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Fandom KibouLand // ZetsuboLand: a DR OC RP

bullseye boy

certified android


[gif and idea credit to zetsubouland.tumblr]


Hello! This is your friendly host, Ketty-chan speaking, welcoming you to the Kibouland Theme Park, Resort, and Spa, catering to only the most gifted of high school students. The entrance fee is none, not for a Super High School Level! All you need to do is show your student ID at the gate, and all will be taken care of! After all, symbols of hope deserve the very best of care!





Did you hear that?



What a load of crap! A theme park? What are you, five? Bor-ing! Don't worry, your friendly neighborhood Monokuma will spice things up here at the Zetsubouland Theme Park of Mutual Killing!
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Satsuki wakes up on a cold chair with her cheek plastered to a wooden desk. Groggy, she lifts her heavy head up and looks around. A classroom? It’s dim: no windows, lights at half-brightness. Rows of desks surround her, and a podium sits up at the front like it’s a commander and the desks are its army. There’s something in the corner, up high… a projector, or something… it’s pointed right at her. There’s a big arrow scribbled on the chalkboard on the wall opposite her. Following it, she sees a door, standing ajar.

Lifting herself up on leaden legs, Satsuki treads across the room, trying to piece together the scattered pieces of her mind. She remembers some things: Hope’s Peak Academy, an acceptance letter. Orientation? Maybe. She’s a student, she thinks. Pastry chef. That’s her talent, right? Shaking her head, she pushes the door open, eyes adjusting to the pitch black hallway. She has to feel along the walls to get to the end. Groping the farthest wall, she feels a doorknob. It turns under her hand, and pushes forward easily. She’s blinded by the brightness of this new classroom, blinking and leaning on the wall for support. Once her vision adjusts, she realizes that it’s the exact same layout as the classroom she just left, except brighter, and the walls are lined with doors. The blackboard reads, in scribbled letters, ‘Welcome, Hope’s Peak Class!’. There are hearts and stars drawn around it.

“Hello?” Satsuki calls out, cautiously, only half-expecting an answer.
Yukari's eye opened she had to force them open looking around she was immediately put off by the fact this wasn't her room. "W-where am I? Mom? Dad? B-Brother?" She was starring at the ceiling sitting at a desk that wasn't fit to her height. Her feet stretched out on the floor in front of her standing the chair and desk hit the ground. The loud sound scaring her she looked around. Her heart beat heavy she could barely see with almost zero light. Seeing a door she decided to open it opening the door she saw a bigger classroom after her eyes had adjusted to the light.

Kenya groaned as he stood up his head pounding he briefly wondered why then saw he was on the floor. Looking at a chair that had fallen over he guessed while sleeping he had fallen over. That was one question answered but now he had a bigger one. "What is this place a classroom?" He felt his way through the dark bumping and knocking over desk each time a quiet "ouch" left his mouth. He soon came to a door opening it he decided to take a risk. "Anyone here hopefully not a axe killer?" He joked trying to stay calm.
Yoshida jerks awake in a dim classroom with his heart pounding and his head swimming. Mentally, he goes over a checklist for when he wakes up places he doesn't recognize. Who? No one else. Just him. What? He doesn't know. Where? A classroom, he thinks. The word 'Hope's Peak' floats around his brain. Why? School. Yeah, that must be it. He must've fallen asleep in class. The teacher must've left him there as a punishment. Standing, Yoshida is surprised to find that his legs are wobbly. He stumbles to the only door in the room, using his hands to guide him through the sea of desks and chairs. Through the short hallway, he peeks through a crack in the door. It's bright, stabbing his eyes like daggers, and he has to look away to let his vision adjust before he can peer back into the room.

