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Fandom It's Punishment Time: Dangan Ronpa Rp

Chinami Morioka

"Keheheh... Interesting... Now that, is something I would like to see happen... It sounds so... lovely...! I want a front-row seat for such an event!" Chinami said with a deranged laugh. "Keheheh... Well then everybody... I look forward to seeing your despair... Monokuma, take me somewhere I can... enjoy this despair of theirs... I want to taste the despair coming from them as though it were sweat dripping on my tongue..." She licked her lips quite creepily, clearly not the little girl she was just moments before curled up against the wall. It was quite apparent that this was the effects of despair though, not the natural state of the girl.

Kihara - Ichigo - Angel

"Forget finding toys... I think we need to find that girl's sanity," Kihara said with a sigh. "One already fallen to this whole despair bit... Honestly, I fear we'll all be dead by midnight if it spreads like that... At least, everybody but me and you... err... I think I'll have to explain how we wouldn't be dead if insanity took over and caused a massacre, though I suppose I'll explain that later, Sakura..." Kihara let the memory card fall to the ground as he reached under his tongue with one finger, pulling his finger out after a moment. "Alright, that's a good sign... Honestly felt like my tongue was bleeding, like I'd somehow bitten it or something..."
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Charlie backed away from the psychotic pre teen and walked towards Sakura and co. "So, that just happened." he said, taking an uneasy glance back towards to child "What should our course of action be?" he asked "I'm not the kind of guy who wants to end up dying in here."
Sakura sighed " don't call me by my real name... call me Ghost or Shadow...I still haven't decided if I want to keep my real name yet..." she said to him and sighed as she looked at the girl ".... it's to be expected... her mind wasn't ready for this...." she said trailing off a little. She looked at Luka who seemed to have calmed down. She petted the cat " good girl..."

She then looked at the man that walked up to them " i thought it was obvious... find a way out and survive..." she said to him.

@Bullet Tooth Tony


Monokuma gave a grin, "Oh sure Chinami." His half white and black side plain as day, "Just go with them, the best way to see despair is to see it up close and personal." He said with a large grin appearing on his face, as he already had one fall to heavenly despair, he was going to let her in where he watches them when she was done in the area, she had been here for a while and if he recalled in his camera room, three people were talking to her so they might be hurt or at least one of them would be.


Sora Akihito

Sora looked behind as he saw Chinami turning into the depressing form, kids were his weakness so seeing one acting so off was making him a little sad, and hoped that his sister wouldnt turn out like the form Chinami was taking. He would make his way to the Sakura, Kihara, and Charlie, he overheard a little as he would speak up again, "Well ok Ghost." He said, the plan so far is simple to him, dont kill, dont be killed, and dont piss off the bear, easier thought than done but it was fine plan as long as others kept their wits and didn't end up like Chinami, wincing at the thought of the second one like her.​
Chinami Morioka

"Kehehe... Lovely idea...! Insanity is best witnessed in person, up close where it can be tasted...! Keheheh...!" Suddenly, her face went to a straight, emotionless expression, all laughing and such coming to an immediate halt. "Monokuma, I thank you for this lovely chance to see despair up close," Chinami said in an emotionless tone, not a single change to expression whatsoever. A slight evil grin appeared back on her face for a moment, though returned to the emotionless expressing real fast as she walked on over to the doors of the auditorium. Placing one hand on the door, she simply gave a light push to the doors that would open them if they were unlocked, which they probably were by now.

Kihara - Ichigo - Angel

"There's always the simple option of everybody adapting to this place and us just carrying on as normal... That is, assuming that we'll all be allowed to go without killing... I suspect something'll be waiting for us if nobody kills, though I believe it's be far better that cause issues than another one among our group... I'd stay wary around that child though... I fear she may have become a pawn in this game that, if all else fails for them, may become the virus that even I can't be rid of..." Kihara kept his eyes on the girl as she walked away from Monokuma's side and towards the doors, an uneasy feeling welling up in his stomach. He knew that something was going to happen eventually, and he feared it may be involving him or his new-found ally.
Ken Ito

Ken moved away from Monokuma as he muttered a few cusses. "Is someone going to knock out the brat? She lost it and the game has barely been announced five minutes ago..... That's ridiculous, you don't even know despair and you claim to be in love with it." He said as he shook his head and moved even further from Monokuma or more so the spears.

