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Interstellar Empires: Solar Rebirth

The Voice from the Dark
Mechking Mechking Mechking Mechking

There are set times that the Tribal Council of Ten assembles in order to discuss important issues that affect all of them as a people and to bring up any current grievances or bad blood between the various Great Tribes. As such, it is very rare for them to be called to assembly when not at those times, thought not without precedent. During major wars between the tribes, the Lord High Cleric might assemble the Great Chiefs in order to bring peace and balance back to the Wapokol Lands. Or if a new major resources of Ancients technology was discovered that could change the balance of power, or give their people something new and extraordinary, then also could the Council be assembled.

So it was such as this time. A contact from beyond the stars from a Voice of God. As the various Great Chieftains assembled, there was murmuring about what this Chysnoid Holy Union wanted. The message had already worked its way to each of them, one way or another before the meeting as it took time for them all to gather from their home sectors. Each were of a different line of thought on the matter, but what the Lord High Cleric's task was to do, was help them all come to a consensus after revealing all of the information at hand, and not just the hearsay that gathered from the aether.

Lord High Cleric Rastadan raised up two of his arms into the air while his other two remained crossed over his chest, just beneath his cloak. "Grand Chiefs. By now, you have all heard this message from the Voice of God that belongs to the Chysnoid Holy Union. They are another culture that is extending a hand of friendship. I do not proclaim to know what God they serve, but as we all know that are many such Gods that profess friendship and cooperation, I believe that we should take the chance."

It was Seline of the Diamond Shield Tribe that spoke up first. She was a true beauty, even into her middle age. A major warrior through and through. She wore an ornate headdress filled with colorful feathers and bronze chains. In each of her ears lay a single silver stud and around her wrists were two dark gauntlets inscribed with Holy Runes. "Just because the message says that they wish us to come in peace and extend relations to them, does not mean it could not easily be a trap."

Xaf of the Blue Snake clan followed up her words with his own. A shifty looking man, he was much more thoughtful than his appearance gave off. His eyes were covered with blue tinted glass while his mouth was obscured by a black cloth. His outfit was a sky blue color inlaid with black gems and a bit of static energy could be felt in the air around him. "I agree with Seline. This could be an elaborate trap by a new culture that wishes to gauge our level of technology before they strike hard. They already were able to penetrate our minds. And who knows how powerful their shamans and clerics are if they are capable of speaking directly for their God?"

There were murmurs of agreement amongst the other Chiefs, but none spoke out loudly.

Rastadan nodded as the Chiefs spoke their piece before once more speaking up. "It is that sort of thought that could have prevented us from finding the treasure troves of The Ancients. Perhaps fighting might break out. But look at each of the Tribes. Was there not fighting before we all became unified within an alliance? This has become a time of greatness and exploration. But what would have happened if we did not take that very leap headfirst into the darkness? We would have fought more and understood less. I say that if they are offering the hand of friendship, that we take that hand and shake it tightly so that any treachery falls lose and only acceptance and understanding remains so that we all might be stronger for it."

Kalicorn of the Frozen Brothers Tribe spoke up in acknowledgement of Rastadan's words. He was a larger man, built heavy and strong. He wore Red and Black colors, with long braided hair and various tattoos of symbolic meaning along his face and neck. "I agree, Lord High Cleric. I offer one of my strongest battleships, The Holy Scripture lead by Chief Salkxo to meet with this Voice of God."

Rastadan smiled as he continued his words. "It is good that you have volunteered such as I have the perfect messenger to go along with this journey...." Rastadan motioned to the door and in walked young Kilarn and Shaman Hidalar. Your son, Kilarn was the one that offered up to me, this vision of words and I have deemed him worthy of this great task, to be our voice along with my appointed Shaman Hidalar."

Kalicorn seemed taken back for a few moments before chuckling at his son. "It seemed that you have been given your chance at a play at destiny after all, my son. I approve of your task. You shall bring us all great Honor and Honor to our Tribe and Alliance. Now. I believe that we should put this venture to a vote?"


