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Fandom It's Punishment Time: Dangan Ronpa Rp

"I think what we want to do is trip it," Tsuneo answered, crossing the room to the desk to pick up one of the boxes set on top of it. "If we trip the trap, we can see in action how it worked when she...was killed. It might give us some insight." Toting the heavy box back over, Tsuneo offered it to Ken. "Would you mind attaching this to the trap so we can test it?"

Ken Ito

Ken sighed and took the box and started to attach it to the trap. "If someone gets hurt I will laugh and blame you." He said with a smirk. After adjusting a few things he stepped back and looked at it. "There we go.... I followed the prints, so it should be just like it. Though there's a chance she did something different and didn't write it down....*shrug* I did what I could."


Takeo Mayumi

Takeo had moved down the hall to where he could just barely pick up the scent. When he was handed the blue prints he took them and began to read about it. "A tripwire.... With something heavy that's used to drop on something.... I can see a few ways this could have messed up." He muttered as he read more of it.
Kihara - Ichigo - Angel

"First things first, no matter what I say, don't let anybody else know... Don't react suspiciously, don't even react in the way you normally would to my next words. Just act like it's a normal conversation," Kihara said in a hushed tone. Hushed enough nobody'd really hear him, though not too hushed as to give extreme suspicion. It'd be possible that he could draw suspicion from somebody looking deep enough into it, though hopefully people just took his little meeting with Sakura at face value. "As for what it is I need to talk to you about... I fear I may have..." Kihara swallowed, quite hesitant to speak. "Y'know, I fear I may have... done it..." Kihara said, closing his eyes and sort of clearing his throat.

"I promise, no one will get hurt. I'll be especially careful, especially after what happened with this thing." Tsuneo waited until Ken pulled back from the contraption completely, and then he moved forward, careful to step over the wire entirely to peek outside. Once sure no one would be moving through the door from that side, he turned himself around and faced the inside of the room. Tsuneo was careful to pluck the wire closer to one side so his his hand wouldn't fall right in the warpath. Giving it a short tug, he watched as the wire was pulled taut, triggering the rest of the trap. The box fell less than a moment later with a heavy thud. "...Well, it works correctly. If anyone tugged this wire, it should have gone off without a hitch."

But then, that didn't make any sense. His brow drew together. Nariko wouldn't...trip her own trap, would she? That didn't make any sense. Tsuneo refused to believe it.

His eyes scanned the room again. If it was suicide, none of this mess made any sense. There was no note, no indication she'd given into despair. Nothing. And then his eyes fell on the pair of scissors.

Tsuneo could feel the lightbulb light up brilliantly.
"..Ito-san, can you reset the trap for me, one more time? I'm sorry if I'm being a bother, but I think there's another possibility."

Ken Ito

Ken let out a sigh as he walked over to the trip wire and started to reset it. "I got to wonder though... What did she use for her trap? The same box you handed me? Or was it something else?" He asked as he worked on fixing it. "Also, since I'm being ever so kind in helping you with this mind telling me what you are planning?" He asked as he hooked up the heavy boxes again.

"I don't know exactly what she used, to be honest with you. It's possible she used a box, but then it could be any of these. There's no sign of blood on them." Ken made an interest point. There was no sign of the object Nariko dropped from her trap. "Those scissors there," he pointed out the instrument, "I'm thinking that the wire might not have been tugged. I want to see how this thing works if we cut the wire instead."

Ken Ito

Ken listened as he reset the trap. "Interesting idea... Let's see if it works." He said as he rechecked the trap. "... Done." he stated as he backed away from the trap so he wouldn't get hit. "But if your theory is right, doesn't that mean it had to have been someone that new about the trap? I doubt that would be just anyone since a trap is rather useless if people know about it."

"You're right, Ito-san. They'd have to know there was a trap here." Tsuneo sighed, a hand moving to run through his hair. How would someone other than Nariko know about the trap without setting it off? "Maybe that idea that she let somebody in had some merit.." he murmured to himself, thinking aloud.

Once the trap was reset, he reached over for the scissors and pulled the closer. His fingers fit through the loops in the metal. The blades were opened up, and he fit the wire in between them. The boy glanced up at Ken a moment. "Here's hoping something happens." In an instant, the wire was snipped.

The two ends went slack. One of them shot up through the little metal rungs lining the door frame. And then it caught on the frame's edge, pausing there for a few moments. Wide-eyed, Tsuneo watched the wire, counting out the delay. One...Two...Three...The box lurched but didn't fall; the wire was slipping. Four...Five..Six...Seven...On his inhale, the weight of the box pulled the wire free from where it had snagged, and the box fell with a loud thud.
Ken Ito

"That delay give anyone more then enough time to avoid the trap....but why bother? If the person knew of the trap then they can easily just step over the wire. Why go out of your way to cut the wire? .....Speaking of which.... Have you seen the wire that was originally cut?" He asked as he looked around. "I have a lot of questions........*sigh* Let's hope things make sense before we all die."

