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Fantasy Into the Unknown [flack][goldieloxx]


❛ it's only love, nobody dies ❜

Arianna Jamison

Age: 22
Personality: Passionate | Strong-willed | Impulsive | Proud
Occupation: Waitress

Richard Phillips

Age: 27
Personality: Blunt, honest, loyal to a fault, doesn't like to be the center of attention
Occupation: Custodian

Adrian Phillips

Age: 25
Personality: Kind hearted, fun loving, people person, is a bit oblivious
Occupation: Bartender

Royce Melbourne

Age: 28
Personality: Selfish, hard worker, a bit of a loner, cautious around strangers
Occupation: Mechanic

Adam Doyle

Age: 24
Personality: Sweet, A peacekeeper, loyal, shy
Occupation: Baker

Today was the day the day the new neighbor was moving in and the whole neighborhood was a buzz with the news. There was one house that was more anxious about it than any other. There were four single males living in that grey five bedroom house. Now they weren't what you'd expect from four bachelors in their twenties, they were quiet, often kept to themselves, and never had any loud parties. If anything one could say they almost went to extremes to make sure they didn't step on anyone's toes. They mowed their lawn at reasonable hours and took care of their grey house that didn't really stand out much.

The neighbors all knew, Royce, he didn't socialize much and often went on long walks alone. Richard was often forced to go to neighborhood events but, didn't do much other than show up and be polite if someone spoke to him. Adam was friendly just a bit shy, and given his work schedule was often sleeping by eight. Adrian was the outgoing one and would chat with as many people as he could. It was something the old neighbors new and the new one would discover.

Richard and Royce were both a bit annoyed this particular morning seeing at they were awoken by a very excited Adrian going on and on about how they were finally going to meet the new neighbor. The only reason Adam was spared the excitement was because he was already at the bakery. "You guys need to stop looking so angry and look more friendly, you'll scare the new neighbor." Adrian huffed as he continued to pull open the cabinet doors and close them growing more frustrated.

"I'm not meeting the neighbor, I have to get work in a couple of hours before the meet and greet of yours takes place." Royce muttered as he left the kitchen.

"Well you'll meet them at some point, so try and smile!" Adrian called after the sleepy man. He was still going through the cabinets though he was now back at the beginning.

Richard sighed, "If we don't want the neighbors stopping by then we shouldn't seem friendly." He said watched his little brother's frustration grow. "What are you looking for?"

"I asked Adam if he would bake some sugar cookies for us to bring when we meet the new neighbor and I can't find them." Adrian replied, once again not finding the cookies.

"You think he'd put them with the plates?" Richard said half to himself shaking his head. He got up from his seat he went to the fridge opened it and pulled out a plate that had twelve sugar cookies on it. He set them down next to Adrian, "He left a note on the fridge." He said pointing at the blue sticky note on the freezer door that had probably been there since three this morning.

"Oh!" Adrian exclaimed rather happily, "That makes more sense." He agreed, closing the last cabinet. After that it was business as usual, Royce got up had some coffee and headed out the door to get the garage. He didn't really talk just a few grunts here and there before he headed out the door. Richard however went back to bed to get a quick nap in before his younger sibling tried to convince him to do anything more than just welcome the new neighbor.

That afternoon Richard woke up feeling a bit more refreshed, though still wasn't looking forward to meeting the new neighbor. Adrian was still excited, he liked people though his brother and Royce did have some valid concerns about mingling with humans. But he hadn't found many bad ones or any that were any real threat to them and he couldn't help that he liked being social.

Once the duo were both ready and Adrian had the cookies in hand the two began the short walk to their destination. "I still think its weird that the two of us are doing this." Richard said, he could only imagine what this new person would think having two strange men show up with cookies. Sure they looked normal in their jeans and t-shirts but still it just seemed odd.

