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Fantasy Into the east ooc

I'm not entirely sure how to start
I was hoping everyone would pair up or get into small teams seeing as everyone hails from different parts of the region, noveares from a different place altogether! Everyone should be headed toward the peninsula of St. Coraline. You all have creative freedom as you did with your races. Perhaps you decide to start in let's say Locke. You can provide small details and I'll do the heavy lifting and fill in the rest. Perhaps starting in a tavern? Or in a caravan of gossiping old folk?

If anything I can place everyone together in one place as well if that would be preferable or work one on one to steer people in the right direction.
I was hoping everyone would pair up or get into small teams seeing as everyone hails from different parts of the region, noveares from a different place altogether! Everyone should be headed toward the peninsula of St. Coraline. You all have creative freedom as you did with your races. Perhaps you decide to start in let's say Locke. You can provide small details and I'll do the heavy lifting and fill in the rest. Perhaps starting in a tavern? Or in a caravan of gossiping old folk?

If anything I can place everyone together in one place as well if that would be preferable or work one on one to steer people in the right direction.
Hmm, I think I have an idea now. Also, I know what it's like in the first post you made, but what's the state of St. Caroline? Like, I guess the look of the city.

And I'll reply in a few hours tho cause it's like, 4 am and I need some sleep.
Details about St. Coraline
Hmm, I think I have an idea now. Also, I know what it's like in the first post you made, but what's the state of St. Caroline? Like, I guess the look of the city.

And I'll reply in a few hours tho cause it's like, 4 am and I need some sleep.
I'm a night owl and don't expect people to post now lol. You'll also see why I don't make a description for each place, as it would be maddening to do it all at once. However here is an overview of what the place is like.St. Coraline is actually supposed to be a secret,but I can describe its basic features. Whether or not they remain the same as before the darkness is up to you and your fellow players to find out. However if you do choose to start here, I will amend my plans accordingly. :3

So here's the gyst of Saint Coraline, it is a hilly town which stretches perhaps 30 miles in diameter. It's walled off by walls made of granite bricks the size which each one individually is 6 feet high and 12 feet long. The walls are roughly 100 feet high and would have had guards patrolling atop the wall at all hours of the day. There are 4 entries into the walled city, one at each entrance.

North is the backdoor for the church, heavily guarded and not open to the public or foreign governments. The eastern and southern entrances are open to the public and can be accessed until sundown. All others must make camp outside of the walls in the towns auiduin, lorne and manchester. They may also camp,but run the risk of being inspected by government patrols. The eastern entrance is strictly controlled and closed off the public,but it's due to its nature as being the trade port. Only those with official merchant licenses may come and go. Even then one must present their paper work at every entrance and exit of the gate. And the head merchant must be in attendance of the unloading of the goods brought in so they can be held accountable. Any sign of funny business and the inquisitors will destroy the goods. People have died trying to be sneak into St. Coraline using the cargo of merchant ships. Although innocence is presumed until one is found guilty. However that doesn't prevent the liberal use of force when necessary.

Sitting atop the tallest hill is the church from which Father Carlos, the people's champion, gives his sermons. Worship is daily, with Sunday being the longest service. The lower rungs of the city are where the peasants, workers, and lower merchants all reside, business, houses and all. Atop the hills are where the aristocrats and higher government officials reside. The higher the hill, the higher the status. St. Coraline has certain levels of corruption despite appearing to be a pious city. Rumors of people disappearing for speaking out are so common, most don't pay attention to them until it affects them directly. There are brothels as well, which serve the knights to keep them in check and gambling that is outlawed,but unofficially allowed to exist for a fee. Vice is strong here as it is everywhere else, but it is hidden from visitors and the masses, who try to not pay any mind to the debauchery.

Its people are highly religious, devout to their leader and faith. They are a people who struggle with their morality like any other, but are particularly prone to condemn others for witchcraft and sorcerery. They are an ignorant people and attribute actual magic to the likes of gives given by Amon, the progener of light. All life almost ceases to function within the city as darkness falls. It is considered the time when evil comes out, thus its peoples have a deeply ingrained fear of the dark.

There are fields of crops growing to the west in auiduin. There are no paved streets, but rather dirt roads. Most houses are made from hey and low grade wood. The church and noblity are made of Marble. There is a bell that tolls every hour. It tolls 3 times when meal time is upon everyone. 4 times to wake up and start the day and 5 times to end the day. Festivals only come once a year. The likes of which were set to happen soon.
{\__/} Viva la revolution Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy
( • - •)
/ ⊃🎂
This is a christian ooc.

LadyOfStars LadyOfStars Just checking in on ya. I haven't heard from you in a while.

animegirl20 animegirl20 Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom How goes the characterizing character process that which produces said character? :3

NovaAres NovaAres Where do you plan on starting off? I only ask because I'm just trying to gauge when I need to make a new post for each person/group of players.
I didn’t get any of these notifications lol. I had no idea things started up already.
I'll tag you for now on. I didn't want to spam everyone and stopped group tagging a couple of days ago. There's an ic map, the latest one in the op of the main thread.

Giz is in Lorne, mercy and fire maiden are at lancaster. and kontradiction is in the forest on the outskirts of saint coraline.

I'll tag you for now on though. My bad for not doing so :3
FireMaiden FireMaiden Evil_Mercy Evil_Mercy

Do you guys need a gm post to add an event to your plot line, or are you fine with your exchange at the moment? Unlike our elf buds, you didn't trigger an event as solidly as they did. But if you would like a hint or two on what you could do right now, lemme know. I can cook up a gm post in a bit.

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