Takeo Mayumi

Takeo got up from his spot as he looked around at everyone. 'This is a game of hunt or be hunted....for once in my life I don't like a hunting game.' He thought as he balled up his fist. He let out a sigh as he turned around and head for the gym door. "What's going to happen to us?" He wondered as he thought about the situation
Sakura sighed a little " i doubt anyone is going to adapt... most of them have stuff to do and can't afford to stay in this for long..." she said to Kihara " i can't blame them..." she said and then turned her attention Sora and then at Chinami. She felt bad for her, the girl already loosing her insanity 'maybe i shouldn't have given up on her so quickly...' She thought as she remembered her past a little but '... I had my sanity at that time and still do... this girl lost it...completely...' She looked at Ken " it's best to leave her alone...for now..." she said to him.

@Kiyoko Tomoe

@Unknown Sanity


The way Nariko saw it, there was nothing left in the auditorium for her. That little girl had gone bonkers, and a small group had begun to gather, whispering about something or other. Honestly, she was interested in what they were saying, but she wasn't the type to just bust in and look desperate. She took a moment's pause. "Welll.." she began, stretching up onto her toes, "I think that's enough revelations for one day. I'm gonna go check out the rest of this place. Anybody else inclined to get this show on the road can come with me." Nariko's heels clicked against the floor once more, moving to the entrance and heading out into the hall. She made a point not to give a glance to the little girl on her way out. The way Nariko saw it, she was like a strand of hay in a needle stack or a nuclear power plant- nothing but trouble.

Checking out the rest of this place might actually be a good idea, now that Tsuneo thought about it. And letting that girl go off on her own sounded like bad news, considering murder was now an option. "...I'll come with you," he answered, following her out the door with longer strides to catch up to her. Unlike Nariko, he'd given a sympathetic glance to the corrupted girl the two of them passed. It wasn't right to put any of them in this situation, but this girl was so young, had such potential going for her. Her parents must be worried sick. And besides, who in their right mind could even conceive of hurting someone so... little? The thought made Tsuneo's heart hurt. Through the auditorium's lobby they moved, but his thoughts remained with her.
The realisation of what was happening was beginning to hit Lily hard. It hollowed her a little inside. For once in her life she didnt know what to do and that is what scared her most. She was sure that someone... anyone would come to rescue her from this prison at any moment, but what until then? She observed the her surroundings but was too stunned to do much more.

Akane Kurosawa


Akane walked up to, who she assumed was Monokuma, face showing no emotion at all. She took a quick glance at the younger student who walked to the door, a hint of disappointment in her cold eyes. She turned her attention back to this Monokuma figure. In a voice as monotone as could be, she said,

"If the point is to fall into the grasps of the emotion 'Despair', I am afraid I shall not be one who does so; Seeing as, I know little emotion, let alone feeling."

Her eyes closed, and she turned to face the group that was still there.

"Will you kill for the sake of only yourself? Would you prefer to have that feeling of regret for, who knows how long? If no one here wants to die, why take another's life only to risk getting caught? Killing will change nothing, as if everyone dies, the same situation will be likely to occur to those younger, and if one is found out, we will remain here doing, wondering the same thing: 'Who will die next?' Now; I cannot just simply alter your mindset, but consider this: Do you want to become what that girl has fallen to?"

Akane's eyes open slightly, eying everyone in the room. She could only see four, three students, and one Monokuma. She narrowed her eyes at said bear. If there was one thing to be frightened about, it would be the fact that killing is allowed; But, besides that, would be Akane's glare.

"And you. What makes you think I would drop to a low level like that, to kill for myself? At least, maybe for self-defense. But other than that..."

She shook her head.

"Ah, never mind. I'd rather be finding a way to get everyone out alive than kill someone for my own benefits. For all we know, some may grow close to one another. They wouldn't want to kill then, correct? Unless some are just heartless. Now..."

Akane's eyes softened, a look of determination barely visible on her features.

"I may lack emotion, but I at least have a heart. And it would pain me to see others die for something they were needlessly dragged into."

And with that, she headed over to a wall near the door and sighed, crossing her arms.

@Everyone in the Room
Ken Ito

Ken listened for a bit, but soon let out a small snicker as he shook his head. "I don't know what is more idiotic. How quickly that damned brat fell into despair. Or that speech." He said still chuckling a bit. "They are both really fucking stupid. I'm emotionless so I won't kill? I have a heart so I won't kill? Hahaha! That's hilarious!" He then stopped laughing and looked at the girl. "That bear is serious about us killing each other...incase you couldn't tell when he shot those spears at me. And even if he wasn't I'm sure someone is already thinking of their family and the possibility of killing someone."

He let out a sigh as he turned his back. "Humans are selfish by nature.... Someone will kill, and people will die.... Don't ever underestimate how selfish people can be." He said seriously before a smirk crept to his face. "Now that I gave you a fair warning..." He then started to head out the door so he could look around.