He can hear words-- people talking? There are a few figures moving around inside, but he can't make out details against the piercing brightness. He decides to wait, standing with his entire body tensed, as if he's about to let go of the string on a bow and score a perfect ten
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Amelia had a sour taste in her mouth. That was her only real concern. It was awful, as if her teeth had secreted their own lemon juice and left it sitting in her mouth until it had rotted and coaxed the rest of her mouth. Opening her eyes to the dark void around her, she sat up with a lazy demeanor. It was so dim in here... Amelia squinted at the lights, feeling anger bubble up just barely as she did. Looking to the blackboard whilst trying to forget about the taste in her mouth, she spotted a rather convenient arrow pointing to a door that was suspiciously opened ever so slightly. Getting up off of her aching rear, she moved towards the door seemingly indifferent. She thought she remembered some vague things, though those did not really matter to her. She was at some school, something like Hope's Pike or something... Amelia felt drowsy. But another odd title came to her mind as she mentioned her own name... Bomb. Why?

What an odd word. She rolled her eyes and opened the door at the same time, shielding her eyes almost immediately from the sheer amount of light. It contrasted greatly with the room she was just in, and she scowled under her hand umbrella. "Make up your mind you stupid lights..." She mumbled, not to anyone in particular. Amelia just decided to point her comment to the lights themselves, even if they weren't alive they needed something done to them... She felt a sigh escape her throat as she continued away from the door. She thought she heard someone say something, and then another person speak again. In her stupor, she ignored both and kept shuffling about like that of a zombie. The only difference being that her back was straightened and she was actually alive. Or was she? Eh, who knew... She just wanted something to happen.
The first thing Hikoko Tokishio was that she was laying on a desk, her foggy mind wondering if she had fallen asleep in class. She wasn't one to do so, but anything's possible. She started to open her eyes expecting to see her Jr. High classroom, the teacher droning on, classmates at varying levels of attention to the lesson at hand, windows open because the school was dragging their feet on fixing the AC. What she got instead was an empty classroom with no windows. It seemed like only half the lights had been turned on. She slowly pulled herself to her feet as to prevent falling back down from dizziness, gently pushing the chair back into the desk as even the slightest sound seemed to be like thunder in the absolute silence that occupied the room. Looking up and seeing the vague instructions drawn onto the chalkboard, there was no real other option than to follow the arrow to the door.

Opening the classroom door, Hiroko was met with completely dark hallway. Doing what she did best, she decided to dive right in. Stumbling through the dark hallway, she tried to recall what could have gotten her into such a situation. She remembered getting the acceptance letter from Hope's Peak, being forced by her friends to show the letter to her whole class, the pressure of everyone expecting her to go to Hope's Peak when she herself wasn't sure if wanted to leave her home to go to a school in the sprawling urbia of Tokyo. The anxiety of having to leave home when she decided to accept the school's invitation, the anxiety of living in a new environment, the anxiety of meeting new people, the anxiety of standing out, the anxiety. She was supposed to be a student of Hope's Peak Academy. She'd have to stomach it all to save face. People like her weren't supposed scared. They were held a pillar above the rest the nation's students.

"I just have to be strong," she told herself out loud. She hoped no one heard her.
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Kayano slowly opened her eyes to the dim light in front of the classroom, her head hurt like hell and her vision was blurry. She sat there for awhile waiting for her headache to subdue and her eyes to focus, once they did she took a look around the classroom. There were desks in rows and a chalkboard at the front just like any normal classroom. Now that she had time to think, she remembered what happened. She was walking into Hopes Peak Academy and...

Her head started to hurt again, the last thing she remembered was blacking out and ending up here.

She stood up slowly, trying to make sense of the situation. Her training taught her how to adapt to any situation quick and easy. But what was there to adapt to? She slowly made her way to the door and into the dark hallway. She felt uncomfortable, here she was in a place she didn't remember walking to, stumbling down a dark hallway trying to ignore the pain in her head. After a few minutes of mindless wandering she heard talking, she stopped in her tracks and closed her eyes. Taking a deep breath she followed the noises to a door with a dim light shining under it. She slowly opened it, prepared for anything.
Sitting with her head laying on one arm on her desk she continued to drift into her dreamland, lightly snoring, showing no signs of waking up as she turned her head the other direction to her other arm not bothering with the abandoned arm which now landed into the pile of her own drool. However her internal clock soon activated. Inside her head she could groggily hear the high pitched tone of her notifications alert. "Tatok. You've got mail."

