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Fantasy KAZAAM!

LK Marie

A Song In a World of Numbers
Hi, everyone! I'm new to RPN but not to RPing in general, so I'll get right into this! ^^ Call me anything you'd like!

One of the players on here gave me her permission to use these plots, And I'm super grateful because wow, these are really, really cool! Temma-Kati Temma-Kati Thanks, fam! Also, I prefer the female roles, but I could be convinced to double - although I prefer to use a different plot for the doubles.

A few things:​
  • I can give between four and eight paragraphs, but I can tone down or tune up for you easily.
  • I like going fastfastfast. I like completing plots. This means I'm hovering between long and short term roleplays. We obviously aren't going to be working on one idea for six months - it's going to get boring.
  • This one is super important to me, alright? Any degrading and/or inappropriate incorporation of self-harm, suicide, sexual harassment/rape, or anything of the likes and I'm out. I will give one warning. One. Do it again, and I'm out. If you aren't sure what's okay or not, ask! I won't bite!
  • I know we all hate saying "Yeah I don't wanna do this anymore" to partners, so I'll make it easy. Just don't reply for four days! I'll take it as you closing up shop, and I'll delete the thread or leave the conversation. It's that easy. It's the same from my side - I'm gone for four days? We're done unless I give a reason.
Well, that's done! Here are Temma's plots she let me use!

Human x Alien
What does it take to live without music?
The Dan'sakia tribe came from a planet the humans hadn't found - but the Dan'sakians had found earth almost since the beginning of time. The planet they came from was dominated by music - they communicated with melodies, thought with lyrics - there was no speech, only song. Where do you think the earthlings found the idea of music? Those horrid cavemen who ate raw meat and wore nothing? Of course not! Dan'Sakians had a tradition - every three generations, four to five of their tribe would travel to this Earth and bring new music, new voices, new languages - the Dan'Sakian average life is well over three centuries, so no wonder the humans' had invented their own line of music. So... how did no one notice aliens running amuck in the human world? These aliens fit almost flawlessly in with the humans, but they were better. Intelligence. Beauty. Strength. Stamina. The only thing they lacked was the ability to bond with different species - their own kind was their only option, no pets or mounts to be spoken of. So how is it that she, an alien of music lost in a word of dull speech, bonded with him? A human? It was impossible, but she watched him carefully - introduced him to her native instruments, taught him her song-language of home all the while pretending she was a foreigner from only another country, little-heard-of. Her tribal folk warned her of the dangers of letting the secret out, and she knew they were right - but why did she feel the need to confide? To trust? This wasn't the Dan'sakia way, this was treason.
(A work in progress, but an idea nonetheless.)

Soldier x Experiment
Were weapons created just to be destroyed?
He was the perfect super soldier - the Captain America of reality! The Trial functioned perfectly with him, leaving him stronger, smarter, faster, better than the others. Billionaire genius, handsome, a true good-Samaritan celeb. He was the only one with that tattoo, the marking the lab had given him during the testing phases. They treated him great during the entire childhood process! Anything that caused him pain, they gave him painkillers. Anything that scared him, they soothed him. They taught him to read with only the finest tutors, the best of the material. They gave him anything and everything he needed because he was the only Super Soldier created. So why does she have the same tattoo? Winter time - he finds her half-dead in the snow. A young woman, no older than nineteen - malnourished, half-frozen, beaten and broken with obvious signs of abuse. He took her in, found that same tattoo on her wrist. But the lab had treated him so well - why was she so... broken? The screams in her sleep. The panic. The absolute terror whenever he raised a hand or came near. She had an ability that would be triggered by her panic and fear - almost like telekinesis, but violent. Windows would shatter, people would get hurt as if stabbed by knives. He still cares for her carefully, patiently building a bond with her until he was the only one who could come near her, or touch her, even speak to her. He's horrified when he finds that the same labs who had made him a soldier had created her to be a weapon of mass destruction - and then broke her over and over, once they realized they had created a monster.

Elf x Human
There were only four kingdoms.
You had your Wintertime Elven folks - oh, they were graceful and slender, with their large eyes and pale features, their bodies clothed with the finest silks and jewels. They thrived in the ice and snow, building their homes from diamond and ice - the palace overlooked the land, King and Queen rested on thrones of ruby and judged their people with fairness. The Summertime elves were bold and strong, with humble cotton clothes and their homes made of stone and amber. Their Empress and Emperor reigned from a large tree, hollowed into an intricate palace. Spingtime folk were softer, much more welcoming than the Summerians and Winterfolk - they lived in the hills, like the Hobbits they read about to their children at bedtime. Their Supreme Judges watched tenderly from the largest of hills, marked with a single cherry blossom tree. Autumnkin were dark-skinned and fun, living in log cabins with glass windows as their Duke and Duchess watched over them protectively from a wood palace. Sumerians, Winterfolk, Springtime Folk, and Autumnkin all had a few things in common - pointed ears, beauty, and their love of folktales and tradition. So image the surprise when a human baby (the species thought extinct!) finds himself raised by Winterfolk, learning of their magic and traditions, to be a manservant to the like aged Noble daughter of a Winter Knight. The four kingdoms argue over the fate of the boy - the Winter and Summer kingdoms see him as just another citizen to the WInterfolk. He hadn't done a thing wrong! He was faithful as any elf, and they treated him as one of their own. However, the Spring and Autumn elven people wanted him gone, sent to the guillotine. War is to be fought, a secret kept from the human until he reached proper age - and then he and the Noble Woman are to flee, to find a life in the unclaimed lands of the planet. The pair finds the village of humans that this human had come from - they make a life, but a Winter Elf can only hide so long before she is found by the hunting parties of Spring and Autumn - and the human with her, as well.

