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Fandom Journey of the League (Randomized Pokemon Avatar RP)

Which region do people most want this to be set in?

  • Kanto

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Johto

    Votes: 8 57.1%
  • Hoenn

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Sinnoh

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • Unova

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • Kalos

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Alola

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New Member

Last year, a great tragedy befell the region. A human compound was attacked, with no bodies recovered in the following explosion. Approximately eighty humans and twenty avatars are estimated to have died during the attack. The Guard unit issued a statement saying that the attack is still under investigation, and they're collaborating with the Avatar League and the Police to figure out the origin of the attack. This incident follows a rash of abductions, young trainers going missing from their journeys (their partners and teammates publicly disgraced). Rebel group Freedom issued a statement that if humans weren't locked in compounds, forced to go on trainer's journeys, they wouldn't be so easily taken. Well-known criminal organisation Rocket is staying quiet, but we cannot know for sure whether they are disbanding or regrouping.

Statistically, it's estimated that there is one human to every eight-hundred avatars, but the number of humans has significantly dropped with recent attacks. Security is an issue, and Freedom is petitioning the Avatar League to make the Trainer Journey a choice, not something that young humans are conscripted to do. But with humans being the only known source of accelerating the energy of an avatar, it doesn't seem like the Avatar League will be making such a unpopular choice anytime soon.

The next batch of humans for conscription have been rolled, and their trainer programs completed. The partner program has just graduated their latest batch of avatars who have been through a rigorous screening process, and taught how to fight. Now it's just the partnering process, where young trainers choose which avatar they'd like to bring with them on their journey - they must choose carefully as the avatar they choose will be their constant companion for the next three years. Guard is overseeing the process, watching over the humans in their care within the compound. Romance is forbidden between humans and their partners, and partners are still under a close watch to make sure that they're suitable for the process.


Avatars rely on the energy of humans linked to them to grow more powerful, to evolve and to gain more moves. They look mostly human, but they're about 150% stronger than a human of the same build, and they have certain features in common with their pokemon counterparts, such as ears, tail(s), claws, wings, etc. Pointed ears usually distinguish an avatar whose features are more human from actual humans, but sometimes avatars have the recessive curved ear gene (sometimes making them look human). Wings and (mermaid-type)tails of species are shift-able, with water types like Goldeen avatars only summoning their mermaid-like tails when they take a dive, and the wings of Butterfree avatars only manifesting when they want to fly, though Mankey avatars always have their tail, and can't shift it away.

Avatars also look quite similar (colour-wise in hair/eyes) to their counterpart pokemon. Some can even commune with their counterparts, but since pokemon battles are seen as abuse, it is discouraged to use such a skill for one's own purposes, especially as swarming sometimes occurs (especially with bug-types). Pokemon are weaker than their avatar counterparts.

The only thing more powerful than an avatar is a legendary pokemon. There are no avatars who form the counterparts to legendary pokemon, and they're the force which is unleashed when pokemon are mistreated.

  • Activity is important - join if you're able to at least post once every day/or every second day.
  • Be willing to ask me a lot of questions - this roleplay idea has worked in an independent roleplay before.
  • Write in third-person, past tense; around 3-5 paragraphs per post. No one liners, ever.
  • Obey site rules. Also, if you're inactive, I will exercise my right to re-open your spot.


So usually you would choose your species in a roleplay like this, but I tried out this roleplay with random generation and that ended up being pretty fun. So instead of picking what species your avatar is, I will give you three choices.
  • For the starter, you may ask to be generated randomly from the entire list (which will generate you a choice of three starters to choose from). Or you can pick two regions, or one type (water/fire/grass) - and you will not get a choice in the matter.
  • Once an evolutionary line is taken by someone, it is closed and cannot be a choice for anyone else. All species rolled will be converted to their lowest evolutionary stage.
  • There is also the option to have a randomly generated set of three starters from all pokemon (excepting legendaries).
  • In the case that you can argue that you got a really bad set of choices for your avatar, I will give you a second chance roll - but your previous trio of choices will be wiped.
  • It's only the species which is randomly generated. You may apply for a 1/5 chance to be rolled a shiny, and your avatar may know up to two egg moves. You can choose which gender you want, and their personality, background, family - whether they have a (pokemon) pet or not. Humans also get the chance to own pokemon, but since I don't want this roleplay to be swarmed by pokemon, consider keeping numbers down, please (and pick reasonable choices for humans considering how protected they are).