Still, it took more than that to wake her up, and so the alert began to endlessly repeat. "Tatok. You've got mail. Tatok, you've got mail. Tato-"

After a series of repetitions the alert had become more louder and clearer. At first she appeared to be slowly opening her eyes, but with the next "Ta-" she immediately stood up straight and felt around her skirt. "Eh?"

She let out surprised. Again her hands shuffled around her skirt. *Etto, where is it?* With the disappearance of her phone. Soon a sour taste filled her mouth as she began to freak out. Not paying to any of her surroundings she went down on her knees as she crawled in attempts to find her phone, bumping into various chairs and desks in the process. Rubbing her head she muttered, not giving up. "Ugh, must find it. My instincts are telling me somewhere in this world a person in love is seeking for my help. As the messenger and cupid of love I must respond to their pleas of help!"

With a fiery determination similar of a red hot chili pepper, she didn't get discouraged upon not finding her phone within this room. All that means is her phone is else where. Looking up towards the door she stood back up, and brushed any debris off her skirt before getting a grip on the handle slamming the door wide open.
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Asami opened her eyes, her hands clutching the sides of the desk. She quickly looked around, scooting her chair out, the sound of the chair legs against the stone floors echoing throughout the classroom. She'd realize that she was in a classroom, the walls were empty. Her vision was still blurred, as if she'd been sleeping forever. When her vision finally cleared, and she had wiped away the excessive sleep from her eyes, she stood up. She looked around the room, trying to find an exit. She headed for the door, but the crinkling of a piece of paper under her foot stopped her in her tracks. She looked down, the paper stuck to the bottom of her left foot. She unstuck the tape that was attached to the sole of her shoe, and read it. The only thing her mind focused to was, "This school will be your entire life." Asami threw the paper into the corner, walking out of the room.

She looked down the hallway, a few lights were flashing, giving off an ominous vibe to the entire situation. Did she fall asleep in class? It's the first day of school, why were the hallways so bare and empty. Every step she took echoed down the hallway, and she felt as if she were being watched. By instinct, she whipped her head around, expecting there to be a figure. There was no one, nothing. The only thing heard was the sound of her breath, harsh and faint.


Fujo Aputo

Fujo finally opened his eyes, his head resting on the wooden desk, "Did I actually manage to sleep in class on my first day of school." He said thinking the rhetoricaL question out loud in a rather surprised manner.. It was a rather rare if not an unheard of occurrence for someone being the 'Ultimate Pupil'. "That is just horrible luck.." He murmured out, not really thinking of anything else that could explain it. His eyes shifted to the clock, trying to decipher the numbers under the dim light that they in the classroom. However, it seemed to be a herculean class since he couldn't tell the difference between him closing his eyes than with him opening the eyes. His mind being an utter mess, he got most of the information about himself rather quickly but his groggy head didn't let him catch any information on what class he just slept through.

The blonde haired male frowned as he decided to move through the rows of tables, not exactly having night vision, but able to see the outlines of the tables through the dim lights. He winced as he managed to see the outline of a door after bumping into a desk in the front row. "Well, better get out of here...maybe if I am lucky my teacher would understand this will never happen again." He thought to himself as he pushed open the doors to reveal another classroom, light soon flooding his eyes. He blinked twice, trying to get his eyesight back to normal, "I guess it makes sense not to light up a classroom that nobody is using.."

When he finally was able to see shadows of figures, he came to the conclusion that it was still school hours and this was a different period or they took a 'mini-field trip' to a larger classroom because they misplaced the amount of students per classroom. It wasn't unheard of but, it seemed unlikely most of the time for a prestigious school such as Hopes Peak Academy. He found his way to a front-row seat in the large classroom, going with the conclusion that they were supposed to be here. "Welcome Hopes Peak Class <Insert # here?>" Written of the chalkboard probably talking about the first year Super High School Levels,


Fikushun Yochina

The Holy Sorceress of Time woke up from her slumber, the infernal wooden desk hiding a dark deva of sleep called upon the God of Sleep, Hypnos. "I have no time to play with your games Hypnos, come show yourself!" Yochina shouted at the dimly lit room. "I see you are terrified at the thought of being captured once more, as I have already broken your spell and you are hiding in the shadows." She said shaking her head at the 'God of Sleep'. "However, I will find you, nothing can escape the Emperor Eye's view." She said pulling up her eyepatch revealing the glowing eye (which was made by using contacts), It actually could give her some more sight in one eye, however, it wasn't like she suddenly had night vision.

