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Fandom Is It Wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon?

Loti gave the man a questioning stare "What loop?" The boy asked confused while following the girl not giving the man any mind "I'm pretty sure he's crazy...." Loti told himself as be continued walking.
"You don't seem very happy... Did something.. Happen? Like a raid gone wrong? I don't think I've seen you laugh" I asked Lucian as i walked, cleaning off some non-existant blood on my claws @LucianGrey7971
"I have a sub-objective! To make you laugh!" I said with a smile that seemed to stretch across my face. "So... When was the last time you laughed?" I questioned him, thinking that i might be able to figure out a way to make him laugh @LucianGrey7971

Soft crying could be heard coming from the corner of the current floor the party was in, it sounded as if it came from a little girl in need of help. On closer inspection (If you actually took the time to investigate) you'd see that she was visibly injured with a few bloodstains here and there, but the wound that stands out the most would be a large amount of blood running down from her forehead to her chin. Ignacia breathed heavily, "I'm going to be fine..." But in reality, it was all an elaborate performance to find an "Onii-chan" or "Onee-chan." Despite it all being an act, you couldn't really tell unless you were meta gaming.



@Yaboku God of War

@Leo Radomir

Lucian stopped when he heard crying, "....Is someone hurt?" he asked himself before walking after the sound, his blade still drawn. It was probably some new level 2 who had gotten in way over their heads.


Ignacia looked up and saw Lucian, his dress was splattered with blood as well as the left portion of his face. He shrieked loudly and backed away in fear, "A-Are you g-going to k-k-kill m-me?" The short height of the person would suggest they were only a child, and on top of that they were breathing very quickly and heavily, mostly due to fear.
OnceDarkness said:

Ignacia looked up and saw Lucian, his dress was splattered with blood as well as the left portion of his face. He shrieked loudly and backed away in fear, "A-Are you g-going to k-k-kill m-me?" The short height of the person would suggest they were only a child, and on top of that they were breathing very quickly and heavily, mostly due to fear.
LucianGrey7971 said:
"....I have no reason to kill y-....do I know you?" Lucian stared at Ignacia with an expressionless, almost cold face.
Quinn Harlock
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca60a6b6d_QuinnHarlock.jpg.3e99bbba7dd64529ab38809b8267a076.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130150" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca60a6b6d_QuinnHarlock.jpg.3e99bbba7dd64529ab38809b8267a076.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Walking up behind Lucian Quinn stared at the oddly familiar face. "Ignacia... is that you?" Looking closer Quinn realized it was and glared at Ignacia. "What the hell are you doing acting like an idiot!?"



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OnceDarkness said:

Ignacia bit his lip, "Damn it! Quinn, Lucian, why'd you two need to ruin my plans! Now I'll never find an older sibling!" He started hitting at Lucian's left leg in a playful way, "Oh, what floor are we on anyways? I need to get some more gems to buy that cute outfit on sale."



@Yaboku God of War

@Leo Radomir

LucianGrey7971 said:
"You know I don't know what level I'm on Ignacia...though if Quinn is here I'd have to say 20...we both know he's too scared to go down any further without help." Lucian said and swatted Ignacia on the head for kicking him "I'll never get used to your choice of attire..."
@Trust @Leo Radomir @Yaboku God of War @Pokedexbreederz @OnceDarkness
Quinn Harlock
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca6101627_QuinnHarlock.jpg.5bee9169bd57ef0fd87db18a4ad41a3b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130156" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca6101627_QuinnHarlock.jpg.5bee9169bd57ef0fd87db18a4ad41a3b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
"Actually to be exact we're on level 22. As for money for that outfit of yours you forget who I am. I don't care about cash because of my ability that makes it easy for me to earn it." Quinn sighed. "I swear you're even dumber than you look Ignacia."



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Pokedexbreederz said:
Quinn Harlock "Actually to be exact we're on level 22. As for money for that outfit of yours you forget who I am. I don't care about cash because of my ability that makes it easy for me to earn it." Quinn sighed. "I swear you're even dumber than you look Ignacia."
"...Must be nice to have abilities...Freya says that I have yet to gain any." Lucian said a bit envious, truly not knowing that he was unable to be flanked or tired out in battle "This is why I don't buy any armor you make Quinn...you're too involved in money"

LucianGrey7971 said:
"...Must be nice to have abilities...Freya says that I have yet to gain any." Lucian said a bit envious, truly not knowing that he was unable to be flanked or tired out in battle "This is why I don't buy any armor you make Quinn...you're too involved in money"
Quinn Harlock
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca6109060_QuinnHarlock.jpg.1eb0ea315967fe607ccf2ff52fe04ae3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130157" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca6109060_QuinnHarlock.jpg.1eb0ea315967fe607ccf2ff52fe04ae3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Quinn laughed at Lucian, "You think I made any of this? I got it all custom made thank you very much. My involvement with money though was never my intention. It's most likely a result of when I was a pirate captain." Quinn took out one of his katanas and looked at the handle. "It's nice to be rich though... lets you have nice things."



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Ignacia sniffled, first from the hit Lucian gave him and second from Quinn's mean comment. "You're such a meany Quinn!" He pulled out his dagger anxious to go down deeper. "Phooey! I put all this Minotaur blood on me for no reason, hmph!" The young boy turned over to Lucian at the mention of abilities. "Huh? You seriously don't have any abilities?" Something crept around them, its monstrous height casts a looming shadow over the three. "Q-Q-Quin... I'm s-s-s-cared..." Obviously this was an act yet again, but Ignacia had his dagger ready to fight.



