• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy Kibo High's Student and Staff Roster



The Pun Tyrant
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check



    Quote: (Optional)

    Student or Staffer:



    Age and Year: (for example: 16 year old 1st year student)



    Clubs/Function In the School: (Up to two clubs, one of which is the acting club)

    Appearance Description: (Only mandatory if you did not use a picture)

[tab=Basic Info]

[B][U]Quote[/U][/B]: (Optional)

[B][U]Student or Staffer[/U][/B]:



[B][U]Age and Year[/U][/B]: (for example: [i]16 year old 1st year student[/i])



[B][U]Clubs/Function In the School[/U][/B]: (Up to two clubs, one of which is the acting club)

[B][U]Appearance Description[/U][/B]: (Only mandatory if you did not use a picture)


[B][U]Personality[/U][/B]: (7 PC lines minimum, same as a post)

[B][U]Likes[/U][/B]: (at least 3)

[B][U]Dislikes[/U][/B]: (at least 3)

[B][U]Fears[/U][/B]: (at least 2)

[tab=Bio Info]
[B][U]Wealth Status[/U][/B]: (Dirt poor, poor, middle class, rich, extremely Wealthy...)

[B][U]Backstory[/U][/B]: (7 PC lines minimum, same as a post)

[B][U]Relationships[/U][/B]: (mainly with other characters or important NPCs)

[B][U]Abilities[/U][/B]: (only if applicable)

[tab= Unique Info]
[B][U]Skills/Talents[/U][/B]: (please avoid having the same talent as another player, with the exception of a talent for acting itself. It is recommended player have a talent for acting a certain type of role)

[B][U]Trope[/U][/B]: (1 or more anime tropes your character embodies. Please be reasonable with these as we are to avoid repetition here as well. Explain the exact meanign of those if you do not have a reference that can do it for you.)

[tab= Optional Info]
(everything in this part is optional)



[B][U]Theme Song[/U][/B]:



Notes about the character sheet:
1.Non-concrete character sheets are not allowed. While, with prior permission, players can edit their sheets, your character sheet better reflect your actual character and I better not find some random ninja gang that isn't mentioned in your backstory.

2. The atribution of skills and tropes will give priority to those that had them in the pre-reboot roleplays. Otherwise it's first come first serve. Please be specific about them. In case of a talent or trope being too vague or broad the player will be asked to make it more specific. If this is not possible, then up to 3 people may have it. Each person may have up to 5 skills/talents and up to 5 tropes associated with any given character. Although the tropes are an in-universe fact, they are mostly meant for fun. So there is no need to sweat about them. Look them up online, make up names yourself, it doesn't particularly matter so long as you are clear about what they mean.

3.You can use the code here or your own. You can also add more stuff to the CS but taking out anything non-optional will mean you can't get approved until it's included.

4.Be anime! Unleash your inner weeabu! This is an anime highschool, so don't be afraid to go crazy on the anime aspect (within reason)

5.Players may have up to two characters, one of which a student (if they have two, you can just make a teacher). For now all student characters must belong in the acting club)

6.Players are allowed to make third year students if and only if they work out the details about it with the GM team.

7.Any and all demons are banned. Editors Note: We have an overwhelming number of traps/crossdressers now, as such they will no longer be permitted as new applications.

Skills and Tropes:
Akacha Torappu*Secret Agent Training *Adult Experience *Acting (children, small animals, generally "cute" stuff) *Agency Resources*Genderbend Trap
*Legal Loli
*I'm taking her home with me
*Badass Adorable
Torinaiwa Senbonohana*Singing (1/3)
*Writing- Natural aptitude for writing story scripts
*Dancing- Not particularly masterful of any style, just generally well-praticed in choreography she is taight
*Acting- Only applicable to coreography, "cute acts" and pretending to be sad or afraid, as she only had this range of training
*Worrywart Big Sister
*Secret Idol
Anton Braunstein*Public speaking
*Staying calm given almost any situation
*Horse back riding
*Crowned Royal Prince
Umeko Maeda*Singing (2/3)
*She has ballet training but her main specialty is tap
*Mild Yandere
Sora Nakamura*Cooking (Known as a prodigy) (1/3)
*Guitar (played it for one year so has very basic knowledge)
*Acting (Mostly as the comedic relief in plays)
Himeno Senbonohana*Video games
*Has an amazing singing voice (3/3)
*Some would call her ability to slack off a talent
*Secret Maid
*Gamer Chick
Yousuke Ueda*Master of ninjutsu
*Good at playing and acting action scenes
*Fitting lots of things in his pockets
*The Clueless Chick Magnet
Michi Ishikawa*Stagehand - In particular Michi is topknotch when it comes to maintaining and creating costumes.
*Brawling - One doesn't become a Dojo Buster without knowing how to hit people, Michi is good at hitting people in all sorts of ways with or without the aid of various objects.
*Insect Collecting - One of Ishikawa's oldest hobbies is bug collecting, as such he can rattle off a number of bugs by scientific name and has a decent collection. In particular he has a lot of Rhinoceros beetles.
Dojo Buster - Through a mixture of personal juvenile hell-raising, throwing some small amount of money at others, and just in general fighting as many fights as possible; Michi Ishikawa has become a respected leader of Martial Arts in the Kibo High Territory, leading a few of the more nastier punks on missions of beating up other martial artists to show his superiority.
(Creepy) Crossdresser - Michi Ishikawa would very, very much like to keep this aspect of himself a secret. But generally life does not work like that and several already know of "Mimi-chan", who may or may not be worse than the Lion of Kibo High!
Uma Sato*Talented actress (tends to be assigned the romantic love interest roles)
*Track star
*Cute Girl Athlete
Risa Miyasaki*Creative Writing
*Organising/Planning Events (Time keeping, managing)
*Music (acoustic guitar- she's been playing for 4 years)
*The Ace
*Big sister/friend Instinct/Team Mom
Takumi Hero*Running
*Art (photography, light)
*Mr. Fanservice
*Bishie Sparkle
Haru HadaGenius- As mentioned before
Hacking- While not really 'hacking' he has the power to connect to any piece of software in order to keep track of Akacha
Tsukiko Domen-Acting (Tsukiko specializes in the art of Rakugo, which consists of an individual sitting on stage by themselves and depicting a story using nothing more than a paper fan and a piece of cloth as props. The single actor must be able to depict multiple characters. Currently Tsukiko can only play 2 characters and does better with sentimental stories over comedic ones. She's also able to play the role of a ghost, witch and the like fairly well thanks to her experience with horror movies.)
-Tea ceremony preparation (Nothing better than a warm cup of tea after a day's work.)
Obsessed with Occult
Nobara Yukiji*Usually is very good at spotting (reverse and typical) traps/lolicons
*Making costumes and doing face make up
*Playing the part of an innocent/sweet girl
*Exceptional at playing the piano
*Highly skilled at playing the violin
*Genki Girl
*Gap Moe
Minako Kobayashi*Painting
*Photographic memory
*Starving Manga Artist
Miu Hoshi*Thanks to his bubbly personality Miu is very good at handling babies and children
*Playing the role of a hero or a prince
*Taming wild or violent animals
*Angelic Alien
*Aliens Steal Cable
*Good is not Dumb
Rei Suichi*As mentioned before, he can play the role of a man or woman because of his appearance. This has helped him become skilled at filling a diverse set of roles since he is comfortable wearing female clothing for acting purposes.
*French. He knows enough for basic conversation and to impress others but is not fluent by any means. This also can come in handy while acting.
*Clarinet. Rei has played clarinet for 7 years now and while he is not in band, he has become extremely skilled at it. This rarely comes in handy for acting except he has an understanding of music and music theory.
*Oblivious to Love
Haruka Fujioka*Dancing(?)Tropes

