime, but she truthfully wasn't hungry. She sat on her bed, and hugged her knees to her chest. She sighed, and closed her eyes sleepily. She really didn't want to be rude, but she didn't feel in the mood to be eating. Mikey, however, was out of his room as soon as he smelled spaghetti.

"THANK YOU, DAWN!" He exclaimed, and got himself a bowl and than filled it with spaghetti. He sat down next to Lucas, and looked around the room.

"Someone's missing in here." He said, eating up a little bit of spaghetti.

"CHRISTINA!" He yelled, prepared to drag her out of her room and to the table. He didn't hear anything, and he immediately thought something was wrong.
Dawn smiled a bit, but bit the edge of her lip slightly to try and not laugh. He was very funny, and very cute, or at least she thought he was. She looked down at her food. "Alright guys, lets eat!" She said a silent prayer to herself before eating, as tht was what her family did every night. The smell of spices filled her nose as she lifted a forkful to her face. She took the bite and the wonderful, warm flavors filled her mouth. She swallowed and watched Mikey go to get Christi. She sighed an looked around the table. She hoped she did good. Now everything felt like a family to her, but she was still in shock from being taken.
Sam smiled towards Dawn, she looked down at her food; she was saying a silent prayer. Usually, she would have just began eating, but she was moved in a way. She looked up and twirled some spaghetti around her fork, and slowly brought the noodles to her lips. Sam removed the noodles from her fork, and began to chew; the perfect blend of spices greeted her tastebuds, as did the warm noodles. She smiled to Dawn as if to say "Good job."

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