She moved through the desks with ease, not that she could actually see much more than anyone else.However, she was able to concentrate her eyes, seeing all the desks outlines and moved to the door where she believed Hypnos was hiding from her. She quickly pushed the eyepatch back down as the 'bite sized' person, pushed opened the door.

The bright light blinded her for a few moments, giving her the idea that Hypnos had left in a flash of light to the fifth interdimensional plane to recover. "Hmp, running away again.." She said sighing at she was able to see the mortals who were in the classroom. Fikushun thinking that it was a good idea to hide her Universal Emperor Eye to avoid rotting them into a crisp by her holy gaze.

Yuki was no stranger to waking up in strange places or foggy memory, with her gigs it was petty much a weekly occurrence. So when she found herself with a monster headache lying in what could only be a dim classroom she immediately went with the natural response.

"Woah," she said with a smirk as she tried to force her eyes open "killer party yesterday..."

She rolled to the side trying to get up only to slide off the desk she'd been lying on and slam into the floor. Yuki went still for a while as another series of groans arose from her downed form before she began groggily dragging herself to her feet.

Her memory was still groggy, not helped by the faceplant she'd performed earlier, but everyone knows that waking up with no memory of the party before was how one could tell they had a good time. She wasn't as worried about where her equipment was, she often had a clean up team take care of her turntables if she ended up passing out during the party. So her greater concern was the headache, and the ravers rulebook clearly states that the only way to deal with a morning headache was with alcohol.

Luckily for her a trained DJ always kept a stash on her person in case grifters were hard to come by. A she slid the trusty little canteen out of her jacket and popped it open to knock back a few, she was sorely disappointed with the lack of anything inside. It was strange, she usually kept this thing refilled every time she went out. She would've tossed it away in annoyance, but it was a damn good canteen.

Stuck with having to deal with the headache for now, Yuki began stumbling to the door. As accustomed to this as she was, she'd probably have it easier after letting that party-goer metabolism do its thing for a bit. So she rubbed her eyes before wobbling out of the room.

As she stepped into the hallway and began walking seemingly on impulse, her memories finally started catching up with her. This was supposed to be her new school or something like that, Hope's Peak Academy. She felt a momentary swell of pride upon realizing that she'd DJ'd for an after hours party on the first day of school, she still couldn't exactly remember the party but she as sure it was gonna be epic once she did.

She stretched and gave a yawn as her stumbling shifted to her usual casual strut, she stuffed her hands into her pockets as she noticed the sound of voices. Probably the other students chatting it up about the epic party last night, she didn't even try to hide her smug look as she slipped inside and gave a carefree glance to what she assumed to be her schoolmates.

"Mm!" she stretched as she entered "Good Morning Hope's Peak!"

She placed her hands on her hips before casting glances towards the other assembled students "So how about that party last night, eh? Anyone else wake up with a monster headache?"
Darkness. Then blinding light. Kaori squinted to the sudden readjustment of lighting as she got up and held her hand to her head. Her memory was fuzzy, though she could still remember most of the events that'd occurred beforehand. An acceptance letter, Hope's Peak Academy... Kaori was appoibted as the SHSL Poison Maker. That's right. So why was she here? Did the two things even have a correlation?

That's when Kaori realixed her surroundings. A classroom, though it was rather ceamped in here. Kaori's cheek was plastered to a wooden desk, her arms were folded atop her head as if she'd fallen asleep on the desk herself. Kaori sighed as she got up, shifting the desk slightly in the process. The female walked towards the door, her footsteps not making a sound as she cautoiusly reached for the doorknob and opened the door to reveal an even brighter classroom.

Kaori had always been sensitive to light. Hell, the dim lighting in the other room was enough to make her tear a little. So the blindingly white light made her hiss slightly. Through her watery vision, Kaori could decipher a few scribbled letters on the board in front of her, thag read 'Welcome, Hope's Peak Class!' The handwriting was unsightly. That was for sure.