The vote passed with a majority and soon enough, the ship was prepared along with the crew and supplies. Kilarn was nervous, but he felt that this was his chance to shine and he had to be ready, even if he felt the butterflies squirming around in his stomach. But this was his moment, his chance to prove himself and be remembered in history. He was to be a representive of the Wapokol Alliance to another Empire.

As the ship began its journey, he thought back to his Father's words to him, "Remember Kil, speak softly but carry a big stick. Even if you are coming in peace, be ready to have to use your strength should it prove necessary."

Kilarn's first night on the ship was one where he was unable to sleep. He thought back to the lush jungles that were his home. The brilliant ancient architecture that he loved to watch. Participating in hunts for Beast Machines alongside his peers. Eventually he drifted off to sleep.


After a long journey, The Holy Scripture arrived at the given coordinates. A shaman opened up the communication channel and Kaliarn spoke up. "Chysnoid Holy Union. I am Kilarn, third son of the Grand Chief Kalicorn of the Frozen Brothers Tribe, members of The Wapakol Alliance. We have come upon your message of peace from your Voice of God and wish to communicate with you."​
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  • Flat Moon
    "There is no deliverance for the weak." - Haamid el-Mady, Philosopher

    Deep within Heydrian Space, there were many listening posts and stations to survey Heydrian space for traffic and signals. The base was located in the far reaches of the Al-Emin system on the desert planet of Jayne. Commander Lawrence Syyn had a small garrison keeping tabs on various signals and frequencies. Slaves and rebels constantly send messages across the Empire. It was their task to find them and bring to the Heydric version of justice.

    In the listening room, Legionary Faheem el-Assad was idly tapping his fingers on the console. "Hey Albrecht, you ever tried going on the historic channels? They say that there's ghost lingering on them." Albrecht was a sturdy and well built Heydrian "Sure, just don't let Commander hear us." Faheem nodded. They changed the signal. Immediately, they found a signal. "Seems that there are ghosts on the wavelengths today, huh?" Faheem teased him. Albrecht sighed, "Whatever, open a frequency. Probably some traders." With a tap of the button, the frequency was opened. "To any Heydrian who can hear me! I am Namor Galbur, I am a descendant of the lost seed ship, the Seigehead! I wish to reconnect to my people, reconnect your lost people to you! Please respond!" echoed at the Al-Emin Listening Post, the two soldiers looked at each other awkwardly.

    The two soldiers got on the intercom. "Heydrian SOS signal detected. Standby, hailing Namor's ship. Tell a boarding party to approach."

    "This is Al-Emin Post, you are within Heydrian Space. Stay put whilst we approach your ship. Hail Syren."​

  • In the Shadows
    UEG Rebels

    Baker led the contingent from the landing pads and into the base proper. There were several other craft that were landed on the surrounding pads, mostly transports such as the retired DTT-137 Condor dropships. There were even a couple of foreign-manufactured craft. Trade was still somewhat limited with the other nations in the galaxy, but the market was still open, and for the most part, profit came above everything else, for both human and alien alike.

    As the Commander headed to the heavy doors, he nodded to a pair of power armoured CFF infantry standing on both sides and gripping their standard-issue CA223 assault rifles. They nodded and then turned and followed right behind the group as they passed. Compared to the legionnaries dressed in more simplistic uniforms, the troopers looked significantly more intimidating, and though none could see their expressions through their reflective visors, their faces were grim and serious.

    Heading inside the base, it was already very lively. Maintenance crews walked the base's hallways, followed by repair drones buzzing by after them. Soldiers in armour and fatigues also headed to their next assignment or simply wandered off-duty. The ones that were close to Baker immediately stopped what they were doing and hastily saluted, curiously looking at the Heydrians.

    "We've been making progress," said Baker as he passed a drone carrying several crates of equipment. "Us separatists have able to match the UEG on the field when it, but we still need more equipment. Heavier weapons. As you know, we get most of our equipment from various companies who support our cause. Even then, there's not enough, and there's only so much a company can get away with before getting investigated."

    They passed by a long window that showed the base's rather extensive underground hangar bay. There were dozens of craft docked there, from fighters to gunships to smaller warships. There were also ground vehicles, such as the old FT384 Sowar battle tanks and several APCs, among others. Hundreds of personnel were working on the vehicles there, preparing them for the next battle.

