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Fantasy Joined OOC Chat

... At least put it under spoilers, please.

I know, I know, I am the last person here who should be enforcing this, but it does make me uncomfortable, just a tad bit.
CrazyBitch CrazyBitch not tryna rush by any means. But can you give me an estimated time before your going to post. Cause I have to go to bed here soon for hell....I meant school
I also have to go in about maybe 10-20 ish minutes due to me also having school though I could always sneak on for a bit. I have a test tmr as well so wish me luck on that XD
You might want to copy it and delete it real quick. Minma and Lapis are currently off the bus, outside on some grass. After the kiss they could go back to the bus then you can post it?

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