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Interstates Intertwined


The Short Emo
I opened a letter with one hand, another lifting a sandwich towards my mouth. I take a bite, and read the note as I chew.

Dear Vic,

If you are reading this, it means I'm dead.

I know, an abrupt start, but this is important.

As you know, I'm working on restoring this car,

A 1964 Cadillac DeVille.

Now, because I'm dead, I have my final request on this paper.

Drive the car across the country.



I drop the sandwich on the plate. My dad is dead? It had to happen eventually, but I haven't talked to him in a few years. Guilt is starting to sink in, when I feel something in the envelope.

A set of car keys.

Well, what kind of son would i be to never talk to him, and then ignore his final request.

I grab my home phone off the charger, and type in a few buttons.

The phone rings, and then I hear the voice.


I smile t my friend's voice.

"Hey ______, wanna drive across the country?"

I hear a moment of shock, and then what you say next makes me light up.

"Hell, to the yes."

(If you want to RP this I'll make a seperate thread for each person. Just say your char's name and I'll make you a thread.)

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