    Baker continued. "We still need better equipment for our troops, something the UEG doesn't have a counter to. They know what our equipment can do. These SLAVKAs are gonna be one hell of a surprise."

    Eventually, the came to a room that appeared to be a shooting range and several more CFF soldiers. There were no targets, however, as the range itself had not been activated yet. Baker stopped, turning to the Heydrians. "The CFF heads will want to see how these weapons of yours work themselves. Know that they're getting what they're paying for."

    On cue, a trio of holograms appeared, each one of a well-dressed official. The first was a man in fatigues, and the other two were a man and woman, both in sharp business suits. Baker took a moment to introduce the three.

    "General Vernon Tanner, CFF military commander," he pointed to the man in fatigues, who nodded.

    "Austin Crosby, management head," the man in the business suit stood up straight.

    "And Elena Fisher, CEO of Klimek Solutions, one of our key suppliers," the last one, the woman in the business suit, gave a short bow in respect.

    Elena spoke first. "Lord-Commander Hesar," she said, smart and businesslike. "Allow me to start by saying that it is a pleasure to meet you. It is unfortunate that we are not meeting in person."

    "Yes, yes," General Tanner interrupted. "Let's cut to the chase. I want to see what these weapons of your can do, whether we're getting what we're paying for," he turned to Baker. "Commander?"

    Baker nodded. "Yes, sir."

    He nodded to the technicians, who tapped their control pads. A second later the range lit up, holographic targets appearing. Baker turned to Hesar. "If you could demonstrate?"

    doodleSM doodleSM


  • Mission Log: Loki Einhar "Flat Moon"
    Operatives: Gilvo Juio [Rokuzari, Team Lead, Marksmen/Pilot], Lenna Hilma-Dita [Menzari, Demolation], Nna-ju [Kunsizari, Technical Expert]
    Current Status: Unknown (No reports in two standard months)

    The response came maybe an hour later, Lenna still hadn't seen her teammates since she was cuffed to the chair. None of her captors had mentioned them either. Namor stood quietly listening to the hail from the Al-Emin post, their accents were completely different from any of Zarian. He leaned toward the console and gave a curt reply. "Yes, we shall wait here for your men. Hail Syren..." The last part came off mild confused like a child saying something he doesn't understand but knows it was correct. Namor stood up straighter with a grin on his face. "Well look at that, no time at all."

    Lenna scanned the bridge, standard array. Helmsmen, navigator, communications, gunner, and captain. From what she remembered, these were all the same men that captured in the storage bay, it must have been a small crew. Maybe ten men at the most, the rest in engineering or guns. Or even guarding her Loki. It didn't matter, there were other five men on the bridge and she had broken the cuff thirty minutes ago. The closest man was the navigator, he had a single arc-pistol at his hip. She had planned this in her head multiple times. So what came next was just years of training in action. Turning herself toward the navigator, Lenna rolled off the cuff and rolled into action. The pistol came out easy, the man wasn't a solider it seemed. Turning it upward at his head, she fired. Moving to stand, in quick practiced succession Lenna shot the remaining crew members. Namor first. Not even six seconds passed and five people were dead.

    "We might be able to salvage this mission after all." She said going to the main entrance and locking it. "Still need to get my bearings through." Pushing off Namor's corpse from the main terminal, and began to access it. It was locked and nothing she could do outside of shooting would help. "Sh*t... I need to get Nna. He'd be able to get me in but where is he. Probably in the cyrobay." It was then she held heavy footsteps coming from the outside hallway. It sounded like two people. Moving, she unlocked and slid beside the door. It opened and one man rushed in quickly being shot in the head, falling over. The second cursed and stopped. Lenna waited, grinning. "Either stand down or die, Reverter." The sound of a gun dropping came from the hallway as she stepped out. Arms up in surrender, Lenna didn't hesitate in shooting him down.