"It's fine, besides if we do the welcoming then odds are we won't get any unexpected visits, and those just don't go over well unless I'm there and you're the one who told me that so, we're going." Adrian said adamantly not that Richard had much chance to leave seeing as they had managed to make it all the way up to the door.

"Remember smile." Adrian said and knocked on the door eagerly awaiting it's opening. Richard was just hoping that they didn't have children or a dog or anything that would make Adrian want to stay longer. The sooner this was over the better, it wasn't wise for werewolves to become a part of humans lives. Despite this Adrian still interested on being part of the community and pretending that they were just like everyone else. Which meant being pulled along to meet the new neighbors.
The drive to her grandparents property was unfamiliar, and that alone was enough to give Arianna anxiety. The girl wasn't usually one to step outside of her box, her comfort zone, but upon receiving the letter that her grandfather-- who she had no idea if she'd ever even met-- had left her his home in his will, she knew she couldn't just let it sit and rot. She didn't owe her grandparents anything, after all. She didn't know either of them. They'd never called, never written, never tried to get in touch with her at all. No, instead she'd been brought up by her crazy mother in a crummy apartment that was barely big enough for the two of them.

Without realizing it, her tiny fingers tightened their grip on the steering wheel and her jaw locked. The GPS spoke, telling her that it was recalculating the route. "What?" She snapped at the thing, tearing her eyes from the back country road to look at the device. Sure enough, it was in the process of recalculating, and she groaned. Of course. Thinking about her mother had made her miss the turn. "Damnit." Loosening her grip on the wheel, she let go completely with one hand to run her fingers through her long blonde hair, resting her elbow on the window and her cheek in her hand.

A spot approached where she could pop a u-turn, and she did so, keeping watch for the little dirt road that she'd missed the first time. She almost missed it again, spotting the gnarled tree beside the old road at the last second that the man at the convenience store had told her about. She'd stopped there for a drink and to fill up, and had asked him about her grandparents place. He'd cast her a confused look, but wiped it clean before she could mention it. He'd told her that she would probably miss the turn the first time, and sure enough, he'd been right.

"Jackass." She muttered, navigating her little Toyota down the dirt road slowly. After about a mile and a half, the large home came into view. For a split second, a feeling of deja vu overtook her, knocking into her like a load of bricks and almost making her throw up. She reached for the window and smashed her finger down on the button to roll it down, needing the fresh air. Gulping it in like a fish would with water after being dumped back into the ocean, she pressed on the gas a little harder than she meant to. The car jerked forward, and even though she yanked her foot back quickly, she heard the sickening crunch of something dragging on the underside of her hood.

"Not happening." Arianna groaned, drumming her fingers on the steering wheel before sliding the gearshift into reverse, wincing noticeably as she backed off of the tree stump she'd hit. "Who put that there?" She glared at the thing before shifting back into drive, driving around it and up the rest of the driveway. Parking, she studied the house before her. It looked pretty run down already, and she couldn't tell if that was a good thing or not. On the one hand, if it was too bad inside she could just declare it a loss and move on. On the other hand, if it could be saved and cleaned she could do so and get the money from it.

With a sigh, she turned her car off and got out, slowly closing the car door behind her. Her petite frame started towards the impending house, reaching into her back pocket for the key she'd tucked there. Pulling out the brass item, she walked up the front steps, her breath blowing out tiny clouds in the cold. Wanting to get inside and find out if this place had AC quickly, she stuffed the key into the lock and twisted. It opened easily, and she crossed the threshold fast, shutting the door behind her with more force than necessary.

Locking the door as an afterthought, she turned to face the rest of the house. A strange sense of deja vu overtook her, but she shrugged it off as she started to explore. She got lost in time during her exploration, though she realized sometime during that she actually liked the house. She didn't have alot of belongings, definitely not enough to fill the house. Just as she started to descend the stairs, she heard a knock at the door. Confused, she jumped the last step and headed for the door, pulling it open. She was surprised to find two good looking guys there, one of them holding a plate of cookies. "Oh. Well, hello there."

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