Poetry I’ve been informed their not bad


Demon Spawn
So I was being dumb and was getting requests for prompts. Now I’m here.

Oh Lenny
He creates the cries from the bunny
Because he thinks he’s just so funny
I think not
You thot

LennyTheMemeGod LennyTheMemeGod InsultingBunny InsultingBunny

Used of many uses
For the monthly cycle of hell
Or when my nose bleeds and it looks like I’ve been stabbed
They are also great ghost
When you tear them apart
And fling them at your friends

Hailey Hailey

My word ends with a period
So does the end of the month
So, I cry and wheep
And cuddle with my happy sheep
Many back and body bottles lay about
I feel like such a lout

Don’t touch my hips
I’ll kick you no where near the lips
Take me on a moon lit night,
We might end up in a fight
Call me fucking little
You might end up in the hospital
Death of a better world​

The Black night
Oh so dark
Which holds the key which is right
To unlock the dreams in the bark

I touch its right groove
It’s color a deep brown
So I use the right move
My touch gliding down

I take the key
And hear it’s soft “Click”
Listening to the buzz of the bee’s
To see a wall made of brick

Dreams are crushed
Tears flow down my face
My adrenaline rushed
Left with zero grace

Any chance to leave
Seems so unseen
I hang my head and greeve
My eyes loosing their gleam
This world is hell
And no one can hide it from our children’s eyes
But we can give them another world
Through writing
You name it
It’s their retreat
Away from hell on earth

My life saver is here
With everyone here
For those I speak to
And those I don’t
Everyone is here for emotional support
Or to even talk to
I find it wonderful

A hidden world
To hide from reality
To calm my anxiety in worst times
It helps
A lot

InsultingBunny InsultingBunny LennyTheMemeGod LennyTheMemeGod Daisie Daisie The Mechanist The Mechanist Hailey Hailey Dr.Nekoshu Dr.Nekoshu Sir Swigglesworth Sir Swigglesworth WavyLikePasta WavyLikePasta BunBun BunBun GayJay GayJay *slides in* Peacemaker .45 Peacemaker .45 And probably a load more names I’m blanking. But a thanks for the comfort and laughter you have all given me. And all the advice also given. You all are one of if the reasons this is my retreat from my own hell. So.. thank you all..
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In the gloomy blue
I walk past the fence
The fence that separates my sanity
And insanity
I teeter on that fence
And even adventure on the insane side

But that is where the anxiety forms
The depression starts the deeper I go
I even slowly push myself deeper
And deeper
And deeper

And other days
I roam happily at the sane side
I’m out and about with friends
I become more social
But that battery drains
So fast
I don’t even realize what happened

I always end up sitting against the insane side
My back pressed against the fence
My breath heavy
Everything trickling away
Into the reality I must face
When you live in the dark
It’s hard to push through
You trip
And stumble
Break a bone or two
Your head pounding
Eyes filled with tears

The tears won’t come
And the pounding gets harder
Like drum mallets against your head

You try to find the light
But your blind
Only pushing yourself deeper in the dark

You attempt to call out
A cry for help
Though no one seems to help
No matter how loud you scream

Your trapped
In the dark forest
You may call depression
Life support
I’ll share a hand to hold
Supply the air you need to breath
But you have to work with me

Take care of yourself
Do what needs to be done
Get the help if you need it

Just please..

Hold on..
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I’ll do better next time

I tried
And I’m sorry
I thought it was over
But I ventured too far past the fence

I tried to stay positive
To hide it because some else
Needed the help
The ears to listen to
More than I did

But I will take this week to talk to someone
I can promise that
And again..
I’m sorry
For not reaching out for help any sooner
I’ll do better next time

I tried
And I’m sorry
I thought it was over
But I ventured too far past the fence

I tried to stay positive
To hide it because some else
Needed the help
The ears to listen to
More than I did