"Well, it's safe to say that if the wire was cut, it was for the sake of trapping Nariko beneath it and killing her, right? It wasn't that they were trying to avoid the trap so much as use it to their advantage. That's the only way I can think of it," Tsuneo reasoned, straightening himself up again. They had so many pieces. They just needed to put their heads together and reason them all out, as far as Tsuneo was concerned.

"Nariko had to have known about her own trap, so there was no way she'd trip on her own wire. It's safe to say that there was at least one other person in here, with all of these clues and so many things out of place," Tsuneo figured, thinking hard. Sure, they had a lot of pieces, but fitting them together would be the uphill battle.

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Sakura nodded slowly at what Kihara said wondering where this conversation is going until he said that he may have killed Nariko. She blinked a little and raised an eyebrow "wait... what?... what do you mean by you may have kill her?" She asked in a low whisper confuse by what he meant.

@Kiyoko Tomoe

Kihara - Ichigo - Angel

"It's... rather fuzzy a memory, but probably because it was so unexpected a memory I'm trying to forget it... I remember three things... One, going to her room at some point last night... Two, punching her in the face, and three... blood... Blood, splattering everywhere as something bashed right into the poor girl's head... I don't remember anything else..." Kihara said, hushed tone more so than before. Kihara sighed shaking his head. "I think all this has left me a headache, so I think I'll go and take a moment to sit down and rest in my room..." Kihara said normally, starting to walk toward his room with a slight lack of energy. "Oh, feel free to come with me if you want, as I tend to get bored laying down without anything to do or anybody to talk to," Kihara said while still walking away.

Sakura stared at him in shock at what he said. Her mind immediately went over the clues again 'Punching her in the face... if I remember correctly there were two blows to the face... one on the forehead and the other one on the top of her head...' she thought as she watched him walk away ' normally a person would punch the person on the cheek... so both wounds are from the blunt weapons...'The other clues then popped up in her head ' his hair is white and the strand I found was black and on the bed... then there are the scissors, monokuma plushie and squished grape...' She started following him 'the scissors were for the trip wire trap... the plushie.. wait... how does a plushie work?' She shook her head 'I'll ask that later...it probably talks if you squish it or something... it could have be use to lure her out... and then their leaves the squished grapes the attacker could have stepped on it...' she looked at Kihara "could have stepped on it..." she muttered and looked at Kihara " Kihara... if someone steps on a grape... it will leave a stain at the bottom of the shoe... right?" She asked him as she followed him

@Kiyoko Tomoe


DING.DONG.DING.DONG echoed through the halls time for the infamous Monokuma announcement. "All bastards please come to the Classroom Trial Room in 15 minutes, those who are late will get a extra special punishment from yours truely." He said with a grin, and a laugh as his red eye glinted a little.
Kihara - Ichigo - Angel

"It's possible, but it's also possible to wash it out. I mean, there's also the fact that somebody could have an extra pair of shoes or something, discarded their stained ones assuming their shoes were stained." They had just reached his room when Monokuma's little announcement had come on, Kihara giving a sigh. "Fifteen minutes, huh...? Great, not enough time to be rid of this headache... Oh well, guess I'll just suffer what's already coming for me, headache or not. They'll all figure it out when we get to this trial thing, I bet." Kihara said once more, changing course and going straight toward the location of which he'd remembered the red door being. All that was said was Class Trial room, and so he assumed it was the red doors, given no other room was something for a class trial unless a classroom was literally where they'd have to go.

Sakura nodded " there is a possibility that the person didn't notice that he or she stepped on the grape..." she said to him as she followed him to the class trial room. "Can i ask you one more question... how does plushie work exactly?... does it talk when you squeeze it or something?" She asked him.

@Kiyoko Tomoe

Ken Ito

Ken let out a sigh as he heard the bell ring and looked at the door. "Time to see if we die or not...." He said before exiting out of the room and heading to the only place he could assume the trial would be held at. He kept his hands in his pockets and nervously played with his knife, of course making sure no one saw he had a switchblade. It didn't take him long to arrive at the doors seeing he was the first to arrive he let out a sigh and leaned against the wall waiting for this to be over with.

Takeo Mayumi

Takeo heard the announcement and looked at Haru before handing him the blueprints. "I saw a small flaw in it.... I can tell you later." He said before adjusting his bow and heading to the red doors.
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Somewhat startled by the announcement, Tsuneo exhaled a short breath. Time to go. Hopefully, they'd all be back. The blond crossed the room in measured strides, looking back at the corpse one more time. It was hard to believe, that she was really dead. His fingers lingered on the cold metal of the doorknob. Shaking himself from his short hesitation, he shut the door behind him with a soft sound.

Classroom trial. They were going to hold a trial. Was there going to be a judge, a jury? Tsuneo hardly knew what to expect from what they were going to walk into. He kept himself steady as he exited the dorms, searching for wherever they were supposed to be. It would have been more convenient if that bear had said been more specific about their destination.
Haru sighed at the announcement. "Here's to hoping somebody figured something useful out." He said making his way to the doors. No doubt that crazy kid was there not to mention the bear was probably the judge. He just hoped they had enough clues to solve this murder.

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