As she looked around, Kaori realized there were a few other students here, some of ehich were staring at her, in suspiscion she guessed.
"Kaori. And no, I was not sent here to kill you." She said, in that voice of hers that was mature, yet cold. It was perfect for intimidation, and was also good for reasoning.

Hiroko slowly bumbled her way through the hallway wondering if there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Well there was light shining from the cracks of a doorway, presumably where she was supposed to go. She slid open the door, the light nearly blinding her. Giving her eyes some time to adjust to extreme change in light, she found that there were already students waiting in there.

"Am I late?" She said doing a bad job to mask her nervousness as she moved into the room. She prepared herself to apologize for tardiness.
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@GrieveWriter Satsuki blinks slowly, eyes nearly watering from the girl's appearance. "Party...?" She asks, wringing her hands. So much is happening at once: people throwing doors open, people announcing themselves (the 'i'm not here to kill you' one sort of made her queasy), and parties? Oh boy, is that why she has no memories? What will her father think? No, it's okay, he doesn't have to know. Not if she didn't get into trouble, that it.

"If there was a party, we didn't... break school rules, right? No one will phone home, right?" Satsuki asks, eyes wide. "I promised my father that when I moved to Tokyo, I wouldn't have any wild parties. He can't know about this!" Things start to click into place in her head: is this some sort of punishment room? Is this detention? Oh, no...


@Yunn Once people start to filter into the room, Yoshida uses one of the more flamboyant announcements as a cover to slip inside without causing too much notice. He sticks to the wall, surveying everyone with wary eyes. Neon street-fashion girl, tall dark and terrifying, someone who looks to Yoshida like an actual mermaid, I-come-in-peace-but-actually-will-kill-you, some cosplayer kid with an eyepatch, student council president, little miss dead eyes, a ginger who seemed to amble around like either a zombie or a meth addict, another ginger who seemed to ooze sunshine, and the worried girl doing most of the talking. If that wasn't enough, some kid bursts in the door beside him, the flat surface of the door slamming square on his forehead.

With a yelp, Yoshida stumbles to the side, bending forward and clutching his forehead. His glasses fall off onto the floor, but he can't hear to tell if they crack, not over the throbbing in his head.
Kenya looked around the room there was a very "colorful" cast of people. He then also heard a loud thunk noise turning to the source. He saw a somewhat tall guy not as tall as the dark haired girl but still tall. They were kneeling over holding their forehead no doubt the door next to them had slammed into their face. He walked over almost stepping on something, when he looked to see what they were he saw a pair of glasses. He picked them up and held them out to the guy smiling. "Hey these yours?" He asked chuckling a bit.

Yukari wasn't prepared for such a excited group one girl began mention something about detention. "That can't be right!" She blurted out in a low tone like she was mad but really she was just concerned. Walking forward she bumped into something looking down she saw she had ran into a small girl with an eyepatch. "My bad." She said crouching down to meet eye to eye with the girl.

@T h e F o o l @bullseye boy
@bullseye boy @GrieveWriter

Kayano hadn't bothered to introduce herself to everyone else in the classroom. And instead made her way to a desk and sat down. No matter how long, she couldn't make sense of the situation.

"I doubt there was a party." Kayano said, staring down at the desk. "If there was one i wouldn't have come." She stated sternly. Even if she had wanted to come, her parents would never let her.

Despite all of the introductions, Kayano wasn't impressed. The girl who made a comment about 'not here to kill you' didn't so much bring chills down her spine as give her an annoyed or off-impression.
Asami ran past the room that the crowd was in, seeing it from the corner of my eye. She'd turn around and walk back, standing in the doorway and staring at the large amount of people in the room. Most of them looked confused, dazed, as if they'd all woken up from a deep, deep slumber.
Satsuki still looks worried. She's shifted from wringing her hands together to wringing them in her powder pink skirt. "Then what was it? I mean, if it was a party with..." She lowers her voice, embarrassed. "alcohol, then that could explain my headache and my, er, fuzzy memories. Also, it would explain why we're in a detention room. I mean, this has got to be a detention room, right? No windows, no teacher... It's a punishment." Satsuki chatters on, bouncing her weight from foot to foot, almost like she can't stand being still. "But that guy over there," She jabs her thumb at the blond boy sitting in the desk, the one who looks like he belongs here in detention the least of all. "Looks like he's probably here to monitor us. Because we're all in trouble."