    "Bloody reverters..." Running to the cryobay, she found Gilvo and Nna-ju in their pods still frozen. The terminal was thankfully unlocked as she began the thawing process. "Sh*t... This was a one-way plan... Not enough chems to do a trip back... " She smashed against the wall of the room and at the rate they were going, it would take another ten, maybe fifteen minutes to finish the thaw. The ship's AI sounded the proximity alert. "Unknown vessel approaching." Sighing, Lenna found her Loki suit and quickly put it on. She didn't take her rifle, it wasn't going to help in the plan she had.

    The boarding ship locked in and the airlock outside port opened. Lenna stood at the gate waiting. Her Loki armor was designed to be sleek but imposing. All black with silver trim and markings. The soldiers now entering her side flooded in their weapons at the ready. Lenna found it strange, seeing other humans. Not Menzari. Straight up she greeted them. "Welcome aboard. I am Lenna Hilma-Dita of the Menzari clan. I am acting Envoy for the Veiltium Clans. The man named Namor Galbur was a rogue agent and had been terminated. Who among you is the commanding office?" This gambit of her's was the best shot she, and the Clans had.

    Mission Status: Update... New mission codenamed- Envoy

    doodleSM doodleSM

  • In the Shadows
    UEG Rebels

    Baker led the contingent from the landing pads and into the base proper. There were several other craft that were landed on the surrounding pads, mostly transports such as the retired DTT-137 Condor dropships. There were even a couple of foreign-manufactured craft. Trade was still somewhat limited with the other nations in the galaxy, but the market was still open, and for the most part, profit came above everything else, for both human and alien alike.

    As the Commander headed to the heavy doors, he nodded to a pair of power armoured CFF infantry standing on both sides and gripping their standard-issue CA223 assault rifles. They nodded and then turned and followed right behind the group as they passed. Compared to the legionnaries dressed in more simplistic uniforms, the troopers looked significantly more intimidating, and though none could see their expressions through their reflective visors, their faces were grim and serious.

    Heading inside the base, it was already very lively. Maintenance crews walked the base's hallways, followed by repair drones buzzing by after them. Soldiers in armour and fatigues also headed to their next assignment or simply wandered off-duty. The ones that were close to Baker immediately stopped what they were doing and hastily saluted, curiously looking at the Heydrians.

    "We've been making progress," said Baker as he passed a drone carrying several crates of equipment. "Us separatists have able to match the UEG on the field when it, but we still need more equipment. Heavier weapons. As you know, we get most of our equipment from various companies who support our cause. Even then, there's not enough, and there's only so much a company can get away with before getting investigated."

    They passed by a long window that showed the base's rather extensive underground hangar bay. There were dozens of craft docked there, from fighters to gunships to smaller warships. There were also ground vehicles, such as the old FT384 Sowar battle tanks and several APCs, among others. Hundreds of personnel were working on the vehicles there, preparing them for the next battle.

    Baker continued. "We still need better equipment for our troops, something the UEG doesn't have a counter to. They know what our equipment can do. These SLAVKAs are gonna be one hell of a surprise."

    Eventually, the came to a room that appeared to be a shooting range and several more CFF soldiers. There were no targets, however, as the range itself had not been activated yet. Baker stopped, turning to the Heydrians. "The CFF heads will want to see how these weapons of yours work themselves. Know that they're getting what they're paying for."

    On cue, a trio of holograms appeared, each one of a well-dressed official. The first was a man in fatigues, and the other two were a man and woman, both in sharp business suits. Baker took a moment to introduce the three.

    "General Vernon Tanner, CFF military commander," he pointed to the man in fatigues, who nodded.

    "Austin Crosby, management head," the man in the business suit stood up straight.

    "And Elena Fisher, CEO of Klimek Solutions, one of our key suppliers," the last one, the woman in the business suit, gave a short bow in respect.

    Elena spoke first. "Lord-Commander Hesar," she said, smart and businesslike. "Allow me to start by saying that it is a pleasure to meet you. It is unfortunate that we are not meeting in person."

    "Yes, yes," General Tanner interrupted. "Let's cut to the chase. I want to see what these weapons of your can do, whether we're getting what we're paying for," he turned to Baker. "Commander?"

    Baker nodded. "Yes, sir."

