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Fandom Is It Wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon?

LucianGrey7971 said:
Lucian was slightly upset, with these two and the others there was no need for him to attack the bigger beasts, instead he turned his head slightly and saw a bunch of Hell hounds clearly waiting to attack when they had finished. "Clever. Unfortunately..." Lucian took what looked like a single step and was in the middle of the pack "I'm not gonna let that happen" His blade lashed out quickly and took half the pack down in one swipe and the rest in a second.
"...." A glint of red happened to catch Lucian's eye and what he saw struck a chord deep within him...one that hadn't ever been felt. Beauty. He didn't notice any physical traits first, only her attacks. The grace, the precision...it was breath taking. It wasn't until she stopped that he noticed that she herself was beautiful. Any other normal being would have had a stupid dumbstruck look on their face, but Lucian's was still expressionless, though his eyes were a bit wider than usual.

@Mr Swiftshots
[QUOTE="Leo Radomir]
Hoturi was quickly growing board of these guys and says" Wake the frack up were in the middle of the fight", A bigger creature whacked hoturi over the head it hurt a little but the club snapped in two then hoturi's personality complete changed and then he pulled out a black staff and began to pour some of his energy into the staff. ' then after a few minutes starts launching energy attacks from long rang to support the group.

Trust said:
"I really don't want to get blood on my clothes though..." I muttered as i ran at the best, hitiing it numerous times, my claws slicing through the monster with ease. I lept, dodged and ran from all attack headed my way, while also avoiding all the blood being splattered around by the beast
Pokedexbreederz said:
Quinn Harlock Seeing as the creature he was just fighting was killed Quinn looked back to see the culprit who had stolen his kill. "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing!? I can handle myself thank you very much, back off when I'm doing my thing, if I need help I'll ask!" Quinn was not happy, his teachings from long ago getting to him, his honor was tarnished by whomever stole this kill. "You're not the only one trying to level up you know you filthy kill stealer!" Looking around for a redemption kill seeing more monsters come down the hall he was fighting the other thing. Seemed to be two more of the large creatures. Pointing a katana at the group he glared and yelled. "I swear if any of you even think about helping me unless I ask I will kill you." With that being said he ran forward to redeem the kill that had been stolen from him. Taking one katana in each hand he began fighting in a flurry of blades and parrying. He wasn't just going to let his kill be stolen and do nothing. He was a pirate and a samurai, honor and money was on the line.
Clair stood up straight and waited for the injured beast to attack. The large beast raised it's arms into the air and clamped it's fists together but just before it could finish the attack Clair decapitated it. Once it was down and out of the way she turned to look at the man who had remained still and silent throughout the battle. Had she met him somewhere before ?

Clair's train of thought was interrupted by Harlock's outburst. The man was shouting at her as if to say she had set out to steal his kills , while in actual fact she had launched her attack before even noticing the party. Clair of course was somewhat upset about the fact she was shouted at but she kept her mouth shut after letting out an irritated sigh.

It was quite the unusual sight, a level one on the twenty second floor running away from a Minotaur. "Holy crap I'm going to die!!" She screamed like Bell Cranel did when he ran away from that Minotaur, but despite Hato's agility being the worst possible rank, she was pretty fast at running. The chase was almost comedic, but the funny stopped as soon as she saw more monsters up ahead, "I seriously wish I wasn't a mascot!"



@Yaboku God of War

@Leo Radomir

Lucian hadn't moved until he had heard someone screaming "..." He looked at everyone who was preoccupied fighting, all not wanting anyone to get in their way. "...." a Lucian turned and took off in the direction of the screaming
"Is that.. Someone running from a minotaur?!?" I said as i squinted at the girl running away while simultaneously dodging a few attacks from the beast that was attacking us. "Hey.. Uhh you guys handle this! I'll be right back!" I yelled with a mischievous smile as i ran as fast as i could with my A rank agility to help the level 1. "Hey! Where's your party?" I asked as i ran along side her "and what familia are ya from?" @OnceDarkness
Lucy had been closer to the level 1person, and had reached him first. But Lucian didn't stop, in fact he sped up when he saw the minotaur raise it's weapon...the swing came down hard but the sound of unyielding metal against it's weapon made the beast hesitate. Lucian stood with his shield raised, the giant axe hovering above the three. "Right....Lucy....was it? I'll give you a choice, this behemoth, or all those other monsters this one seems to have attracted."