Yoshida, vision fuzzy, grasps for the glasses, mumbling a thanks in a quiet voice. He slides them onto his face, blinking in the sudden sharpness. Looking down, he sees the source of the voice and the source of his glasses-- the oozing sunshine guy. Yoshida's not good around people like this-- he's not good around people at all, but especially not people like this. They're always smiling and they always have the right thing to say. He envies them a bit, mainly because he knows he can't be like them. He fixes his face into a stony, neutral expression and nods to reaffirm his thanks, and then rubs at the growing bruise on his forehead.

"God, will she shut up?" He asks no one in particular, still muttering under his breath. The chatterbox worrier doesn't seem to hear him, thankfully.
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@bullseye boy Kayano closed her eyes. "Like i said, if there was a party i wouldn't have been there. And even if i did go, i would never drink alcohol." Kayano stated, more forceful than she did before. "And if this was the detention room, why did i wake up in a completely different classroom?" she added.

Kayano wasn't the type to converse, but if she had something to prove, she'd do it. If she got into an argument, she'd go through with it.
She'd walk past the comfort of the doorway, farther into the room. She'd sit down at one of the back desks, trying not to cause attention to herself. Seeing how she'd thought this was apart of the welcome ceremony, she'd search through her pockets finding a pencil. After not finding one, she'd sit quietly at the desk, making sure not to interact with students she doesn't know. Although all of them seem to be talking, none of them are voluntarily being friendly with her. She'd thought that she'd might as well sit quietly and wait to be approached, before being too presumptuous or embarrassing herself in front of a large crowd of people.

After tapping her foot continuously for a short period of time, she began to grow impatient. Seeing the nearest person to her, she'd tap on Kenya's (@Nenma Takashi) shoulder. "Do you know where our teacher is?" She whispered.
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"No need to feel so modest girl," Yuki pointed out to the worrywart as she slid her hands into her pockets and began aimlessly wandering around the room "starting the school year off with a violent explosion is always a plus!"

She giggled to herself a bit at that as her eyes ran over the other occupants again, with more seeming to appear from several doorways around the room. She gave a small hum before sighing and shrugging.

"Besides, this ain't no detention like tall dark and misleading over there says." she stated with closed eyes "Too many squares here, not the kind to chill in my kind of parties. Maybe its some kind of really personal orientation or something. Have a little meet and greet."
@MissObsess @GrieveWriter "Well, I-- Maybe they didn't want us to socialize with each other! You know, because... detention, ad stuff," Satsuki defends, lamely. "Besides, I never said you drank. Unless you've got hangover symptoms as well, that is," She adds, a tiny bit smug. Her arms go from worrying at the fabric of her skirt to crossed over her chest, then back to her skirt, like she can't make up her mind. Not having anything to say to the first speaker, she turns to face the one who insisted on the party. "There would be signs for that, right? Or, like, hors d'oeuvres? Cookies, at the least."

As soon as she spoke of food, her stomach gave an embarrassing grumble, and she clasps her hands over her abdomen in an attempt to quiet it down. It doesn't work very well.
She looked around, rolling her eyes at the argument about being under the influence. She stood up, going towards the blackboard at the front of the room, scratching it with her finger nail, causing a loud screech to echo about the classroom.
Hiroko looked to the panicked girl muttering. She seemed like more of a mess than Hiroko felt. Everyone seemed to be just as confused as she was, which was a little uplifting. She walked to the opposite wall and leaned against it. Something wasn't right. Why would most of the lights be out except for this room which was fully lit. Should she bring this up, someone was bound to at some point.

She ran her hand through her hair, some of the strands falling from where it was tied back. Someone had to say something, anyone. Her mind was puzzling over whether she should be the one to break the ice on this subject. Her thoughts were answered by the screech on nails on the chalkboard. Who was the fricking sadist who did that?
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