Character ages are eighteen to twenty-five. Leave a comment below or send me a PM to put a reserve on a human or avatar character.

For avatar characters, I will immediately generate your choices depending on whether you want:
(A) a choice of three from all possible starters, or
(B) a choice of three from every possible species (excepting legendaries), or
(C) to just be randomly generated one from two region starter trios, or
(D) to be generated one from a specific type (fire/water/grass).​

I will wait 24 hours for you to make a choice from that - though B can have your first trio of choices wiped if they're truly terrible. It will give you a reroll, but you won't be able to go back to your previous set of choices.

For now, the opening positions are two trainers, and three avatars. I would like to keep an even-ish gender ratio - but if that doesn't work out in the sign-up process, I won't be too worried. If a lot of people find interest in this idea, I might expand it up to adding four additional spots for users. But I'll be looking for a co-GM in that instance.

Fpr now, only five other users will be joining us, but please take into consideration that this roleplay will likely involve multiple characters as we transition along, so you will have around 2-3 characters, depending on what you can manage. These positions are just for an initial idea of what to expect. If you wanted to have a trainer and an avatar, that is perfectly fine. But no one will be allowed more than one trainer, even if they are allowed several avatars.

Avatar Positions Available (0/3)
Male Togepi Avatar - Necromantic Necromantic
Male Honedge Avatar - OverconfidentMagi OverconfidentMagi
Female Slowpoke Avatar - IctoraPost IctoraPost
Trainer Positions Available (0/3)
Female Trainer - lightsaber lightsaber
Female Trainer - The Succubi Queen The Succubi Queen
Male Trainer - @AKKaleb

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Let's go with Alolan Sandshrew (Ice/Steel type), with only one egg move (Icicle Spear). I'll get to work on making a backstory.
Let's go with Alolan Sandshrew (Ice/Steel type), with only one egg move (Icicle Spear). I'll get to work on making a backstory.
Lovely. I'm busy for the next 24 hours due to a sudden event, but on Saturday I should have character sheets up and a character example to work with. I've managed to get quite a bit done today, but I'd prefer to finish the example before I post the CS (especially since I made a last minute change to the layout for readability. If you have any questions regarding backstory, I will be free to respond to you tomorrow, it's just that I won't be able to work with any of the coding. I've done a lot of world-building for this, it's just most of it is jumbled in notes, or solely in my head. But ask me anything, I'm certain I'll know the answer.

Anyway, so that you have more to work with, I'll tell you a bit more about the setting:

Society is very much like ours. I imagine it even to the point where their media is almost a spin-off of ours. A modern world, however there is a huge focus on strength with avatars because it's crucial to the region itself. That's where humans come in, since they amplify the energy of an avatar to promote rapid development (levelling, evolving, learning new moves basically). When an avatar links with a human, the trainer also takes on a lot of the pain during combat (a reflex to keep the avatar's focused) - but the pain is just one of the less serious side effects that occur with the link. Trainers that link with too many avatars have paid for that energy overload with their own health. Avatars have their powers awaken during puberty, but prior to that they can still have features distinguishing them from humans such as ears/tails/etc.

The actual Journey process requires going around to Gyms, training and fighting there. It's supposed to develop survival skills too, and to raise the strength of other region inhabitants, which is why competitors are discouraged from using cars, and are instead encouraged to take boats, trains, buses to get to where they need to go. And in some places, to walk along a Battling Route by foot (where other people wanting to gain stronger through the by-product of fighting a paired avatar). For people on a Journey, planes are only for travel to another region. Also, while there is a separation between the terms avatar and human, 'people' refers to both.

