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Fandom Is It Wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon?


Combat Ready
set in the world of Orario, where adventurers band together and look for treasures in an underground labyrinth known as Dungeon.

We shall be embarking on or quest now. Our timeline may be different, and it may have some new people in it, but know this, Our Familia still stands!!!!
Celia had finished making her light armor. It was the first she had crafted successfully and she was excited. She had just joined the Familia after being in another for a year. She was glad she moved to the Familia with a forge. She engraved her name onto the armor pieces and put them into a box. She was going to ring them to the store where all the beginners armor sets were sold. But first she had someone she wanted to show it to. She brought the box over to her 'brother' to show him. "Hey Bro, look what I finished!" she said excitedly as she showed him the silver and red light armor she made.

@Zy That Guy
"That's not half bad I like the colors you added and it doesn't seem like magical properties are that low. I'm being serious, good job. I remember the first time I made armor. Man, was that armor awful. The funniest part was that someone actually bought it what an idiot, I don't think the person's dead I haven't seen the armor since then."
"Well, that's always good." Celia said with a laugh. "This is only light armor, but I am hoping that someone will buy it." She picked the box up. "I may try to forge a knife next.... what do you think?"
" Hephaestus taught me to start small and then go big. So, yeah a dagger seems reasonable unless you want me to help you make a sword." Hadrian grabbed his sword he decided if Celia didn't want him to help her he'll polish and sharpen his sword.
[QUOTE="Zy That Guy]" Hephaestus taught me to start small and then go big. So, yeah a dagger seems reasonable unless you want me to help you make a sword." Hadrian grabbed his sword he decided if Celia didn't want him to help her he'll polish and sharpen his sword.

"Well.... I have been wanting to make myself a new long sword...." Celia said while thinking. "If you want to help me, I can learn a bit. I would enjoy your help."
"Ok let's start with this what material do you want to make it out of?" Harian started thinking. So, Celia probably wouldn't want a heavy sword, what are some light metals. He was stumped on his own question.
[QUOTE="Zy That Guy]"Ok let's start with this what material do you want to make it out of?" Harian started thinking. So, Celia probably wouldn't want a heavy sword, what are some light metals. He was stumped on his own question.

"Hmm... I did get an extra Man eating ant hide from someone for some Valis... would that be able to work? He said he did not need it." Celia said as she took the Hide out of her bag. She had handed the box to the runners that brought her armor set to the store.
" Yeah, that'll work." He never thought of using a Man-Eating-Ant's hide in that way. Celia sure is resourceful, at least more resourceful than me.
"Awesome!" Celia said with excitement as she put the materials into the forge. "Hey, wanna go adventuring sometime? It gets boring here so I want to have some fun..." she said with a bit of a yawn to emphasize her point. She got tired when she used her engraving skill which she had been using quiet a bit. It was a skill their Familia leader had, but unfortunately Celia was lower on the scale of it. She was being trained with it though,
Hadrian looked at her seriously. " Ok, depending on how this sword turns out will decide if we go adventuring or not." Hadrian is probably going to take her regardless because he's bored too. He grabbed his sword for sharpening and polishing just in case he wants to go.
The doors to the tavern across the street burst open and a brown haired man in strange clothes,with a katana still sheathed on his hip backflips out of it.

He lands skidding across the cobble stone coming to a stop just as a incredibly large man steps out wielding a hammer

The brown haired swordsman grips his rips with his hand

"Ok..." He wheezes "last chance surrender and come quietly...or I'll just take your head,the bounty will be claimed either way" his hand leaves his ribs and grips the blade his other hand reaching into a pouch on his back.

The man with the hammer sprints at the smaller man. "Do you really expect me to surrender?ha ha"

As he swings the hammer the brown haired swordsman springs into the air shouting "KAITEN" doing a single flip and spinning once,the hand behind his back flings powdered glass into the giant hammer weilding mans eyes. His left hand brings the sword down with all the force of his landing slicing cleanly and very deeply through the large mans back. As the young man lands he sheathes his sword

"No,I didn't expect you to surrender" he puts his hands into his sleeves as the man falls to the ground blood pouring out of the wound. His chest doesn't rise as he lays there.

"It's almost poetic,you only would've went to prison,but you chose to give your life for freedom"

@Zy That Guy

@The Unamed Beast
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"Why, why does he always want to ruin the mood. I hate bounty hunters just because of him." Hadrian said this but he wasn't actually angry.
Celia moves the material from the flame and onto the anvil. She starts hitting it into the form of a sword. "Like this?" she asked since she was still unsure about how to make weapons.
" Not that hard." Hadrian remarked. " Making a sword is a delicate process you have talk to the metal put your feelings into the sword."
" Aesthetically it looks good, and it seems perfect for you. So, we'll see how well it holds up in the dungeon. " Hadrian put his polished sword back in his scabbard and got prepared to leave.

@The Unamed Beast
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Ensekku stood at the Entrance of the upper floors of the dungeon, taking a brief moment to double check that everything was in order. Although he is no novice when it comes to crawling these initial levels. His worries translated more into the specific task that he wanted to realize, rather than the usual monster hunting duty.

Still, once with everything in order, the young man advanced. Using his staff, that chimmed such as if it had bells on it instead of chains, like a cane.
[QUOTE="Zy That Guy]" Aesthetically it looks good, and it seems perfect for you. So, we'll see how well it holds up in the dungeon. " Hadrian put his polished sword back in his scabbard and got prepared to leave.

"Okay." Celia said as she sheathed the new sword. "Ugh, I forgot..... when can we leave? No one told us when we can..." She was right. The Familia ran the forge but they never told them when to leave.
" We have to go to the guild to get some advice on how far we should go down in the dungeon." Hadrian was still walking and when he got to the door he waited for Celia
[QUOTE="Zy That Guy]" We have to go to the guild to get some advice on how far we should go down in the dungeon." Hadrian was still walking and when he got to the door he waited for Celia

Celia sighed and put her jacket on. She stood up and walked towards the door. "That is true, I mean, I recently got clearance for the lower floors."
When Hadrian got to the guild, he was immediately confronted by his advisor a small pink haired human named Misha. Misha told him "You look tired so no deeper than the 8th floor." Hadrian replied "Fine" He turned to Celia and asked "you ready?"
Ensekku stepped into the first floor of the dungeon. The first and foremost enemies he expected to encounter were goblins. But he wasn't very interested in them, rather, kobolds is what he looked for on this floor. The sound of his staff being a deliberate, and fully intended, giveaway of his position to the monsters that inhabited the dungeon.

Minutes prior, he had packed a couple of frankfurter sausages among his items. Kobold are rather humanoid in appearance, but they are still very much canine in thought, so he seeked to prove a theory... Would approaching these beastmen's hearts through their stomach prove to be effective?
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Jay entered the dungeon to blow off some steam. Poseidon his familia said the were getting a new member. nut not specifically when. Jay remembered what his dad said, "No Jay I know it has been us for a long time, but I was thinking we should get another member." Jay was fine with that is is when he said that, Jay would have to take off work, to become acquainted, and train the other familia member to be as good as he. That's what made Jay mad. He then started to slice at the floor one monsters which were easy, him being a level 3 and all, but he didn't get cocky. You never know when a higher level monster could stray up here. "Hurricane shield." Jay was surrounded by his own miniature hurricane. As soon as the monster would get close, the wind would either bat them away, or he would stab them.

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