@Trust @OnceDarkness
LucianGrey7971 said:
Lucy had been closer to the level 1person, and had reached him first. But Lucian didn't stop, in fact he sped up when he saw the minotaur raise it's weapon...the swing came down hard but the sound of unyielding metal against it's weapon made the beast hesitate. Lucian stood with his shield raised, the giant axe hovering above the three. "Right....Lucy....was it? I'll give you a choice, this behemoth, or all those other monsters this one seems to have attracted."
@Trust @OnceDarkness
"Mmm... The other monsters seems like it would be more bloody so..." I thrust both of my claws into the abdomen of the minotaur to finish my sentence, already a meter back the the blood spurted from the wound. "Hey! Can you fight?" I asked the one that had been running @OnceDarkness
"...." Lucian raised an eyebrow at Lucy's unnecessary aversion to blood and shook his head, he bent his knees slightly before pushing the Minotaur's axe away from him. The beast stumbled back from the force of the push and the stab wound. Lucian again seemed to be in a compromising situation as another creature tried to run him through from behind. Once again, almost as if he had eyes in the back of his head, his shielded arm reacted without Lucian initiating it and was already halfway through the motion of blocking before Lucian himself realized there was a monster behind him.

@Trust @OnceDarkness @Pokedexbreederz @Mr Swiftshots @Yaboku God of War @Leo Radomir
Loti looked over and started walking yawning "Finally something interesting..." He muttered as he froze the creatures feet and shoot at it.
Hoturi wasn't in the mood this is one of the reason he works alone, their egos and mood swings get on his nerves, but he wasn't going to let the monster skewer his team mate so he so transformed a his right hand and a claw cut the creature clean in half.

Hato's brain had to work on information overload so she answered all of Lucy's question as quickly as she could, "I'm from the Freya Familia! I can fight but all my stats are F!" That last part was a lie, she was so scared (Like Bell) that she couldn't even move her body. What was she thinking when she went down to the twenty second floor of the dungeon? Apparently, it was all because Freya told her to and hired protection for her to go down about twenty floors, she traversed the next two on her own and that didn't end very well.



@Yaboku God of War

@Leo Radomir

"F?!? How did you get this far! And since we are both Freya i guess i can help you" i shouted as i narrowly dodged a huge downward slash that seemed to shake the ground itself, i slashed at the minotaurs arm, cutting a chunk into it and dodged backwards, having to block one of the beasts fists with my claws. I let out a small yelp of pain at the impact "i swear, low strength makes it hard to take a hit..." I muttered under my breath. "Just stay away! Let me handle this!" I yelled at the girl with all Fs @OnceDarkness

Hato watched in amazement when Lucy injured the Minotaur. Deep inside she wanted to get stronger, but no matter how many monsters she's killed, no matter how much she fights, no matter how hard she tries... Nothing. But then Hato remembered something, everyone in the Freya Familia called her weak, but that didn't stop her from trying to get stronger. Even though all her stats are F, Hato never gave up. "Your name is... Lucy right?" She unsheathed her sword from its scabbard and got in a fighting position, "I want to fight too!"



@Yaboku God of War

@Leo Radomir

"Good." Lucian said, a monster flew through the air and fell into a heap next to Hato before dying "People give up too easily" Lucian angled his Claymore and attacked the group of creatures with the side of the weapon instead of the edges. Some monsters died from the sheer impact, but others were barely alive. It was clear that he had held back so that Hato could finish them off "...Strength isn't always measured in capabilities."

@Trust @Leo Radomir @Pokedexbreederz @Mr Swiftshots @OnceDarkness
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/1209562_999430943448589_1950850470_n.jpg.1dfd8dfff54249cfe859eaee0d0594fb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130468" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/1209562_999430943448589_1950850470_n.jpg.1dfd8dfff54249cfe859eaee0d0594fb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ignacia didn't bother fighting anymore, that was until he saw Hato run from a Minotaur. "Ooooh!" With dagger in hand, he slashed at the Minotaur once using some magic and it fell to the floor dead. "That was lucky." It seemed as if his Tremor magic made the Minotaur bleed from its heart. "Now, what's your name? And how did you get down here if all your stats are F?" He said to Hato. It was nice to talk to a girl around your age, but unfortunately Ignacia was a boy, a trap to be precise.



@Yaboku God of War

@Leo Radomir




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Loti sat down on the floor waiting for the conversation ended. He wasn't meant to help anyone other than the people in the group.
Quinn Harlock
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca694a019_QuinnHarlock.jpg.c9b0f26a6fcf1e36e0f7fa2edf887b0d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130473" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca694a019_QuinnHarlock.jpg.c9b0f26a6fcf1e36e0f7fa2edf887b0d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
As Harlock was fighting he managed to kill the two mighty beasts and picked up their crystals, which were larger than normal for that kind of monster. "There we go. Redemption has been acquired." Looking to the other adventurers he watched in silence and walked over, the heels of his boots clicking on the ground as he took each step. "Well what do we have here? An idiot and the conga line of monsters she brought with her. Fun." Now that he had restored his stained prowess he was back to his usual harsh self.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/ib_by_ameriya-d7ynelh.jpg.dd5b61df05bc181322c080a236c37342.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130480" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/ib_by_ameriya-d7ynelh.jpg.dd5b61df05bc181322c080a236c37342.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hato blushed when she saw another girl around her age slay the Minotaur. It was love at first sight, "W-Wow... Amazing..." The way her hair moved while she fought, the beautiful silver color. But Hato needed to remember what was happening right now, with her sword she finished off the enemies Lucian weakened. Due to her endurance being an F, she immediately fell to her knees, angry she cursed, "Damn it! Why am I always so weak!" Hato always had the desire to get stronger and protect her friends, but for an odd reason she couldn't. Straight F's can only get you so far, but what bothered her was the fact that she was the Freya Familia's mascot that nobody took seriously.