But the Journey is seen as great for avatars. Something glorified. Better than getting a full scholarship to an University (for our kind of equivalent). Perfect for anyone's resume, though the Grand League Challenge has a large money reward for the Champions that they hand out each year - which sets up that group of avatars and that trainer for life.

Why does the Avatar League encourage humans being exploited like this? One, for power (to make sure other regions don't contest them), and two, because by making it a common process which a lot of avatars benefit from, less people protest the use of trainers in Police Academies (to give the police more strength to catch criminals) and in Hospital Training for those who know healing moves. Also, the difference between combat with and without a trainer is obvious in the strength of the moves, since humans give a bit of an energy boost. Throughout known history, the connection between humans and avatars has always been in play at some stage.

Regarding my comment about their world having spin-offs/imitations of ours: Buffy the Vampire slayer for example, could be incorporated as a bit of a typist Buffy the Dragon Slayer - which was about an Igglybuff who fought 'evil' dragon-types. Which as you can imagine, played it's role in making life more difficult for a type which already struggles with their very wild, turbulent energies. There's a lot of stereotypes to be found in this society, which could be potentially fun to play off. Ice types, for example - being quite 'cool', but also perceived a little bit as cold. Steel types being inflexible, or very rigid, but also very sturdy. Dragon types as being dangerous, but very protective. Fire types as having a temper, but being warm to their friends. Grass types about being calm and nurturing... you probably understand my point by now.

It benefits some types, but hinders others, since it's not as simple as these stereotypes (everyone has their own personalities)... but you'll have a quick-tempered grass type who isn't calm or patient at all (which some people will just say is because they're prickly, if they're roselia or cacturne avatars - but no one would expect that from a sunkern). It's just about as much about which species as it is about what element. Sandshrew could be stereotyped as defensive, for example.
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Ill go for it. avatar, probably male roll b

Your options are: Yamask, Togepi, Onix.

As for a status update for the CS, I am coding them right now (I made a last minute change in one of the sheets when I was actually doing my character - which means rewriting the code, but wanted to provide several colours of CS sheets for people to use, so I'll be fixing that now - and get a start on making the threads). So far I have a dusky pink, a bright light blue and a pond green. If anyone has any specific colour requests, I can do that.
Your options are: Yamask, Togepi, Onix.

As for a status update for the CS, I am coding them right now (I made a last minute change in one of the sheets when I was actually doing my character - which means rewriting the code, but wanted to provide several colours of CS sheets for people to use, so I'll be fixing that now - and get a start on making the threads). So far I have a dusky pink, a bright light blue and a pond green. If anyone has any specific colour requests, I can do that.

The hex maniac in me wants to say yamask

But i cant pass up the ability to beat the shit of dragons

So ill go with togepi
Also, considering youre personally coding the formats, could you make mine a light blue with red text?
Hi, I'm interested in this, but I wanted to know: what are the sort of roles/character traits of Trainers? How do they tend to interact with Avatars, and what sort of roles might they play in this RP. What pokemon do they have access to? Is that also randomly assigned?

I'm mainly trying to decide between playing a female Avatar and a male trainer at this point.
Hi, I'm interested in this, but I wanted to know: what are the sort of roles/character traits of Trainers? How do they tend to interact with Avatars, and what sort of roles might they play in this RP. What pokemon do they have access to? Is that also randomly assigned?

I'm mainly trying to decide between playing a female Avatar and a male trainer at this point.

So basically, the trainers have an instrumental role in relation to avatars. If they're linked to an avatar, that avatar has a power boost, and can actually grow stronger at a super high rate. Without trainers, avatars would remain pretty low level, won't evolve, and take ages to gain enough strength to develop new moves. But this process of linking also hurts the trainer - since in combat, they receive the pain that their avatar would feel (with varying degrees of sensitivity). But because of this process, being linked with a human is highly desirable. Avatars want to get on the human's good side, since trainers still get a choice in who they set out with. Some avatars don't come from the best of circumstances, so they see being human as easy, considering they live in luxury.