8.Reminder that any character put here is liable to be used by the GMs without blinking an eye should you go past the allowed grace period for posting.
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Ah, don't bother going there, it's top secret, you know? The password totally isn't Cuteteddy8 either...
[class=Password] background-color: black; color: green; text-align:center; height: 40px; width: 250px; [/class] [class=Photo] float:left; [/class] [class=Photo2] float:right; width:45%; height:600px; [/class] [class=Result] background-color: black; color: green; text-align:center; height: 70px; width: 250px; margin: 0 auto; font-weight: bold; font-size: 20px; [/class] [class=Access] color: black; height: 40px; width: 239px; [/class] [class=Door] height:1000px; width:1000px; margin: 0 auto; [/class] [class=File] background-image:url('http://cdn-image.travelandleisure.com/sites/default/files/styles/1600x1000/public/1442502270/NYCBARS0915-The-Back-Room_Lower-East-Side_ProhibitionNYC-20.jpg?itok=b0KUUnFN'); background-size:100%px; height:1000px; width:1000px; margin: 0 auto; [/class] [class=File2] height:300px; width:300px; margin: 0 auto; [/class] [class=CFile] background-color: #8b6f47; height:3300px; width:1000px; margin: 0 auto; [/class]
[input class=Password type=password placeholder="Password"]
[input class=Access type=button]
Access <3
[div class=Result]


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[div class=File style="display:none"]

What?! Aaah! How did... WAIT!! DON'T LOOK AT THOSE FILES!!!

[div class=File2]
[div class=CFile style="display:none"](Latest File Update: Year) [div class=Photo2]
Esaka Tea Time photo 2.jpg

[div class=Photo]AR_Caption_This_The_Case_Of_The_Missing_Adults.png

Agent Ranking: SSB-special agent
(completed training)
Status:Undercover Suspension
Average Statistical Ranking:

Doctor Wall's Trope Classification:
*Lgal Loli
*Genderbend Trap
*"I'm taking her home with me"
*"Badass Adorable"
Shinshi Hansamu
Agent 2M-951 ; Akacha Torappu

21 7

Male Female

Modified Human

Wealth Status:
Extremely Wealthy
Access to Agency Resources- Limited to tier 5

Last Known Location:
Co-inhabiting with researcher Dr Laurenza, code 572-lab Z

Field Agent; Secret Agent; Anti-supernatural-disturbance agent
CCO(Current Cover Occupations)-High School student. (2nd year) (Head of the disciplinary comittee and member of the acting club)

*Secret Agent Training- Akacha received all kinds of training and she still retains many of it's fruits.
*Adult Experiences- Having once been an adult, Akacha still retains a good amount of her experience and memories, though often surpressed.
*Acting- Specialized in children, small animals and other generally "adorable" small things. Also in acting like a secret agent, duh.
*Agency Resources- though limited, Akacha has access to some resources from the secret agency

The reported behavior of the agent suggests they are an extremely disciplined and eager to work person. They put their all into what they do because they equate their sense of purpose with their sense of identity. While this ego-driven has risen some objections regarding the viability of their behavior in giving the missions appropriate priorities, and a verified tendency towards impatience and a hot temper, though these complaints have been dismissed as of now. However, the agent's seriousness does affect that attitude, giving them workaholic tendencies. They finish anything they start, even if it takes unreasonable amounts of overwork to do it, and they seem to always obsess with their work. Where there was once passion at the start of the agent's training, now some point out there may be addiction. Such a matter, too, has been silenced given the benefits it has brought to the agency, and the agent's own decision to be held personally responsible for mishaps that result in their work outside of the instructed time. The agent didn't seem interested in the extra pay for those extraordinary hours, but did come to instruct that it be directed towards a given orphanage owned by a friend of his, suggesting a certain generosity. The biggest concern of the agency are those regarding the agent's attention span and loyalty, mostly based on their history with women, though the latter matter seems to have been nullified somewhat their new conditions.
The mysterious cause of reduced intelligence in the agent after the accident does not seem to have affect their memories for the most part. Not only do have perfect recollection of their childhood, years of training and on the field and so on... (within the reasonable to an adult....former adult...) but the results of their education, such as the politeness and more calculated approach to problems seem to have remained as well, and on top of that, their training at the agency and fieldwork experience remains, so even in the face of suoernaturl phenomena, they are hardly ever surprised. Quite on the contrary, social improvements have occurred in the agent's personality. Along with their pride (which often focused on what he perceived as "manly charms"), the agent's stubbornness seems to have diminuished and they seem far more communicative with the research staff than ever before. even strangers, despite a bit understandable awkwardness, they've really been improving on opening up to.
However, certain changes have been even stranger. The agent's mind (or perhaps their acting skills) seems to be adapting to the new body somewhat. The agent has been steadily growing into several childish tendencies, for instance their temperament has developed a child-like moodiness to it and their former complete dedication with work has partially split into an eargerness to explore, as well as child-like tastes in food, decorations, stuffed animals and entertainment.Their behaviorhas grown more clumsy, and overall adorable, to the point of producing a strange phenomena commented on further down this document. Some have questioned whether this is some form of coping mechanism, whether the agent should be henceforth treated as a child and whether their continued desire for the consumption of alcholic drinks should be at all permisseable. It is hard to say no when she asks with such passion.

