Advice/Help Is money considered a superpower?


Whoever this victor guy is i need to have a word…
i was designing a character modeled after tony stark but a bit less op and i was going to put money as a power along with intellect…do you guys think vast wealth counts as a superpower in an rp setting?
If they're using their money to buy high tech body enhancing gadgets and such then, yes, I'd say it's a superpower.
I wouldn’t say so. Money is an advantage for a character so a character might use money in place of a superpower (meaning fthat for purposes of balancing rather than classification, you might forgo having a power at all in favor of having that extreme wealth) but is not in of itself a power, unless of course it is supernaturally generated or otherwise generated by a power (though in many cases that power is the superpower while not being just wealth production).

While it’s true money can be used to buy the services of super mercenaries or to construct advanced tech, I would say that at best you can consider the advanced tech the “superpower” or alternatively the intellect and skills needed to create/develop/build that tech.

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