It's like a reverse pokemon, but instead of pokemon being used, it's the humans? An the avatars take the place of pokemon. But it's the human who has a lot of control over where they end up going. Avatars aren't supposed to engage in battle while linked to a trainer without the trainer's permission. On battle routes, it's more of a 'you have to fight if you run into others' but in cities, avatars can't freely engage trainer-linked avatars.

Avatars are supposed to sacrifice themselves to preserve human lives, if necessary. So the dynamic of power is really warped. The reason the Compound observes pairs for a while is because it's supposed to be a respectful partnership which is as balanced as possible. If a trainer has a strong link to an avatar, they can even communicate telepathically, which helps an avatar quite a lot in battles (since usually there are clear soundproof walls to contain the fight/special moves).

A lot of humans are conscripted to the process - they can refuse, but they usually are given a long sentence of imprisonment without any contact with their family or friends. In the Compounds, they're treated to a luxurious lifestyle even though they can't walk outside the walls. Accepting the offer to go on a Journey is usually the easiest decision, but there are trainers out there who have gone missing who haven't been abducted. Who have actually run off and gotten lost in the system (not that the Avatar League is aware of it, since these trainers usually cover their tracks really well, and at times are helped by FREEDOM).

Pokemon pets that humans have access to are usually those seen as more placid and friendly. You wouldn't see a human with an onix, because they're too large. But small pokemon who don't have bad reputations with humans would be commonly found there. There wouldn't be any battle trained pokemon, so they'd be relatively low level. Dragon pokemon would be seen as too dangerous. Sometimes avatars use their co-responding pokemon species to train (to hone their reflexes) or move around, since they have a higher level of communication. Pokemon aren't randomly assigned (but they have to be if you in any way plan to use their powers to actively battle with the plot - for example - if your human plans on ditching their avatar the moment they're out of the Compound, and the pokemon would take on battles on their behalf). It's a dangerous decision, because of Rocket, but some humans prefer it.
How many moves can an avatar know?

We're not reduced to obeying the game mechanic here. Your avatar doesn't forget moves. But eventually some will fade from use. But HM/TM moves are mostly obtained through completing gyms (though perhaps I'll find a way to work in an instance where characters can obtain one earlier). Like maybe one for the road before they set out (but the strength of moves depend on the characters personal statistics)... Which I'll have to write a separate post on, because it's complicated.

An Ember could be stronger than a Flamethrower, depending on the character (since levels are only used to keep track of what moves they inherit). Obviously I'll have to explain the character statistics which is found on the CS sheets. I'll aim to have that completed tomorrow. But basically, the stats are so that if it comes down to a fight between characters, it can be fairly worked out who would win depending on the scenario.
If there's still room to join, I'd like to. I wasn't sure if option D meant pick any type, or just one of the three starter types. If it's the former I'd like to do that for ghost, otherwise option B full lotto let's goooooo.
Unfortunately, some IRL things came up, and I will be unable to meet the posting requirements. So I will have to back out of the roleplay. Sorry.
Awww, count me in then! Can I make a female trainer with a Roselia as a pet? He'd be pretty useless in battle (he'd probably only know support/fluff moves, like Growth, Grass Whistle, Rest and Sunny day, but hey, he's cute.
*looks at the amount of attack moves a togepi csn know withing a tm/hm*

Ah yes everybody prepare to be metronomed
Okay, here's a super long post. I apologize to everyone for the length. Please let me know if I missed anyone.

Unfortunately, some IRL things came up, and I will be unable to meet the posting requirements. So I will have to back out of the roleplay. Sorry.
Thank you so much for letting me know. I really appreciate how straightforward you are regarding this. Thank you very much Nemo.