Value to the Agency:
1.The agent has completed standard special training after successfully enrolling for training in the agency, with exceptional results.
2.Despite their inexperience, the agent has completed several missions for the agency.
3.Dr Wall seems to have taken a great interest in the agent.
4.Extremely charming and well-spoken
5.Large donations from his family fortune to the agency.
6.Despite the accident in the restoration of their body, the agent seems to retain most of their physical capabilities. This is yet to be fully verified, however.
7.The agent's accidentally produced phenomenon, seemingly based on cuteness, may prove an asset in the future.

Background Report:
Birth and Childhood Details: The agent was born to a family of extravagant wealth which had earned it's money through the stock market and banking. While this certainly was a benefit to their education and latter their priority entrance in the agency. In their early youth, the agent was appearantly on the top of his class, not just due to his excellent gene pool (naturally athletic and intelligent) but also due to the fact he could always brings the newest, shiniest thing to show at school, granting him great popularity. While, according to the interview, there was intense pressure at this time, the agent's pride and drive to succeed for his own popularity were already laying the seeds for his future work habits. During the teenage years, however, the agent had a late growth spur, so he attempted to compensate by demonstracting his wealth. The result was that it backfired. He wasn't loved, but loathed and envied by his classmates, again, according to the interviewed. His success with the opposite gender, however, was just as strong as always. Without being able to properly split his focus, he rapidly changed girlfriends, growing number to it with each swap. In the end, the girls ended up scheming, and used the next girl he fell for to prank him. He was humiliated, but it wasn't enough to make him back off, as the agent (according to the interview) had "much more courage and determination than to simply let it end just because one of them wasn't worth sh*t". This comment (if I may say so, rather naturally) resulted in most of the school deciding to raise the stakes on the next prank. And sure enough, the humiliation was so great the entire town heard of it at least.
What most students didn't know was that, that morning, his parents had passed away in a failed attempt at extorting them, in which the thief had misread the duration needed for a certain poison to act. A sense of meaninglessness fell upon the agent on that day, who sought every way to atone for the wastefulness of his life. It was while going through the debts that fell on him after his parents passed away that he found out about our agency, since they were major benefactors. The agent henceforth did everything in his power to enroll in our training.

1st Year in the Agency: The agent joins the agency, after taking the physical, written and competence exams, as well as a background check. They begin training as an agent.

Other Years at the Agency: (Further detailed in the previous versions of this document) The agent completes their training and enters a cycle of taking training to rank themselves up, in between the missions necessary to earn that training. Their overwork, while self-destructive, ends up resulting in rapid career advancement. The agent remains extremely professional despite seeming to charm everyone, which they used to their advantage in their job often seducing women for information (and yes, even men at times too), though rumors at times would mention a confession of love here or there, the last of which was from the one who would come to be his life's benefactor, Dr laurenza Madson. The agent's sister is still haunted by the humiliation her brother once suffered and goes to study abroad at the first opportunity. She remains working there after completing her studies.

6th Year at the Agency: The agent is given a mission which revealed to have personal stakes in it, as the one responsible for his parent's death is involve in the crime ring. Busting the primary figures in it is a success but the agent is unfortunately caught in the destruction of the secret weapon research factory in which the arrest took place, and their body ends up terribly damaged and disfigured. However, one of the research team members volunteers to use an experimental proceedure to rehabilitte the agent, Dr Laurenza. Unfortunately, there was a reported accident during the surgery and the agent's body had to be converted through what was available. So as the agent came to, they were rather upset to find their body converted into that of an eight year old girl. This caused a large commotion in the agency, in particular because the agent's mental capabilities, though their physical ones not so much, had diminuished due to the proceedure. Accusations of this error being intentional and motivated by spite at being rejected, but due to the agent's own testimony of the Dr's innocence, the case was dropped.The agent began co-inhabiting with Dr Laurenza due to the butler of his mansion failing to recognize the agent in this new form. Documentation was present in the affair, leading the agency to believe some form of code was left between the agent and the butler, which the agent unfortunately can't currently recall.

7th year at the agency: The agent managed to negotiate being sent to higschool instead of being sent to elementary school as some suggested. This will be a test to see whether they can continue to be considered a functional adult or if their new conditions have effectively reverted them to a child.

*Dr.Shin Wall- doctor has displayed a fascination with this particular agent. Investigation on halt.
*Dr.Laurenza Madson- The agent's relationship with this researcher is a positive sign in their social stability. In spite of the accident in her attempts to reconstruct him, and their history of fighting which almost resulted in the failure of several missions, the agent is now peacefully co-inhabiting with Dr.Laurenza and her family.
*Yasha Hansamu-Sister to the agent, currently working abroad. Only living relative, aside for a distant cousin.
*Mazushi Indainahito-An old friend of the agent, who failed the test for the agency. Nowadays runs an orphanage and has been receiving donations from the agent based on the agent's extraordinary hours.
*Sabisu Inukami -The agent's butler. Currently witholding and managing the agent's fortune until his return.
*Haru Hada- A robot in charge of watching over Akacha's behavior so she doesn't blow her cover, formerly her partner

The agent retains an interest in mustaches, fencing, monocoles, alcholic drinks and working. The latter two might be addictions, however. Money does not seem to be a particular concerns of theirs, even after the incident left them with treasury difficulties. They have a deep passion for investigation as well, and more recently it has begun to an enjoyment of exploration as well. In fact, the agent has begun developing several childish tastes, namely they have begun to enjoy anime aimed at children, stuffed animals, and childish decorations. Notable interests in cute clothing have also sprinkled into existence. The agent has became a pickier eater, though instead of their previous nitpicking regarding the price of their meals, often claiming them to be too cheap, now they avoid things like coffee and vegetables.
Color- Pink
Song- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uECaE2UhuGA

Footnotes From The Higher-Ups:

*Petition to Change Cover From Elementary School to 2nd year of high school- APPROVED
-condition: event of unability to keep up, the agent shall be considered long-term disabled, and removed from their position with martidom benefits as compensation.
*After the proceedure with Dr.Laurenza, the agents behavior, mannerisms and appearance seem to lead to a nearly universal reaction of fawning, wanting to cuddle her and other reactions. Descriptions from witnesses claim the agent "was the cutest thing ever" or "was just so adorable". Several requests have been filed to Dr.Laurenza (and declined) in an attempt to adopt the agent or invite them to given locations or organizations of various kinds. Even targets which would otherwise seem completely unemotional tend to be affected by this phenomenon. Immunity to the phenomenon seems to be restricted to those with some form of distaste for children, those physically unable to emote, such as many machine-based-lifeforms and those that are not paying enough attention to notice the agent. The following link leads to the explanation recommended by doctor Wall. It is recommended one manually copies the link into the search bar, seeing how it is written on paper.
I'm Taking Her Home with Me! - TV Tropes

[script class=Access on=click]
set pass (getVal Password)
if (eq "${pass}" "Cuteteddy8") (setText "ACCESS GRANTED!!!" Result)
if (eq "${pass}" "Cuteteddy8") (hide Door)
if (eq "${pass}" "Cuteteddy8") (show File)
hide CFile
hide Photo
[script class=File2 on=click]
hide File
show CFile
show Photo
setText "" Password

  • AR_Caption_This_The_Case_Of_The_Missing_Adults.png

    Student or Staffer:

    Shinshi Hansamu

    Akacha Torappu (cover name) / Special Agent

    Age and Year:
    21 7 year old 2nd year student

    Male Female

    Modified Human

    Clubs/Function In the School:
    Head of the disciplinary comittee of the student council + member of the acting club

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Note: The CS is essentially finished. However due to certain alterations that I may still have to do to accomodate pontential relationships with other characters, I am marking it as WIP. Totally not just because I want to show off the gif I made.