    He nodded to the technicians, who tapped their control pads. A second later the range lit up, holographic targets appearing. Baker turned to Hesar. "If you could demonstrate?"

    doodleSM doodleSM

The black cube extended a thread of rippling darkness, linking up with the airlock with a hiss. The Umbral Emissary patiently went through the decontamination, and the Marines saw their first Umbral. It was an ink-black sphere, roughly a meter across, and a faint golden light flickered at the edges of the orb.


The Umbral's thoughts were deep, cold, and ancient. It regarded the Marines with slight interest, golden lights reflecting off their gear.

  • New Frontiers, Old Memories
    United Earth Government

    Durgans took a step back, still in complete amazement. "That's amazing... truly amazing. This could change the entire history of faster-than-light travel. The Alcubierre didn't suffer a catastrophic malfunction, it just activated before the drive was fully primed."

    For hundreds of years the Pioneer was thought to be a failure, and with it billions of dollars and years upon years of research, gone in a flash. The world had united in the attempt to build a working interstellar drive, nations putting their differences aside for the betterment of humanity during what was a turbulent time. The joint initiative had hoped to launch humanity to the stars, solving the issue of being bound to a single life-giving planet and solar system. When the Pioneer was lost, the that venture fell apart, each side blaming each other for the loss and going back to the old ways.

    If they had known the Pioneer did work as intended were it not for a simple glitch in the system, humanity could've spread much earlier, and not a century and a half later with the discovery of the RIFT. Humanity could've united much sooner, and perhaps the situation would've been better than what it was now, with the humanity Durgans knew still warring with each other over wars od independence and power struggles.

    The Captain watched the video showing the Pioneer reactivating and using its payload of self-replicating drones to construct more and more machines, and then great cities and ships, transforming the planet it had landed on into a machine world. He watched as the territory of the Tekkan Simulator grew, growing to match that of the current UEG, and then more. An entirely new race was created from the ground up, machines much resembling the endoskeletons of UEG androids, countless billions of them.

    It was a lot to take in.

    While Durgans was watching the footage, Harris was in a conversation with his fellow A.I. within the realms of pure data. He was quite surprised that the Pioneer returned with Qubit Code in kind. "Interesting. According to records, you were programmed with traditional binary and not Qubit Code. It was still in its infancy when you were launched."

    He also took a few nanoseconds to completely analyse the several exabytes of data the Pioneer had sent over, and then compiled it for later review by his human compatriots.

    Durgans couldn't help but ask a question once the footage ended. "I have just one question: Why?" He asked. "Why simulate humanity, and the societies of Earth?"

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  • Blazing light cascaded from the captive star within Sempervivium, trapped in an infinite cycle and web of subtly-shifting gravitational fields, overseen by the ceaseless, watchful eye of the facilities primary inhabitant. Hedra was, of course, doing rather more than just star-gazing, as it were - its attention split countless ways and its mind - if you could call it that - working on an inconcievable amount of data. Of course, it was only inconcievable to something with limits - limits that Hedra had long since moved past, what with ever-expanding processing units and storage, the yottabytes of memory, and the near-arcane crystalline matrices that made Hedra what it was - all powered by the sun which only Hedra could regulate. It was almost a self-fulfilling loop - one could no longer exist without the other in their current state - but Hedra was not in the process of wasting processing cycles on waxing poetically.

    Instead, most of it was focused on two seperate places. The first, within Sempervivium itself, in one of the collosal shipyards as countless twisting threads pulled together in the distinct hulking shape of a Titan-class ship, simultaneously brutal and elegant as it slowly pulled itself together. The other, directed coreward as sensors lay idle in space, research stations orbited and data was produced from the supermassive black hole that formed the basis of all life in the galaxy.

    It was no particular secret that the Izvrith Collective was advancing coreward, though to most - even those within the Collective itself - it looked like a mere aquisition of further territory. After all, it was unclaimed and relatively secure, with the few systems there heavy in valuable resources that could be used and shaped to advance the nation. That, of course, was one reason - but it was not the key purpose that Hedra, that the collective had. Not truly. Anybody who saw the expansive research stations, must have put together the numbers - there was much more at play here than anything as simple as territory. The only question that remained, of course, was precisely what that was.


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