If there's still room to join, I'd like to. I wasn't sure if option D meant pick any type, or just one of the three starter types. If it's the former I'd like to do that for ghost, otherwise option B full lotto let's goooooo.
Ah, sorry. I was super unspecific, and I do apologize for that. Here are your options: Delibird, Glameow, Honedge

Awww, count me in then! Can I make a female trainer with a Roselia as a pet? He'd be pretty useless in battle (he'd probably only know support/fluff moves, like Growth, Grass Whistle, Rest and Sunny day, but hey, he's cute.
Sure, that's completely fine. I'm fine with fluff moves - for Grass Whistle, it may work with the normal 55% on other pokemon, but avatars will have an easier time shrugging it off, and so will humans. Though pokemon don't forget moves that they know (they have moves they favour though). I'll just ask you to keep in mind that the gameplay primarily focuses on avatars and trainers, and that your trainer can get in trouble if someone claims that she made her pokemon fight.

Very nice. I'm hooked! I'll take option B. Your BBCode is really good as well, I must say.
Thank you so much - I really do try my best. I spent forever messing around with the BBCode, so I'm glad. Here are your options: Bouffalant, Nidoran(male or female), Charmander.

*looks at the amount of attack moves a togepi csn know withing a tm/hm* Ah yes everybody prepare to be metronomed
Well, the avatars have fighting styles that they learn (martial arts, basically). Your avatar can also have up to two egg moves. Evolving Togepi to Togetic is with high friendship though (so once partnered with a trainer, if your character has a good, healthy relationship with them, that shouldn't be too hard - though this mechanic is up to you). But I'll be introducing TM's/HM's in the setting, so it won't be impossible for your character to learn them.
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Okay, here's a super long post. I apologize to everyone for the length. Please let me know if I missed anyone.

Thank you so much for letting me know. I really appreciate how straightforward you are regarding this. Thank you very much Nemo.

Ah, sorry. I was super unspecific, and I do apologize for that. Here are your options: Delibird, Glameow, Honedge

Sure, that's completely fine. I'm fine with fluff moves - for Grass Whistle, it may work with the normal 55% on other pokemon, but avatars will have an easier time shrugging it off, and so will humans. Though pokemon don't forget moves that they know (they have moves they favour though). I'll just ask you to keep in mind that the gameplay primarily focuses on avatars and trainers, and that your trainer can get in trouble if someone claims that she made her pokemon fight.

Thank you so much - I really do try my best. I spent forever messing around with the BBCode, so I'm glad. Here are your options: Bouffalant, Nidoran(male or female), Charmander.

Well, the avatars have fighting styles that they learn (martial arts, basically). Your avatar can also have up to two egg moves. Evolving Togepi to Togetic is with high friendship though (so once partnered with a trainer, if your character has a good, healthy relationship with them, that shouldn't be too hard - though this mechanic is up to you). But I'll be introducing TM's/HM's in the setting, so it won't be impossible for your character to learn them.

Jesus how did i make so many typos in one sentence

My avatar is gonna have a pokemon, as well- probably a small one that spends most of its life sitting on his head instead of walking on its own two feet. You know, comedic affect.
Sure, that's completely fine. I'm fine with fluff moves - for Grass Whistle, it may work with the normal 55% on other pokemon, but avatars will have an easier time shrugging it off, and so will humans. Though pokemon don't forget moves that they know (they have moves they favour though). I'll just ask you to keep in mind that the gameplay primarily focuses on avatars and trainers, and that your trainer can get in trouble if someone claims that she made her pokemon fight.
Oh, yeah, I'm totally fine with that! He doesn't even need to have such moves if you'd rather him not, I more just want him there as a pet for my trainers, and I was trying to come up with 4 moves that make him essentially useless in battle, hehe. I plan to have her dote on him like a doll, so if anyone accuses her of using him in a battle, she might just throw a fit.
My avatar is gonna have a pokemon, as well- probably a small one that spends most of its life sitting on his head instead of walking on its own two feet. You know, comedic affect.
No problem. That's completely okay.

Oh, yeah, I'm totally fine with that! He doesn't even need to have such moves if you'd rather him not, I more just want him there as a pet for my trainers, and I was trying to come up with 4 moves that make him essentially useless in battle, hehe. I plan to have her dote on him like a doll, so if anyone accuses her of using him in a battle, she might just throw a fit.
Perfect, I was just letting you know so that we're all on the same page - and that's completely fine. It sounds quite cute actually. Since he is a trainers pet, it makes sense that he would have a higher range of moves that he knows, as trainer's live in luxury in the compounds, and so do their pets. He can have whatever moves you'd like him to have, as long as you're sensible about it in roleplay situations (which, I'd say you probably would be - so don't worry too much about it). I don't exactly have a level system (levels are present, but only used for moves) so the Roselia would have low stats (as a pet).