Drow Elf x Human
Menzoberranzan is my home, but Lolth is not my goddess anymore!
Menzoberranzan was located in a huge arrowhead-shaped cavern, some two miles wide and a thousand feet high. The city was mainly carved from calcite and it was filled with blue, green, and violet faerie fire. Buildings were often covered with the city's main motif: the spider, in honor of Lolth. The roof of Menzoberranzan was covered in paths. Some homes were 1,000 feet above the floor. Ceiling houses had to have great magic to prevent them from falling, and many were empty. An enchantment in the city cavern reduced echoes from all the noise. Lolth was the Spider Queen, the embodiment of evil - her High Priestesses killed each other on twisted orders, a murder of kin was celebrated secretly behind closed doors.
She is a High Priestess, a clergy of the Spider Queen - she had killed like folk with her powerful, evil magic and her cursed weapons of choice, a bow and arrow. It's when her first child is sacrificed by her Matron Mother for the sake of pleasing Lolth. So, she runs - she braves the surface, her only companion a magical panther summoned by a statuette. With her almost completely back skin and snow-white hair, those strange lavender eyes that pick up both thermographic pattern and light, the drow is shunned by the humans, learning to survive by her lonesome. She vows to protect the village she tried to make peace with, hiding during the day to avoid the painful daytime light as she fights off threats at night. Her panther, Guenhwyvar, befriends a man in the village - he doesn't know that the mighty cat is aide to the rebel drow priestess. One day, she is hurt - bitten by a snake and easily curable if familiar with the surface plants, which she is not. The magical creature leads the male human to the drow, who he helps only because this cat obviously trusts her. With this begins the game of him trying to warm the hearts of the other humans, trying to let the drow elf become a citizen as she continues to protect them in secret.

Dragon x Human
The time is near, and one of the last of the winged beasts has hatched to his name.
Dragons - huge beasts of old, known to protect their human imprints at all costs. Those who despised the creatures had hunted them for eons, killing them off until only bones and legends told of their fantastic stories. He was born with the mark of a rider, something he was told was just a crazed genetic mistake. Even so, he is drawn by a force almost undeniable towards the mountains in the distance, to explore and find the thing pulling him there. Forsaking routine, he finally gives into the temptation and travels across the mountain range, his curiosity propelling him night and day - before he finds it. The cave - hidden from obvious sight, he is almost drunk from curiosity and burning urgency as he stumbles in, almost directly into the massive skeleton of a gigantic dragoness. She had been clever, hiding her eggs deep inside the mountain until their riders find them. One of the four eggs call out to him, and he begins speaking in a language far too beautiful to be human, greeting the dragon waiting inside. The egg hatches, and out falls the young dragoness - in his eyes, even in dragon form and no bigger than himself, she is the most lovely thing he had ever witnessed with her incredible feathers and scales, eyes like diamonds. He stays for a few days, living off the impossible orchard growing in the mother dragon's ribcage. Eventually, the dragoness - rapidly growing to twice her original size - manages to fly towards his town/village with him on her back, although she's clearly exhausted as she practically stumbles to a stop a mile away. She transforms into her human form now for the first time, and he brings the dazed and confused young woman into his home. She's just as lovely in her human form, and he spends the next several days protecting her almost viciously whenever someone stops by and sees her. Eventually, she begins to settle into the world and explains that she was the only one of her siblings to hatch in centuries - and the two set off on an incredible adventure to find her siblings riders, her massive dragon form easily shooting past flying planes and soaring high above the clouds. However, a beast that size has no chance of being left alone - they are hunted the entire step of the way, the only hope to bring peace is to collect the other three riders and one again have dragons on earth.

Monster x Monster Hunter
I have lived through centuries of anger, so why are you the only one who gives me peace?
He kills. He captures. He will stop at nothing to rid the earth of these evil creatures of the night. That has never changed, and it never will - until he finds her. She was beautiful in her darkness, a creature of danger and evil as she prowls the night. Does she deserve to die? He listens to her stay and is shocked to find that she is only half demon - a product of a forced pregnancy of a human woman, giving birth to a monsters daughter with those horrible wings and the side of her as dark as midnight. She cannot eat what the humans do, nor what the demons do - food, or blood. She is left with a hunger for human, and he finds her plea of death far too heart wrenching to truly kill her. He raids morgues, bringing her human parts despite his instincts to end her - she gives him gifts of jewels and precious metals in return, hiding away in her forest as other hunters try to find her, slowly suspecting the rebel hunter of his crimes.
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Soldier x Experiment looks awesome! Do you have a specific plot you're going for with it ultimately? Also what era is it?

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