Tori Torinaiwa Senbonohana.jpg

Torinaiwa Senbonohana

Torihana; Tori




President and Headwriter of the Acting Club


Attire(What do they wear normally outside of school?):
Depending on her mood, she'll wear cutesy frilly dresses or a full suit (for men)

Tori is an unervingly mature person and a complete worrywart. She is a composed, polite girl with a mother-hen attitude over all those around her, always seeming to nag them to keep their manners, reminding them of basic tasks and pampering them by taking care of the little things, like bringing extra lunch for someone or helping to clean. It goes to the point where she always seems to be prepared, bringing goods and knowledge alike that one would never think one needs. For her it's always better to be overprepared than underprepared, often leading to overworking herself. Depending on the person, this atittude of hers can be seen as heavenly or obnoxious, but if you tell her the later she might just cry, as she is quite sensitive about what other people think of her. Being meek and lacking confidence in her own decisions, she tends to follow the opinions of others quite a bit, though she retains a hesitance in standing out. She loves getting praise and attention, but hates herself for liking those things and considers it horrible to have such a need, so she tries to avoid standing out at all costs. For instance, while she is quite perceptive and intelligent, she purposely makes more mistakes on tests to keep her own score more average.

Among teachers, she is known as quite the honor student despite not having such high grades. She is someone warm and comforting to talk to, with wisdom beyond her years. Part of her speech is directly ripped off from tv mediums and such, and other chams she sometimes falls for. While she may be a little guillable, she is also quite realistic in expectations and someone who keeps a cool head in dire situations, even if she often overthinks things in normal ones. That said, she is prone to having attacks of anxiety if the specific situation hits too close to home. She hates that she has a mild envious strain as well, and she hates having to pick sides.

*Singing (1/3)
*Writing- Natural aptitude for writing story scripts
*Dancing- Not particularly masterful of any style, just generally well-praticed in choreography she is taight
*Acting- Only applicable to coreography, "cute acts" and pretending to be sad or afraid, as she only had this range of training

Wealth status:

Tori was born as the second child to her family. Her father was a trusting, righteous man who stood upright with family, friends and work, a simple honest bank employee, while the mother worked in the police making facial sketches. Both parents purposely kept jobs that wouldn't take too much time, especially after Tori's other siblings were born and she generally had a normal early childhood. However, as she reached the age of two, her father's younger brother came to him for assistance to fund his company. Tori's father agreed to the request and agreed to grant him a loan behind the scenes. However, this act did not go unnoticed, and when the company faced difficulties, Tori's father was called in and fired for his underhanded arrangement.

Suddenly, the family's lifestyle dropped. As the main breadwinner of the family, the sudden loss of the Tori's father's job resulted in the whole family going from relatively well-off to poor in a matter of weeks. Unable to quope with the sudden situation, Tori's mother ran away one day never to be seen or heard from again. There was grief in the house, with Tori's father coming home everyday exhausted from another day of searching for work. Tori's older sister, Hikari, vowed then to bring them out of this situation. At last, Tori's father found a humble job as a trashman.

Tori and Hikari both grew up as sort-of-troublemakers. They never did anything to upset other people, quite on the contrary, but their constant demand to be in the center of attention, where it was by being loud and energetic, by playing a prank on someone, by always doing what they could to volunteer for everything, to just being plain weird to stand out, these girls seemingly would do anything. As it happens though, both girls shared a great talent for singing, so when their need for attention got them to sing some karaoke during a festival, they got scouted by a particular man working for an idol agency. Around that time, their father met a new woman whom he fell in love with, enough so that he wanted to remarry so that his three children could have a mother again. The news resulted in the opposite reaction to what he expected, with his children seeming to universally hate the idea of him being remarried and in rage he signed the papers that gave Hikari and Tori the chance to become idols. They weren't exactly world-famous, but they were good enough to become minor celebrities around their region. Hikari was mature, but super cute and always an entertainment, and Tori was able to even help come up with scripts for their shows and lyrics for their music (something was occasionally brought up to score points with the fans in case of a mishap). Together, they put on an incredibly adorable act.

In fact, Hikari's success was such that it began bringing home a flow of cash that it hadn't seen in a long time. It was to such an extent that Hikari even got their manager to get the girls a separate apartment with part of their pay to live in, so they wouldn't have to live alongside their stepmom. Outraged, their father accepted a job out of the country, and left all of them in Hikari's care. Because of this, Tori suddenly had to deal with a degree of independence she had never faced before, and mistakes were bound to happen. For instance there was hte time Tori freaked out when she and her sister were invited to sing at the birthday party of a certain rich girl. With the amount of rich and famous people in there, Tori ended up running away a bit before the performance due to the pressure. In the gardens behind the mansion, she met Uma Sato, the birthday girl who managed to calm Tori down and give her confidence to go and actually perform. After talking again, the two became dear friends and would meet again many more times in secret during Tori's career, and she would often help Uma around new places she toured on.

However, things took a surprising twist, as Tori's own popularity began surpassing Hikari's. Out of minor spite, Hikari began teasing Tori a bit more and would on occasion be a little grumpy, but nothing major happened. In fact, it mostly stopped as she got a boyfriend, right up until she found that said boyfriend was tricking her to get closer to Tori. A huge fight broke out between the two, and after their break-up, the minor teasing from Hikari towards her little sister turned into full-out harassment and attempts at humiliating and downplaying her sister. Tori hated it, she was afraid of what had become of her sister, so she brought it up one day. Rumors began to spread and in the blink of an eye, Hikari's career as an idol had ended.

Tori, who did not expect such a backlash was unable to even face her sister for what happened. With the weight of the guilt, she couldn't persue an idol's career any further either. She contacted Uma who helped her calm down again and lent her a shoulder to cry.