But I will take this week to talk to someone
I can promise that
And again..
I’m sorry
For not reaching out for help any sooner
I like how this one's about reaching out, and it says that the person is getting help. It's sad in the way that they're saying sorry for all the worry they've caused, but also inspiring because it means they got the help they needed while realising and coming to terms with how toxic their state of mind had really gotten. It's kind of a happy ending after a long, hard implied story. I like it.
Daisie Daisie ah.. thank you kindly.. in all reality the person in this one is me.. in most of these actually... I sort of run here and write when I’m not sure how to explain it.. I’ve been having horrible and empty depression I’m dealing with. I try to hide it because I don’t want to worry people. And in the past week I’ve recently been helping out one of my friends on here..hiding away my issiues until tonight with them
Daisie Daisie ah.. thank you kindly.. in all reality the person in this one is me.. in most of these actually... I sort of run here and write when I’m not sure how to explain it.. I’ve been having horrible and empty depression I’m dealing with. I try to hide it because I don’t want to worry people. And in the past week I’ve recently been helping out one of my friends on here..hiding away my issiues until tonight with them
Well, it's absolutely wonderful that you're trying so diligently at this. A lot of people take depression and go down with it, not able to fight against it. I'm glad you're putting up one hell of a fight. You're one more person I can be proud of.
Daisie Daisie I’ve nearly gone down in the past. The large scar along the inside of my arm as proof. But these days it reminds me to keep fighting and to not lot me or anyone drown in their depression if I can help it
Daisie Daisie I’ve nearly gone down in the past. The large scar along the inside of my arm as proof. But these days it reminds me to keep fighting and to not lot me or anyone drown in their depression if I can help it
I'm really sorry you had to go through that. I have a few friends who go through the same thing, and even saved someone from the same fate without knowing it at the time. If you ever need someone to talk to. I like to think I have some amount of skill in that area. PM me if you need to; I'm here.
Daisie Daisie Hey.. thank you for that.. it’s appreciated greatly.. but I’m probally going to log off for the day and just.. chill.. a little.. try and clean around the house.. busy my mind.. I’ll probally take up that offer later tonight..
Daisie Daisie Hey.. thank you for that.. it’s appreciated greatly.. but I’m probally going to log off for the day and just.. chill.. a little.. try and clean around the house.. busy my mind.. I’ll probally take up that offer later tonight..
Take care of yourself! c: I'll be around.
Hold my hand tight
Run with me
Let’s jump the fence
To my insanity

Run faster
And faster​
Come jump head first
Into the lake
I tried to warn you
I’m drowning
In my own depression

Whoops my mistake
I didn’t warn you
You might come too
But thank you
For risks you take
Loss of my old knowledge

Sitting in the dark
In my cocoon of blankets
I’m all alone
In my home
No knowledge of time

Leaning in the shower
I look at my scars
Each and every one
Remembering every reason for why their even there
No knowledge of self control

Standing on my balcony
I stare blankly into the forest
Taking in the fresh air
And wonder
No knowledge of the world around me

In all these places
I realize
Something is different
I am different
A me I don’t recognize
I’m unsure if I continue with this version
Or revert to my old self

But in any case
I am still myself
Wether I smile happily
Wether a panic attack hits
Wether my word crumbles beneath me
Or even a new one rebuilds

There is still
Loss of my old knowledge
That little light
Take a look around
Make a cautious step
Avoid the water
So you don’t have to drown

If you do, don’t let yourself fall too fast
There is still hope
A small glimmer
That hides in the dark

But, you may see it
Only if you choose to
Are you blinding yourself from options out?
Or are you trying to help yourself?
Old doubt renewed
Once a time ago
There was no light
I hid away from it
Doubting it’s ever even existence

The scars along my body the proof
Of a time when I lost hope
And I believe many of us have
A time or two before

But these days
I try not to return to those old days
Keeping myself happy
And doubting the darkness ever even exists

Even though I’m still swallowed whole by it
I clutch on to that light
And the people around me
Who are open eared

And renewing that old doubt
The kids
Horns and halos
Cigarette smoke and “poisoned” hot chocolate
Tails and wings

Purple violets and white name tags
Blushing amateurs
Knockoff Mario-kart and quarters

Bitter coffee and sleeved tattoos
Sly little foxes
Cheesy romance and tough outer walls

Tipped crowns and curious cats
Four red eyes
Giggling madness and straight faced royalty

But no matter their differences,
A little flame sparks them all
One we cheesily call,
(Or like like<3)
cherub. cherub.

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