Which reminds me - the stats: (start with about twelve, all distributed - at least one point in each category). The stats are there so that the writers can look at them and use them to help figure out fights, since they will happen. It's good to know whether your character is definitively stronger than another character, or faster, or better at lasting during a battle, because that in addition to power and focus will decide what strategies are used.
For avatars (remember all categories should be multiplied by 1.5 to get what they'd be in comparison to a human):
Strength: physical strength
Stamina: endurance, fortitude
Agility: speed, flexibility, balance
Focus: control of special powers (high power, low focus - good chance of hurting oneself with moves)
Power: amount of power used behind special moves
Trainers: (high focus and power leads to a high likelihood of telekinesis with anyone they're linked to)
Strength: physical strength
Stamina: endurance, fortitude
Agility: speed, flexibility, balance
Focus: ability to control a link, directly affects pain deflection or whether it ends up amplified (if power is stronger, pain is always amplified through link)
Power: how many link can support, how much of a toll the link has on an individual - low levels = more dangerous linking.

I'd planned on making stats and levels really easily obtainable through pages (though it's not essential for people to add them the moment they're earned). Something similar to: every two pages = a level, every three pages = a stat. It's something that will have to be manually adjusted though. Sometimes the speed is too fast/two slow, but at the end of the day it really adds to the feeling of progress (especially since every member of the roleplay pushes the whole team forward). I'd probably record it at the top of the roleplay. But it means that your characters will slowly become stronger (with the convenient excuse of being linked).

The trainers having stats isn't a mistake. Some trainers study fighting styles for last resort cases (such as if their partner gets knocked out of a fight against unsavory characters). It's not exactly advised by the Avatar League (since they believe it makes humans more likely to riot), but a lot of trainers do end up being trained in how to fight, even if it is just so that they can practice with their avatars to make their avatars less likely to lose a fight.
So I realized I never addressed what levels people are starting off as. I'm fine for people to decide between level ten-fifteen in terms of moves (but you'll also have to figure in when your character is likely to evolve as well). But evolution sometimes does happen late even when linked... it's not an exact science - so if you were planning to keep to a certain stage for a while, that is completely fine. Maybe everyone who is an avatar can include the level at the top of their movesets? Just remember, levels don't determine strength. Their stats do.

Also, I've seen the two character WIP's that are up so far. They look great. OverconfidentMagi OverconfidentMagi , Necromantic Necromantic , I love what you've done with your characters. It'll be great to see what they're like when they're finished.

IctoraPost IctoraPost , I'm just reminding you that you do have a reroll, should you not like your options of: Bouffalant, Nidoran (M or F), or Charmander. Though the reroll will nullify your first roll.
So I realized I never addressed what levels people are starting off as. I'm fine for people to decide between level ten-fifteen in terms of moves (but you'll also have to figure in when your character is likely to evolve as well). But evolution sometimes does happen late even when linked... it's not an exact science - so if you were planning to keep to a certain stage for a while, that is completely fine. Maybe everyone who is an avatar can include the level at the top of their movesets? Just remember, levels don't determine strength. Their stats do.

Also, I've seen the two character WIP's that are up so far. They look great. OverconfidentMagi OverconfidentMagi , Necromantic Necromantic , I love what you've done with your characters. It'll be great to see what they're like when they're finished.

IctoraPost IctoraPost , I'm just reminding you that you do have a reroll, should you not like your options of: Bouffalant, Nidoran (M or F), or Charmander. Though the reroll will nullify your first roll.

oh, thanks! way too many siblings and depression seemed like a good combination

are avatars required to go journeying if youre an avatar, or is it optional? i need to know to write like
... uhm....
eleven short backstories
thirteen if you count the parents

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