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Graded [Crustanton] - Under the Sea

Results Screen
  • Narrator Recommendations

    - Title [Bibliophile] - Character exhibits a great affinity for books and their myriad of contents. They are able to quickly and easily bond with others who share a penchant for books, such as librarians, historians, or book sellers.

    -Due to her time dedicated to learning about magic in the library, Phoebe's Intelligence increases to B, her Magic increases to C, and she gains Water Affinity F ( 21 Narrator Bonus Points)

    - Title [Animal Handler] - Character has displayed a genuine fondness for Beastfolk and is less likely to upset them in conversation.

    - Title [Follower] - Character is quick to fall into place behind a more assertive companion. Makes leading more difficult for them, but cooperating with those in leadership positions easier.