Sakura was deep in thought, she was thinking about the people she cares about outside the school ' i need to get out of here...' She thought as she started to think of what to do next. 'i need to explore the school... or at least fond a map...' She thought to herself. She was then taken out of her thoughts and looked up when Akane started to talk.

She sighed a little and nodded ' i already regret the deeds I have done in my past... I am not planning on adding more regret...' She thought to herself. She then looked at Ken and mentally sighed knowing what he said is true ' the question is who is going to snap first...' some sweat dripped from her forehead "i need to calm down a little bit..." she mumbled. The situation change quickly and she absorbed alot of startling information. ' the school of hope... became a school of despair...' She clenched her fists and a smirk crept up on her face "let's see if it hold me..."

((I see this end with the ending song from the anime xD ))


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Akane Kurosawa

"I'm not sure if you understand the situation. The bear made it pretty clear that he wants us to fall into despair, which is like giving up in a fight against your enemy. I'm not sure if you really care when you lose to someone like him, but I certainly do. And yes, I know of humanity's natural selfishness, seeing as I was once one of those people who cared only for themselves."

Akane wasn't sure if the boy was still listening or not, but she didn't really care.

:P ]

:P ]

:P ]

*This is pretty much in Akane's mind, so expect some first-person stuff in here.*

Oh, how I was back then. Mm, sorry, Keiko.

"Hey, would you look at that! Seems like the top-dog fighter is, what was that? Losing? And Keiko here, her best friend... Let's teach 'er a lesson for messing with us."

Guy#1 smirked, reaching towards Keiko's blazing red hair and grabbing it roughly. Akane could only watch as the guy and his friends continuously beat her best friend, but she didn't want to risk getting more hurt than she already was. And what did she do?

She ran.

She ran until she was in a whole 'nother part of town. She wondered to herself; Was that a good idea?

God. What the hell was I thinking back then?

A year later, Akane set out to find the leader of the gang who had harmed Keiko.

"Now I know.."

She threw a swift punch his way, causing him to stumble back. Before he had time to recover, Akane was suddenly behind him, and kicked him down with the feared strength she had.

"This world is full of selfish beings. It disgusts me; the fact that I was once one of those people. But on another note, I will never forgive you for what you did to Keiko..."

'Or myself.'

During that little speech, she kicked and punched, and by the time she had stopped talking, she delivered a final blow to the guy's head, luckily not killing him.

Ah, I never did see Keiko again. I wonder what she's doing now?


"Like I said, I can't alter your mindset with magic. Anyways, this day has been too hectic. If any of you kill, go ahead. See where it gets you."
Byron looked around at the group while they had been talking he'd been watching, and keeping his distance, expecting a melee to begin.

Charlie looked at the small child "Fuck me." he growled "This is fucking insane." he then looked around at the group "What we need to do, is we need to form up." he said "Group together, if there is one lesson history has taught us it is that united we are stronger." he looked them all in the eyes "We will find a way out and we will all survive if we cooperate with one another, this is not the time for bloodshed, but team work!"
Ken Ito

Ken just let out a sigh as he left without another word to anyone in the gym. "What a pain..." He muttered as he walked off and headed for the area he knew were the dorms to be.

Takeo Mayumi

Takeo scratched the back oh his head as he thought about it. "I don't trust any of you.... Words mean little, I found that out the hard way...." He said though mumbling the last part. With that being said he turned around and headed out the Gym. He looked around a bit but ended up at the school store. "Wow! Look at all the stuff!" He exclaimed to know one as he started to look around there to see if he could use anything.


"You are very lucky Chinami" Monokuma chuckled as he went to where his camera room was, watching as the group spread up and move outside the auditorium door, "Uppupupu~ Seems that everyone is doing well, oh and one found the school store," He said as he popped up behind the counter of the school store, with a green cap on, "Oh welcome to the school store, we have Monokuma pencils, erasers, plushies, and my favorite monokuma cookies." He said nomming on one of the cookies. "We have plenty of monokuma merch."

Takeo Mayumi

Takeo jumped a bit when the bear suddenly appeared at the desk. "............... Do I have to buy this stuff from you? And if so. Do you have a lot of rope and sticks?" He asked still looking around at all the things that were littered around the place.