@Yaboku God of War

@Leo Radomir

Pokedexbreederz said:
Quinn Harlock Quinn laughed at Lucian, "You think I made any of this? I got it all custom made thank you very much. My involvement with money though was never my intention. It's most likely a result of when I was a pirate captain." Quinn took out one of his katanas and looked at the handle. "It's nice to be rich though... lets you have nice things."
OnceDarkness said:

Ignacia sniffled, first from the hit Lucian gave him and second from Quinn's mean comment. "You're such a meany Quinn!" He pulled out his dagger anxious to go down deeper. "Phooey! I put all this Minotaur blood on me for no reason, hmph!" The young boy turned over to Lucian at the mention of abilities. "Huh? You seriously don't have any abilities?" Something crept around them, its monstrous height casts a looming shadow over the three. "Q-Q-Quin... I'm s-s-s-cared..." Obviously this was an act yet again, but Ignacia had his dagger ready to fight.



@Yaboku God of War

@Leo Radomir

"Don't worry Ignacia...your big brother will get Quinn to protect you." Lucian test swung his sword and the sound of the heavy blade zipping through the air at a high speed was almost a screech of things to come. "You guys help out...I'd hate for us to take this big thing down without helping you become stronger." he said to Loti, Lucy, and Hoturi. "So...Quinn...Ignacia...shall we show this monster what we do best?"
OnceDarkness said:

Ignacia sniffled, first from the hit Lucian gave him and second from Quinn's mean comment. "You're such a meany Quinn!" He pulled out his dagger anxious to go down deeper. "Phooey! I put all this Minotaur blood on me for no reason, hmph!" The young boy turned over to Lucian at the mention of abilities. "Huh? You seriously don't have any abilities?" Something crept around them, its monstrous height casts a looming shadow over the three. "Q-Q-Quin... I'm s-s-s-cared..." Obviously this was an act yet again, but Ignacia had his dagger ready to fight.



@Yaboku God of War

@Leo Radomir

LucianGrey7971 said:
"Don't worry Ignacia...your big brother will get Quinn to protect you." Lucian test swung his sword and the sound of the heavy blade zipping through the air at a high speed was almost a screech of things to come. "You guys help out...I'd hate for us to take this big thing down without helping you become stronger." he said to Loti, Lucy, and Hoturi. "So...Quinn...Ignacia...shall we show this monster what we do best?"
Quinn Harlock
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca6110039_QuinnHarlock.jpg.2c775457f873da7390a164eb6010034f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="130158" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/57a8ca6110039_QuinnHarlock.jpg.2c775457f873da7390a164eb6010034f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Quinn smiled at the appearance of a large beast and noticed a second behind it. "You guys can have fun with this one, I've got the one behind it." With one katana unsheathed already he moved his thumb up on the other and knelt, ready to run toward it. "Harlock's got money to make." Unsheathing his second katana he ran toward the second beast and began his assault upon it.



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Ignacia didn't need anyone to tell him that they were going to fight, immediately he disappeared in a flash and reappeared to slash the beast using his magic dagger skills. His weapon glowed a bright red, and in a second so did the gigantic monster. It would burn for quite a while as long as he kept slashing at it. "Everyone else besides Quinn and Lucian, start attacking this thing!" The raging beast directed all of its attacks towards Ignacia, he dodged each of them easily since his speed stat was S. "This is fun. Hey Quinn, will you buy me new outfits, pwetty pweaaseee!"



@Yaboku God of War

@Leo Radomir

Clair had made he way into the dungeon and had just reached floor 22. Why was she venturing so low ? Well that's quite simply answered! Clair was about to hit level four and she was hunting for exp. It would take her some time to actually level up but she was certain that she would either today or tommorow.

Clair had been progressing swiftly through the floor ,killing any enemy's she came across. She turned a long corridor and lept into the air , flipping and turning a few times , before launching her spear down the dark hall towards a large shadow.

The spear itself began to glow a deep red and flew through the air at an untrackable speed , a red blip really. The spear pierced straight through the first monsters head (harlock) , killing it instantaneously , and continued on to burst out through the seconds chest.

Clair ran down the straight and met the spear as it returned to her , spinning it as she ran towards the living monster. Clair slid under the beast and spun , cutting deep into the beast's calfs. "Finish it".
Lucian was slightly upset, with these two and the others there was no need for him to attack the bigger beasts, instead he turned his head slightly and saw a bunch of Hell hounds clearly waiting to attack when they had finished. "Clever. Unfortunately..." Lucian took what looked like a single step and was in the middle of the pack "I'm not gonna let that happen" His blade lashed out quickly and took half the pack down in one swipe and the rest in a second.

"...." A glint of red happened to catch Lucian's eye and what he saw struck a chord deep within him...one that hadn't ever been felt. Beauty. He didn't notice any physical traits first, only her attacks. The grace, the precision...it was breath taking. It wasn't until she stopped that he noticed that she herself was beautiful. Any other normal being would have had a stupid dumbstruck look on their face, but Lucian's was still expressionless, though his eyes were a bit wider than usual.

@Mr Swiftshots
Hoturi was quickly growing board of these guys and says" Wake the frack up were in the middle of the fight", A bigger creature whacked hoturi over the head it hurt a little but the club snapped in two then hoturi's personality complete changed and then he pulled out a black staff and began to pour some of his energy into the staff. ' then after a few minutes starts launching energy attacks from long rang to support the group.
"I really don't want to get blood on my clothes though..." I muttered as i ran at the best, hitiing it numerous times, my claws slicing through the monster with ease. I lept, dodged and ran from all attack headed my way, while also avoiding all the blood being splattered around by the beast

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