After finding about these secret meetings, Tori's former manager tracked down Uma's highschool early on the school year, and helped Tori transfer in. Not only did Tori then discover, to her utmost joy, that Uma was in that school, but she even managed to join the same club he was in, the acting club.

Cross-dressing fiction
Her siblings
Stuffed Animals

The fact that she likes attention
The fact she has an envious strain
Having to take charge
Picking sides

Singing in public
Being left behind in life

Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez Uma Sati: Her best friend, a blind big-breasted centaur girl who is now vice-president of the acting club

Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez Hime Sengohana: Her 16 year old sister, known at home to be a gamer even though she sneaks out for her secret job. Tori cherishes her deeply but sometimes wishes she could be a bit more self-reliant.

Gorudo Senbohana: Tori's father now living and working out of the country with his second wife. He sends money and letters often, and though his relationship with his daughters certainly has calmed down since he left, he doesn't seem to have any intention of coming back anytime soon.

Ittami Senbonana: Tori's mother and Gorudo's first wife. She left Gorudo when Tori was barely old enough to remember.

Fusagi Senbohana: Gorudo's second wife, and mother to Tori's half-brother, currently living abroad with her husband.

Hikari Senbonohana: Her older sister, a 23 year old woman now working for a big-shot company. She tends to come home extremely late and leaves early, so the sisters hardly meet up nowadays.

Modori Senbohana: This now 13 year old girl is Tori's younger sister. She's a great sister, and the perfect model student. Nobody can even imagine that beneath this perfect girl is a manipulative and greedy girl with a superiority complex who is traumatized by the bullying she received due to her family's financial issues.

Wakai Senbohana: Also known as Wa-wa, this is Tori's younger half-brother, 6 years old at the present time. She holds him no resentment whatsoever though, and tries to care for him like the family he is. He has a knack for getting into trouble and can't clean up to save his life though.

Bosu Okijin: Tori's former manager and unknowst to her , also her sister's newest boyfriend.


Favorite things:
Best Friend: Uma Sato
Favorite Play: Romeo and Juliet
Favorite Color: Brown
Favorite Number: 2
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Type of Music: Pop
Favorite Animal: Hamster

Theme Song:

*Tori paints her hair white in hopes this will help keep her indentity as a former idol hidden.

Child Abandonment Laws in Pennslyvania
Mother Abandonment & the Effects on the Child



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    Quote: If I cannot depend on myself, how can I expect an entire country to?

    Student or Staffer: Student

    Name: Anton Ludvig Ulberto; Currently going by the alias Anton Braunstein.

    Nicknames/Titles: Braunstein-san; Anton-san; An-san; Oji-sama; Prince Anton;

    Age and Year: 16 year old 1st year student[/i]

    Gender: Male

    Species: Human

    Clubs/Function In the School: (Acting Club)

"Senpai wait up! We need to practice our love scene!"<3
Student or Staff
Wealth Status

Umeko Maeda
January 24th



  • PERSONALITY Umeko is rather temperamental, bossy, and stubborn. However, she is very cheerful, optimistic and a loving person. She can also be a bit of a tomboy. Despite her aggressive tendencies, Umeko has a kind heart, never gives up. Umeko is always full of hope and is always cheering on for the good side of things. She almost never seems to find anything hopeless. Umeko is often a likable person she has rarely met anyone who she did not befriend. Umeko can also be a bit materialistic especially when comes to clothes. Umeko is also what you would call a fan girl. She loves boy groups and obsessing over them. She also tends to turn into a fan girl when she has a major crush on someone. She can be very blunt with it. But if it’s a small one she probably won’t bother telling you. She is brave, bold and decisive, though this sometimes leads to her acting without thinking things through. She can also be a bit ditzy sometimes.

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    "I'm gonna cook your clothes off!"
    Student or Staffer:
    Sora Nakamura
    'The Pervy Chef'
    Age and Year:
    16 years old, 1st year
    Clubs/Function In the School:
    Acting Club
    Cooking Club
    Appearance Description:
    The medallion around his neck was given to him by his father, a chef that travels the world frequently, however, he hasn't returned home for the last 5 years, and therefore Hiro holds the medallion close to him at all times. It's almost as if it's his good luck charm.
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Himeno Senbonohana


16/ first year


Voice(Please provide a sample like soundcloud or YouTube)(Optional):

Picture(Anime Please):

Attire(What do they wear normally outside of school?)(Optional):
She is normally seen outside of school wearing a pullover sweatshirt and black pants of some sort.

Personality: (Please provide at least one paragraph full of strengths and flaws)
Himeno could be described in one word: shy. The girl has always been the most shy of all of her siblings and preferred to keep to herself and read her manga. When spoken to she will try to remain as quiet as possible, but after warming up to whoever it is, she can be seen to come out of her shell more. Hime tries to distance herself from her sisters due to their talents of singing. With her fear of performing and of crowds and her unwillingness to sing, she was thought to have no talent in singing. She saw first hand how her sisters' jealousy tore them apart and so she hid her talent deep down, only singing when she knew for sure she was alone. Meeting strangers is her biggest weakness and she often finds herself at a loss for words. If she is with her sister, Tori, she will try to get the girl to speak for her. Himeno is not the brightest girl and is often found with her head down on her desk trying to sleep after long nights of working or playing video games/reading manga. Besides having terrible sleeping habits, the girl is quite the slacker. her grades are not as good as any of her sisters due to this fact and can sometimes find herself being scolded by her sister or teacher for not studying.
When at her job at the cafe, she lets a persona take over she appropriately named , Yuno. This persona is everything that Hime is not: confident, extroverted, outspoken. Yuno happily greets guests to the cafe and serves them with a smile. Hime tries to raise the pitch of her voice slightly to not sound the same in Yuno form as she does in Himeno form. Sometimes this speech pattern can come off as baby talk.

Secret Maid
Gamer Chick

Video games
Has an amazing singing voice
Some would call her ability to slack off a talent

Wealth status(Dirt poor, poor, middle class, rich, extremely Wealthy):

Bio: (Please provide at least two whole paragraphs)
Himeno grew up as the third child of her mother and father. She was too young to remember much of the event that happened to her family. The girl may have been 3 at the time, but a lot of time has passed since then and a lot of things have happened. She was confused when her father left her and her 2 other sisters in the care of the oldest child, Hikari. To this day, Hime doesn't quite understand why, but she is too afraid to ask anyone. Hime remembers when she was little, asking Tori how babies were made and the answer she got was that babies were made by a boy and a girl kissing. That has stuck with her this whole time and no one had corrected her.