@Unknown Sanity

"Oh yes, finally opening to kill someone upupupupu~" Monokuma said, as he spoke again "Oh by the way, everywhere is blocked by iron and steel." He said as he would speak giving Takeo some rope and sticks, with his face on both of them. "That would be 500 Yen." He said, "But now you have despair student discount so it is now zero upupupupu~" he said to Takeo.
Takeo Mayumi Monokuma shop then Takeo's dorm

Takeo rolled his eyes as he took the items as well as a few things he found laying on the ground. "Yeah whatever." He muttered as he walked out of the store and headed for his dorm. He had no plans to kill, but he did have plans for something else. "We are going to be here a while... I rather be safe then sorry." He muttered as he walked into his dorm.
Sakura hummed a little and looked at the people she was with " i am gonna go and explore the place as well... let's meet back here in a hour or so unless you want to come with me..." she said to them as she walked off and left the gym. Luka was worried and looked back at the people that was in the gym, then at her master. Sakura petted her head as she walked, trying to calm her down.

As they walked down the hall she spotted all the cameras that are watching her every move. 'Hm... these turn all around...' She thought as she walked down the hall. Luka then sniffed the hair and jumped down from her shoulder and ran off. Sakura blinked " Luka!" She yelled and followed her, which lead her to the kitchen.

Sakura blinked at the kitchen "wow..." she has never seen such a big kitchen with a dinning room before. She looked around and saw Luka near the refrigerator and then tail pointing at one of the cabinet. Luka tilted her head a little and went over the fridge and found milk. She went over to the cabinet and found tea leaves. She looked at her and smiled a little " smart cat" " Mew"

@Bullet Tooth Tony

Charlie followed Sakura, "Whats to say those aren't poisoned?" he asked "I don't trust that bear." he said, looking at all the cameras.

Byron slipped out of the gym and walked to his dorm.
" the bear has the mind of a sadist... he wants us to fall into despair... if he wanted us dead he would have done so in the gym..." she said to Charlie as she took out a bowl and tea cup and put them on the counter. She took out the milk from the fridge and poured it into the bowl. She then put it in the microwave and warmed it up "starving and killing us slowly with poison... isn't really despair... it's just killing" she said as if she spoke from experience. ' i finally got out of that paise... just be brought back into it again...' She sighed.

@Bullet Tooth Tony

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Sora Akihito

Sora gave a small nod towards Sakura, well he was all for a game, but this one he was sure as hell not going lose on purpose. He didn't find his enemy with all of the other students, more towards the deadly teddy bear, he would wander around the area as he looked at his electronic handbook, the first floor had : the School store, along with the A/V Room and Classrooms 1-A and 1-B, also on first Floor is “Hotel Despair”-- He paused there with a large frown at the word of the hotel before reading on -- the dorm area for the students, which includes a cafeteria, storage, trash room and bathhouse. Additionally there is a nurses office and entrance to the Gym. He started to laugh as the bear wanted them to kill each other yet he let them have a nurses office, loving the counter-productivity of it all. He would check what is in his room, he held vial of liquid, in his hand as he found the vial in his desk, unsure as to what it was, but with everything else that was happening it was most likely poison "Okay then... he really has his ways of killing doesn't he." He said to himself,as he looks at his his blood red eyes getting reflected back him when he looked at the vial heading his way to the nurses office to see what medical supplies the bear had gave to them.
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Chinami Morioka

"Keheheh..." Chinami's creepy giggle came from the nurse's office, the girl came out of the room, nothing different about the office or her, though she quite clearly was enjoying herself for some reason. "Keheheh... Those supplies won't help anybody once despair strikes... Keheheh..." She passed right by Sora on her way from the office to the dormitories, though paid him no mind other than looking over at him with just her eyes as they passed. "Keheheh... Such a fun place... I can't wait to see them kill each other in the depths of despair... Keheheh..." Chinami, now at her room, entered then closed and locked her door. She sat on her bed, just sitting there and giggling creepily for an indefinite amount of time. She was... enjoying being there due to having fallen to despair.

Kihara - Ichigo - Angel

"I'm going to just... find a place I can get some cards or something... I'll also do some investigating if I get the chance..." Kihara said, walking away from the group and out of the gym. He made his way over to the first place he could think of to find some cards, the school store. Somebody else was just there though, walking away with some rope and sticks. He walked up to the store as soon as Takeo left, placing his hand on the counter with a light thud. "Do you have a deck of playing cards? I might have a little... 'unique' need for them." Kihara said, keeping a straight and serious face although keeping a little relaxed as well. Kihara probably seemed like he were purchasing the deck of cards for playing poker or something, but he had a little bit of a different use for them.

((Seems I've got a post out sooner than I thought :x Other responses though, may not occur for a good while :x ))
Charlie looked at her "Who and why do you think they did this?" he asked "Is this being filmed you think? Like for some fucking weird torture porn, like the kind of deal where some old rich guy will be busting his nut to this?"

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