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Futuristic It's dangerous to go alone, join our faction!


Shamrock Shake
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
basic signup sheet(will be added to as I see fit)





looks(description or picture, as simple as "gold/auburn hair, mysterious black suit"):

weapons and other notable items:

faction interested in(you will be RP-ing to get into that faction):

(or, faction starting:)

any other notable info:
name: Christopher N. Smith


(nickname:) The Black Devil


age: 22


gender: male


looks(description or picture, as simple as "gold/auburn hair, mysterious black suit"): dark brown hair, blue eyes, wears stolen military gear along with a black cloak for aesthetic purposes

weapons and other notable items: a semi-automatic sniper rifle, an electrified military knife


faction interested in(you will be RP-ing to get into that faction): Venom Fang


(or, faction starting:)N/A


any other notable info: the Black Devil likes to join small factions simply to tear them apart, but he would like to show that he has an actual faction that he is permanently a part of.
Name: Zusman ben Hirsch

nickname: Lawman

age: 21

gender: male


He has never been seen unmasked. However, he would have brown hair and grey eyes, looking rather unremarkable.

weapons and other notable items: Gas grenades, crossbow, crossbow bolts, explosive crossbow bolts, grappling hooks, throwing knives, gas mask (built into his mask)

faction interested: The Raiders want him, however, he hates them to the ends of the earth, and wishes to remain a loner

any other notable info: He is feared by criminals for his tendency to kill them relentlessly. He is wanted, and dear, by police officers because he does the same to them, should they get in his way. No one knows his identity.
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Ayden Williams







looks(description or picture, as simple as "gold/auburn hair, mysterious black suit"):

Short black hair, bright green eyes, brown duster coat, whit cowboy hat, brown leather cowboy boots, blue jeans, black t-shirt, black sunglasses, red bandana covering face below glasses.

weapons and other notable items:

Scoped bolt action 7.62x59 rifle, M1911, old repaired quad bike.

faction interested in(you will be RP-ing to get into that faction):

Considering Eagle Eye and Black Night, unsure at this time.

(or, faction starting:)


any other notable info:


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