A few months before the school year started, Hime found a job at a local cosplay/maid cafe, with the permission of her oldest sister she began to work. Himeno hides the truth about her job from Tori because she knows her sister would freak out over nothing. At the cafe she always wears a red wig with twin ponytails tied with a black bow on each as well as contacts that make her eyes look blue. Her outfit may change on occasion though depending on the event occuring at the cafe.


Video Games

Being in a crowd
Girls with bigger chests (Jealous)

Letting her loved ones down
Being in front of a crowd

animegirl20 animegirl20

Favorite things(Optional):
Umeko Maeda - Crush/Best friend
Risa - Best Friend

Theme Song(Optional):
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    "Fufufufu, A god has entered the stage! Prepare to be stunned into absolute submission as I demonstrate the deceiving nature of the trickster Loki!"
    Student or Staffer:

    Yukinari Tooru

    The Great Trickster God of Mischief Loki, Yuki

    Age and Year:
    16 | 1st year


    Human (believes self to be a god)

    Clubs/Function In the School:
    Acting Club

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Yousuke Ueda
2nd Year Student
Acting Club
"I am one with the shadow."


Clueless Chick Magnet

Yousuke is a man who values honor and loyalty above all. He is quite reserved and hence people would always assume he is a cold snob. In truth, Yousuke simply doesn't know how to respond and react at most situations. This adds a bucket-load of mystery to his aura which fed his growing appeal around the campus.

If you do manage to catch him out of his unintended cold persona, you'd realize he's actually an awkward mess who gets flustered rather easily. However, he also has his cool moments and he can be very dashing without even trying. He is really dense and has no experience in the romance department.

Yousuke also takes everything seriously and failure is not in his dictionary. The lad is well-disciplined and others might him overbearing at times. Nonetheless, he can also be very reliable and is always there even though you don't realize it. Watch out, he might be the shrub right beside you!

Meditating, ninja tools, jutsus, honorable deeds, traditional things, honing his skills and body, punctuality

Interrupted sleep, technology, bad puns with his nickname, PDAs, laziness, tardiness, evil

Bringing shame to his family! Absolutely unacceptable! Oh, and cockroaches too.


Be like the Earth
Be like the Fire
Be like the Wind
Be like the Water
Be one with the Shadow

Yousuke is the seventh and the fourth as well as the youngest son of the Ueda Clan's main family. As a Ueda, he was introduced and trained in the arts of stealth (Ninjutsu) and the Code at an early age. His father was exceptionally strict on him while his mother was doting. For fifteen years, he was homeschooled by his mother while his father taught him the way of the ninja. He showed a remarkable potential so it was no surprise that his first mission was given to him when he was barely twelve. He had to retrieve a family blade stolen by a small group of thieves. (Don't worry he didn't kill anyone since killing is against the Ueda Clan's code and the thieves are now rotting in jail)

The young ninja entered Kibo High as a first year student when he was sixteen. As expected, he had a hard time adjusting to high school and he would always replace himself with a log whenever somebody would come up to him to say hello. Despite his seemingly off-putting behavior, he gained quite a reputation around the school and earned a fanbase to the point that his locker would always be flooded with love letters. Unfortunately, he was (and is still) a complete brick wall and remained oblivious to the fact that he was receiving "love" letters and not normal letters. He used to respond at every love letter until a horde of females (and some males) approached him, asking him who he truly loves and wants to go out with because everyone received his "reply" and they don't plan to share him.

("Will you go out with me?"
"Of course. Just tell me where to." )

Currently, he still replies to love letters but his replies are less misdirecting this time.

Yousuke joined the Acting Club because he lost a bet with one of his older sisters who was a previous member of said club before graduating. Yousuke never breaks a promise so he immediately joined came his second year.


master of ninjutsu, memorizing, good at playing and acting action scenes, calligraphy and fitting lots of things in his pockets


Himeno Senbonohana - "M-My heart flutters whenever I catch glimpse of Senbonohana-san." Sgt Gomez Sgt Gomez

Umeko Maeda - "I saved her once from some criminals and she has always been there for me. Always." animegirl20 animegirl20

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    Quote: No retreat! Step right up to get knocked down!

    Student or Staffer: Student

    Name: Michi Ishikawa

    Nicknames/Titles: The Lion(ness) of Kibo, Dojo-Buster Ishikawa, Mimi-chan

    Age and Year: 16 years old 1st year student

    Gender: Male

    Species: Human

    Clubs/Function In the School: Acting Club, Martial Arts Club (in particular more associated with the meaner kids

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    Quote: "Being alone has a power that very few people can handle"

    Student or Staffer: Student

    Name: Kohaku Akiyama

    Nicknames/Titles: The lone tiger, Tora-chan

    Age and Year: 17, Second year

    Gender: Female

    Species: Neko

    Clubs/Function In the School:
    Acting club
    Swim team

    Appearance Description (Clothing outside of school):





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    Quote: "Not all those that wander are lost...but I sure am."

    Student or Staffer: Student

    Name: Uma Sato

    Nicknames/Titles: Acting Club Vice President

    Age and Year: 18 years old, third year

    Gender: Female

    Species: Centaur

    Clubs/Function In the School:
    Acting Club - Vice President
    Track Team - Star Athlete

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[div class=overlaytext]Woofー[/div][/div]////////[/div] [div class="tabcontent T02"] Quote: "All you troublemakers won't get away!" | "Welcome home, goshujin-sama!"
Student or Staffer: Student
Name: Miyazaki Risa
Nickname(s)/Title(s): Ri-chan (friends, and nickname for maid cafe)
Age: 17 years old
Gender: Female
Species: Ookami
Clubs/Function In the School: Acting Club


Risa is a very hardworking young woman as she does not want to rely on anyone. She is strict on studies when need be, making a good impression on the teachers. She is sometimes too selfless for her own good when it comes to the safety of others because she can't stand "doing nothing" when somebody is in danger. She is more empathetic towards girls than the other half of the population, especially if they are being harassed. She doesn't like it when people discourage or badmouth others who are genuinely working hard. Risa is graceful, determined and puts her whole heart into whatever she does, often making other people try to work hard just by watching her. You'll rarely find her complaining about school or the woes of a high schooler, and this can make her insensitive to those who does, as she does not understand what there is to complain about.

She's very loyal and protective of her friends and loved ones, like a wolf protecting her pack or pups, she won't hesitate to take action against those harming her family and friends. Risa wants the best and nothing less for her friends, and sometimes that may come off as strict and uptight, especially when she tutors Hime. Coupled with her unable to convey her feelings truthfully and vocally, particularly any romantic feelings, making her undeniably 'tsundere'.