@Yaboku God of War

@Leo Radomir




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After finding an opening in the minotaur's defence, i dodged another one of it's slashes, jumped at it's neck and decapitated the beast, i fell back, panting after the monster dropped down, dead, my arm sore from the hit i took. "Hello" i gasped to whoever the all Fs person was, my knees shaking a little from all the running, even i had a tough time taking on a minotaur "i wonder if any of my stats will rank up..." I wondered to myself @OnceDarkness
Clair took her spear and sheathed it to her back before making her way over to the group. She looked to the level one and smiled cheerfully getting down on her knees to level with the girl "if you keep saying your weak you'll never grow stronger. Stand and face your enemy head on no matter how much of a gap there is." @OnceDarkness
Hoturi sighed and said" wanting to grow stronger and all is fine but it's stupid to pit your self against a foe that will wipe the floor with you unless you have a particular plan set up, and now that the fights done i'm heading back to the guild i got plenty of treasure for the last raid i was on so i really don't care mine's taken this time". With that hoturi began to head back up the path to the level they were on before".
Chevalier von Ludwig

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Madolche.Chouxvalier.full.1985975.jpg.592dcecb5f73bedd1627d468620bdff4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130559" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/Madolche.Chouxvalier.full.1985975.jpg.592dcecb5f73bedd1627d468620bdff4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Chevalier could be seen walking towards the group on the twenty second floor dual wielding. A few monsters were around him, but he just used his dark magic to kill them with shadows. "Fatality, hah!" He quickly picked up the magic gems and walked towards the group of people around a level one, "Oh, hey there Quinn buddy! You could tell that person off y'know, the one who stole your kill, cause it's illegal!" Already he didn't seem very compassionate, but he didn't give a donkey's booty (But Quinn likes booty cause he's a pirate). Chevalier remembered how he was level one just like the girl in front of him, but he leveled up using a skill he had. "So all your stats are F no matter how hard you try? If you can't get any stronger, then learn magic." There was way too many people to talk to, he turned over to Clair and gave her a quick glare (It rhymes!) "You do know stealing kills in the dungeon is not allowed?"




@Leo Radomir

@Mr Swiftshots

@Yaboku God of War

@LucianGrey7971<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/88ITS_m.jpg.b62cdc7fc61ccf09e885ad02d6d028ef.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130560" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/88ITS_m.jpg.b62cdc7fc61ccf09e885ad02d6d028ef.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Lucian walked over to the group when things had calmed down "Maybe you should talk less about things you don't know." he said to Chevalier and looked at Quinn, "You were so caught up in doing it by yourself you didn't realize she didn't kill the beast until after you threw a tantrum and stormed off towards another...You and I don't do well with people helping us, but you're just as much in the wrong as her" he said putting a hand on Quinn's shoulder to show that there were no hard feelings and looked at Clair. His eyes caught hers for a second before he looked away as quickly as possible "Y...you might have done better asking...I guess...." he said and ran his hands through his hair.


@Mr Swiftshots


@Leo Radomir


@Yaboku God of War


(There needs to be an easier way to do that...)
Quinn Harlock
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca6cc3a1c_QuinnHarlock.jpg.63e06b8b21c5222408624efb2e848418.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130610" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca6cc3a1c_QuinnHarlock.jpg.63e06b8b21c5222408624efb2e848418.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Quinn growled at Lucian. "You know exactly why I hate my kills being stolen, or have you forgotten that I have a samurai's honor to uphold. Fighting a duel as a samurai is very important, those who interrupt to aid the samurai tarnish his honor. I will not, under any circumstance, let my honor be tarnished whether I'm in the wrong or not." Shaking Lucians hand off his shoulder he stood at the entrance of the tunnel where he had slain the beast and leaned against the wall, keeping watch. "I'm will not let apologies get in the way of my teachings."



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Jay say all of this going down. He walked silently towards the group with brutal wounds. Jay kinda got ahead of himself when he reached mind zero. The place where you use to much energy and you mind shuts down. Jay leaned on his trident as he walked towards the group of people. "Hey guys long time no see." Jay said as he started to stumble, but caught himself at the last moment."

@Everyone in the group so basically everyone.

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