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Just a Slave? (Mobius - DizjayDeathPride)

"i never actually watch modern tv. I tend to catch up on all the shows from old world through thiiis" He took the remote and went to a certain channel. "There, better?"
Marley smirked and nodded,resting an arm over his stomach gently."Much better," she told him."The new stuff is just...I don't know," she added.
Marley shrugged as best as she could in his tight hold."I don't know...maybe tomorrow we'll go out?" She suggested as she looked up at him.
Marley chuckled and looked towards the TV,watching the show for a few minutes before she looked back at him and kissed him."Yeah,today was awesome.I don't mind at all that we didn't go anywhere," she told him.
Zack gave her a half smile. "Well by all means we'll have to do it again sometime huh?" He chuckled and lightly scratched Marleys back
Marley chuckled a bit and nodded."Yeah," she said as she relaxed against him,watching the show.
Zack squeezed her once more and sighed. He loved having her in his arms. He felt happier with her there. He ran his hands on her back, feeling the smooth softness of her skin
Marley sighed quietly and smiled softly,gently wrapping her arms around his neck.

(Bump! :P )
(Maybe better back it down a bit,not sure what the rules would think of that post lol.)

"Hey," Marley told him before kissing him quickly and smiling at him.
Marley nodded."Sounds like fun...watch out for the bear," she chuckled and rolled her eyes at herself.
"Yeah,because that was like a work of genius," Marley said with a nod as she stood up.

Zack scanned her body wants more, smiling to himself as he watched her. He was so distracted in the pure bliss of her natural raw and nude beauty he forgot what they were talking about. All he managed was a hazy, "yeah..."

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