Likes: Dogs, Wolves, Winter, Fashion, Vaping/smoking, Sweets, Music, Guitar, Making to-do lists, Planning Events
Dislikes: Thunderstorms, Trouble makers, Spicy food, Perverts, Troublemakers/Delinquents/Bullies
Fears: Thunder, getting caught smoking [/div] [div class="tabcontent T03"]Wealth Status: Poor


Risa has not had the best childhood. Her mother passed away due to an illness when she was still a toddler and her father left her with a relative soon after. She was passed on from one family to another as they didn't want anything to do with an ookami child. Her mother was one while her father was human. Ookami are known to be aggressive and easily provoked, which may be why her paternal relatives didn't want to house her and they couldn't contact her mother's relatives as they didn't know who they were. This went on till she was 13, where she was adopted by a friend of her mother, Rouko, who was an ookami. She proved that she wasn't like the bad rumours of their kind and taught Risa to be independent, giving her the freedom to live by herself when she started high school. On the condition that Risa would visit and call her from time to time, keep up her good grades in school, and not participate in any criminal acts.

Risa was scouted to be a waitress in a maid cafe when she was 16. It had a very attractive pay for a part time job and she could just work whenever she's free. She needed her guardian's signature on the job application, and Rouko was surprisingly supportive even though she was fully aware of how explicit it could be. She signed it happily and told her how it would help push her to become fully independent, but not without reiterating that Risa could still come to her for help if she needs it.

01. Rouko; Mother figure;
Risa is very grateful to Rouko because of all that she's done for her, and willingness to still support her. She does not know where she would be if Rouko didn't come into her life.

02. Himeno/Hime;
Risa has known Hime since middle school, she introduced her to the maid cafe and put in a good word for her.

03. Umeko;
Risa has also known Umeko since middle school. She is best friends with her and Hime.

Abilities: Keen sense of smell, taste and hearing. [/div] [div class="tabcontent T04"] Skills/Talents: Creative Writing, Organising/Planning Events (Time keeping, managing), Music (acoustic guitar- she's been playing for 4 years)
Trope: Inumimi/Ookamimimi , The Ace, Adorkable, Big sister/friend Instinct/Team Mom, Tsundere.
Voice: Yoko Hikasa
Theme Song:
[div class=credit]Faceclaim: おっしゅ[/div] [/div] [/div] [div class=credit]coded by Ri.a [/div]


Quote: "All you troublemakers won't get away!" | "Welcome home, goshujin-sama!"

Student or Staffer: Student

Name: Miyazaki Risa

Nickname(s)/Title(s): Ri-chan (friends, and nickname for maid cafe)

Age: 17 years old

Gender: Female

Species: Ookami

Clubs/Function In the School: Acting Club

Personality: Due to her history, Risa is a very hardworking young woman as she does not want to rely on anyone. She is strict on studies when need be, making a good impression on the teachers. She is sometimes too selfless for her own good when it comes to the safety of others because she can't stand "doing nothing" when somebody is in danger. She is more empathetic towards girls than the other half of the population, especially if they are being harassed. She doesn't like it when people discourage or badmouth others who are genuinely working hard. Risa is graceful, determined and puts her whole heart into whatever she does, often making other people try to work hard just by watching her. You'll rarely find her complaining about school or the woes of a high schooler, and this can make her insensitive to those who does, as she does not understand what there is to complain about.

She's very loyal and protective of her friends and loved ones, like a wolf protecting her pack or pups, she won't hesitate to take action against those harming her family and friends. Risa wants the best and nothing less for her friends, and sometimes that may come off as strict and uptight, especially when she tutors Hime. Coupled with her unable to convey her feelings truthfully and vocally, particularly any romantic feelings, making her undeniably 'tsundere'.

Likes: Dogs, Wolves, Winter, Fashion, Vaping/smoking, Sweets, Music, Guitar, Making to-do lists, Planning Events

Dislikes: Thunderstorms, Trouble makers, Spicy food, Perverts, Troublemakers/Delinquents/Bullies

Fears: Thunder, getting caught smoking

Wealth Status: Poor

Backstory: Risa has not had the best childhood. Her mother passed away due to an illness when she was still a toddler and her father left her with a relative soon after. She was passed on from one family to another as they didn't want anything to do with an ookami child. Her mother was one while her father was human. Ookami are known to be aggressive and easily provoked, which may be why her paternal relatives didn't want to house her and they couldn't contact her mother's relatives as they didn't know who they were. This went on till she was 13, where she was adopted by a friend of her mother, Rouko, who was an ookami. She proved that she wasn't like the bad rumours of their kind and taught Risa to be independent, giving her the freedom to live by herself when she started high school. On the condition that Risa would visit and call her from time to time, keep up her good grades in school, and not participate in any criminal acts.

Risa was scouted to be a waitress in a maid cafe when she was 16. It had a very attractive pay for a part time job and she could just work whenever she's free. She needed her guardian's signature on the job application, and Rouko was surprisingly supportive even though she was fully aware of how explicit it could be. She signed it happily and told her how it would help push her to become fully independent, but not without reiterating that Risa could still come to her for help if she needs it.

01. Rouko; Mother figure;
Risa is very grateful to Rouko because of all that she's done for her, and willingness to still support her. She does not know where she would be if Rouko didn't come into her life.
02. Himeno/Hime;
Risa has known Hime since middle school, she introduced her to the maid cafe and put in a good word for her.
03. Umeko;
Risa has also known Umeko since middle school. She is best friends with her and Hime.

Abilities: Keen sense of smell, taste and hearing.

Trope: Inumimi/Ookamimimi , The Ace, Adorkable, Big sister/friend Instinct/Team Mom, Tsundere.

Voice: Yoko Hikasa

Theme Song:
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[div class=titleblock]basics.[/div][div class=textbox]Quote: "I'll see you at the finish line!"
Student or Staffer: Student
Name: Takumi Hiro
Nickname(s)/Title(s):Hiro, Hiro-chi (by close friends/senpais), Takumi-san (his fans made it a rule to address him formally)
Age: 16 years old, First year
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Clubs/Function In the School: Track Club, Acting Club
[div class=titleblock]personality.[/div][div class=textbox]Hiro is a lovable, outgoing boy, whose life mainly revolves around track-- a typical jock, really. His kind and friendly nature, along with his dashing good looks make him one of the popular students in school. He appreciates the attention and support especially during competitions. But he's not had a relationship nor is he looking for one now. He grows more and more like his brother every day, whether he realises it or not. Hiro doesn't like talking about himself, and if he does, he's quick to dismiss it and divert the question to something or someone else. He's also quite hard on himself with regards to running, his "fans" see it as a humble trait, some see it as pessimism.

Likes: Sports, Attention, Coffee, Games, His fans
Dislikes: Studying, Chocolate, Being told what to do
Fears:Hematophobia (fear of the sight of blood), Unable to achieve his brother's dreams[/div]
[div class=titleblock]history.[/div][div class=textbox]
Wealth Status: Rich

Backstory: Hiro grew up in a typical family of 4. They were pretty well off, being able to live in the center of Tokyo. Both his parents were busy working most of the time, leaving him in the care of his older brother, Natsu. He was 13 years older than Hiro, and like his name suggests, he had a fiery personality, outgoing and passionate about the things he liked; particularly track and making games. Hiro's world revolved around his brother, he looked up to him and if he could, he would spend every waking moment with his brother. On Natsu's last year of high school, he got offered a track scholarship for college. Unfortunately, that scholarship never got used.

A weekend while their parents were away, the two brothers were playing games in their room, nothing out of the ordinary. Until a crash sounded from the living room, alerting the older brother. Before Natsu could reassure Hiro that everything was ok, the door opened abruptly and a few loud 'bangs' sounded. The first bullet hit the edge of the display, the force somehow smashing the glass and causing pieces to scatter and some piercing Hiro's right eye. The second hit the back of Natsu, his dying moments protecting the crying boy.

The media released the story as a break in, a simple burglar who had thought the house was empty that weekend. And he was caught soon after he shot the gun. It was thanks to the neighbours that the police got there in time; in time to save Hiro... But not his brother.

Broken and devastated, the family moved out of the city. Hiro had an eye transplant surgery, and gone through years of therapy. His parents never left him alone again, and are overprotective since. Hiro was diagnosed with PTSD, his biggest trigger being the sight of blood. He embraced track again at the age of 15, it helped that it was his brother's passion, and that he was just as talented and disciplined as Natsu. He's decided to put his all into the sport, and to achieve his brother's dream for him.

Relationships: tbd[/div]
[div class=titleblock]other.[/div][div class=textbox]
Skills/Talents: Running, Art (photography, light)
Trope: Mr. Fanservice, Bishie Sparkle
Theme: [/div][/div]
[div class=imagebox]

★ ー
coded by Ri.a | faceclaim Mukami Kou
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    "I....don't understand. I apologize."
    Student or Staffer:
    Haru Hada
    Age and Year:
    17 (twenty in reality), 2nd year
    Clubs/Function In the School: (Up to two clubs, one of which is the acting club)
    Mathematics team
    Theatre club

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    "Oi, bastard! I was about to grab that bread so if you—! Eh!? The hell, he ran away!... Damn, and that was my favorite kind too. "
    Student or Staffer:

    Kyo Souda

    The Unpredictable Bear of Kibo

    Age and Year:
    16 | 1st Year



    Clubs/Function In the School:
    Acting Club, Kibo High Delinquents
    (Was part of various sports clubs in the past but it...Didn't work out.)

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    "Your fears truly say a lot about you..."

    Student or Staffer:

    Tsukiko Domen.

    Tsu-chan, Spooky-chan.

    Age and Year:



    -Acting Club.
    -Tea ceremony club.

    5'5 ft.

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    Quote: "You may call me Himi-sama ohohohohoho!"
    Student or Staffer:Student
    Name:Himika Bujo
    Nicknames/Titles:Hime, Himi-sama, Queen of Kibo
    Age and Year: 16 1st year student
    Species:"Is Queen a species" "No Madam Bujo I'm afraid not." "Then human shall do I suppose."
    Clubs/Function In the School: Acting Club, The Himika is the best club(an unoffical club made up of Himika herself and her head butler always accepting new members)
    Appearance Description Himika wears only the finest of outfits worth more than most could make in three lifetimes at school since she must be in dress code she decided it best to simply wear a crown on her head to let others understand just how rich and amazing she is. She also thinks it looks cute.


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    "I made you a new costume! What? What do you mean boys don't wear dresses? "

    Student or Staffer:


    Name: Nobara Yukiji


    A fairy god sister of clothing and make up!

    Age and Year:
    16 but a second year, she skipped first year by taking advanced classes during the summer


    Species: Human

    Clubs/Function In the School:
    Acting club and the Music club!

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  • kk.jpgQuote:

    "If that plan falls through we could go floating."

    Student or Staffer:



    Minako Kobayashi



    Age and Year:

    16 years old, first year





    Clubs/Function In the School:

    -Acting club
    -Art club

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  • QE1hDV9.png

    Quote: Why do humans have to be so bothersome?


    Name: Miyamura Izumi

    Nicknames/Titles: Miya

    Age and Year: 16 year old 1st year student

    Gender: Female

    Species: Alien

    Clubs/Function In the School: The acting club

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  • Quote: "I'm not a girl, okay? I just like how it feels! N-No, I'm not a pervert either."


    Name: Ritsuka Kaede

    Nicknames/Titles: Princess Kaede

    Age and Year: 16 year-old first year student

    Gender: Male (?) (Very questionable/Undefined)

    Species: Human

    Clubs/Function In the School:
    Acting Club
    Science Club
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  • c2027ba67461434fb6fcb5d2adfb1ee8.jpg

    "Ah! Be sure to take good care of yourself!"

    Student or Staffer:



    Miu Hoshi



    Age and Year:

    300 years old but he looks 17 years old, still a first year due to being new to Earth and just starting school here





    Clubs/Function In the School:

    Acting Club

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  • tumblr_p7j8feSOZP1rztjsno1_400.gif

    “If an angelic being fell from the sky and tried to live in this world of ours, I think even they would commit many wrongs.”

    Student or Staffer:



    Rei Shuichi


    None at the moment, but please feel free to give him some!

    Age and Year:

    17, 2nd Year


    Male, however his body still is more on the soft, slender, feminine side. This helps with him acting, since he can easily play the role of a man or a woman, as he doesn’t mind dressing in feminine clothing (for acting purposes only). He is still obviously a man and by no means a trap. The only time people get confused about his gender is when they are a stranger who has only seen him act a female role in a play and then see him in male clothing later.



    Clubs/Function In the School:


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Student or Staff
Wealth Status

Haruka Fujioka
August 15th

Middle Class

  • PERSONALITY Haruka is a hyperactive, sympathetic and emotional girl who tries her best at matchmaking but often fails. She is highly empathetic, to the point of her overflowing feelings causing her to express more pain or sorrow than others would. She can be a little selfish at times or act childish- mainly when it comes to food, but she is very positive and always trying to help make others happy. She is passionate and has a short-temper. She dislikes studying and sports, but is a big fan of dancing. Her passion for dance does not make her any less clumsy however.


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